Change of Feelings - A Noco F...

By space1jam

24.9K 795 1.4K

This book is now finished! After Total Drama Island, Noah and Cody are still dating, though now their relatio... More

The second season
Seeing him again
Total Drama Action
The peanut gallary
World Tour
Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot
Super crazy happy fun time Japan
Not a chapter, just letting you guys know something
Like an eel dipped in greace
11th Place
The mean girl, the eel, the stalker, and the geek
Back with him - Epilogue
Author's note

Volcanos, kisses, betrayal, oh my!

1.4K 46 125
By space1jam

Cody was in the final three...

I had to take a minute to process that...

Chris had called all of us that night and said that he would have someone pick us up and bring us to the location for the finale. So that morning, I got into my blue shirt, maroon vest, and shorts, and ran all the way down to the lobby, meeting Owen by the doors. I had practically forgotten about my argument with Gwen the night before.

"Someone's in a good mood." Owen pointed out. I did a few small hops in place. It was super out of character for me to eve;be this remotely exited, but seeing that Cody had gotten this far, something in my mind just snapped, and I realized how much I wanted him to win.

"Yeah!" I said, "I'm super exited!"

Tyler was standing on the other side of Owen and he looked over at me. "Wow, seeing Noah this exited feels like a once in a lifetime thing. We should cherish it."

A limousine pulled up to the front of the hotel, and the three of us walked through the doors and into the back of the car. It wasn't a long drive to the airport, and the flight was just over nine hours, witch didn't bother me, because I still had about fourteen unread books. But of course, as we boarded the plane with the others, Owen began to freak out.

"Nine hours? We are going to be flying for nine hours?!"

I rolled my eyes. "Relax Owen. We've flown for longer in a rusty old airplane, I think you can survive nine hours in a good airplane."

I got into my sweet, witch was the window seat, while Tyler sat in the middle, and Owen in the aisle. Tyler kept saying that he didn't mind sitting next to Owen, but it did look like he was having trouble getting comfortable. But he still insisted he was okay, so I ignored both of them for the rest of the flight, and read three books. Yeah, three books in nine hours.

I could have done better, but Owen kept yelling and I had to help Tyler calm him down.

After we arrived in Hawaii, Chris was waiting for us at the airport with another two limos.

"Welcome losers!"

I rolled my eyes. I wanted to be acting more like myself for the cameras, because no one on tv knew about Cody and I's past relationship. Owen, Tyler, Harold, Lashawna, Lindsay, Duncan, DJ and I went in the first limo, where as the rest went in the second.

Soon, we arrived at our destination. A...volcano?

You know, after being on this show for two years, I don't even question it.

We all went onto the beach and sat in the bleachers, ready to watch the first challenge. Soon enough, Heather, Alejandro and Cody arrived. I could practically feel my eyes light up when I saw Cody. To be honest, he looked the happiest he ever had been. I began to have second thoughts.

Maybe Cody doesn't need me

He looks happy like this

Is he with Sierra now?

I hope not...

Now, Sierra's hair had all fallen off after she had blown up Chris' plane. She was in a wheelchair too.

"Welcome to the live finale of Total Drama World Tour." Chris introduced to the cameras. Cody, Alejandro and Heather stood in a line beside the water. Geoff and Bridgette stood on the other side of Chris.

"Just moments ago, Alejandro and Cody tied for second place in a boat race to get here. During the break, we sent them to vent in the confessionals. Check it!"

While the footage of each of them in the confessional rolled, Cody locked eyes with me. He did a small side smile. I smiled back.

On the Tv in the confessional, I head Alejandro talking.

"I only let Heather beat me because I wanted to give her a false sense of confidence. But how will I tell everyone back home that I tied with that pathetic Cody? Aww, my brother Jose will be compiling his insults already!"

I glared at Alejandro, but he didn't seem to notice me. How could he call Cody pathetic? He's never made it this far!

Cody's confessional rolled. I could hear his squeaky voice on the cameras.

"I made it all the way to the final two-ish! I can't believe how close I am to the million! There's just one massive thing in my way...Alejandro...against just me! Never thought I'd say this, but...I wish Sierra was back in here with me."

He's just saying it for the cameras Noah... keep your cool...

"You never mentioned you had a brother..." Heather nudged Alejandro. "Jose, was it?"

"He's not worth mentioning..." Alejandro told her. I sighed.

"Why are they in teams?" Heather asked Chris. "And why does my team suck?"

"The peanut gallery plays a major roll in choosing a winner." Chris replied. The rest of the peanut gallery cheered. Even I was exited. I could vote for Cody, and show him how much I still cared.

"Sweet!" Duncan said. "I guess we're all voting on the winner again."

"Did I say my team sucks?" Heather asked. "What I actually meant was they rock!"

Sure. I thought.

"You think we're fools?" Lashawna asked, standing up. "You and Alejandro are done!"

"We're here for you Cody!" Sierra called over to him.

Chris walked in between Cody and Alejandro.

"But first, we've got to break a tie. Heather, you won the race to Hawaii, so your reward is this advantage."

Heather raised an eyebrow.

"You can select the tiebreaker yourself, or you can let Cody or Alejandro choose it."

Heather smirked. "As if I'm going to leave it up to them! I'll do it, thank you."

"I was hoping you'd say that..." Chris smiled.

So, the challenge was that Heather would be tied to a wooden pole, while Cody and Alejandro fought on a wooden platform in the middle of the water.

"First dude to free Heather wins the last spot in the final two." Chris instructed.

"Um, if no one happens to free her, does that make Cody and I the final two?" Alejandro asked.

You're just asking that so you can know if you can beat his little guts out. I thought to myself.

"No." Chris said plainly. Chef fired two flaming arrows at the three of them, setting two parts of the platform on fire.

"Oh, and stay out of the water!" Chris called. Chef fired another two arrows into the water, this time with small pieces of meat on them. Two sharks dove out from the water and grabbed them. I sucked in a breath of air.

Cody...please don't fall...

Duncan laughed. "Man is it nice to be out of this game."

Cody moved closer to Alejandro, who in turn, moved closer to Cody.

"Prepare to be defeated my tiny friend." Alejandro snarled. He pushed his stick onto Cody's chest, while the smaller boy pushed back with his.

"I'm to young to die!" Cody cried.

"You can do it Cody!"

"Woho! Go Cody!"

The peanut gallery was rooting for Cody. Well, most of them. Katie and Sadie where most definitely on team Alejandro, just because he was hot.

"Go Alejandro!" Courtney cried. "Squish him like a bug!"

Okay, so maybe Courtney was on his side too.

"Where's my encouragement?" Heather asked.

Lashawna stuck up her middle finger at her, and she sighed.

Cody and Alejandro where still fighting, and Cody was definitely loosing. He was shaking and sweating.

"Come on, you know you can't win!" Alejandro taunted.

"Well someone better win fast! Because I'm about to burst into flames!" Heather screeched. Her eyes lit up.

Oh shit...

"Oh no! Noah just rolled into quicksand!"

My heart leapt. Cody looked over his shoulder.

"What? Noah? Somebody help him!"

"No! Cody!" I cried. But while Cody was distracted, Alejandro pushed his weapon into the water. Cody was defenseless.

"Noo!" Cody cried.

"Consider yourself disarmed." Alejandro sneered, "and dis-platformed!"

Alejandro swung his weapon over his shoulder, and whacked Cody into the water. I leapt to my feet.

"Cody no!"

I ran into the water at tried to find him. He was frantically swimming around two sharks, who looked like they wanted a snack. I swam over to him and took his hand. I pulled him to the sand and laid him on his back. He coughed. Sierra rolled over to him in her wheelchair. Cody opened his eyes.

"Noah?" He asked. "Hi."

I smiled. "Hi Cody."

He sat up, still shaking. I hugged him.

"Hey!" Sierra cried. "Get your hands off my Cody-kins!"

Cody looked over at her. "No Sierra, it's okay. Noah's my boyfriend."

I let go of him.

"I am?"

Cody smiled. "I mean, if you want to try again, we can."

I stood up, and Cody pulled himself to his feet. Sierra sat beside us, not moving.

"I'd love to Cody. You know, I've been wanting to say sorry ever since I got angry at you. Because, whenever I'm with you, I feel like I can be myself. You really bring out the best in me, you know."

Cody chuckled softly. "I'm glad I make you happy, Noah."

"Alright alright! That's enough!" Chris called from across the beach.

I looked over at him, holding Cody's hand.

"No thanks. We'll be going back now."

Chris cleared his throat. "Alright, we don't need you anyways. I'll tell your flight to leave early."

I looked over at Cody. He smiled and squeezed my hand.

"I've missed being with you Noah."

I changed the ending a bit to make it better for this story lol

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