Passions Re-written

By PassionsFan2000

962 14 3

In the little town of Harmony, there lived a which named Tabitha who lived with Kay Bennet and caused mischiv... More

February 14th, 2002
August 29th, 2002
January 7th, 2003
July 2003
Julian Confronts Tabitha about the Baby
December 08th, 2003
December 11th, 2003
December 24th, 2003
March 14th, 2004 (1)
March 14, 2004 (2)
June 08th, 2004
November 24th/27th, 2004
December 27th, 2004
December 23rd, 2005
December 13th, 2006
Tabitha Gets Shot
Tabitha Falls off the Dock
Tabitha in a Car Crash
Tabitha Falls Down the Stairs
Tabitha Fights to Save Julian
Tabitha Slips on Ice
Tabitha Saves the Townspeople of Harmony
Hecuba Tortured Tabitha
Tabitha Unconscious in the Mines
Tabitha Fights Charity
Tabitha Fights the Witches to Save Endora
Hank Helps Tabitha at the Docks
Tabitha Gets Caught in a Lightning Storm
The Cruise Ship Disaster
Tabitha Gets Kidnapped

Tabitha faints at Julian's Wedding

40 0 0
By PassionsFan2000

The night had come for Julian and Rebecca to tie the knot. Everyone was invited but one person was determined not to go. Kay and Miguel argued back and forth with Tabitha. "No, I'm not going to go to this circus wedding. I don't want to step one foot into the crane mansion. Plus, I can't leave Endora alone. I mean she's just three weeks old!" She tried and tried, but inevitably lost the fight with Kay as she told Tabitha "I know you just had Endora, but you are going! And you're going to bring Endora as your plus one." Before she knew it Kay was holding Endora, and she was in her room finding something nice to wear to the dumb wedding.

When she was about to head downstairs, she suddenly started feeling dizzy. Kay was coming up the stairs when she saw her sway ever so slightly. "Tabitha! Are you feeling alright?" Kay asked. Tabitha nodded and continued walking to the stairs. Kay stopped her and said: "You're not fine! Let me check something." Tabitha unwillingly stopped and leaned against the wall. Kay reached out to feel Tabitha's forehead. "Tabitha you're burning up! Maybe you should stay home." Kay told her; quickly recoiling her hand. She took two steps and said "No, I'm a witch I don't get sick. And thanks to you, I'm already dressed to go to this dumb wedding." Kay helped her down the stairs. "You two ready to get going?" Kay smiled and Miguel handed Endora to Tabitha and off they went.

When they arrived at the mansion Tabitha stopped at the main gate. She had a hard time stepping onto the actual property. She hated the Cranes with a passion. They were the family that burned her at the stake all those centuries ago. She walked through the burgundy french double doors. Rebecca was there to greet them, and all Julian did was say hello before letting her walk into the room.

While waiting for the wedding to start Tabitha stood rocking Endora who had just fallen asleep. Julian walked up to her and asked: "How are you and our daughter doing?" Tabitha started to retaliate "Shh! I don't want anyone to..." but she looked into his eyes and saw a sparkle from just the mention of their child. "'Can I hold her?" He asked. She shook her head, and he quickly retaliated with "Why not?" Tabitha responded with "she's asleep." He understood but still wanted to see her. Begrudgingly she turned and pulled back the blanket slightly to show little Endora sleeping soundly. "My God, she is beautiful!" Julian said, admiring his daughter. Tabitha smiled and responded "Isn't she though? I guess I should really thank you, our one night of passion has given me the greatest thing in my life!..Besides you know..." Julian smiled when all of a sudden Rebecca beckoned for Julian to come take more pictures.

Tabitha was left alone until the ceremony started. She sat on the end of a row, with Kay next to her and Miguel on the other side. The judge was walking down the aisle when she started to not feel well again. "Tabitha, are you sure you're alright?" Kay asked worriedly, but she responded "I'm fine, but could you please hold Endora." Her baby was fast asleep, but she wasn't feeling all that great and didn't want to drop her precious daughter. Julian and Rebecca were coming down the aisle when Tabitha's world suddenly went dark. The last thing she remembered was a pain in her stomach. Julian saw Tabitha going down, and lunged to catch her. He missed and she hit the ground hard. "Tabitha! Tabitha!" He called out, trying to wake her. He lifted her upper body onto his lap and continued to plead with her to open her eyes.

Sam and T.C ran over, and offered to help. Sam suggested "Julian, lets get her somewhere less crowded!" Julian was quick to nod and say: "We can use the study! Kay, would you be willing to watch Endora, please?" She nodded. T.C helped get Tabitha into Julian's arms before they took the few steps into the study. Once in the study, they laid her on the couch, and Sam searched for a pulse. He had a hard time finding one, and everyone was starting to get worried. "I got it!" Sam said, and everyone sighed. She stirred slightly, and Julian was quick to take her hand. "Tabitha! Can you hear me?" her eyes slowly opened, and she weakly spoke "...Julian...I don't feel so good..." He rubbed her arm and held her hand tightly. "You don't look too good, but you're going to be fine...I promise!" he said while helping her sit up so Sam could prop her up a bit. "...I'm sure...I'm fine...Oww!" She said with a tired voice when suddenly she felt another pain in her stomach. Sam and Julian could tell she was in so much pain but didn't know how to help. "What are you feeling?" She tried to sit up again but was stopped by Julian and pain. "...I was dizzy before we left...Kay felt to see if I had a temperature...Now my stomach hurts...Ouch!" Her free hand gripped her stomach. Sam felt her forehead and quickly moved his hand away. "She was right you're burning up!" Julian checked and also quickly removed his hand. "My God! How can you say you feel fine with a temperature that bad!" She shook it off while trying to breathe through the pain.

Eve rushed into the room with T.C. "How is she?" All he did was pull her closer. She saw sweat pouring down her face, her nose scrunched up in pain, and her skin as white as snow. Eve pulled out a thermometer, and had Tabitha hold it in her mouth. She then moved down to check her pulse; which was all too high; And then moved to check her stomach "Tabitha how long ago did you give birth to Endora?" She just held up three and she continued to ask whether it was three weeks, or months. "...Three weeks ago..." Julian told her while reminiscing on that wonderful night that his daughter was born. "Have you been experiencing anything odd? Like discomfort? Or abdominal pains less than now?" Eve asked, and she slowly shook her head. "Alright..." She paused when she felt the start of the next pain and knew partially what was going on. "Tabitha, I think you're in labor!" Eve said. Tabitha just shot up crying out "...WHAT!..Owww!" Julian gently helped her lean back against the pillows before saying: "We need to get her to the hospital!" Eve just shook her head and told them "There's not enough time...This baby's gonna be here way before any ambulance could get here." Tabitha was so confused and in pain, while Julian just continued to hold her hand and stroke her hair. He tried to figure out a way to comfort her. "Sam I need you to go tell Ethan or Fox to grab some towels, warm water, and sheets now!" Eve told him. He agreed and ran to the door.

Outside, everyone watched as Sam came out of the room and closed the door. Kay had moved to stand by the study with Endora just in case anything were to happen. "Ethan, I have a list of things I need you to get me ASAP! Can you do that?" Sam asked Ethan and Gwen; they agreed so he told them the list. Kay was quick to ask her dad "What's going on?" He leaned in and whispered "Tabitha's in labor! Try to stay calm and don't tell anyone!" Kay understood and just continued to rock Endora to sleep. A couple of minutes later, Ethan and Gwen came back with the stuff and handed it to Sam. Everyone watched as he went right back into the study and closed the door once again to block them out.

Back inside, Tabitha seemed to be conserving as much strength as she could for what was about to come. When Sam knelt down next to Eve with all the stuff, she thanked him before quickly starting to get ready. "Julian can you pick Tabitha up for just a second?" He agreed and gently wrapped one arm under her shoulder and the other under her knees. Once he was standing, she quietly said: "...Thanks..." He placed a kiss on her forehead before leaning down to whisper "I know we don't understand how this happened, but we are going to love this baby just as much as we love Endora and you know!" Tabitha smiled at his remark, but then suddenly one of her arms let go of Julian's neck and went to squeeze her stomach from the pain of the contraction. He sweetly told her "Breathe Tabitha Breathe!" It finally passed when Eve motioned for him to lay her down again.

When she was all settled, Julian and Eve worked at getting her into position while Sam ran to the en suite bathroom to get a cool cloth for Tabitha. They had just finished when he gave the cloth to Julian. He was quick to wipe the little bit of sweat from her face to try and cool her down. Eve then placed her hand on Tabitha's stomach to try and time how long the contractions are and how far apart they were. She found they were about a minute apart, so she told them"I'm gonna check to see how far dilated you are!" Julian felt Tabitha squeeze his hand and moan, before Eve announced "You're 9 centimeters dilated! This baby is coming fast!" Tabitha asked: "...How is this even possible?...Ouchhh!!" Eve just shrugged and calmly tried to explain the situation "I think you may have been pregnant with twins the whole time, but this one was in a different amniotic sac so it decided to come later." Julian understood that this meant that each time they came together that wonderful night, they created a child together.

About 10 minutes later, Eve checked again and found that Tabitha was fully dilated. "Tabitha with the next contraction I need you to push as hard as you can! Okay?" She nodded and Julian got ready to help in any way he could. She felt the next contraction starting up, so Eve called out "Push Tabitha! Push!" Julian lifted Tabitha up just a bit and felt her squeezing his hand as she bore down. After a few moments he let her lay back against the pillows. This went on for about twenty minutes before Eve found that the baby was breech. "Tabitha I need you to only push lightly for a bit!" Both Julian and Tabitha both got concerned, so Tabitha tiredly asked "...Why?.." Eve calmly told them "The baby is breech..." They gasped but Eve continued "...The baby will be fine as long as you do exactly as I say! Alright?" They nodded and another contraction hit. Julian could tell Tabitha was getting weaker and weaker when Eve said: "Alright, the legs and arms are out! Just a bit longer and you'll have another baby!" Julian smiled, but Tabitha was fighting to deliver this baby. Five minutes passed when the shoulders were out, so Eve quickly said: "Just one more push Tabitha! Come on!" Tabitha mustered up the last of her strength and pushed as hard as she could. The cry that erupted through the room let Tabitha let out a long breath and lay back down.

Eve happily held up the baby and announced "It's a girl!" Julian squeezed Tabitha's hand and leaned in to press a loving kiss on her lips. He felt her respond to his kiss but knew she was extremely exhausted. Once Eve cleaned and wrapped the baby up nice and tight, she carefully laid the baby down in Tabitha's left arm. Tabitha weakly moved her arm to hold her newest daughter. She still couldn't believe that she, of all people, could have two babies. Julian sweetly stroked the baby's cheeks and said: "My God, she looks so beautiful!" Eve had moved back to check on Tabitha and found that she was bleeding slightly more than normal. Without causing alarm she took a towel and gently pressed it against Tabitha, turned to Sam, and told him "I think it's safe to call for an ambulance now!" Julian heard that they were going to get his love to a hospital and was thankful but couldn't take his eyes off of his love or their newest child. Sam was quick to whisper "Is she okay?" Without wanting to say it, she removed the towel for a second. All he saw was blood and knew Tabitha was on the verge of hemorrhaging. He used his cell phone to call for an ambulance and received notice that they would arrive in about two minutes.

Julian watched as Tabitha looked terrible and knew Eve was hiding something from them. He asked "Eve, I know you aren't telling me everything...What's going on?" At that moment she knew she couldn't lie to him, so very calmly she told him "She's losing a lot of blood and may be on the verge of hemorrhaging." Julian was shocked and turned his attention back to Tabitha and found that she was tiredly talking to their child. "Stay with me Tabitha! Okay? You have to stay awake..." He paused as she nodded before continuing "...What should we name our little baby?" She just weakly turned her head towards Julian, squeezed his hand, and said "...You can choose..." He was so excited and nervous at the same time. He leaned in closer to his family and said "I think her name should be Maria...How does that sound?" Tabitha smiled and tiredly responded "...That's perfect...I love..." She cut off before finishing. Julian became panicked when her eyes struggled to stay open. "Tabitha! Tabitha! Come on...You've got to fight for me and our kids!" Eve just continued to listen in and press harder against the bleeding. Sam was the one who asked "I don't mean to be rude, but kids implies that you share more than two..."

Julian looked to Tabitha for permission, to tell the truth, but found that she was barely conscious; He just felt her lightly squeeze her hand. "Tabitha and I actually share 4 children together!..." As he was talking they didn't realize that Fox and Ethan had both walked in with Endora. "...Tabitha and I are Ethan, Fox, Endora, and Maria's parents." Suddenly they heard Endora make a noise. Everyone turned to find them standing there. Tabitha tiredly said "...My babies..." but that was all she could muster. Julian took over in motioning them to come closer. When they all knelt down next to Tabitha and Julian. He said: "I know you have a lot of questions and we will answer all of them, but not until your mother is better. Okay?" They all nodded so he added "Say hello to your newest little sisters, Endora and Maria!" Ethan had been so shocked that he held his baby sister in his arms. Together as a family they stayed close until the paramedics finally were ushered into the room and straight to the patient. Eve said "She's hemorrhaging! We need to go NOW!" The paramedics quickly moved Tabitha from the couch to the stretcher. Julian never let go of her hand, and Fox was quick to take Endora from Ethan so that Ethan could Hold Maria. They were all worried that Tabitha was looking on the verge of death. Off they went.

When they walked out of the study, everyone gasped and Rebecca flipped "This was supposed to be my perfect wedding! She ruined it! Julian, you stay here so we can finish the ceremony." Julian authoritatively told her no and continued walking with Tabitha. The family arrived at the hospital and it took no time at all to get Tabitha stable. For the next two days, the Lenox-Crane family were actually able to be a true family without any drama, scandal, heartache, or pain; just happiness!

The End

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