Seto Kaiba One-shots BOOK 1

By dani_sd

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♥♥♥ Seto X Diana Kaiba (Father-Daugther) ♥♥♥
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♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Wheeler ♥♥♥
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♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Muto ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana West ♥♥♥
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♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Sennen ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Muto ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Rogers ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Diana X Barry Allen X Seto Kaiba ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Kaiba ♥♥♥

♥♥♥ Seto Kaiba X Diana Wheeler ♥♥♥

248 6 1
By dani_sd

When Yugi and the gang arrived at the cafe by their school they were hoping to relax after a hard day in class but as they enteredtheynoticed how the cafe was packed and the only empty table was the one across from Joey's cousin Diana who was wordingon her laptop as she said with none other than Seto Kaiba,who for once was wearing normal clothes and seemed to be helping her do something that she couldn't really understand much.
Diana: Not really. If I continue to receive such assignments, I will throw my diploma in the trash. This is a pure mockery of my intellect.

Kaiba: right you are.
Joey: what is she doing with richboy? *asks to his friends*
Tristan: it looks like he must be helping her with something.
Joey: yeah thanks captain obvious. *says narrowing his eyes at Tristan*
Yugi: easy you two. *tries to calm Tristan and Joey down*
Tea: just leave them be Yugi, its no use.

Diana: Give me an idea before I freak out. This task is worse than the mission impossible. It would be easier for me to learn the Morse code than this rubbish

Kaiba: right now i don't have one but as soon as i get one i'll tell you right away.
that's also when Joey alongs side Tristan stomp over towards the table that Diana and Kaiba are at.
Tea and Yugi sigh before shortly following behind.

Diana: Can you get me a new coffee then? I think I will fall asleep unless I take something strong to wake me out of this nightmare

Kaiba: of course. *hums, nods and smiles as he gets up* i'll be right back with it.
that's also when Joey and Tristan reach her table.

Diana: Thanks Seto *smiles in return as the putsher laptop away*

Joey: Diana, what in the world are you doing with rich boy? *asks stopping before her table and crosses his arms*

Diana: Solving the mysteries of Nostradamus. Seto is helping me with my ancient history homework *says as she puts her feetup on the chair by her*

Joey: out of all people to pick the one guy I dislike.

Diana: I asked my best friend. I see nothing wrong in that to be honest. And besides you rarely like any guy that walks around or breathes the same air with you

Joey: best friend?!
Tristan: how can you even call that guy that.
Joey: now that is not true, i have more guy friends then you think.

Diana: Me too. However, the cases where I can find them for work related to calculations are rare , non-existent even, because everyone including you have no idea of mathematics and ancient texts

Joey: okay, good point still...
that's also when Kaiba returns with the coffie in hand upon seeing the gang he narrows his eyes

Diana smiles at him however and pats the space on the sofa where she sat alone while he went to get her drink

Kaiba: *smiles at her as he sets it down and takes a seat beside her before turning his head back to Joey, Tristan, Yugi and Tea* what do you losers want this time? If you can't see were bussy. *says already annoyed with them*

Diana: My cousin is just being a dork as usual, so nothing new under the blue *says as she moves closer to his chest due to the fact that he had one arm sliding on the sofa back behind her*

Kaiba: yeah that's nothing new.
Joey: Hey! i'm right here you know.
Yugi: Joey, calm down. Don't let them get to you.

Diana: When doesn't anyone get to him Yugi? *asks as she leans against Kaiba's chest*

Tea: never, he does his own thing. *says to Diana before turning to Yugi* witch is why you just need to leave him alone Yugi. You should know how he is by now. *says with one hand on her hip

Diana nods in agreement before thunder strikes and it begins to rain outside the cafe

Diana: Damn it. I just when decided that the day was wonderful to go out without an umbrella and it turned out that I was not very right in my judgment

Kaiba: don't worry i brought one with me just in case or i can call someone and they can come and pick us up.

Diana: You didn't take the car with you this time?

Kaiba: no, lets say i wanted to clear my head and walking here did just that for me.
at that the gang share looks with each other before looking back at Diana and Kaiba.

Diana: Dear God, our handsome guy went out on his day off without taking the Ferrari. What a disgrace *says jokingly while drinking her new coffee*

Kaiba: *chuckles* well i need fresh air every now then.

Diana: And if I had decided to go to the beach, then what would you have done? Fly there with your long feet?

Kaiba: *rolls his eyes playfully* then we would have gone with my private jet of course.

Diana: With or without Mokuba?

Kaiba: that would have been up to you. Besides you know who could take care of my little brother when you want it to be just you and me. *says ignoring the gang completely*

Diana: Do you really want Roland to play babysitter for a whole month?

Kaiba: no, althou i think Mokuba can be trusted on his own every now and then.

Diana: Fine. I dare you to take the next two weeks off for me then

Kaiba: alright, your own gladly.
Yugi, Joey, Tristan and Tea: Huh?!

Diana then grins as she takes his phone out of her pocket and dares him with a look to make the call to Roland

Kaiba scoffs before taking it and dials said males number before putting it against his ear.
Tristan: he's really gonna do it...
Joey: this is a surprise...Kaiba never listens to anyone.

Diana keeps herself from laughing as she watcheswhile Roland looses no time to pick up his phone
Roland: Yes Mr. Kaiba? What can I do for you sir?

Kaiba: i'll be taking the next two weeks off so i can spend more time with Diana.

Diana: Starting from today

Kaiba: starting today. *repeats her words*

Roland: Should I assume that Miss Wheeler is in her dare mode and once again able to turn the tables on you?

Kaiba: yes, that is correct Roland.

Roland: I understand. It is better not to argue with a beautiful and powerful woman, so as not to get into trouble with her unless you want her to make you bankrupt

Kaiba: good and i wont be bankrupt that fast even if i would spoil her rotten.

Roland: A helpfull advice then. Give her an unlimited credit card and she will be happy for the rest of the holiday. I can guarantee it. My wife is always happy when she gets her hands on my salary

Kaiba: i'll keep that in mind thank you Ronald

Diana: I would not. There is a saying that a woman with a credit card is like madman with a machine gun

Kaiba: heard that Ronald? Looks like it doesn't goes for all woman.

Roland: Of course not. Bulgarian women, for example, always command their husbands. And Miss Wheeler lived in Bulgaria, so there is another saying about her. Feed the woman so that your soul is at peace.

Kaiba: you know it. *says with a smile on his lips*

Roland: Personally, in your case, I would be calmer if I were henpecked

Kaiba: noted thank you Roland. *replies calmly*

Roland: Glad to beof service sir. I will behelping young mr. kaiba take care of the company unless youwant to give everyone a two week break?

Kaiba: very good however i think for this once everyone can have a two week break.
again the gangs eyes widen at that not believing what their hearing.

Diana finally bursts into giggles at that while hiding herface in his neck

Kaiba: *smiles at that as his arm wraps around her shoulder* thank you Roland, i'll talk with you later.

Roland: As you wish sir. Should I send a limo to pick you up or do you prefer the Ferrari on autopilot?

Kaiba looks at Diana silently asking her to pick with his eyes.

Diana however just gives him a look which told him that it was a stupid question to ask since she already gave him her asnwer earlier

Kaiba: the Ferrari on autopilot will do, Ronald. Thank you.

Roland: Of course *saysas he finally hangs up and returns to his work*

Kaiba: *hangs up as well* there, i have two weeks off starting today. *says with smirk/grin*

Diana: Ah, sweet freedom for Mokuba and two weeks of plesure of me.

Kaiba: pretty much.

Diana: You know I love that you take on challenges because that only makes me have twice as sweet a victory over you

Kaiba: i would have lost in both cases besides i don't mind it as long as its you.

Diana smiles at that before pressing a kiss to his cheek and taking a picture with her phone

Kaiba smiles more and blushes lightly.
Joey: oh come on.

Diana then postit on her social network with the caption "He may be screwed in both cases butas long as he's happy, so am I" just as Mai comes in and walks over to their table with Duke

Mai: well i didn't expect to everyone here.
Duke: looks like the whole gangs here.
Yugi: Duke.
Tea: Mai.

Diana: Long time no see Mai

Mai: ideed, it has been Diana. Nice post by the way.

Diana: Thanks. Anyways Duke how's your car doing? I heard Joey drove it into a tree last night

Duke; its almost fully fixed, thank you for asking.
Kaiba: count on wheeler to wreck someone's car.
Joey: again, i'm right here.

Diana: My Ra! I should really turn off the comments sometimes. Your fan girls are ruining my post

Kaiba: not a bad idea and that's nothing new really.
Tristan and Joey: he has fan girls? *asks in union while sharing looks*

Diana: Too many if you ask me *says before bursting into laughter when she sees a reply from Yami*

everyone: whats up Diana? Whats so funny?

Diana: I found a comment from Yami on my post

Yugi: what does it say?

Diana: I quote - If you like, put your opinion where the sun does not shine. And next time, think about whether it's wise to open your mouth so that they don't fill them with dirt afterwards. p.s Cousin call me when you pick a wedding date

Kaiba: why am i not surprised. *says with a roll of his eyes*
Tristan: hold on...
Tea: did we hear...
Joey: Wedding date?! you two aren't even dating.

Diana: I think Yami just broke the Internet. Do you want to answer him something Seto or do you prefer him to let a rumor go viral?

Kaiba: nah, i'm more then used to rumors so let them spread besides i don't really mind the tought of everyone thinking were gonna get married. *says with smirk*
Yugi, Tea, Duke, Tristan, Joey and Mai: huh?

Diana: I haven't seen a ring yet tho

Kaiba: you mean one like this? *says fishing out said item out of his pocket and shows it to her*

Diana: Your kidding

Kaiba: look me into my eyes and ask it again. *says showing he's not kidding*

Diana looks him in the eyes and silently begs him to explain

Kaiba: okay, i'm in love with you Diana. I always have been and i would be honord if you would marry me.

Diana: Will you pay attention to me instead of the company?

Kaiba: yes, i promise. Mokuba is gonna run the company one day anyway so i can give you all my attention.

Diana: Put a ring on me then *says as she gives him her hand*
Yami then enters the cafe in a hurry with Jessica and Serenity due to the fact that they saw Mai posting a live video of the proposal on her social media

Kaiba smiles wide as he takes her hand in his and slips the ring on.
Joey: Oh Come on seriously?! Your gonna marry Rich boy?!
Serenity: Big brother! Cousin Diana! *calls out as runs over and stops beside her brother*

Diana: I'm in love with his blue eyes

Jessica: *squeal* you two look so good together. *says going over with Yami by her side*
Yami: *nods* she's right, i'm happy for both of you.
Joey: Seriously?
Tea: *sighs* can you give it rest Joey.
Yugi: Tea's right, don't they look happy to you?
Mai: *nods* yeah, just look at them.
Duke: their expression and actions speak louder then words to me.

Diana then presses her lips to Kaiba's while Mokuba runs in as well having seen the video going viral

Kaiba smiles as he kisses her right back pulling her onto his lap.
Mokuba: um...*looks away from his older brother* Is it true? Are they really going to marry? *asks with a huge smile and grin on his face*
Jessica: does that ring around Diana's finger tell you enough? *asks with a smile on her face*
Mokuba after that starts jumping for joy feeling beyond happy.

Diana pulls away after a while before turning to see Mokuband motioning for him to come in her lap

Mokuba lets out a squeal before running over and jumping on Diana's lap before hugging her tightly

Diana: Uhh Seto .. besides knowing how much I love you, do you want to know one more thing?

Kaiba: what is it my love? *asks curious*

Diana: Remember when we went wild a few weeks ago?

Kaiba: yes...hold on it possible that your...*asks eyes widen putting the peaces together*
Jessica and Yami gasps catching on as well.

Diana: You didn't use protection and I never took any pills before or after it

Mokuba: so...does that mean your pregant?
Jessica: what else would it mean Mokuba. *says watching Mokuba, Diana and Kaiba*
Yugi, Tea, Tristan, Duke, Mai and Joey: Say What?!

Diana: Yami why don't you explain to Mokuba how bees and birds work? *suuggest before turning to Kaiba*

Yami: sure but i think he gets it Diana, he's a smart kid.

Diana then throws him a lookmeaning he needs to take Mokuba for a while

Yami: okay i got it, come here for a while Mokuba.
Mokuba look from Diana to Yami then back at Diana before shrugging and getting of said female's lap and heads over to Yami and Jess.

Diana: Seto please say something

Kaiba: am i really...are we really gonna be...parents? *asks eyes wide shocked, surprised and awe struck at the thought*

Diana: Yes *says as she waits for the worst*

Kaiba: *starts smiling from ear to ear* we are gonna be parents...i can't believe it...oh Diana i'm so happy. *hugs her as tight and close as possible while kissing her all over her face*
Jessica, Yami, Mai and Duke smile and chuckle.
Yugi: okay so...Kaiba and Diana are toghether and are getting married
Tea: not only that but their expecting...
Tristan: any idea how we should be reacting to that?
Jessica: *sighs shaking her head* be happy maybe?
Serenity: *nods* she's our cousin big brother, if she's happy we should be happy to.
Yami: Serenity is right Joey.
Joey: i still don't like it.

Diana giggles in return as she presses her lips back on his which this times turns into a full blown make out session

Kaiba of course kisses back right away holding her close and tight planning to never let her go ever again.
Meanwhile Joey is standing as still as statue unable to say or do anything.
Tristan: Um guys...Joey's stuck.
Tea: great just what we needed.
Mai: figures, its gonna take a while for everything to sink in.
Yugi: and its gonna take even longer until he accepts it.
Duke: got that right.
Serenity: anyway should we give the new couple some privacy? *says with a giggle*
Jessica: probrebly for the best. *smiles as she takes Yami's hand in hers and starts walking*
Tristan: Come on Joey. *says throwing him over his shoulders like a potato bag and starts walking as well*
soon enough everyone else follows behind Yami and Jessica with Mokuba skipping besides them with a huge smile and grin on his face.

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