Sokeefe decisions

By Mp132008

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So I didn't speak. I instead pulled him toward me and held him, wondering how I even managed to get the nerve... More

The Date
A/N important


568 39 216
By Mp132008

Helloooooo everyone! Here is the next chapter:) I hope that you guys will like it!! I really worked hard on this one. Thank you all for voting, commenting and reading!! You guys are amazing, it means so much to me!!

Anyways, on with the story!:D

Sophie's POV

I groaned, then internally winced at my gesture. My head throbbed as if something was slamming against it constantly and my throat was dry and parched. I wanted to feel cool, fresh water run down it, and I craved for a breath of clean air, not the stuffy hotness that suffocated me as I tried to get up.

'What?' I thought, as I felt the tight ropes that bound me to the chair, cutting into my skin, making it a nasty shade of red. Suddenly, a flood of memories hit me as I slumped in my chair. The man with the wolf teeth and huge muscles.

My head suddenly shot up as I remembered what I discovered. Gisela. Gisela Sencen was holding me hostage.

'Why?' I thought as I wondered what Biana was doing, what Fitz was doing. And I sat there. Wondering, hoping  that they would come. If anyone would come, to save me from the overwhelming darkness that took up so much of the space. So much of me.

I tried to stop the memories that flashed in my head, but I was powerless as I saw my house burning. Saw the fire that killed my whole family. And I was the only one that survived.

'That happened eight years ago.' I reminded myself, trying to cool my burning eyes. But that didn't stop the picture of my younger sister take place in my head, her curly brown hair up in a pony tail and her green eyes gleaming with that little bit of mischievousness that was always present.

I stared at the ground, my eyes watering with anger, hurt, and loss. And that is when the screaming started. "Please help me! Anyone!" I screamed with desperation. I was about to yell again when suddenly I heard footsteps and a beam of light shot through the suffocating darkness.

I looked up and saw his ice blue eyes first, smooth and beautiful, like a clear pool of water. Then my eyes shot up to his artfully tousled up hair. Keefe. I didn't realize that I whispered it until he ran up to me, a line of red rimming both his eyes.

"Sophie." His voice broke. "Sophie. I'm so sorry." He then turned toward someone and said, "What are you doing to her? Let. Her. Go. Now." His voice was calm. Dangerously, scary calm. As if he was so angry, frustrated, and put all that force into those last words. The person he was talking to stepped forward and I recognized her as Gisela Sencen.

I bit back a growl and studied her, with a mask of calm. Her face was beautiful, with perfect arching brows, stunning ice blue eyes, and full deep red lips, but it was all so cold and calculating. As if her beauty was a weapon, and she knew exactly what it did. She smiled gently at her son, the tenderness on her face, softening her features.

"Oh, Keefe. How much you have to learn. Judging by that heroic play of pretending to care about her, I'm guessing you know her. How fortunate! It will make things a lot more fast." She said smoothly, knowing exactly how to get into Keefe's head. A flash of anger went through his handsome face.

'Wait-what?' I asked myself. 'Did I just say handsome? All the more proof that I need to get out of here.' I said, silently snorting, then mentally slapping myself for thinking about that right now, considering my circumstances.

Lady Gisela stalked up to me, her stunning blue dress flowing out behind her. "Now Sophie, you are probably wondering why you are here." I was tempted to roll my eyes at her.

'Duh!' I thought, but said, "Yes. Why am I here?" I looked at my hands. "Let me go." I yelled, straining my arms against the ropes.

Keefe looked at me, tears filling those eyes. He rushed over and took my hand. "You're okay Sophie. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He said, rubbing my hand softly. I stared gratefully into his beautiful eyes.

"I'm glad you're here with me." I said to him quietly, then glared at his mom. "It's not your fault that your mom is a creepy stalker who kidnapped me!" To her credit, she didn't flinch. The only reaction that came off of her was a small flash of anger in her eyes, but as soon as it came, it vanished.

"Maybe if you were smart enough to let me talk, you would know the answer to all your questions. But here you are asking questions without even waiting for an answer." she said smoothly, leaving me and apparently Keefe dumbstruck. She gave me a cold smile and then leaned toward me until we were almost touching noses.

"Why am I here?" I asked, cold anger flashing in my eyes.

She clucked. "You're asking the wrong questions." she answered, her cool breath on my face. I growled and she leaned back. "So much fight in you, Sophie Foster."

I flinched and slumped in my chair. "What should I be asking?" I questioned, the sudden prospect of me not getting out of here weighing on my shoulders.

'Keefe will help you!' I thought to myself, but then I forced my brain to see the logic. 'I have only known him for one day.' I told myself, my eyes watering at the thought of Biana, wondering where I was, Grady and Edaline, my adoptive parents, worrying constantly, and....Fitz. Gisela didn't seem to notice my overwhelming sadness, but I could feel Keefe's stare, burning into me. Almost like he could feel the sadness coming off of me in waves.

"Ahh. The right questions. The right question is," She leaned over me once more. "What is your value and what information do you know that could be useful?"

I frantically searched my brain for whatever Gisela could have been talking about. I furrowed my brow, searching painstakingly through all the memories in my head, each moment caught in perfect detail thanks to my photographic memory. When my search was, to my relief, it was all clear. I looked straight into Gisela's piercing eyes.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I said, a tone in my voice that suggested that I was being truthful.

Gisela tutted softly. "I think you know more than you let on. Now, what happened the day your house went up in flames?" I gaped at her, wondering why she would bring that up.

"I suggest you be honest, otherwise you are never getting out of here."

I slowly nodded and swallowed loudly, trying to get rid of the rising bile in my throat.  A memory hit me as I narrated to Gisela about what happened that fateful night.

*Eight years ago*

'I spy with my little eye something large and green.' Amy, my younger sister said, her face shining with excitement, green eyes gleaming.

'That tree over there?' I guessed, shrugging my shoulders.

Amy rolled her eyes. 'No. You're really bad at this. It's the BUSH over there.' She said, smirking. I face palmed my head and then doubled over with laughter.

'Wow Amy.' I said, 'So original.'

She winked at me and shouted, 'You're turn!'

I looked out the window and started scanning the trees for something hard to spot. Suddenly, I saw something move. What? I thought to myself, as I stared closer. The thing moved again and I saw a flash of a face, blond hair, piercing blue eyes, and a crescent moon bite that was on his hand. I stared closer, but the person didn't move again. Why was a someone outside our house? I asked myself, worried for a moment.

Amy interrupted my thoughts. 'Sophie! Stop staring outside like it holds all the world's answers. Did you do an I Spy yet?' I shook the man from my thoughts.

'Yeah hold on Amy. Geez, so impatient.' I said with a small smile. 'Uhh I spy.......' I never got the chance to finish my sentence since my mom was yelling at me to grab her purse from the basement. I groaned but then glanced at Amy.

'We'll continue this later,' I told her, a faint smile on my face. She stuck her tongue out at me, and I rolled my eyes, annoyed.

I wish I had said something else to her. I desperately wish to go back to that moment and tell her that I love her so much. Because that was the last time I ever saw her.

I headed downstairs and started searching around for her purse. I suddenly spotted it and grabbed it, and was about to head upstairs when I smelled smoke. What is going on? I thought, and then I assured myself that it was probably dad, burning the pizza again. That didn't make the unease go away, though. I slowly crept up the stairs and then I saw it.

The bright, burning, blaze of the flame. So deadly yet so fueled. I looked at it in terror as I yelled 'Mom! Dad! AMY!' I started to cough uncontrollably as the smoke rose into my lung making me want to hack it out. The heat was getting unbearable, the pure scorching and sweltering hotness, along with the fear running through my veins, my heart pounding loudly. I was going to die. I ran up the rest of the stairs, dropping that hideous purse on the way.

'MOM!' I screamed, my voice desperate and hoarse. I started to cough again, deep and full. I sank to the ground in the middle of the room. Hot tears poured down my face. 'I don't want to die.' I sobbed to myself, as the flames enclosed round me.

'I love you, Dad, Mom, Amy. I love you so much.'  And that was the last thing I remembered as the scorching heat surrounded me and everything went dark.

*Present time*

I looked up and noticed that Keefe's ice blue eyes were watering, alive with sorrow and sadness, but the thing I loved the most was that there wasn't a trace of pity. I didn't want pity, my life was mine and I didn't want people to be sorry for it. I glanced at Gisela.

"That's all that happened. Or at least that happened to me." I said, silently scrubbing away my tears and drying my damp cheeks. Gisela didn't look happy with my explanation though.

"Are you SURE that you never saw your parents again? Or Amy?" She asked me, her brow furrowed in concentration.

I frowned and said, "Yes, I never saw them after that day, eight years ago. And I certainly didn't see them the day that the fire happened."

Gisela fixed me with a stare. "Did you ever wonder how you survived?"

'Yes. So many times. Why did I survive and they didn't?' I thought, but said, "What is it to you? Yes, I have wondered."

Gisela Sencen smiled at me, as if she read my mind. "I know how you survived." She said.

I looked at her, my head spinning. "How?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"Because one of your parents saved you. Because there was a survivor of the fire." She said, in a dead serious tone.

I looked at her, feeling as if the world turned upside down. My head pounded and my heart raced as I whispered, "One of my parents is alive."

Hehe, sorry for the cliffhanger!! I hope that you guys liked it, and if you did it would mean the world to me if you can vote and comment!!! Thank you for giving my book a shot! I hope you'll stay for more:)




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