i couldn't help but fall for...

By miscrece

5.6K 223 86

WARNING: SPOILERS FOR THIRD SEMESTER Maruki first met you at a convenience store near Shujin Academy; awkwar... More

at the park
the big bang burger challenge
odaiba's summer festival
the month without maruki
cognitive psience
the rise of the phantom thieves
the fall, the savior, and maruki's cheesy dancing
the silver bangle and a succulent
tonight got me thinking about it all
the day the sky bled
the witch of aeaea
you are being too reckless
so long, councillor
ideal & the real

apples and cookies

1K 24 0
By miscrece

You feel like just another cog in the wheel: always turning, never falling out of line, and it's suffocating. Is that what you want for yourself?

Enthalpy is a thermodynamic property which describes a system's internal energy, plus the product of its pressure and volume.

You always tell yourself that it's for the greater good. You're  providing a service to the workers and students in the Aoyama-itchōme area, and you're  getting paid for your time. Really though, the wages here are like breadcrumbs.

Meanwhile, entropy is a thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work.

This is what the morning rush does to you, huh? Maybe you're  just naturally pessimistic, but this job made you despise breakfast foods. Plus, you still have the God-forsaken lunch rush to get through, where the store is taken over mostly by Shujin students since, as you've  heard, their own co-op and vending machines are always sold out. You totally understand—you did the same when you were their age—but it would be nice if you had someone to help out with all the customers. Management always says you're  the only one available this early, though, since you have night classes and many of your colleagues are high schoolers working part-time: a perfect storm that ends with you getting struck by lightning. Sometimes you wonder if this insignificant little convenience store would still be open if you weren't  around. Basically, you deserve a raise.

Enthalpy and entropy may be used in tandem to find Gibbs free energy, which is a thermodynamic potential that describes the energy associated with a chemical reaction that can be used to do work.

God, you really hate chemistry.

The time in between rushes is what you usually use for studying. Your routine everyday is usually the same, unless, by some lovely miracle, you don't have to work or a professor cancels class. First is opening the store, then you head to Leblanc to study for a few hours. That cafe has a great atmosphere for concentrating on your work and it's close to home. Seeing that it's tucked into the quiet backstreets of Yongen-Jaya, not many people know about it. You like to call it your chic little treasure. Of course, the great coffee is a bonus, but you're  a bit embarrassed by how much you've  spent there. That's a secret that absolutely cannot get out. From there, though, you head to school. It's a bit of a commute, but you like the time I get to yourself. No one bothers you on the train and you don't particularly stand out unless you really try to. You find myself comforted by those environments. After all that, you finally go home. It's tiring as hell, but money is money. You can't pay the rent with your accolades.

Your eyes felt strained from the textbook, so you put it away for now. There's still little to no business aside from the occasional elderly person looking to buy cat food or pastries for their grandchildren. Truth be told, you learn a lot about people from the way they shop, especially since most of the people you get in here are sworn regulars. You know this one disgruntled-looking office worker has a daughter who loves these "homemade" chocolate chip cookies we "bake fresh" every day. Yeah, it's just a microwave, but you're  not up for explaining that to a tired dad just looking to put a smile on his daughter's face. There's also this guy at Shujin who buys yakisoba here a lot. You don't know anything about him but there's a girl who obsessively follows him. He never notices her since she's always just barely tucked away, but you always do. It's kind of creepy, but your bosses would probably scold you for telling him. You can already hear them droning on: "It might drive away business."

And you wouldn't have any business to run without me, you want to say back.

Beyond the mundaneness of it all, there is one thing that has piqued your interest. This pervert teacher confessed to doing a whole bunch of shady shit. Apparently, this group that goes by The Phantom Thieves of Hearts forced him to confess. A few days before it all went down, you found a calling card as you were cleaning up. It was a flashy thing, but it was a little bit of thrill in your monotonous life, so you've  treasured it. Still, you wonder how they managed to do it—was it blackmail or something else sinister like that? Maybe it was just the pressure of it all. But going off your past experiences with him (he came by every so often as all the teachers do), he was pompous as hell, not to mention annoying, entitled, and belligerent. A bunch of kids were dubiously bruised, and you even heard one of the students tried to harm themselves. For the staff to not care about their students this much, the corruption must run so deep it was built into the very walls of that school. So, no matter the methods, it was more of a relief to know a predator like him no longer had access to such vulnerable victims anymore. You don't know if the Phantom Thieves are real, but for now, you'll  cheer them on to tackle evil the police can't get to on their own. You understand  vigilante justice is looked down upon by the eyes of the law, but just look at some of the heroes we champion like Batman and Robin Hood: all of them are celebrated figures.

Time seemed to pass slower than usual. You could get back to studying, but really, who wants to do that? Lunchtime was about to start anyway, so there wasn't much of a point to start something just to have to put it down almost immediately. You reached over to the chilled bottle of water underneath the register, taking a hearty sip. The water was refreshing and crisp, but still nothing like Boss's coffee in terms of how energized you felt. The convenience-store coffee  tastes like watered-down water. It's literally disgusting but people seem to love it for some reason.

Lunchtime rush, lunchtime rush, waiting, waiting. Sure, the rushes were stressful to handle on your own, but it ended with your shift. It goes without saying that having something to do made time go by faster. As these thoughts passed, you heard the quiet chime of the bell installed at the door. You didn't particularly care to look up just yet, since you had to make sure the register and counter were prepared for the influx of business; that included restocking the candy bars and gum stationed right next to you and straightening mats and signs around you so everything was up to standards.

That customer still hasn't come up to ring yet, strangely enough. Most people usually come in with an idea of what to have for lunch already in mind—an egg sandwich, bread, instant noodles, the works—but this guy was absolutely destroying himself over what snack to buy. He looked so deep in thought it was a little bit (just a tiny bit) adorable. Was he buying for someone special? a new friend he wanted to impress? did he want to try something new but just wanted to get his money's worth? You continued to observe him for just a bit longer. You noticed he wasn't very good with his coordination since he nearly knocked down one of the displays. Yeah, he was a cute guy; he was new though. You never saw him around before, and it's kind of impossible for anyone living in this area for any amount of time to not come here, to the biggest convenience store for some distance.

For a moment, you thought maybe you should go help him, but on the other hand, you were worried that customers would come pouring in, leaving the register open. Yet another case of oh how you wish you had someone working with you right now! You snuck a glance outside and the streets seemed empty enough—and in moments like these, you realize just how much you tend to hesitate. What an annoying habit. After another peek outside, just to make sure, you slowly walked around the counter, making your way towards the man. This demeanor..! It was so warm and inviting!

"Hello, sir!" you put on your usual customer-service voice, but with the way this man was carrying himself you truly did want to be friendly with him, "Is there anything I could help you find today?"

The man, seemingly startled by the sudden proposition, jolted slightly. He nearly dropped the small bag of cookies he was holding. "Oh, hello there! I think I'm alright." He smiled as he adjusted his glasses. "Ah..! Actually, do you happen to carry apple slices or anything of the sort here?"

Apples, huh? On top of that, he specifically wanted apple slices. Did he want to surprise his kid at school or something? There were a few things you could recommend adding onto his order, in that case: a cheap plastic toy or a fruity drink, for example. "Of course, sir. Follow me, please!" As you led him to the refrigerated area of the store, you thought a bit on the character of this man. He was polite, which was always a pleasure to deal with. He was clumsy, but that could always be considered endearing—you just hoped no one made fun of him for it. Moreover, he was criminally attractive. His hair was disheveled slightly, but not messy. It was like it fell perfectly into place, pleasantly framing his face. It was evident he was older, given the stubble on his chin. Most would shave off facial hair like that, but it looked great on this guy.

Absentmindedly, you reached for the small bag of apple slices after pulling the door of the refrigerated unit open. The cool air that promptly hit your face reminded you to suggest the items from your earlier thoughts. "Here you are, sir. May I also suggest a drink to go along with your cookies and apples?" this had to be for a kid.

"I really shouldn't..." the man's expression turned timid. "Ah, what the heck. Some apple juice would be great."

You nodded as you heard the bell chime again. You were nervous now, hoping this customer would take just as long to find whatever they wanted to have for lunch. More quickly this time, you brought him a carton of the juice, cool to the touch. "If you'd like to look around more, feel free to!" you smiled, "Whenever you're ready, I'll be at the register if you don't need any more help."

"Right now's great! Can I follow you there?" he happily replied. You were completely satisfied since he looked happy with the service you provided. As annoying as this job could be at times, you did enjoy being able to help people like this. Moving together with him to the register, you made sure to keep an eye on the other customer. It looked like she was debating what she wanted as well, which was comforting. It gave you more time with this guy.

"I wanted to thank you for your help." The man quickly said almost as soon as you began ringing him up. "I was already pretty indecisive with the cookies, so having you around to help me find the apples was great. I could've been late to my interview..."

Oh, were these snacks for him? Apple slices and apple juice? "It was my pleasure, sir." The interview part explained why he hadn't been here before as well. "An interview? I wish you good luck!" 

The brunette laughed quietly to himself. It was a nice, comforting laugh. "Thank you so much." He said as he reached for his wallet in his pocket. "If all goes well, I might be a regular here. My interview is at Shujin."

"Oh, they're hiring?" it could've been to fill the spot Kamoshida left behind, but he didn't have much of an athletic build like the former coach did. Still, it would've been better to not bring up something controversial. Not good for business or whatever.

He nodded curtly. "Yeah! Counselors. Er, rather, counselor. After everything that happened recently, the students must be struggling."

You, of course, noticed that. You suspected Kamoshida of nefariousness early on, ever since you spotted the bruises on members of the famous volleyball team. Even though he's gone, dealing with the experience and aftermath of it all is another thing entirely. "I'm sure the students will appreciate your help. You're doing good work." With that, the last item was scanned, and you read out the price to him.

The man handed me a couple bills, to which you opened the till and fetched his change. "I sure hope so." He started, "Thank you again. What was your name, by the way?" after taking the bag, he stuffed the receipt in his pocket.

There it was: the dreaded name question. Most of the time, people asked your name if they wanted to complain to management about you. It didn't happen often—at least not to your knowledge. You believed  the service was up to standards and that this man was nice, but you suppose you were being hopeful. You pointed to your name tag and said your name aloud.

"It's very nice to meet you!" he said with a little wave. "My name is Takuto Maruki. I just thought that, since I'd be a regular here, I should get to know my store clerk a bit, don't you think?" the man—Maruki—was surprisingly earnest.

"O-oh. Yes, of course. The pleasure's all mine, Maruki." You certainly weren't expecting  that. "Have a great rest of your day and good luck at your interview!"

Maruki ended up getting the job. He started almost immediately and became a regular. You don't know why, but you were  truly happy about that. He was just so pleasant. More specifically, he was the type of guy you wanted to pour my heart out to; a great listener, to be sure. That was to be expected of a counselor, of course, but Maruki genuinely wanted to listen to people. Your job quickly went from simply being a means to an end to something you looked forward to before you fell asleep after classes, as long as you could speak with the doctor in the morning. He was a good guy. You really liked him.

The two of you became fast friends, but something within your heart wanted more.

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