Shapes | Sope FF

By yourlocalyoongistan

224K 12.1K 6.1K

A world where you get a specific colour and shape on your wrist when you were born that links you to your sou... More

3. ❀
5. πŸ”ͺ
6. ❀
9. πŸ₯
11. 😏
12. ❀
15. πŸ₯
18. πŸ”ͺ
19. ❀
21. πŸ”ͺ
26. ❀
27. ❀
random sope rant
34. πŸ”ͺ
38. πŸ₯
39. ❀
41. 😏
This is illegal
45. ❀
46. πŸ”ͺ
i d e a
50. πŸ₯
52. πŸ₯
authors note and Q n A (open)
Yellow Square!
More to come? maybe?
shapes extras!


2.5K 161 22
By yourlocalyoongistan

Hoseok's POV:

Hoseok woke up in the middle of the night to a splitting headache. He sat up to find it was still dark outside.

Namjoon was still sleeping peacefully and Hoseok sighed. He got up and heard a ding from his...well Namjoon'

City Of Seoul:
A new addition to soulmate bindings has been added. When your soulmate is experiencing mental or emotional pain, your own head will hurt out of no where. Dont confuse this for actual headaches, this pain comes from the very top of your skull. Depending on how much pain your soulmate is in depends on how much you experience, just like how it works with physical pain. If there are any problems talk to your doctor. Thank you.

A headache from the top of your head- oh my god Yoongi-

Hoseok immedietly called Yoongi, thankfully he answered.


"What's wrong??"

"Nothing! I-im good."

"You're a terrible liar. Should I come over?"

"Please do..."

"Ok, baby I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Thank you."


Hoseok knocked on the door lightly and as soon as it opened he was attacked in a hug.

He returned it and held Yoongi up, as he felt the older's knees go weak.

"I-I-im s-sorry" he stuttered through his tears.

"Shh, its ok." He assured, picking up the older and kicking the door shut behind him.

He brought the two of them up to his bedroom. "What happened, Gi?" He asked, speaking quietly.

When they got to Yoongi's room, yoongi pulled away from him and showed him his laptop.

Where is his song?!? He was working on one with Soyeon-

"Its fucking gone!! Soyeon-ah is gonna kill me! I've worked on that for a month now, Seokie!" Yoongi yelled, breaking down again.

"No, no, Gi, itll be ok." He tried to soothe as best he could, but Yoongi yelling only made the headache getting worse feel worse.

"Seokie, are you ok?" He asked softly despite his tears.

"I'm fine. Just have a headache. But it doesnt matter I'll take some pain killers later. We need to figure out what happened. Did it just suddenly dissapear?"

"I was working on it and I think I accidently pressed delete instead of enter." He explained.

"I see. And you've tried recovering the file?"

Yoongi nodded. "Its not in my trashcan which is weird."

"If it's not in your trashcan you didnt delete it-"

"But I've looked in my files and its not there! What else could've happened?"

"You havent emptied the trash bin, have you?"


Hoseok hummed and turned the laptop to himself and opened the music maker app. He clicked around until he found what he was looking for.

"Baby, you didn't delete it. It's in your archived. You can recover anything you "deleted" from here. It's like trashcan but for this app specifically." He explained kindly.

Yoongi looked at the files in the archive and pointed to one, sighing in relief. He face palmed at how stupid he was.

"Thank you, Seokie. I'm sorry for being such a bother, I'm so dumb sometimes. Has your headache gotten any better."

"Its not problem, you're not you just didn't know. Its a lot better now. About that, you should check your messages." Hoseok said with a small smile.

Yoongi tilted his head a little but opened messages and saw the text from the city.

"Oh...Seokie I'm sorry." He mumbled, hugging him tightly.

"Its ok, Gi. Now that you feel better, my head feels fine." He assured, hugging the older back.

"Do you need to go back to Joon's?" He asked calmly.

"I should. I dont want your mom asking questions about why I came over at 1am." He said with a light laugh.

Yoongi nodded and smiled. "Right. Alright then. See you...later" he said with a small laugh.

"See you later, Gi." He said, smiling and kissing his head before walking out.

He took the long way back to Namjoon's. His mom would be wondering why he was out so late so he prepared for a round of questions when he opened the door.

As expected, Namjoon's mother was waiting in the living room. "Where were you?" She asked.

Hoseok smiled a little. She treats me like her own son.

"I was at Yoongi's. I called him and he asked me to help him with something." He answered.

"Well, as long as you're ok. Do you want some tea? I was up making it." She offered.

Hoseok smile

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