Passions Re-written

Door PassionsFan2000

962 14 3

In the little town of Harmony, there lived a which named Tabitha who lived with Kay Bennet and caused mischiv... Meer

February 14th, 2002
August 29th, 2002
January 7th, 2003
Julian Confronts Tabitha about the Baby
December 08th, 2003
December 11th, 2003
December 24th, 2003
Tabitha faints at Julian's Wedding
March 14th, 2004 (1)
March 14, 2004 (2)
June 08th, 2004
November 24th/27th, 2004
December 27th, 2004
December 23rd, 2005
December 13th, 2006
Tabitha Gets Shot
Tabitha Falls off the Dock
Tabitha in a Car Crash
Tabitha Falls Down the Stairs
Tabitha Fights to Save Julian
Tabitha Slips on Ice
Tabitha Saves the Townspeople of Harmony
Hecuba Tortured Tabitha
Tabitha Unconscious in the Mines
Tabitha Fights Charity
Tabitha Fights the Witches to Save Endora
Hank Helps Tabitha at the Docks
Tabitha Gets Caught in a Lightning Storm
The Cruise Ship Disaster
Tabitha Gets Kidnapped

July 2003

46 0 0
Door PassionsFan2000

Tabitha was starting to feel nauseous and fought to hide it because the Bennets were over celebrating Kay's birthday. Miguel, John, Pilar, Ivy, and David arrived minutes later. The baby was making it really difficult for Tabitha to hide the fact that she was indeed pregnant. Once everyone was focused on the party she managed to sneak out the front door. The fresh air instantly calmed her. She quietly talked to her baby, hoping to soothe the baby enough for her to go back inside. After a few minutes, she was feeling a whole lot better, so she went to turn to head back in. Instead, she found her world going dark.

Inside, John was walking by the front door when he heard a thud. Slowly he opened the door to investigate. At first, he didn't see anything, but when he took a few steps outside he found Tabitha laying on her side unconscious. Quickly he rushed to make sure she was alive, before running back into the house yelling out "HELP!" Everyone watched as John stopped in the living room doorway. Sam Bennet was quick to ask, "What is it, John?" He responded "It's Tabitha! Something's wrong!" Pilar asked, "What do you mean?" John motioned for them to follow him and they all did. When Sam saw what John found he knelt down to try and wake her up. Pilar joined Sam next to Tabitha and asked: "How is she?" He shrugged and said: "Come on Tabitha! Wake up!" Tabitha's Jacket had fallen open when she went down which gave Ivy the view she needed to finally get some answers. The only person that knew Tabitha was pregnant was Kay, but she was in the kitchen with Miguel and Cimone.

Back outside Sam asked for everyone to go back inside and see if some space would help. Pilar noticed that a little bit after everyone left the area Tabitha started coming around. She called out "Sam!" He turned back and saw Tabitha's eyes flutter open. It was his turn to call out "Tabitha! Can you hear me?" She let out a moan before weakly asking "...Sam...How long was I out?.." The two of them were confused. Sam answered "I'm not sure. Does this happen a lot? Are you alright?" Tabitha started to sit up but was still a bit woozy, so they slowly helped her up. Once she was on her feet she said "...Its happened a couple of times...I'll be fine in a bit..." They walked through the door and into the living room.

Sam made her sit down in the nearest chair to rest. Everyone asked how she was feeling and she said "I'm alright...Sorry for the scare." Ivy decided to have some fun and ask "Are you sure it wasn't from being dizzy? I mean pregnancy can wreak havoc on one's body." Grace retorted "How rude of you Ivy! Tabitha owes us no explanation." Ivy grinned and said, "She hasn't denied it yet." Before Tabitha could say anything Miguel walked in holding a cloth against Kay's palm and said "Kay accidentally cut herself real bad! She needs to go to the hospital." Sam tried to rush out the door, but Ivy insisted that Tabitha deny that she's pregnant. Kay was getting frustrated and without thinking yelled out "Yes Ivy! Tabitha IS pregnant! Now can we go?" Everyone was shocked. Tabitha tried to think of something. They all left, including Tabitha, and piled into various cars. When they arrived at the hospital Eve got Kay into a curtain room. Sam and Grace congratulated Tabitha on the baby, and then everybody joined in. Eventually, she managed to convince them that she was going to go for a walk.

She walked into the old ER area because she knew no one would be there. What she didn't know was that something else was gonna go wrong. She leaned against the counter and rubbed her swollen baby bump; whispering to her baby. She still couldn't believe she was pregnant with Julian Crane's baby. She still loved him but fought hard to hate him. She was so focused on her baby that she didn't notice Julian, himself, walking up to her. "Tabitha!" He said snapping her attention back to the world. He asked "Is it true? Are you pregnant with my child?" She cradled her baby bump and said: "It's true...I'm having your baby Julian." He thought back to the night they were together.

They started talking about the baby and how he wanted to be involved in the baby's life. She argued with him when he turned to check his phone for a second. Tabitha's demon child sent a tentacle-like thing and was about to choke Julian. She managed to calm the baby again. The tentacle-like thing went back up into Tabitha. She groaned in pain as it felt like an extremely strong kick. Julian turned back around and continued to argue with Tabitha.

Suddenly, she felt another hard kick and moved to lean against a chair. Julian asked "Are you alright?" She waited for the baby to let up before saying "Being pregnant is HELL...but I'm fine!" he started to say "I want to be in my child's life, please? I'll do anything! I want to be at your side the whole time..." He paused when his phone rang, before continuing "...I have to take this, but I promise I'm not gonna turn my back on you or our baby!" She watched as he turned around to answer his call when she felt terribly faint again. She tried to fight it, but once again lost the battle.

Julian was still on the phone when he heard something behind him. When he turned around to see what was up when he saw Tabitha laying on her back unconscious. Quickly he ended his call and ran to the mother of his child. "Tabitha? Tabitha? Come on! Please wake up darling!" He pleaded but nothing was working. "HELP! I need some help here! ANYONE!" He yelled out.

Outside, Eve was walking towards her office when she heard Julian call out for help. She ran through the curtains into the ER area and found Julian cradling Tabitha on his lap. "Julian! What happened?" She asked, taking Tabitha's hand to search for a pulse. He shrugged "She just told me she was pregnant!...Um I turned to answer my phone...I heard a thud and turned to find her here. Please help her!" Eve placed her hand on Tabitha's forehead and said: "Her pulse is fluctuating and she feels a bit feverish.." Searching in her pocket she found some smelling salts to use. Holding it up near Tabitha's nose Eve cracked the packet. They watched as Tabitha woke with a start. "...Julian..." She said tiredly. He held her and told her "I'm here! You're gonna be fine! Eve's here to help!" She weakly nodded and let Eve say "Tabitha, have you been on your feet all day? Stressed? Or upset?" Tabitha nodded, so Eve continued to say "I would like to get you to a room so I can check on you and the baby." Tabitha was quick to shake her head and say "...We're fine...I'll be fine in a bit..." Eve couldn't force her but said she was gonna at least check Tabitha's blood pressure. Tabitha agreed and continued to let Julian hold her, for the first time in a while she felt safe and loved. Eventually, Eve found that her blood pressure was slowly returning to normal levels, but was still slightly high. She said "You're blood pressure should stabilize itself in a bit, but you are feeling a bit feverish, so I would recommend resting off of your feet for the rest of the day. If you won't stay here for the night, then I want you to go home and actually rest. But I don't want you to be alone." Julian instantly responded, "Don't worry Eve, I'll be with her the whole time." Eve reluctantly agreed and told them that she would be by tomorrow to check on them.

When they were alone, Tabitha tried to stand by herself but each time she tried her world spun. Julian was quick to wrap one arm around her waist and capture one of her hands in his free one. She reluctantly accepted his help, but still tried to fight. "...Julian I'm fine to go home on my own..." She told him. He shook his head and told her "No, you are under doctor's orders to rest and not be alone tonight. Let me help you, please? If not to make sure you are okay, then for our baby." She thought about it but knew she was too tired and weak to get home on her own. Letting out a sigh, she said "...Alright...Fine! You can help me tonight...for the baby's sake..." He started towards the curtains, so he could work on getting them home, and told her "Thank you! You can rest and we can talk about our baby!" She was too tired to argue and just leaned her head against his shoulder. They took the back way out of the hospital to avoid being seen. Julian was very loving and gentle getting Tabitha into the car. She was having a hard time deciding whether all this caring was for her and the baby, or just the baby she was carrying.

When they pulled up to her house, Julian was quick to scoop her into his arms and carry her into the house. She argued "...Julian. I can walk! I'm fine. The baby is just fine!" He shook his head and asked: "Where do you want to rest? I'm here to help you! You are notorious for ignoring your health, but now you have to remember that you are carrying our baby." She pointed to the couch and he was quick to gently lower her onto the couch. He took a second to fix the pillows and grab a blanket from the back of the couch to lay it across Tabitha.

When she was settled, he pulled the other chair closer to her, so they could talk. She asked "This is going to sound weird but...are you here to make sure your child is okay? Or that both your child and I are alright?" He smiled, sweetly recaptured one of her hands in both of his, before telling her: "From the moment I heard you tell me that you are carrying one of my children I loved the way it sounded. Getting to know Timmy, I saw how much love you had for him and knew you were having a hard time after he passed...When I looked into your eyes today, I saw a sliver of that love coming back into your eyes. Seeing that, reminded me how much I love you!" She had a single tear rolling down her cheek, so he moved a hand to wipe it away before she spoke up "I didn't know you loved me." Julian laughed and responded, "Well, I do indeed love you with all my heart..." He paused and moved his free hand to her baby bump and continued "...Well I love both you and our baby with all my heart! I want to be by your side the whole time and get to know our child, please?" Tabitha thought about it, but eventually smiled and said "Alright...I'll think about it...I love you Julian!" He let out a sigh and sweetly said: "I promise I will always be here for you and our baby! I love you too Tabitha!" Everything from today was catching up with her and she couldn't stay awake any longer. Julian watched as she slept so peacefully for the first time in a while; he was guessing.

About a week and a half later Julian went to check on Tabitha. Things had not ended well the last time they saw each other. Julian had to leave Tabitha alone when he got an emergency phone call from the company. She woke up the next morning alone with just a little note that he left. Today, he rang her doorbell and she answered it. "What on earth are you doing here Julian?" Tabitha asked. "I came to talk to you," Julian stated while walking through the door. Tabitha shut the door and asked Julian what he wanted to talk to her about. "You know!" Tabitha stammered, but still let Julian walk into the living room. She knew she was still not happy with him, but decided to hear him out. He turned and said: "The baby, my baby, our child, yours and mine." She moved her hand to her swollen bump.

On the table, there were lots of little snack plates "Are you expecting company?" Julian asked, pouring himself a Martimmy. "No!" She said, grabbing a grape. "Have a seat, Julian," Tabitha said, gracefully falling into the chair that was closest to the table. Tabitha had a slight headache, so she rested her hand over her eyes hoping to block out the light for just a bit. Julian kept a watchful eye, in case something was wrong with the baby. "Tabitha, are you feeling alright? Is it the baby?" Julian said, sliding closer to Tabitha. "Just a slight headache" Tabitha told him while readjusting. "Well, I want you to know that I am so sorry. I know you are probably still mad at me after I left early and just wanted to see if we were okay. I want to be in our baby's life. All I ask is that you not mention that I am here to my father. He has always told me to stay clear of you" Tabitha felt something happen and sat up. "I bet old Alistair did, ohh!" She bent over in pain. "Are you okay?" Julian asked, kneeling next to her. The pain passed and Tabitha leaned back into the chair. "Yeah, I'm fine...The baby just kicked, that's all." Tabitha tried to sound convincing, but Julian could hear the pain in her voice. She went to stand up, but she got really dizzy. Julian caught her from behind, as she swayed and tried to pull her back down but she wouldn't listen. "Tabitha, please try and take it easy! For the baby! Now sit down? Please!" Tabitha reluctantly agreed but only because she was still dizzy. "I'm going to get you a glass of water. Stay right here!" Julian ran out and into the kitchen.

Suddenly Rebecca ran into the living room screaming out "AHA! I caught you!.." She paused when she saw Tabitha sitting in the chair. "...Tabitha, what are you doing here?" Tabitha flat out told her "I live here...The question is what are you doing here?" Julian walked into the living room and saw Rebecca standing in front of Tabitha with anger in her eyes. He asked, "Rebecca, what are you doing here?" She was fuming "I followed you! I know you have a flussey here and I know it's not Tabitha, so where is she?" He was quick to tell her "There is no one else here, but Tabitha and I." She didn't believe him, so she yelled: "IS SHE UPSTAIRS?" And started making her way towards the stairs. Julian followed after her, while Tabitha turned in the chair.

He was arguing with her when suddenly, she felt another strong pain from the baby. She quietly moaned, trying to let them figure out their problem. She pulled herself out of the chair and slowly walked across the living room. Another kick came and she realized that she was in labor. She didn't want to interrupt their argument, but that changed when she felt her water break. "...Oh no!.." she whispered to herself. Tabitha called out "..I'm...I'm having the baby!.." Rebecca just retorted with "We Know! And if I were you I wouldn't brag about it. It's rather undignified at your age. You're fine! We are in the middle of something here. Just watch a video and relax!" Julian snapped back "For God's sake Tabitha could be in labor!" They heard her cry out in pain from the living room and ran to see if she was alright. Julian saw Tabitha doubled over and holding onto a chair. "Are you alright?" She shook her head and painfully said: "...NO...The baby's coming!..Owww!.." Before a contraction hit. Julian reached out when he saw her sway. He made sure she didn't fall. He tried to get her to go lay down, but she refused. Rebecca asked, "What are we going to do?" Julian started rubbing Tabitha's back, and calmly told her, "We're going to deliver Tabitha's baby ourselves." Rebecca gasped in horror and utter shock.

Another contraction hit hard, and Julian again tried to convince her that she needs to sit down. "Lie down on the couch...Try to relax! We'll call an ambulance!" She groaned out "...No...There's no time! The baby's coming now...Ohhhhh!" Julian continued to tell her "Easy! Easy! Take a deep breath!" Tabitha tried to breathe through the contraction but was finding it hard. "Breathe Tabitha! Breathe!" The contraction finally passed, and Tabitha stood up as straight as she could and breathed. A crash of thunder and a bolt of lightning roared through the house. "Did you hear that? I think a storm is rolling in." Julian told her while rubbing her back, offering anything he could do to help. "Tabitha, let's move you to the couch and get you sitting down! Please?" She thought about it and just nodded. Julian helped her move to the couch when the pain hit harder. Rebecca was off getting a cold washcloth for Julian to cool Tabitha off.

"This can't be happening!...Owww!" She groaned as she felt more intense contraction rip through her body, and Julian took over in the talking. "It's gonna be alright Tabitha!" Julian wiped the sweat off of her face. "You're doing great!" Julian said while moving a piece of hair out of her face. It passed leaving Tabitha to breathlessly say "...This baby is definitely your child...Dickens this hurts..." Julian smirked but continued to coach her along. Rebecca went to get them more martimmy's after bringing the cool compress; leaving Julian to comfort Tabitha. "I know that you may hate me even more at this moment, and I don't blame you. But I want you to know that I will provide you with ample funds to support this baby. Please know, I will love this child with all my heart." Julian said all sweetly so that Tabitha could be reassured. "Thank you...I will love this child as much as you will..." Tabitha says right before a contraction hits. The contraction finally passes, and she continues "...And I will always love you matter what...You know that right?.." He smiles. Another contraction hit. "Tabitha, breathe!" He told her, while she squeezed a pillow.

Rebecca tried to call for an ambulance, but all she was hearing was weird voices. She couldn't get a dial tone. Julian asked Tabitha: "You don't have a party line, do you?" A contraction hit right as she was answering, so she groaned out "!" He stroked her arm and knee; coaching her with her breathing and trying to help. When the lights went out in the house, Julian reached over and turned on the nearest lamp to give them some light. "Rebecca, we need towels, some sheets, and warm water." He told Rebecca who left the room to get everything they needed plus more Martimmy's. Julian then turned all his attention back to Tabitha and asked: "May I help you lay down, please?" all she did was nod, and move to lean forward. He fixed up some of the pillows so that she could have something to lean against. After he finished up with the pillows, he quickly but gently lifted Tabitha into his arms and made a move to gently lower her down onto the couch. She tiredly told him "...Thank you..." He knew that she was worried, but tried not to show how much. Julian and Rebecca were starting to feel the effects of the Martimmy's. She continued to say "...I wish we could tell Rebecca that you're the baby's father...Instead of hiding the fact..." He dabbed at her forehead with the cloth and told her "I promise that very soon we will be a real we always dreamed of being." She smiled in between contractions when he noticed they were getting closer together. She fought to breathe as the contractions were coming what felt like second after second. A little bit later he knew he needed to check on the baby.

Julian threw a pillow out of the way, moved up onto the couch. He said: "I think it's time to push!" She nodded, and the contraction started. "Push Tabitha! push!" He encouraged her. He watched as she bore down as much as she could before falling back against the pillows trying to catch her breath. About two hours later another contraction hit, and they could just start to see the baby crowning. Julian told her to Push, but she shook her head. He knew she was exhausted and feeling weak, but continued to encourage her. Tabitha was so tired. "Come on Tabitha! A little bit longer and the baby will be here! You can do it!" She shook her head and tiredly said "...I can't...I just can't..." He knew she would need all the help she could get, so he ran to get the bassinet that he saw was in the kitchen for now and wheeled it out to the living room. "Alright Rebecca, I need you over here." He told her. She did as he said, and went to stand behind him.

Swiftly he swapped places with Rebecca, and she found herself sitting in front of Tabitha. She could see the baby's head and gasped at the horror. Julian rushed to the other side of the couch and said: "I'm gonna help Tabitha push! I need you to catch the baby!" Rebecca gawked, but Julian yelled out "NOW Rebecca!" She whimpered and got into position. Julian knelt down next to Tabitha and got ready to help. On the next contraction, he helped her sit up and worked to motivate her. She let out a moan but didn't fight him. He took her hand in his, and told her: "Come on Tabitha! Let's do this together!" He could tell she was barely conscious and knew he needed to help her deliver this baby as soon as possible. He tried again to tell her "Tabitha, I know you're tired, but we need to deliver this baby now!" She nodded her head and bore down as much as she could. Julian felt her squeezing his hand in a death grip but didn't mind; he held her up to give her an advantage. He helped her get some strength back to welcome their baby, and about an hour and a half later it happened. "Come on Tabitha! Just one more push!" Julian said while stroking her arm. Rebecca squealed when she caught the baby. The sudden feeling of relief rushed over Tabitha, and she fell heavily back against the pillow. "It's a girl!" Rebecca gleefully said. Julian giggled and squeezed Tabitha's hand.

Rebecca wrapped the baby in the pink blanket she found earlier, but before she could hand the baby to Tabitha the alcohol caused her to pass out. Tabitha was barely awake but felt Julian's hand fall out of hers. When she looked, she found both Julian and Rebecca unconscious on her living room floor. The sound of her baby girl crying snapped her focus back to the couch. She fought to pull herself up, but her body was weak and in pain. Eventually, she managed to lift and hold herself up long enough to capture her baby in her arms. Being so much in pain, her body fell back against her pillows tiredly. She looked at her baby and sweetly said "...My baby...I can't believe you're here...You are more beautiful than I ever imagined..." The baby quickly fell asleep and Tabitha struggled to stay awake.

It felt like an eternity had passed, before Julian and Rebecca started to come too again. Julian shot up and straight to Tabitha's side saying: "Hey, How are you feeling?" Tabitha hid the truth and weakly answered "...I'm fine..." Julian instantly knew that she was lying, but left her side to get her some nice cold water. Rebecca pulled herself up into the chair and waited for Julian to bring her some water too. When Julian came back, Rebecca saw that he had only grabbed one glass. She was about to thank him when he walked right past her and knelt back down next to Tabitha. "Hey, where's my water?" She snottily asked. All he said was "in the kitchen" while helping Tabitha take a drink. He waited until she grudgingly stomped off before asking "Could I hold our daughter?" She was about to shake her head but realized that she was in too much pain and extremely tired. "...alright..." He carefully scooped his baby into his arms and let Tabitha relax further against the pillows. He observed that she was hiding something from him, and tried to find a way to get her to tell him the truth. "Hi there my little one...I still can't believe you're here! I've been waiting to meet you!..." He paused to see Tabitha struggling to keep her eyes open. He continued by asking her: "...Are you sure you're feeling alright Tabitha?" She tried to sit up and say "...I'm fine...Ohhh!" but cried out at the pain and fell back against the pillows once again. Julian instantly pulls out his phone and worriedly said: "I'm calling an ambulance! I'm taking you to the hospital." Tabitha reached out her hand to cover his phone and tiredly told him "...Julian...i'm fine..." He was getting frustrated that she wasn't listening to him and angrily retorted with "I think I have a right to insist that I take you to a hospital!"

Rebecca had just walked in when she heard that and asked "What right do you have to tell Tabitha what to do?" He looked at Tabitha, who was pleading with him not to tell her the truth. He handed the baby back to Tabitha and pulled Rebecca away, telling her "I just want to make sure she and the baby are alright just in case she wants to sue us." Rebecca understood and watched as Julian went right back to kneeling in front of Tabitha. He quietly asked "Please let me take you to a hospital?.." When he saw her about to protest, he added "I'll tell Rebecca everything." Knowing something was wrong, but she didn't want them to know, she agreed. Julian quickly called for an ambulance and they arrived shortly after. Both Julian and Rebecca rode with her, while Julian held on tight to his newest baby. Tabitha looked extremely pale and exhausted. She passed out from exhaustion right before arriving at the hospital.

A couple of hours later, Tabitha was stabilized and resting comfortably in a private room in the maternity ward. Julian had sent Rebecca home leaving him to hold Tabitha and his baby girl. He sat in the rocking chair that was next to her bed and talked softly to the little girl in his arms. Eve slowly crept in and asked: "How are you doing?" Julian just smiled and responded "I couldn't be happier! I mean, she is just so beautiful and she looks just like Tabitha!" Eve carried on with examining Tabitha while she listened to Julian speak so much about Tabitha to their daughter. "Julian, she should be waking up soon but can I ask a question?" He looked up and nodded. Eve asked "How long have you loved Tabitha?" It took Julian a bit to think about it when suddenly he realized the truth and said: "I hadn't thought about it, but it's been about 6 years now." Eve nodded and continued to ask another question "Now with the new baby, are you going to keep that love a secret?" He looked at Tabitha, sleeping so peacefully, and happily told her "No! When I went over today, I was going to ask her to marry me...Then this little one decided to come and I didn't have the right time." Eve smiled and finished up checking Tabitha's vitals before leaving him alone with his small family.

A couple of seconds after Eve left, Tabitha tiredly said "...Yes..." Julian just shot up out of the rocking chair, to sit on the bed, and asked: "What?.." He paused when he realized that she was pretending to be asleep and told her "Come on, I know you're awake!" Unable to fool him, she opened her eyes to find him holding their baby. She saw the love in his eyes and smiled. He smiled back and asked "How much of that did you hear?" She laughed a bit, before her body reminded her she was sore, and told him "Everything...Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He reached for her hand before saying "If you heard everything then you would know why my dear." Tabitha nodded her head and again said "Yes!" He was still confused so she added "Yes to the question you were going to ask before our baby girl decided to make her appearance..." Suddenly he realized that she was agreeing to marry him. Momentarily he forgot about the baby, and leaned forward crashing his lips against hers. When he pulled away, she had a smile on her face. "Can I hold her please?" He didn't want to give her back yet but knew it was time. Gently he shifted their baby into her arms, before asking "What should we name this beautiful girl?" Tabitha happily looked at her daughter and said: "Endora Lenox-Crane.'' He loved the way it sounded and leaned in for another kiss. Tabitha and Endora remained in the hospital for three days just to give Tabitha some time to reclaim her strength before being brought home by Julian. Kay was very excited to meet Endora that their first day home she held her for the whole day.

The End

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