In Her Laugh

By AmoraNext

211K 8.1K 8.7K

Reese Price moves to a different continent, not by choice, of course. An orphan and the youngest of five brot... More

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1. At least say hi first...
2. All is well that ends well, right?
3. Home Sweet Candy
4. Ro-Ro-Row your boat, Roman
5. It's King's Land
6. Everyone can go fu*k themselves
7. Our mistakes are not a reflection of your lack of authority or presence
8. Nobody parties like the Price family
9. I like different
11. WAP
12. And that's on period
13. Lets just cuddle
14. Pinky Promise
15. Magical Fingers
16. Glad we're on the same page
17. What I'm saying is
18. All men are toxic
19. Positive Affirmations
20. Morning, sleeping beasts
21. He's the one
22. Spill the tea
23. Mistletoe Madness
24. I love you
25. In your laugh
26. This is my life
27. Goodbye
28. Stay

10. I'm home!

6.3K 275 166
By AmoraNext


"Ugh! I can't with this anymore," I groan throwing the script on the couch and sitting down.

"Come on Reese, a couple more times," Sebastian begs.

"Can we just skip the lines and go to the last ten seconds of the scene?" I ask innocently.

He laughs and a smirk displays on his face.

"I thought you'd never ask," he says as he leans over and kisses me. I lean back as he climbs on top of me. One of his hands is on my neck while the other on my thigh. Both my hands roam under his shirt.

"You're... brothers... are... going... to... kill... me," he says between kisses.

"They won't be down for a while," I share. Grayson's at the office, Jaxon's working out in the home gym, and Landon and Roman are upstairs playing video games.

"I'm home! Ew, stop eating my sister's face," I hear Aaron's familiar voice. Sebastian and I share a look of surprise and we freeze. The only audible sound is our heavy breathing. I tilt my head to the side and spot Aaron. He's wearing shorts and a black t-shirt with his bags by his side.

I immediately push Sebastian off me and run into Aaron's arms.

"Holy fuck! You're here!" I yell into his ear as I wrap my legs around him.

"Yup, I'm officially home," Aaron laughs holding me up.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming home," I say as he lets me go. I watch as Grayson walks in with more bags. "You knew?"

"Surprise?" Grayson awkwardly replies.

"Yo! Aaron's here!" Roman announces as he runs down the stairs. Landon comes rushing down after him. "What's up brother?"

"You know same old shit," Aaron replies as they each hug him.

"Why didn't you tell us you were coming?" Landon asks.

"It was supposed to be a surprise," Aaron says. "But I think I was more surprised to find my little sister and her little boyfriend on the couch."

"Oh my God, Aaron! I'm telling all your one night stands that you have STDs."

"I might be sexually active-"

"Might?" Grayson scoffs.

"Okay, I am sexually active but we all know how clean I am," Aaron rolls his eyes.

"Sure," Landon pats his back. "I remember when you made me go to the hospital with you at three am because your dïck was hurting so much."

"Bro, I told you to never speak of that night again," Aaron whacks Landon's head.

"Ow, my bad," Landon groans. "But what the fuck were you doing on the couch?"

"Yeah, you said you were just practising your lines," Roman says as all my brothers turn their attention towards Sebastian and me.

"We were!"

"Yeah, then what happened?" Grayson questions crossing his arms.

"Then what happened... Sebastian?" I throw him under the bus. His eyes widen and he reddens.

"Um, we got to the last scene where it's the happy ever after and I guess Reese here just got a little carried away," Sebastian turns the tables.

"No! That's not what-"

"Don't even, we know how you are," Roman laughs.

"Clearly we can't leave these two alone even for a minute," Landon says.

"Yeah, don't worry now that I'm here we'll always have someone to watch over them," Aaron adds.

"Great," I roll my eyes.

"Where's Jaxson?"

"He's downstairs working out," Landon shares.

"Yeah, he probably has the music blasting and hasn't heard us."

"Well, that sounds like a perfect opportunity to go scare him," Aaron smiles mischievously.

"Okay, but at least meet Sebastian properly before you go."

"Oh, of course," Aaron smiles. "Aaron Price."

"Sebastian Diaz," Sebastian says shaking my brother's hand. "Reese always talks about you."

"Yeah, I am her favourite."

"What?" Grayson says.

"Yeah, I'm favourite," Roman scoffs confidently.

"No!" Grayson and Landon both protest.

"She told me that I'm her favourite," Landon clarifies. I facepalm.

"No, she told me that," Grayson claims.

"Well she doesn't need to tell me, I already know I'm her favourite I'm her twin," I look at Roman and the audacity he has.

"Reese!" Everyone yells in unison.

"How do I always get caught in these situations?" I complain. "Oh look, a unicorn!"

"Where?" Roman yells looking at the empty door.

I take Sebastian's hand and we run upstairs.

"Hey! Door open!" Grayson and Aaron both yell.

"Yes sir!" I yell back.

"I should really tell my parents that if I don't ever come back home, it's because I was murdered by one of your brothers," Sebastian jokes.

"No, not yet! I haven't even met them yet. You can't be letting them think bad stuff about me and my family," I scold.

"Relax, I was joking," he laughs. Sebastian goes to sit on my bed and I close the door. "They said doors open."

"It is open because it's unlocked," I state.

"You think you're so smart. We'll see how you like it when I'm six feet under," he speaks as I climb on his lap. His hands wrap around me and I look into his eyes.

"Have you talked to Ev yet?" Sebastian questions.

"No, I will soon. We're just getting closer and I don't know, I'm scared to drop the I have feelings for your childhood crush bomb."

"Okay, that does sound a little bad, but I know Ev, she'll understand."

"Hopefully. You know she's auditioning for Juliet's part too?"

"She'll probably get the understudy, don't worry," Sebastian tries to cheer me up.

"Yeah, but she's better than me with the lines and stuff," I frown.

"It's just a play. What if I don't get to be Romeo?"

"Shut up, you know you're the best Romeo in the whole school."

"Hey, you don't need to boost my ego like that."

"True," I agree.

"But I don't mind if you want to."

"You're so indecisive," I groan.

"At least I could choose my favourite sibling if I needed to."

"You only have one sibling," I argue.

"Still the same thing," he protests.

"No, it's not and also my favourite brother changes, you know, depending on the day, time and situation."

"Oh, forgot you always need to take advantage of the situation."

"Yeah, it's hard being the only sister and the youngest sibling of five older brothers."

"Yeah? Tell me more," Sebastian says as he smiles mischievously. Before I can continue, he locks our lips. His hands crawl up into my hair as he falls back onto the bed.

"This... is... not... fair..."

"What's... not... fair?"

"You... are... distrac...ting... me," we speak between kisses. "But seriously, what have you told your parents about me?"

He looks surprised, but he laughs it off. He sits up again and I get off of him sitting next to him.

"I showed them your picture, they think you're really pretty and they want you over for dinner soon."


"Yeah, but you don't have to until you're ready. There's no rush," he adds.

"This is a warning! If any eighteen plus things are happening, they must end in three... two... one!" we hear from outside my door before all my brother's rush in.

They're all either carrying silly string, water guns or nerf guns.

"Bro!" I yell hiding behind Sebastian.

"Reese! No," Sebastian groans as I hide behind him. "Guys stop!"

"We said doors open!" Aaron roars.

We run to one corner of the room and we're cornered.

"Can it," Sebastian says. He pulls me out and holds me in front of him. I gasp.

"Sebastian! You're supposed to protect me."

"This isn't the eighteen hundreds Reese! Every man for himself! Ugh! Ew!" Sebastian chokes when Roman accidentally squirts silly string into his mouth.

"Ew! Don't spit it out on me!" I yell. My shirt is soaked and the silly string is all over my hair. "Guys stop!"

"Not until you promise to behave!"

"What do you mean? We were behaving!"

"Closed doors! Making out on the family couch?"

"Ugh! Fine, I'll make out on your beds next time! Ah!"

"Are you trying to get me killed?" Sebastian complains. I turn around and hide in his chest. "Guys! We're sorry! Please, stop!"

"Yeah!" I mumble.

"Okay! That's enough," Jaxon announces. They all stop, but I'm still glued in my position. I slowly open my eyes and take a glance around. All my brothers are lined up around us, their weapons held down.

Sebastian slowly starts to let his arms down as we both straighten up.

"There's silly string stuck in your hair," Sebastian says as he tries to pick it out.

"Ow, be careful," I complain as he pulls my hair.

"Sorry," he squirms. He works one hand through my hair and one through his. I try to pick out the silly string on his shirt.

"So cute," I hear Grayson say followed by a flash. "It's one for the books."

"You guys are ridiculous," I speak, irritated. "I'm going to have to shower again."

"Me too," Sebastian says.

"It's okay, you can use my shower," Roman says.

"Not the point," I add. "You guys are cleaning my room."

"Don't worry Roman and Landon will."

"They lost the rock paper scissors?" I question as I turn around to face them.

"Yeah," Aaron admits. "And sorry man, we just wanted to welcome you to the family."

Aaron comes over and shakes Sebastian's hand and pulls him into a bro hug.

Sebastian laughs. He seems a little overwhelmed and surprised, but he replies with a thank you.

"Are you staying for dinner?" Aaron questions. Sebastian looks at me for confirmation.

"Don't look at me, it's your choice," I laugh.

"Sure," he says.

"What are we having?" Aaron asks.

"Take out," Grayson says.

"Pizza!" Roman yells.

"Ooo, okay!" I smile. "I love pizza."

"Correction, you love food," Jaxson clarifies.

"That's very true," I admit.

"Okay, hurry up and shower. I'm starving," Landon groans.

"Okay, you hurry up and clean!"

"Ugh!" Roman and Landon groan.

"I'll see you at dinner," I talk to Sebastian.

He leans down and whispers in my ear, "Too bad we can't save some water and shower together."

"You're nasty," I whisper back. He winks at me and I laugh as I feel my cheeks heat up.

"We are still here," Aaron reminds us.

"So?" I question.

"Yeah, I definitely did not miss this sassiness."

"Shut up, you know you missed me," I roll my eyes.

"Okay, we seriously need to get better at moving on with our conversations. I'm starving," Roman groans.

"Okay, okay! Let's go," Aaron says. Everyone leaves besides Roman and Landon who stay back to clean. I grab a change of clothes before I head into the washroom and take a shower.


"So all loose ends are tied in Singapore?" I question Aaron as we eat our pizza. Sebastian's next to me enjoying his pizza and Roman's on my other side eating his.

"Yeah, pretty much. They closed the case and determined it an accident. The other driver was drinking and driving and since no one came out alive from the accident, there wasn't much more they could do. Insurance stuff still needs to go through, so I'll go back for a couple of days when I need to, but all the business stuff is being taken care of by Hans since we promoted him to Vice President of the Singapore Board."

"I thought Hans was a bitch," Landon says.

"He is, but he gets shit done," Grayson explains.

"He knows the rules though if we get too many complaints then we'll have to promote someone else," Aaron adds.

"Hopefully we won't have to do that," Grayson says.

"Yeah, that's kind of hard," I comment.  The conversation continues as we eat.


Dinner ended about an hour ago and everyone went off to their rooms once Sebastian left. Since Landon and Roman cleaned my room, Grayson and Jaxon were stuck doing the dishes.

I'm currently sitting on my bed watching Netflix on my phone. I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in," I say as I sit up.

Aaron walks in. He looks around the room noticing the details.

"It's pretty, right? I worked with the interior designer and picked out everything myself," he says.

"You did?" I question. He bobs his head in response. "Well, you did great. I told you I liked the room."

"Okay good," he sighs in response. He takes a seat at the edge of the bed close to my feet. His back is hunched and he looks at his lap nervously.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I don't really know where to start, but I will just start off with how much I do really like Sebastian. He seems like a decent guy."

"Eh, he's whatever," I joke. He laughs.

"He better be more than whatever if he wants to stay in your life," Aaron warns.

"We'll see," I shrug. "But get to the point! I can just see you dying to tell me something."

"Kairo came by the office asking about everyone," Aaron shares.

My heart instantly drops.

"Oh," I gulp. "Did you tell anyone else?"

"No, I thought I'd talk to you about it first," he shares.

"Mmh. What did he say?"

"Just asked where you all went and I told him we decided to just move and restart after the death of our parents. I asked him if you had told him, but he said you guys hadn't talked for weeks. Said that he went to our home to check up on you when you didn't show up to school for a few days and found out that we had sold the house."

"Yeah, about that. Kairo and I were on a break two weeks before the day I was told we were going to move. I was so mad that I just didn't want to tell anyone I was leaving. What was goodbye even gonna do at that point? It was just going to cause more pain," I admit.

"That's true."

"Yeah, and I didn't think I owed him an answer. We were going back and forth on whether we wanted to be together or not so much, it kind of just felt like it was over for good now," I sigh.

"It just felt like he still had feelings for you, so I don't know what you wanna do, but I thought I'd let you know. Maybe tying up loose ends will be a good thing," Aaron predicts.

"I'm just not ready yet."

"There's no rush," he replies.

"Thanks," I smile faintly. "What are your plans for tomorrow?"

"Grayson wants to show me around the office and meet the new members here."

"Already? Aren't you gonna take a few days off?" I query.

"Nah, Grayson and I talked, it's best if I start work immediately. Otherwise, I seem to distract myself with other more unproductive things."

"I mean the girls here are pretty," I tease.

"I swear I saw Kim Kardashian while we were driving here and no weird shit, but she looks bomb for being a mom of four," Aaron compliments.

"You're into moms now? Bro, you really are getting old," I cringe to emphasize my words.

"No! Well... I mean, come on! You're twisting my words! Ugh, I swear talking to is a way to dig my own grave sometimes."

I laugh. After a few seconds, he joins in too and we talk a bit more before he takes his leave.

I fall asleep soon after.


Hey guys! Hope you're all safe and doing well. With everything going in the world, I hope this gave something to laugh and smile about.

I know her past is soo confusing and there's so much in it, but it'll all come together, I promise! Btw Kairo is... eh.

⚠️If you can, please check out this website and it shows you ways you can support the black lives matter movement without having to necessarily donate. There are a lot of other ways you can help even if it's just spreading awareness and or educating yourself through any means.⚠️


I have one more week of uni left for the summer semester so I won't be posting this week because I will be studying for the final. Expect regular updates in about two weeks because I'll be focusing on finishing this novel and doing a lot more creative work during the two months off that I have. I will still be working full time, so I'll see that I manage through that properly and don't disappoint any of you.

I have too many plans for July & August!

Also, what do you guys think about a Dystopian story? I've been rewatching The Hunger Games and it's really inspiring me to write a novel like that.

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