Embers of Frost

By ErikaTappy

120K 7.8K 1.9K

"To trust someone is to place your life in their hands, either a blessing or a curse. And if I were to be cur... More

Embers of Frost
Chapter 1 - Dawn
Chapter 2 - Dawn
Chapter 3 - Dawn
Chapter 4 - Dusk
Chapter 5 - Dusk
Chapter 6 - Dusk
Chapter 7 - Dawn
Chapter 8 - Dawn
Chapter 9 - Dawn
Chapter 10 - Dusk
Chapter 11 - Dusk
Chapter 12 - Dusk
Chapter 13 - Dawn
Chapter 15 - Dawn
Chapter 16 - Dusk
Chapter 17 - Dusk
Chapter 18 - Dusk
Chapter 19 - Dawn
Chapter 20 - Dawn
Chapter 21 - Dawn (Part 1)
Chapter 21 - Dawn (Part 2)
Chapter 22 - Dusk
Chapter 23 - Dusk
Chapter 24 - Dusk
Chapter 25 - Dawn
Chapter 26 - Dawn
Chapter 27 - Dawn

Chapter 14 - Dawn

3.3K 230 30
By ErikaTappy

"Now, tell me, wasn't that the most fun traveling experience you've ever had?" Janet asked, a smirk playing at her lips.

Dawn stumbled a few steps forward, her knees buckling under her. She placed her hands on the snow-covered ground, breathing heavily. Her insides still churned with an unpleasant feeling, bile rising in her throat. She could almost feel the taste of the sparse dinner she had had a few hours ago.

Abby's powers... they're intolerable. To melt through walls and objects like you're just a mere phantom, like you're fading out of existence with each step that you take. I could never control a power like that without throwing up each time. How Abby manages it every day is beyond me.

"Keep it down, Janet, or I'll tell Dawn about the way you had reacted when you first transported with me," Adam said, a soft snicker leaving him.

"W-What? What are you talking about? I don't remember anything like that!"

"Oh, really now? I'm pretty sure that your memory isn't that weak. Don't you remember how tightly you had clung to me, begging to be put down? You kept crying the whole time, right from the start till we finally reached. I'm still surprised that you weren't arrested by the imperial guards for that annoying wailing of yours. And how can I ever forget that you had actually piss-"

"Alright, I get it!" Janet quickly interrupted, her tone desperate. "You've got your point across, now would you just stop?"

Adam chuckled. "Sure."

Dawn suppressed a smile and stood back up, bearing witness to a red-faced Janet. She was glaring in Adam's direction, his laugh now replaced by a wide grin.

She ignored the two of them and looked around herself. They were standing in the middle of a wide street, somewhere in the commoner sector. There weren't as many houses here than where she had lived, probably because it was at the edge.

"So this where you last saw Gwen and her escort," Abigail muttered.

Dawn jumped at her sudden voice, turning to see Abigail standing beside her. She had her arms crossed, walking a few steps forward. She knelt down and swept her hand across the ground. And that's when Dawn finally noticed the crimson splashes all around the ground, the blood dried up by now.

"That's a lot of blood..." Janet said, her voice trailing off. She made a gagging sound, shuddering at the sight.

"It's a relief that Henry wasn't incapacitated, or he might have never been able to use his powers again," someone said from behind Dawn, a tall man nearing Abigail.

His golden hair were sticking up on his head, muscled arms visible under the thin black clothing. When he glanced her way, she realized that he was the eldest amongst them, somewhere in his mid-twenties. His expression turned sour at her sight, a slight scowl forming on his face. But then he just turned away, placing a hand on Abigail's shoulder.

"Come, Abigail," he said. "We must chase after them at once, before Gwen's taken away from our reach. We can't let them leave the city."

Without saying a word, Abigail stood up and looked over to her left. "I'm guessing that they took a turn here, you can see the scratch marks the carriage's wheels made into the ground quite clearly," she said. "It hasn't been long since you returned, Peyton. They couldn't have gone far. We can still catch up to them if we hurry."

And without a further word, Abigail sprinted down the street. Her footsteps didn't make a single sound, only lightly grazing the ground. She looked back toward them, beckoning with her hand. The man, Peyton, nodded before all that Dawn could see was a blur. She blinked in surprise but when she looked again, the man was nowhere to be seen. Her eyes widened when she saw him right standing right next to Abigail. What just... happened?

"Must be handy to run this fast," Adam said, whistling.

"He ran?" Dawn asked.

"Yes, Peyton's the fastest amongst us all. No one can match his speed, sadly, not even me." He shook his head and smiled at her, before running after Peyton himself. That left only Janet and Dawn.

Dawn ignored the other girl and simply jogged up to the waiting trio. She tried muffling her footsteps like the others before her had done, trying to be as stealthy as possible. But she could still hear the slight tapping of her fur boots around her, each step amplified in the silence.

"Now couldn't you be any quieter," Abigail said sarcastically.

"Well pardon me for not being as stealthy as you!" Dawn snapped. "I'm not the one who goes around looking for more magic users to join the coven, hiding in the day and night. I wasn't exactly 'trained' to be a fugitive like you."

"But we 'fugitives' are much better than the cowards, who'd rather stay at home and hide," Janet scoffed. "At least one would be safer if they joined the Shadows and helped us in reaching our goals."

Dawn clenched her fist at her side, not missing the venomous tone Janet's voice carried. She opened her mouth to retort back, but Abigail beat her to the punch. "Enough!" she said, glaring at both of them. "I've just about had it with your constant squabbling. Janet, either you get along with Dawn or I'm kicking you out of the main team. You're not the only offensive Shadow we have. And Dawn... you're already aware of what the consequences will be."

Not waiting for a response from either of them, Abigail started running again, Peyton right at her heels. Dawn stared at their retreating figures for a minute before taking a step forward herself.

"I wish you had never even come," Janet muttered, only Dawn hearing her words. She didn't spare her a look and ran away, leaving Dawn alone with Adam.

"Don't mind her, she just doesn't like being scolded," Adam reassured her.

No, she's right. I wish I hadn't involved myself in all of this either. All I wanted to do was find Dusk on my own, but I can't. I'm... helpless alone. I didn't have any other choice but to ask the Shadows for help, and if the only way to gain that is aiding them in their own mission, so be it. I'm prepared for anything.

Dawn glanced at Adam before following the rest, trying to be as quiet as possible this time. Her boots slid across the thin snow, and even if the air was cold, it didn't faze her the least. That was one thing Dawn found useful about her fire powers. Even if they didn't work at all times, she could still feel them warming her body constantly, always lending her heat. But her father used to still force her to wear furs outside the house, saying that a girl in regular attire would seem suspicious. He didn't want the guards catching onto the truth.

The thought of her father brought everything flooding back to Dawn, as she quickly shut the memories out. Calm down, Dawn. Now is not the time to react to matters in the past. I can't afford to show vulnerability in front of these people. I must prove to them that I'm capable for the Shadows.

Dawn felt her head bump against something hard suddenly, looking up to see Peyton glaring at her. He didn't say anything but just pointed ahead, Dawn following his gaze. A large, red carriage stood on the corner of the street, four mares tugging it forward. The door was shut, the familiar shield and pitchfork painted at the side not escaping her notice.

And then she saw what was around it, the color leaving her face. It was just like Adam had said before; the carriage was strongly protected. Ten guards were stationed around it, two on each side except the back, where there were four. All of them were armed with various weapons, ranging from a spear to a mace. There was no possible way to enter the carriage without dealing with the formidable guards first, something Dawn didn't look eager to do.

"Inside the carriage is Gwen, but she's not alone," Adam whispered. "There has to be at least one Defender in there with her, someone who's protecting the imperial guards as well. We can't harm a single hair on them unless the spell breaks, and that can only happen if he's in our range. We have to lure him out somehow and break the spell somehow. With him still being in the scene, it's nearly impossible to take back Gwen with us."

"But he's a Defender, he won't fight with us," Dawn said. "Why can't Abby just melt into the carriage and bring Gwen with her, rather than killing the defender? Won't that be easier to do for the 'Shadows'?"

"In any other situation, yes, that would be the wiser choice. But if we don't take him out first, the guards and he himself will attack us, and we won't be able to do anything to defend ourselves. We'll be the ones to die rather than the other way around."

Abigail looked back at the carriage again, her face taking on a thoughtful expression. She tapped a finger against her chin, everyone quietly observing her moves.

A moment passed. Two.

And then she snapped her fingers together. She looked over to Dawn, the same wicked smile she had had at the refuge reappearing. "Dawn," she said softly, "didn't you say that you'll be willing to do absolutely anything for us?"

A cold feeling ran through Dawn again, suddenly unsure whether she had made the right choice in coming or not. She nodded stiffly. "Yes," she said.

Abigail's smile turned into a grin. "Good, I've got the perfect job for you. And believe me, it's going to be just the kind of adventure you've always wanted. You aren't going to forget this day soon. Now aren't I just the best?"


"And this is what I get for opening my big mouth," Dawn muttered to herself. "Wonderful, just wonderful." She peeked around the stony wall, gazing at the carriage and the guards. They were moving at a constant speed; not too fast, not too slow. She found it surprising herself, but that was exactly what Abigail said they had to take to their own benefit. They couldn't let the carriage leave the city.

Dawn took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. Her hand reached toward her neck to clasp the familiar buckle of her hood, but her fingers just brushed against cold skin. And then with a disappointed pang she remembered how Abigail had taken away her hood. "You need to look as magical as possible, like you're one of the Shadows," she remembered Abigail saying. "The eyes are harder to notice but the hair will certainly catch the guards' eyes. And then you know what to do next."

This plan... it's just too weak. The guards can never fall for something as petty as this, then why is Abby making me do this? If she's testing my patience, I am certainly not giving her the satisfaction she wants. I'll prove to her that I can still be of use without my powers.

Dawn released her breath and put on a confident expression. She walked out from where she stood and straight toward the moving carriage. None of the guards had noticed her yet.

"Just where do you think you're going with that girl?"

The guards closest to Dawn spun around at her voice, yelling. The front ones pulled the horses to an immediate stop. "Halt!" one of them said.

All their weapons were suddenly pointed in Dawn's direction, gaze unmoving from her face. She could see a few of them staring at her eyes and hair, catching onto the truth. But no one stepped forward.

"So you Shadows have returned, huh?" a guard said, his voice nothing more than a whisper. He lifted his spear and thrust it in her direction, the tip a mere inch away from stomach.

Dawn sucked in a breath of air, resisting the urge to step back. I need to finish this quick, before any of them hits me. I won't be this lucky every time. One strike, and it'll all be over.

"Give me the girl right now, or I won't hesitate to use my powers on you," she lied. "Your weapons don't stand a chance against my flames. There won't be any bloodshed if you hand over the girl to me quietly."

She raised her chin and stood her ground, gauging the guards' reaction. Some of them looked furious at her demand, while some others refused to even meet her eyes. But her focus was on the man in front of her, who now looked uncertain, as though he wasn't quite sure what to make of the situation.

The spear pointed toward Dawn was lowered a bit, as she released her breath. But her relief was short-lived, the spear springing back to its position. A familiar man was grasping the edge tightly, scowling.

"You think you're just going to come in here and we're actually going to listen?" the guard growled. "I should have brought you along with myself when I had the chance, rather than rely on a bunch of fools." He spat the last word, the other guards immediately lowering their gaze. "The others are already on the search for you, but looks like that won't be needed. I didn't really expect you to return to save your companion. You're dumber than I had presumed. There's no hiding this time, Shadow."

He advanced a step forward, Dawn noticing the heavy mace in his arms for the first time. The spiky ball at the top was swinging back and forth, poised to strike her. She quickly stepped backwards, one hand in front of herself. "Don't come any closer," Dawn said. "Give me back the girl or I'll be forced to hurt you."

The guard laughed once, a single, harsh bark. "Your lies aren't going to work on me. I saw them dying out myself only a few hours ago. They can't have returned yet."

"No!" Dawn cried, panic rising now. "Don't underestimate me. My powers aren't as weak as you think. They regenerate in only an hour, and I promise, I will kill any of you who stand in my way."

For the first time, Dawn noticed surprise flicker across the man's face. He regarded her with caution this time, before digging the spiky ball into the snow with a large thump.

And before she could comprehend his sudden actions, he yelled, "After her!"

The guards closest to him snapped out of their stupor and charged at Dawn, brandishing their weapons. She ran toward the alley at once.

Dawn put all her energy into running, trying to keep as much distance between herself and the guards. But they had been trained for these situations, unlike Dawn who was forced to stay indoors at all times. She knew they would catch up to her eventually.

I told Abby that this wouldn't work! I can't believe that she actually thought 'talking' to them would be enough to persuade them to return Gwen. No guard would ever miss out on a chance to become the king's favorites, so where did she even get this harebrained idea from? No matter now. I must keep them distracted enough for Adam and the rest to kill this Defender and get to Gwen. I have no other choice.

Dawn kept running and running, ignoring the numb sensation that had started to creep into her legs. Her breathing turned heavier but she didn't stop. And then she saw the turn up ahead, her hope starting to rise a little. If I can just turn at that corner, I might finally lose them!

She almost made it. Almost.

Someone gripped her wrist and pulled her back sharply. Dawn cried out in surprise and lost her balance, falling to the ground. A guard stood over her, clutching a long sword in both his hands. She scrambled away until she felt her back slide against the wall. She couldn't run.

"Looks like the captain was right," the guard said. "You're really nothing but useless without your powers. I'd much rather remove the threat completely than take you back with me. Pathetic creatures like you don't deserve to live!" With a loud yell, he raised his sword, ready to bring it down straight into her stomach.

But the blow never came.

The guard's furious face suddenly contorted into that of pain. He glanced down his leg, Dawn following his gaze, until she saw a thin object dug deep into his skin. There was a tiny hole from where it had pierced through the trousers fabric. The silver needle gleamed in the moonlight, a single, red string of blood flowing from the wound. The guard's eyes suddenly rolled back into his head as he slumped down, the sword flying out of his grip.

Dawn quickly rolled over to her side, missing the sword for the most part. But it still managed to slash across her hand, blood gushing out of the long cut. She ignored the burning pain in her left hand shakily stood up.

"Peter, did you catch her?" someone yelled, three more guards appearing in Dawn's vision. They looked down at their companion's unconscious figure lying at her feet, someone gasping. She shuffled to her left, trying to sneak past while their attention was someplace else. But they had her surrounded in an instant, blocking the way out.

"What did you do to Peter?" the one to her left asked, almost shoving his battle axe into her face. "What is that thing inside his leg? Answer me!"

"I didn't do anything," Dawn said, breathing heavily.

She could see that the guard didn't believe her, but didn't say anything and grabbed her uninjured arm. She started struggling at once, but the man only tightened his hold on her, another taking hold of her other arm. And then she felt cold metal brushing against her back, the sharp tip of a dagger grazing across her skin. The message was clear; struggle and we'll kill you.

Dawn stopped struggling and said quietly, "Let me go."

"Like we're going to listen to someone like you!" the guard barked.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Dawn heard the sharp sound of an object - no, multiple objects - cutting through the air, followed by three simultaneous groans. She felt the guards' grip on her slacken a bit, as she quickly pulled away from them. She saw the guards' figures slouching downwards until they finally hit the ground. And then she spotted the needles again.

"What... is that?" she whispered, kneeling next to one of the guards' body. Her hand eagerly reached out to touch the protruding edge of the silver needle.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you."

Dawn gasped and stood up again, staring at the familiar person in front of her. Janet flicked away some of the hair from her face, leaving only enough to cover the bruise. She stared at the guards' figures with repulse, kicking out at them. "Stupid guards," she said. "There's no one worse than them in the whole of Gemageia. They capture and kill innocent people, Shadow or no Shadow, for their own selfish needs. All they want is to become the king's precious pets, obeying every whim of his. It makes me sick!"

"You were the one who was throwing the needles?" Dawn asked.

"No, it was the King of Eldatrion who traveled all this way, just to save his dearest Dawn," Janet said, rolling her eyes. "They aren't dead, just in a deep sleep. The needles were coated with a strong sleeping herb, that'll knock you unconscious in seconds if it pierces your skin. That was the only way I could protect you from the guards without exposing myself from the rooftops." After looking at Dawn's surprised expression, Janet added, "The leader always has a plan. She would never rely on something as foolish as 'persuading' the guards. You were just the bait, the one who would lure away some guards from the Defender. The worst is yet to come."

Dawn felt an odd mixture of anger and relief at her words. Anger that Abigail hadn't shared her true intentions with her, using her as a pawn in her own mission. But relief that she had contributed somehow, if not much. At least her being the 'bait' would be of some use to the others, to ultimately saving Gwen like she had wanted to.

Dawn nodded. "We should return back to the others before they launch their attack. They might need some help." She felt her bleeding wound sting with pain again, but she suppressed her hiss and took a step forward.

"Wait!" Janet reached for the quiver on her back, pulling out a white cloth. "Use this to stop the bleeding before it worsens. We'll have it patched up at the refuge, but this should do for now. The leader would kill me if she sees that wound."

Dawn took it from her quietly and wrapped it around her hand, the blood leaving a crimson patch at the top. Janet never gave her a chance to thank her before she ran toward the back. She quickly ran after her but didn't have to go far this time.

Adam was crouching some distance away, the usual smile missing from his face. He hadn't noticed Dawn and Janet yet, his ear pressed up against the wall. Abigail and Peyton stood in front of him, looking around. Abigail finally noticed Dawn, a small sigh leaving her.

"Good to see you back again with us, Dawn," she whispered in Dawn's ear. "I knew you would be the right person for the bait when I chose you, and I'm immensely relieved to see that you didn't failed me. Now with the protection around the carriage gone, it won't take us long to defeat the Defender. Because you see, I've found his uncovered spot."

"You did?" Dawn mouthed, Abigail vigorously nodding. Wow, she must be better at this than I thought. Defenders are said to guard their uncovered spot like it's their own child, so finding one can take a lot of time. But if she's already found it, it would make the attack a lot easier.

Abigail gestured Dawn toward the wall, as she peeked around it. The carriage hadn't moved from where she had last seen it, the remaining six guards' gazes focused on the alley Dawn had escaped from. But Dawn could see what had changed from before, her attention going back to the carriage. The door was slightly ajar, like it had just been opened, and standing right in front of it was a bald man.

He was dressed in elegant orange robes, arms crossed together. The fabric at his shoulders was missing, the brown skin visible. But what struck Dawn as odd was the strange pad stuck over his right elbow. It didn't look like a part of the attire to her, more like an unneeded accessory.

"Sir, our four guards haven't returned yet!" one of the guards said, saluting the Defender.

"You useless fools!" he bellowed, the guards flinching. "Can't you even catch a peasant girl? I'm going to have a talk with the king about the quality of his 'troops'. If they don't return in the next five minutes, we're leaving. This girl is our highest priority, remember that!"

"Yes, sir!" they all said in unison.

Dawn looked back at Abigail and pointed toward his elbow, silently asking if that was the spot. But Abigail just shook her head and smiled. She leaned down and said, "No, it's the left shoulder."

"What, how is that possible? It's completely uncovered!"

"Precisely, that is what he wants us to think. Any other person would protect their critical spot than keep it exposed like that. He knows that people are going to target his elbow rather than the shoulder, it even looks like a part of the outfit. But he won't be hurt at all if you target there, only getting yourself killed by the guards. No, you'll have to hit his shoulder. He's smarter than I gave him credit for."

Dawn didn't quite agree with Abigail's logic, still thinking that the elbow was the actual spot. But she didn't say anything, as the coven leader unsheathed one of her daggers, holding it aloft. "Peyton, you know what to do," she said.

"I won't fail, Abigail," Peyton said. "Remember to avoid the guards at all costs. You won't be able to stand up against them in your current condition. Stay safe... the coven needs you."

Dawn resisted gasping out loud, as Abigail melted into the ground. Her head was finally submerged into the ground, slight ripples around that area. It just seemed so... natural, like she had never been there in the first place. And then she was gone.

Dawn could feel the tension growing around them, Janet's face paler than she had ever seen before. She tried ignoring the sick feeling in her insides, forcing herself to stay optimistic about all this. She peeked around the wall again. Any moment now, Abigail will jump out and attack him. Any moment...

And then everything happened in a rush.

Dawn saw Abigail leaping up from the ground, right beside the Defender. The guards, too stunned at her sudden appearance, didn't have the time to react as she dug the dagger deep into his shoulder. The Defender howled and dropped to his knees, a sudden shattering sound piercing Dawn's ears. She cupped her ears and saw the Defender grasping the bloodied dagger in his hands, before he turned limp and fell to the ground. Abigail melted into the ground once again, not giving the guards a chance to grab her, but she gestured to Peyton before she completely disappeared from view.

Peyton ran out from their hiding spot, his figure just a blur. He smoothly avoided the guards' reaching hands and jumped into the carriage, running out only a second later. But this time, he wasn't alone. She could see the faint outline of a girl in his arms, brown pigtails bouncing up and down with his steps. Dawn felt relief surge through her as the man ran toward them, Abigail leaping up from the ground beside her.

"We should run before they-" Abigail started.

But she could never complete her sentence.

The guard Dawn had encountered too many times for her liking blew in a large horn, the sound reverberating around them. Abigail's face turned a ghastly shade of yellow as she saw him pointing toward the six of them, before charging himself. And right behind him were three more guards, running right at them.

This time, they didn't have to be told.

Dawn sprinted away with the rest of them, Abigail and Peyton taking the lead. The streets were wider in this section, giving more room for all of them to run. "Stick together!" Abigail yelled. "Reinforcements are going to arrive soon. We need to reach a safe place before they can catch up to us."

"What about the refuge?" Dawn asked.

"I'm not endangering the rest of the people's lives because of something we all are responsible for, Dawn Willows!" she yelled again, sidestepping a puddle.

Dawn couldn't understand what was happening anymore, expect that she was running, running and running. From one road to other, just running. They hadn't encountered a guard yet but the footfall behind them had started getting louder, now also on their left side. She saw Abigail take a step forward but quickly retreating back again, running in the same direction from where they had come. They turned to their right this time, but Dawn could hear the footsteps here as well. They were everywhere, like an army closing in to the enemy.

"No, we're surrounded," Abigail whispered. "They're coming from every side, we can't escape."

"Isn't there a temporary refuge nearby?" Janet asked, looking around herself. "Someplace we can rest at for the night before everything calms down?"

"The closest one is in the Aristocrat sector, where it'll take us hours to reach. We don't have a lot of time!"

"I can get us there!" Peyton said, looking at Abigail for some sign of approval. "It won't be very hard to run with-"

"No, Peyton!" Abigail quickly said. "You've done enough as it already is. There must be somewhere we can immediately go to..." Her expression turned thoughtful again, Dawn and Adam sharing a brief glance. And then she nodded to herself. "There is one place where the guards would never think of looking for us. One place that's the safest, yet the dangerous for some people. I know that we can use that to our benefit." She looked over to Adam and took a deep breath. "Adam, take us to Shadowdale Prison."

"No!" Adam immediately said. "I'm not going back there, no matter what!"

Dawn heard some people yelling to her left, the footsteps growing louder and louder with each second that they wasted. It wouldn't be long before the guards finally found all of them, and they wouldn't be able to survive against hundreds of guards either.

"They're coming closer," Dawn whispered, Janet shivering a little.

"You have to take us there," Abigail repeated, her tone sterner. "I am your leader and I'm commanding you to take us to the prison sanctum. Listen to me, now."

Dawn saw Adam's face turning whiter, eyes glazing over. She saw them widen in horror, before he shook his head again. "I can't!" he persisted. "I can't see all of those memories reawakening. You don't know how that night had felt to me, knowing that death was approaching rapidly. Every second spent there was agonizing, I can't even... Please, Abby, don't make me do this."

"But if you don't take us there, we're all going to die," Abigail said, her tone softer. "Do you want to lose everything you finally found? The friendship, the family, the Shadows... a home? Including Dawn?"

Adam looked in her direction for a second before he squeezed his eyes shut, like he was fighting within himself. He released his breath and beckoned to all of them, but didn't open his eyes. "Hold on to me and don't let go," he said. "Transporting six people at once is a tough job so if any of you leave me, I won't be able to help you. Just trust me."

Everyone quickly rushed forward and grabbed onto Adam, Dawn having found herself tucked under one of his arms. He tightened his grip around them, like he was embracing all of them at once, as the world suddenly spun out of control. Dawn pinched her eyes shut and held on even tighter to Adam than before, the sudden dizziness spreading through her limbs.

And then it was quiet again.

Dawn opened her eyes, darkness all that lay in front of her. She was just about to disentangle herself from the rest, when she heard a low chuckle from ahead her. She froze.

"Well, well, what do we have here? A group of six people breaking into prison of their own will? Now that's something I haven't heard of." The man chuckled again, Dawn trying to locate the source. "And if that isn't one of the beloved Shadow leaders herself, it really must be my lucky day! It's truly an honor to meet someone as prestigious as you in person, than just hear tales about your honorable work."

Dawn saw a lantern suddenly lit, its light advancing toward her. She squinted a little, as the light shone on the person's mouth. His lips pulled back into a smile, yellowed teeth grinning at her.

"Now, what can we crooks do for you today?"


A/N: Yes, I made it! I really wanted to squeeze in one last update before the year ended and I succeeded, eeks! *dances awkwardly* :P Um, anyway, hope you all liked this chapter! It honestly has to be one of my least favorite chapters though... It's just really horrible and probably the worst chapter I've written, ugh.

Vote and comment if you liked the chapter, and don't be shy about it(*cough*silent readers *cough*). I swear, I don't bite! Every vote and comment is encouraging so I'd love to hear even your thoughts! ^_^

Oh and happy new year everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful 2014 and an even better 2015. :D


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