Passions Re-written

By PassionsFan2000

962 14 3

In the little town of Harmony, there lived a which named Tabitha who lived with Kay Bennet and caused mischiv... More

February 14th, 2002
August 29th, 2002
January 7th, 2003
July 2003
Julian Confronts Tabitha about the Baby
December 08th, 2003
December 11th, 2003
December 24th, 2003
Tabitha faints at Julian's Wedding
March 14th, 2004 (1)
March 14, 2004 (2)
June 08th, 2004
December 27th, 2004
December 23rd, 2005
December 13th, 2006
Tabitha Gets Shot
Tabitha Falls off the Dock
Tabitha in a Car Crash
Tabitha Falls Down the Stairs
Tabitha Fights to Save Julian
Tabitha Slips on Ice
Tabitha Saves the Townspeople of Harmony
Hecuba Tortured Tabitha
Tabitha Unconscious in the Mines
Tabitha Fights Charity
Tabitha Fights the Witches to Save Endora
Hank Helps Tabitha at the Docks
Tabitha Gets Caught in a Lightning Storm
The Cruise Ship Disaster
Tabitha Gets Kidnapped

November 24th/27th, 2004

30 0 0
By PassionsFan2000

Tabitha couldn't believe what she was seeing and felt faint again. Endora just watched as her mom fainted for the second time today. What was different this time, was that Tabitha ended up hitting her head on the edge of the counter. Before Endora could whip up another water bucket, Fancy came in to find Tabitha passed out on the ground and Endora sitting at the table. Fancy was frozen in her place and couldn't move. That's when Louis opened the door and saw her standing there. "Fancy! I've been looking all over for you..." He started but stopped when he saw the scene before him. His cop instincts kicked in and he rushed to Tabitha's side. He started checking her over and was quick to find a kitchen towel to try and stop the bleeding from her head wound. "Fancy, I need you to call 911...Tell them we need an ambulance and fast." He called out, but Fancy was still frozen in fear. "FANCY!" He yelled and watched as she jumped and finally snapped back to reality. "Come on Tabitha! I need you to open your eyes!" Luis tried and tried to wake her, but knew that she probably had a concussion or worse.

Fancy pulled out her cell phone and did what Luis told her to. When she hung up the phone she ran around the island counter to comfort Endora. "You know Luis, Endora looks just like me when I was her age." She said while Lifting Endora into her arms and moving to kneel next to Tabitha. Luis smiled and told her "Well you were a cute kid!..." He paused and reached out to Endora continuing "...Don't worry Endora, we're gonna make sure your mom is alright...I promise?" Endora nodded her head and knew she couldn't do anything to help her mom because then they would get suspicious. The paramedics arrived a bit later and were quick to load Tabitha up and start towards the hospital. Fancy continued to hold Endora in the ambulance, while Luis drove behind them.

When they arrived at the hospital, Eve motioned for the paramedics to roll Tabitha into an open cubicle. She started checking her vitals and listened to the medics update her on the situation. It didn't take long for her to stitch up the wound and get Tabitha stabilized. When she went out to inform someone, she was expecting to see Julian but instead found Fancy and Louis with Endora. "Hey, I just wanted to let you know that Tabitha is stable. We're running some tests but she should be waking up soon." Fancy responded "Oh thank God! I was so worried! You hear that Endora...Your Mommy is gonna be just fine!" Luis thanked Eve, and told them that he was gonna head back to the party for a bit. Fancy then asked "Can I sit with Tabitha, so that Endora can be with her?" Eve smiled and led the way. Fancy was sitting in the room just watching Endora, and couldn't shake the feeling that she looked so much like when she was that age. Figuring that it was worth a shot, she pulled out her phone and dialed her father's number.

When he answered she instantly started "Hey dad, I know this is going to sound weird but I'm at the hospital with Tabitha and Endora...And dad I swear that Endora looks just like my baby pictures..." Julian cut her off and asked "What's going on? Why are you at the hospital?" Fancy was confused with the abundance of worry her dad's voice was projecting through the phone, but told him "Luis and I found Tabitha passed out in her kitchen. She hit her head on something and there was a pretty nasty cut. Eve got her stabilized and said she should be conscious soon." She heard him let out a long breath before saying "I'm on my way! You have Endora right? And she's okay?" Fancy just retorted with "Yeah, she's a doll!" Julian was quick to hang up the phone and run out of the mansion. Fancy just went back to sweet talking with Endora.

About 15 minutes later, Julian ran through the curtains and found Fancy playing with Endora and Tabitha still unconscious in the hospital bed. "Hey Fancy...How are they doing?" He asked moving to sit on the edge of the bed facing his family. "Well Tabitha is stable, but I can tell Endora is a little bit worried about her mom." As soon as Endora saw Julian, she called out "dada" and started reaching out towards Julian. Fancy was even more confused, but let him grab Endora. She wrapped her arms tightly around Julian's neck and he started to soothe her. Fancy asked "May I ask how you are so good with her? And why did she call you 'dada'?" Julian was apprehensive about telling her the truth and asked "If I tell you the truth, you can not repeat it to another soul...Promise?" Fancy didn't know who she was going to tell and quickly agreed. Julian started "Well...You and Pretty aren't actually twins..." he paused when he saw her shocked look "...Pretty is Ivy and I's daughter...You are actually Tabitha and I's daughter!" She just gasped and called out "What?" He continued his story "...I've loved Tabitha for so long, but I was forced to marry Ivy because of your grandpa Alistar. We got together in secret a couple of times, and one time she told me she was expecting. It was the same time that Ivy was pregnant. I talked to Ivy and she agreed to raise the baby as her own...Tabitha had you the night after Ivy had pretty..." He adjusted Endora so that she was facing everyone and again added "...So actually Endora is your full sister!" Fancy just squealed and gleefully said "I'm so sorry you had to keep this a secret, but now that I know I promise I will spend a lot more time with 'mom' and my cutest little sister." Julian felt so much relief that she was taking all of this so well.

Suddenly they all heard "...I'm so happy you told her...". The two of them were so happy to see Tabitha awake. Julian asked "how much of that did you hear darling?" Tabitha cracked a grin and said "...everything..." Fancy leaned in to kiss her mom on the forehead and told her "I'm so happy you're my mom!" Tabitha smiled and captured her hand in one of hers. It was Julian's turn to lean in and plant a sweet kiss on her lips. Endora giggled and they instantly broke apart. Tabitha swept Endora into her arms and they all watched as the little girl clung so tightly to her mom. Fancy said "I knew I was on the right track when I saw her...She looks identical to my baby pictures from that age." Tabitha sweetly said: "Yes she does..." She paused turning her attention to Julian saying "...I guess we make very beautiful children Julian!" He laughed and happily added "I think we make the most beautiful children in the world, but they are still only half as beautiful as you."

Fancy just gushed over how romantic her parents were when they were together. They leaned in for another kiss, when suddenly Endora flung herself out of the way and into Fancy's arms. Tabitha and Julian just watched as Endora happily said "Sissy!" and Fancy just laughed and replied "That's right! I am your sissy, and I'm gonna spoil you rotten!" It was Julian's turn to say: "I already spoil her rotten!" Tabitha laughed but that just sent some pain raging through her skull. "...She has the best family ever..." Julian silently paged Eve, and waited for her to give her something for the headache.

The family spent the next couple of days in the hospital, while Tabitha got her strength back. Fancy continued to play with her newest sister, and Julian got to cuddle up with Tabitha for the first time in a long time. These days they are the perfect family.

The End

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