Passions Re-written

By PassionsFan2000

962 14 3

In the little town of Harmony, there lived a which named Tabitha who lived with Kay Bennet and caused mischiv... More

February 14th, 2002
August 29th, 2002
January 7th, 2003
July 2003
Julian Confronts Tabitha about the Baby
December 08th, 2003
December 11th, 2003
December 24th, 2003
Tabitha faints at Julian's Wedding
March 14th, 2004 (1)
March 14, 2004 (2)
June 08th, 2004
November 24th/27th, 2004
December 27th, 2004
December 23rd, 2005
December 13th, 2006
Tabitha Falls off the Dock
Tabitha in a Car Crash
Tabitha Falls Down the Stairs
Tabitha Fights to Save Julian
Tabitha Slips on Ice
Tabitha Saves the Townspeople of Harmony
Hecuba Tortured Tabitha
Tabitha Unconscious in the Mines
Tabitha Fights Charity
Tabitha Fights the Witches to Save Endora
Hank Helps Tabitha at the Docks
Tabitha Gets Caught in a Lightning Storm
The Cruise Ship Disaster
Tabitha Gets Kidnapped

Tabitha Gets Shot

32 1 0
By PassionsFan2000

On one fateful evening in the small town of Harmony, everyone's strength is tested when Mount Harmony, the town's longest inactive volcano, erupts into flames. The witches of the town, Tabitha and a temporarily older Endora tried to use magic to save the town, but can they do it with only Endora's magic?

Endora was casting spell after spell, but to their avail; nothing was working. "My powers are just not strong enough!" Endora whined while her mom started pacing through the living room. *Bing* A light bulb went off in Tabitha's head. "There is something we could use..." She scrunched up her nose and made a gagging face. "What is it?" Endora asked. Tabitha looked her sweet daughter in the eyes and told her "The love of my darling daughter!." She jumped for glee, and pulled her mom into a hug, "I have an idea too!" She pulled apart from her mom and left her staring into space.

With a flick of her wrist, Julian and Eve appeared in the living room, right in front of them but facing towards each other. "Where are we?" Eve asked, all confused. Julian noticed that they were in Tabitha's living room when suddenly somebody tapped his shoulder. He spun around to find a teenage Endora but didn't recognize her. "Young lady have we met?" He asked. She just smiled and said, "It's me daddy! Endora!" He was amazed and sweetly said "My how you've grown!" Tabitha chuckled and quietly said, "That's the understatement of the year!" As if sensing that he was confused Endora added: "My powers are a little unstable at the moment...I changed into my teenage self and can't figure out how to change back." Julian was quick to ask "Tabitha, is that normal for your kind?" She just stayed quiet while moving to stand next to her daughter. Endora sweetly said "I like it when you and daddy are together!" Julian smiled, never realizing how much he actually loved Tabitha until he looked into her eyes and saw as much love as when Timmy was alive. Eventually he asked "What are we doing here?" as Tabitha snuck behind him, and glanced into the bowl only to gasp a little too loudly that Julian heard her. "Tabitha? What is it?" He asked worriedly as he saw she had lost all color in her face. All she did was cover her mouth at the horror she was seeing. Normally she would have reveled in the mayhem and chaos, but now her daughter was in danger. Julian gently wrapped an arm around her shoulders and looked to see what had her so terrified. "What the HELL is that?" Julian yelled out pointing at the volcano that's erupting in the bowl. "Exactly!" Tabitha said with a snotty tone. She started to pace again, but suddenly felt dizzy and fell into the closest chair.

"Mommy!" Endora cried out. Eve ran over to check and make sure that she was alright. Tabitha placed one hand over her eyes, while Eve took her other hand to check her pulse. "Tabitha, your heart rate is a bit fast. You need to try and take it easy!" Tabitha waved it off again. "Daddy! Mount harmony is erupting, and the lavas coming straight towards us!" Endora explained, snuggling into the crease of Julian's arms. Tabitha pulled her way up; telling Julian that they needed to join hands and channel all their love for Endora. He quickly complied. They all stood hand in hand. Endora cast her spell, but Tabitha could quickly sense that it wasn't working.

Endora released the spell, and said "I failed! That's not right...I don't fail ever!" Tabitha pulled her into a hug, while Julian said "uh oh! Another type A personality!" Tabitha smirked at him and responded "That definitely comes from your side of the family Julian!" Tabitha continued to comfort her daughter and began to ponder what to do next. She could feel her pulse rising higher and higher. Another lightbulb went off. "What was I thinking?" She yelled out. They all looked at her like she was crazy. "We need one more person that can help!" She told everyone. She found herself feeling dizzy again and swayed on her feet. Julian caught her and hoped she was really okay. Endora was wondering who the vital person was. "We don't just need the love of Endora...we just need the love of a child!" Tabitha said walking over to Eve and pulling her into the circle. Tabitha responded "Eve, think of the love you have for your children! Julian, you think of the love you share for Endora!" They all agreed, and Endora quickly cast the spell yet again. They kept hold of each other and didn't hear anybody come in.

Charity quietly snuck into the living room, to find Tabitha and them trying to save the town. She pulled something out of her pocket, and whispered to herself "I am not going to let you save this town if I can't have the love of my life...Tabitha!" She showed off the gun and steadily aimed it for her target. *BAM* Sam, Luis, Grace, Pilar, Kay, and Miguel sprinted into the living room, after hearing the gunshot. They had run in from the back door. "Charity? What did you do?" grace anxiously asked, as Sam and Luis ran to disarm and restrain her. "They are trying to save the town, but if I can't have Miguel then nobody deserves to live!" Sam was fast to ask "Is anyone hurt?"

Tabitha could feel that she might have been hit, but she couldn't let go and end the spell without knowing if it worked. She attempted to lean over to check but gasped at the sudden pain that flew through her body from head to toe. "Tabitha! Are you alright?" Julian asked. "...I'm fine!.." She said sternly. Julian lowered his eyes and saw the blood beginning to seep from her side, through her white dress, everyone noticed it too. Julian called out "Eve, see if it worked!" She nodded and looked into the bowl. It had stopped, and she gleefully responded "YES! Yes, it's done!" Tabitha smiled, but everyone could tell that she was in excruciating pain. Julian quickly eased Endora's hand into Eve's and ran behind Tabitha so he could catch her when they let go. Once they did, she fell right back into his arms in pain. Julian lowered her down to the ground with her upper body lying in his embrace. Eve and Endora ran to grab her spare hospital bag from the Bennetts home.

Sam and Grace started arguing about how charity would never shoot someone. "Grace, we have witnesses that say she shot Tabitha. For God's sake she's even admitted it!" Sam yelled, and Grace yelled back "NO, I don't believe it was her; There are dark forces around us! They could have influenced her!" Sam kept fighting back, while Tabitha tried to pull herself up, and walk toward them; just to talk. Julian made sure she didn't move. She waited to talk until he pressed something tightly against her side, causing her to wince and squeeze his shoulder. "...Grace...everyone saw it...but I am sure she didn't mean it..." Tabitha weakly called out from where she laid. Charity quickly chimed in and said " I did mean it! I didn't want her to save the town because I can't have Miguel." Eve ran over and told both Sam and Grace that all this yelling isn't good for Tabitha's condition. "Tabitha lets move you up to the couch!" Julian lifted her into his arms and carried her over to the couch.

Endora decided to run up to Charity, and slap her. Causing Sam to pull her back, and Tabitha to shoot up in pain; "Endora we do not hit people!..Ohh!" She yelled out to Endora. Sam tried to radio an ambulance, but none of them could get to the house in time; before she would bleed to death. "We can use my car to bring her to the hospital!" he offered, still holding Endora back. "...No Sam...I don't want to be a burden...I'm's not that far..." She says with pain in her voice. "Tabitha! I don't think that's a very wise choice. You need to stay completely still." Eve tried to tell her, but Tabitha was already wrapping her arms around Julian. All he did was lift her body into his arms as gently as possible. "Here Tabitha! I will bring Grace, Charity, and Luis to the police Department, then I will drive along the road and if I see you; I will pick you up and drive you the rest of the way."

They began walking to the hospital. They continued for a bit with Endora hoping her mom would be okay, and Eve hoping Sam would show up soon. A car came rolling along when Sam found them. Julian sat in the back with Endora next to him; Tabitha across his lap with her head against his shoulder and held her close. She passed out from the blood loss. Julian freaked out, and Eve told Sam to drive faster.

When they got to the hospital, Eve demanded a gurney and an OR room immediately. A nurse ran over with a gurney. Julian gently laid Tabitha down, while Eve ran to put on her lab coat. While on the operating table, something went wrong and Tabitha found herself in a bright white tunnel. She saw someone and asked "Timmy? Is that you?" He ran toward her even more saying, "Princess! turn around and go back to Endora...and Julian..." Tabitha was shocked that he knew about Julian but told him that she wants to stay with him. "Tabby, look into the bowl!"

She sees what her future would be if she doesn't turn back. "That's what happens if I don't go back to my family? but I don't think I can lose you again." He tells her that this future changes if she goes back. "Tim Tim, I am going to miss you so much!" She pulled him into the last hug that she didn't get the chance to give him before he died. The last thing he said was "Princess, I will be watching over you for the rest of the time! Remember that Endora has a little piece of me inside her too." He vanished, leaving Tabitha standing there all alone. Should she go back to her family? or should she stay with Timmy? Memories flashed in and out of her family, which led her to take two steps back. Before she could try to walk towards Timmy, she was out cold.

The scene went back to Eve, who sighed when she heard the steady heartbeat coming from Tabitha. "Alright let's close her up quickly! Before she codes again." Eve said, turning her back to retrieve the materials. A nurse yelled out for her to turn around. When she did; she saw the nurse had tried to stop some bleeding, but there was something else that was showing. Eve couldn't see it clearly, so she took one step forward and saw that it was a baby's arm. She quickly tried to pull the baby out, but it was stuck. "I need a scalpel NOW!" She yelled out to the nurses that were in the room. When they got the baby out, they found that it was a baby girl. "Get her up to the nursery immediately," Eve shouted as she started to close up Tabitha when she started coding again. Three nurses and Eve rushed to get her closed up, and once done Tabitha began to stabilize. Everyone clapped for Eve, who has just saved someone's life twice.

They wheeled Tabitha out of the OR and into the post-op room, in the maternity ward. Eve then waited patiently to tell her family the good news, and that hopefully she will be awake soon and will be healthy. If not, she doesn't know what Julian would do, with a baby, a little girl, and his two older sons.

The scene changed to Eve coming into the lobby. Julian and Sam shot up out of their chairs. Pilar stood up holding Endora who was her normal age of 4 again. "Eve, please tell me she is alright!" Julian pleaded. Eve started "Tabitha is stable, still unconscious. After she coded for the first time, we found a baby girl. The baby is in the nursery, and Tabitha is in the maternity ward post-op rooms. You all can go see the baby, but I only want one person in Tabitha's room at a time, until she wakes up and I have checked up on her." They all nodded in agreement. Sam took Pilar to show Endora her new little sister; Julian went to see Tabitha.

He walked into her room and saw she looked miserable. Her skin as white as snow, her lips as pink as a frozen rose, and her hair as blonde as the sun shining in. Wires were attached to every visible place, and she looked as beautiful as the day he met her 26 years ago. She was still asleep, so Julian thought that this would be the only chance to do something bold. He took out a velvet box and placed a ring on her finger, and waited till she would wake up and give him the answer that could change all of their lives forever.

The next day

For hours and hours, he just sat in the chair next to her bed, watching her sleep; never taking his eyes off her. He hadn't eaten in hours and hadn't slept in two days. Sam and Pilar walked into the room and prayed that Tabitha would be awake soon, so Julian can go back to normal. They both were worried about him. Pilar would try and bring him food, but he would take one bite and then just finish the drink. Sam ended up bringing him a blanket and pillow so that he could sleep in the room. Eve would come in every hour to check and see if there were any changes.

Around 11 o'clock at night, the machines blared, waking Julian from a dream. He shot up to find Tabitha waking up. Eve and one other nurse rushed in and tried to get Tabitha stable and to start another IV line. Tabitha took a big deep breath, finally able to wake up. The nurse managed to start an IV line to pump her full of fluids that she needed. Her eyes finally opened "How you feelin' Tabitha?" Eve asked. She tiredly said "Sore!" Eve told her that they will get something to help and added: "I think there's someone here, who hasn't left your side would like to talk to you." She motioned to Julian.

Tabitha's head lolled around to see Julian sitting there. She smiled. " never left?.." He chuckled a little bit and smiled. "I haven't left your side since we brought you here." He took her hand and kissed it. She started to blush. As they looked into each other's eyes, she remembered that she had somebody else. "...Julian..." She tried to sit up but was caught with pain. They both pulled her back down yelling out "Tabitha! Take it easy!" She agreed and laid back onto the pillow. "...where's Endora?..." He smiled and began to tell her the "magnificent" story. "Well, Tabitha when you were in surgery, they found a baby girl. She was put into the nursery. Endora is sleeping in Eve's office on the couch with Pilar."

Tabitha sighed, and Eve checked her chart. "Well, Tabitha there appears to be no internal damage. I just need to check your stitches and I will be out of your hair for a bit." Tabitha started lifting her gown, as Julian pulled the blanket up. Eve saw that it was a little blood-stained. She quickly removed the bandage to see that a part of her stitches had popped open. "Tabitha, when you tried to sit up, you popped some of your stitches open." Eve hit a button, and a nurse rushed into the room. They closed up the wound. Eve sighed, and the nurses walked out of the room. "Alright. I fixed it, now take it easy and try not to pop them again." Eve smiled and walked out of the room; leaving Julian and Tabitha to talk.

"Tabitha, there are two other people who want to talk to you. Let me text them to come see you now that you're awake." She agreed. Later Ivy and Sam walked in. "Tabitha, how are you feeling?" Sam asked as he sat on the bed. She told him that she was feeling sore, and added: "...Thank you for helping me to the hospital Sam..." He smiled and Ivy jumped in adding "Your baby girl is adorable, and Endora looks so much like her dad." Tabitha smiled and let out a yawn, which triggered Julian's sensor. "Hey, I think you should try and get some sleep. The kids will need you tomorrow." Julian said. Ivy and Sam left the room. Tabitha yawned again and closed her eyes. She fell into a very peaceful slumber.

Two days after the incident

It has been two days since the shooting, and Tabitha was finally able to sleep peacefully for a night. Julian gave her the ring the night when they got to the hospital. She still hadn't noticed, but he is hoping for an answer today. Tabitha's eyes fluttered open to find that Julian staring right at her. "Good morning!" He said and took her hand in his. Her eyes caught something sparkly coming from her hand. When she pulled her hand up, she was surprised to see an exquisite diamond ring laying on her ring finger. "Julian, what's this?" She asked shockingly.

He knelt down on one knee and was just about to ask the question when everyone walked in. Tabitha and Julian didn't notice that they were there, so they stood there quietly. "Tabitha, Would you make me the happiest man and marry me? I have loved you for over 26 years. I want to be with you until the day I take my last breath. This ring has a small diamond for every year I have loved you, and a big diamond for every child we share, excluding the newest addition but I'll fix it later." Tears started falling down her cheek faster than Niagara Falls. "Yes, Julian! I love it! and I love you!" They shared a sweet kiss, and everyone clapped, which brought their kiss to an abrupt end.

"Oh, I didn't even hear you guys come in..." Tabitha said, painfully pulling herself up. Sam was the first one to say "I am so happy for you two, and we have a surprise for you at home." Tabitha smiled and he said, "yes, that does mean that you are free to go home with your children." Eve came in and helped Tabitha get dressed and get the kids ready. Julian came strolling in with a stroller with a car seat and a regular seat attached. "Oh, Julian! You didn't have too. I could have bought everything." He scoffed it off and placed his daughter Endora into the seat, and strapped the baby, Maria Lenox-Crane, into the car seat. They were all happy to go home, that they spent the whole ride home smiling.

"Wait, Julian. I have nothing else for the baby at home. What are we going to do?" She asked Julian. He smirked, "You'll see my darling." Tabitha shrugged it off but continued to think about what she was going to do about money, and how she was going to pay for everything times two for the two children. She was brought out of her thoughts when they pulled up to her house, and she felt her soul reenter her body again, and she was able to feel completely relaxed.

Julian lifted the kids out of the car, and into the stroller. Both kids were smiling and sleeping, Julian thought it was so cute that he had to snap a picture. Tabitha just laughed and said, "well...they are your daughters because they smile when they don't have to do any hard work." Julian just gasped like he was shocked. They were sharing such a sweet moment with their children when Ethan and Fox came out and pulled them both into the house while Gwen grabbed the babies.

Once inside they found everyone was in the living room, and she saw new baby stuff, and real food. "Surprise!!!" Everyone yelled out. "Oh, you guys!...You didn't need to do this." Ivy walked forward and took her hand "We all wanted to thank you for saving the town and say sorry that Charity shot you. We wanted to let you know that we live right next door and are all willing to help out around the house. Also, your children will be here all the time." Tabitha told her "Thanks, Ivy." Then Sam came up, hugged her, and began to give her a tour of the "new" house. "There is a bassinet in the living room, kitchen, and bedroom. So that you wouldn't have to worry about moving them all the time. We filled a cabinet of baby formula and the fridge with some milk, and on the living room table, we have a diaper bag and a year's supply of diapers, bottles, blankets, pacifiers, and some toys. Then upstairs we renovated Endora's room and stocked the closet with clothes ranging from newborn to 4 years old. That way the baby and Endora can share a room." Tabitha was basically in tears, but still managed to say "Thank you."

Julian came up behind her and pulled her into a hug, and whispered into her ear "we have the perfect family. And amazing friends. Now you know how important you are to this town and there is no need to leave." Tabitha sighed and was able to tell the town that she was a witch and nobody thought she was a terrible person. They actually told her that she was the person to bring everyone to their true love. Tabitha has never been as happy as she is today with the love of her life Julian Crane; and her children Ethan, Fox, Endora, and Maria. She was with her great friends, and in the town that she loved so much. Nothing could ruin this day, or so you think.

The End

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