How I Fell for the Player

By BrittanyLeigh8

2.8M 61.9K 5.5K

Shannon Lane and Austin Burke are complete opposites. Shannon is the ordinary girl who is looking for the per... More

Chapter 1- The Party
Chapter 2- The Mall
Chapter 3-The Date
Chapter 4- Who is coming to dinner?
Chapter 5- A Nice Little Dinner Party
Chapter 6- Playing Along
Chapter 7- Answers
Chapter 8- Chorus, Auditions, and Terms
Chapter 9- Terms and Conditions
Chapter 10- Movie Night
Chapter 11- The New Girl
Chapter 12- All Things Revealed
Chapter 13- Does he like me?
Chapter 14- Teen Mom
Chapter 15- Rumor Has It
Chapter 16- Good Time
Chapter 17- Another Date
Chapter 18- An Unexpected Arrival
Chapter 19- The Halloween Party
Chapter 20- No Escaping This Hell
Chapter 21- Explanations
Chapter 22- Forgiven

Chapter 23- Matchmaker

91.5K 2.1K 264
By BrittanyLeigh8

(Chapter 23- Matchmaker)

‘Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, yes you did
To give me all your love
Is all I ever asked
Cause what you don't understand
Is I'd catch a grenade for you’

My alarm clock continued to play as it woke me up. I don’t know what time it was but it was defiantly too early to be up.

I raised my head from the pillows that my face was buried in only to be faced with the streaming bright sunlight from between the curtains. As I tried blocking it out I felt around for the off button on the clock. Once I finally found it I let my head rest on my pillow again.

“Mm… you ate my waffle.” I heard next to me.

I couldn’t help but laugh at Tins talking in her sleep. She always does this when she sleeps.

“Mine.” She said.

I laughed at her again when an idea came to mind. I leaned in a little closer so she could hear me and spoke.

“No it’s mine.” I said.

“No.” She whined.

“I’ll make you another one.” I said sweetly.

“Mm k.” She said snuggling deeper into the pillow.

I waited just another minute before I started yelling. “On no the house is on fire run.”

“No.” She screamed sitting strait up in bed.

I burst out laughing at her frantic state and almost fell in the floor. I have to say that was a good one. I always wanted to do that to someone.

“What the hell?” She shouted. “What was that for?”

“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” I said trying to hold back more laughter.

“Well, try.” She glared and laid back down covering her head with the covers.

I yawned and stretched before looking at the time and jumped off the bed when I saw it was nearly 9 am. Oh crap we are so late for school.

“Tins get up we missed first period.” I shouted running to my closet.

“Yeah right.” She mumbled.

“I’m serious get up.” I said.

I pulled out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and quickly put them on while Tins still stayed in place on my bed. I can already see getting her up will be a job.

Let’s see, I can threaten her with water but knowing her she would just do it right back to me and I really don’t feel like changing again. Then there’s blasting the music really loud but she would just cover her ears and block it out and I’m sure Jesse wouldn’t like th-

Hey Jesse! That’s it. Even though I didn’t like the idea of them together this should still be fun.  I know she still finds him attractive.

“God bro, cover it up please.” I said as loud as possible.

As predicted within seconds Tins head snapped up and she looked toward my door. I stood giving her an amused smiled while she gave me a guilty look.

“I can still look right?” She asked.

“Get up.” I repeated. “It’s 9:05 an and if we are not out the door by 9:30 we will have missed all of second period to.”

“You were serious?” She said getting up.

“No I just really want to go to school.” I said sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes at me and went to my closet to borrow some clothes. Since she didn’t decide on spending the night until very late I told her she could borrow something to wear from me. Lord knows I‘ve done it to her several times.

After we were both dresses and ready to go we took her car to school. On the way there I checked my phone to see that I had two missed calls and one text. They were all from Austin. I smiled as I read it.


You’re not avoiding me after yesterday are you? If you’re not here by lunch I’m coming after you.

I laughed as I texted a reply


As much as I’d like that, I’m on my way. Overslept :(

I put my phone away after the message was sent and continued to watch the road while I thought about what I was going to say to Jace today. This wasn’t going to be the easiest of conversations after I had just went out with him. Plus I think he kind of liked me so things might get awkward between us. It kind of sucks though because I would still like to be friends.

After we arrived at school Tins and I realized we had already missed first and second period it would be lunch shortly so we decided to get our food while there was no line in the cafeteria.

While we were eating I let my eyes wonder around the room to see if I saw Austin yet but I didn’t. Instead I saw the one person I desperately need to explain things to, Jace. I hope he’s not to upset over this.

I got up from my seat and walked to the drink machine he was standing at. He didn’t know it was me standing behind him until I cleared my throat getting his attention.

“Hey.” He smiled turning around to face me.


“What are you doing over here?” He asked.

I still felt guilty but I knew I had to do this. “I kind of have to talk to you.”

“Sure.” He said.

I looked down at my hands and kind of fidgeted with my fingers nervously before speaking. “I hope you don’t take this the wrong way but…”

I paused feeling really bad for this.  

“I think you are a great guy… and you will make some girl very happy but-”

“It’s just not there.” He finished for me.

I looked at him guiltily as I shook my head. “I’m so sorry if I led you on.”

He shook his head and smiled. “It’s ok, I get it. It always felt more like friendship between us anyway.”

I nodded my head, he was right. It did feel more like friends. I couldn’t help but feel relief when I heard him say that. Thank goodness no one got hurt today. He was honestly a great guy but not for me. I really hope he finds someone good though. He deserves it.

“I’m glad you think so to.” I admitted.

“Do you wanna sit with us today?” I asked him.

“Are sure Austin wouldn’t mind?” He asked.

“He’ll get over it.” I smiled leading to way back to the table.

Jace to his seat next to Tins and ate with us. When the bell finally rang for everyone to come to lunch I watched the door for Austin.

It’s weird how you can start out despising someone and then come to find out you have more in common than you thought. I think once you take to time to get to know them you will find a lot of things you like about them. I know I sure did.

The sound of Tinsley’s laughing broke me from my thoughts.

“I can’t believe you watch The Vampire Diaries.” She said.

“It’s a good show.” He defended.

“You think Elena is hot don’t you?” Tins smiled.

“Doesn’t everyone?” He said.

Tins rolled her eyes and continued talking with him about the show and lord knows what else. If I didn’t know any better I would think she kind of liked him or something. After everything she had been through with Richard I she needed someone like -.

Yes! Jace! He is perfect for her. I think they would be great together. He needs someone good and so does she so why not?

Time to put my matchmaking skills to the test. Cupid I’m stilling your arrow.

“You know Tins and I were planning to have a Vampire Diaries marathon tonight, why don’t you come over?” I asked.

Tins looked at me in confusion. “We were?”

I slightly kicked her in the shin under the table before giving her a look.

“Oh yeah, I forgot.” She said rubbing her leg.

“Really?” He asked.

“Yep, so you coming?”

“Wouldn’t miss it.” He smiled.

Tins gave me a ‘what the hell was that about’ look before going back in to her conversation with Jace. Aww they’re already so cute together.

Just think, if they have kids they can name their first one after me. Well only if it’s a girl. Shannon might be weird for a guy.

Now everyone has somebody. I have Austin, Tins has Jace. Fingers crossed. Cora has Brad, although Austin doesn’t know and Lauren is all alone. Could life be any better? I think not.

“Hey, babe.” Austin said kissing my cheek.


I noticed him take a glance at Jace and Tins before looking back at me.

“I’ll explain later.” I said.

He still seemed curious but let it go. He might want me to stay out of it since his friend was once involved with Tins but I didn’t care. I think playing matchmaker is fun.

When lunch was finally over, Tins and I got up to go to our next class. No doubt she would start grilling me any second with what my intentions were tonight. Too bad for her she’ll just have to find out on her own. I‘m not giving anything away or just might decide not to come.

“I’ll see you two tonight.” Jace called over his should as he walked away causing Austin to give me a look.

I wanted to burst out laughing at his Jealousy but held back.

“It’s not what you think. It’s for Tins.” I said quietly so she didn’t hear.

“Doesn’t she know?” He asked.

“Not if you keep your trap shut.” I warned.

“How do you plan on keeping me from talking?” He smirked.

“Like this.” I smiled leaning in to meet his lips.

“I think I like that.” He said pulling me to him and picking right back up.

And just think this was how I fell for the player. His smirks, cocky behavior, and constant flirting all got him to where he is today. Not the typical guy I ever thought I would go for but I don’t regret a single moment of it. I think Austin is just the Type of guy I needed because I like the person he brought out in me.

I don’t know where we would end up in five years but it was sure going to be interesting to see. After all you know what they say. It’s better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all.



It’s over. Well almost, I still owe you an epilogue but I’m still sad. I can’t believe I have finished yet another book. I hope you have enjoyed this story through its ups and downs, not to mention my writers block and making you wait forever on chapters. I hope it was all worth it though.  I tried to give you all what you wanted.

Thank you so much to everyone who commented, voted and fanned. You are all simply amazing and I couldn’t have done it without you. I love you all!    -Brittany-

Also if you would all take a look at my other story I have started that would be amazing. I’ll post the link in the comments section. Meanwhile take a look at the synopsis.

Always and Forever-

After a crazy drunken night and marriage to her best friend Nathaniel Holbrook, Peyton Green fled before he had a chance to figure out what happened. Now after 4 years of no contact other than to reject her divorce papers Peyton finally shows back up to confront him herself. With only a small amount of time left, she has finalize her divorce and get back to her fiancé before he figures out she is already married. The only problem is now that Nathan has her back in his life there is no way he is ever letting her go again, especially since he has secretly always loved her. Will this be Nathans chance to finally get what he wants or will it all come crashing down on him in the end?

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