Accidental Fame

By krimson27

965 11 3

When Aly Reynolds, a regular teenage girl, gets discovered with the help of her best friend, Ian, she is thro... More

Accidental Fame
Accidental Fame Part 3
Accidental Fame Part 4
Accidental Fame Ch. 5
Accidental Fame Ch. 6
Accidental Fame Ch. 7
Accidental Fame Ch. 8
Chapter 9

Accidental Fame

114 2 2
By krimson27


School. One of the biggest ways news or gossip got around. For me, I tried staying out of the line of fire. I purposely out casted myself. I had friends in each class, but I wasn’t as close to them as I was to Ian. I was more on the lines of being friends with everyone. I didn’t have enemies and people rarely gossiped about me. Though strangely, it seemed like every pair of eyes in this school was gawking at me after my first period class. I felt like I was under a microscope, being observed. I didn’t even know why they were staring at me today. All I wore was a white blouse, black skinny jeans, brown boots, and a simple hippie band on my head. Maybe it was the hippie band. I didn’t get why; a lot of people wore them, so why was I getting all the stares?

After my first period trig class, I walked down the hall with Maria. She was a nice girl who sat with me in trig. She had long blond hair and the bluest eyes I ever seen. “I don’t know if I’m being paranoid, but I think the whole fricken student body is staring at me. Not in a conceited way.” I said as we walked down the busy halls. “I wouldn’t be surprised since you’re all over the school website.” I stopped walking. “What?!” I said. I didn’t check the website today. “Yea. Didn’t you know? There was this picture of you. Like you were in a foresty background. It was a really cool photo.” She said. I closed my eyes in silent anger. It explained the gawking, but why was it up on the school website, for everyone to see. I groaned. “Hey you looked awesome. Don’t get upset.” Maria said. “I don’t know why it’s up there though.” I said. Then I suddenly remembered what Ian had said about his project. “I don’t know I didn’t read the caption.” She said and we continued walking. “Ian” was all I said. So he won for the best picture for his art class. Then on cue, Ian and his friend Max strolled down the hallway laughing at something. I stood in their path, annoyed. Ian saw me and he pressed his lips together to hide his smile. That loser knew it was on the site and he didn’t tell me.

“Oh look its Ian.” She said. I think I heard her release a small sigh. “Just on time.” I said. The boys were in front of us. “Hey Aly, Maria.” Max said. “Max. Ian.” I said. “Oh Hi Ian. Max.” Maria said with a smile. Ian smiled. “Ladies” he said. “Excuse us.” I said and took Ian’s arm and pulled him down the hall where there wasn’t as many students.

“What’s wrong?” He said, smiling. I so badly wanted to wipe that smile of his off his face. “My picture is on the school site.” I said. “Oh yea. I forgot to tell you that I won.” He said still smiling. I scowled. “Everyone is staring at me.” I said. “So, It isn’t a bad thing. Besides you looked awesome in that picture and you know it. Everyone loves it.” he said. I didn’t say anything. “Come on, let’s go to English. We’re gonna be late.” He grinned. “Fine” I muttered and he gave me a small hug. He then pulled my hippie band a little. “I like this. Its nice.” He said and we began to walk to English. “Thanks” I said. I was already over everything. “Are you working tonight?” Ian said. We were almost to the English room. “Yea I finish at 9:30 tonight. You?” I said. “Yep finish at 8:30. I guess I’ll be seeing you then.” He said as we took our seats next to each other. “Sounds like a plan.” I said and began taking out my books as Ms. McKay entered the room. “Hello everyone. Before I start, may I say congratulations to Ian and Aly. Beautiful work.” She smiled at us. I groaned. Everyone turned to gawk at us. “Thanks.” I muttered. “See. Beautiful work.” Ian whispered. “Uh huh” I said. Then Ms. McKay began to lecture.

By the time school ended, I wasn’t the highlight of the day. I was relieved when none of my other teachers acknowledged my photo. The stares lessened and I could continue my day normal. After school, I dropped Ian home and then went to work.

“How was school?” Roy asked as cleaned off the counter. “The usual.” I said. I didn’t want to bring up the picture because he’d want to see. “I see. Well today wasn’t as busy but maybe at night it will be.” He said. “That’s good. We’ve been slow lately. We need more customers.” I said. “That’s what I was thinking. Maybe we should do events or something.” Roy said, leaning on the delivery counter after I wiped it clean. “Like what?” I said. “I don’t know. Anything to get this place busier.” He said. I didn’t get a chance to reply because a set of tourist came in. I smiled at them and led them to a booth.

More people started to pile in and to my relief; Kaycee and Joanne came in to the rescue. As Roy predicted, the night got busy.  I hadn’t even noticed Ian sitting at the counter, eating his usual. Things started to slow down as it turned 9pm. I cleaned off the dirty booths and tables. After I finished I walked to the counter and scowled. There on the wall was my picture next to the rest of the employee pictures. I was gonna kill Ian. As if sensing my rage, Ian flashed me one of his brilliant smiles. It didn’t work.

“I hate you.” I I put away the dirty dishes. “You do not hate me. Besides, I thought Roy would want a copy.” Ian said, still smiling. “Yes I do and no he doesn’t.” I said. “Oh yes I do. I didn’t know you could model.” Roy interrupted. I turned and glared at him. He smiled and turned away, chuckling. “See, even Roy thinks it’s good.” He said. I knew I couldn’t win this battle and I got tired of arguing, so I sat next to Ian. “I guess.” I said. “See, that wasn’t so bad now was it?” Ian nudged me with his shoulder. “uh huh. You are so lucky you’re my best friend or I would have killed you” I said. Ian chuckled. “I doubt you could. I mean who would want to kill such an adorable face” he said. I pinched his cheek. “Oh trust me I would.” I said and he rubbed his now pink cheek. “ouch.” He smiled. I sighed and got up to continue cleaning.

As 9:30 hit the clock, Ian and I were already out the door. Instead of eating out, we went to my place to have dinner. “Hello Ian. Haven’t seen you in a while.” My mom said. She was on the computer in the living room. “Hey Ms. Reynolds. I know school and work is all I do.” Ian replied. “You kids work too hard. Oh there’s stir fry in the kitchen.” She said, not looking up from the computer screen. “Thanks mom.” I said and headed for the kitchen, Ian walking behind me.

We were in the kitchen now. “Where’s your dad?” Ian asked as I grabbed us plates. “oh I think he’s working late tonight.” I said, handing him a plate. We grabbed some stir fry from the sauce pan and sat at the dinner table. Ian sat across me. “I see. Tell him I said hi when you get the chance. I barely see your folks now a days.” He said taking a bite of the veggies. “Will do. Same to your parents and brother. I miss them.” I hardly went over to Ian’s too with work and school interfering. “I will. Mmm. I forgot how good your mom could cook. Why do we eat out again?” he said. “I don’t know. I guess we’re used to it. Oh that reminds me. Rusty’s is getting slower and slower by the day and Roy needs ideas to make the place busy. So he wants to events and stuff but we don’t know what to do.” I said. I grabbed us water and continued eating. “Hmmm. Maybe you guys should have like Discount Fridays or something. Or like a themed night. Make people dress up and give out free snacks or drinks. Throw in some music and lights. You guys just need to advertise a lot.” He said. I nodded. Maybe all we had to do was advertise. “It would be fun to dress up. Captain Aly. I could be your first mate.” He chuckled. “Ha. Ha. Very funny.” I said. I looked at him. He looked amused. “It could be fun. I should work there, that’ll get Rusty’s more business.” He smiled. “You are too conceited my friend. Though it wouldn’t be a bad idea, you’d get all the girls and maybe some guys going there more often.” I said. “Hey It’s not being conceited if it’s true” he said. I just rolled my eyes. “Besides, you already bring in a lot of male customers. So I’d just make it a little busier.” He said. “That is so untrue.” I stared at him. “I’m serious. You don’t notice it because you’re working. I notice it because I go there a lot.” He said. We were done eating now. So I took our plates and put them in the sink. “I don’t believe you.” I said, sitting back to my spot. “You don’t have to. But it’s true. Ask Roy. He notices it too.” Ian said. He stared at me. “How do you know that?” I played with the napkin I used earlier. “We talk when you’re taking orders. Besides you’re totally oblivious to everything.” He said. I looked up to him. “That is untrue. You guys talk about me?” I said. I couldn’t believe they talked about me. “Sometimes.” He smiled. “What about me?” I was curious to know. “Oh look at the time” he said and began to stand up. He was avoiding my question. “Oh no you don’t.” I said and blocked the kitchen door. “I could easily get past you Al. Don’t even try.” He smiled. “Only way you’re getting past me is if you tell me what you guys talk about when I’m not around” I said. Ian stood couple feet away from me. “Just guy stuff. You don’t need to know.” He said, being evasive as possible. “That’s so vague. And I have a right to know.” I said. “no you don’t. Guy code. Sorry.” He said and came closer to me. He was a good foot away. “Since when did you follow guy code?” I said. “Since I was a young. But you didn’t know cause you weren’t a guy.” He said, reaching for the door handle. I slapped his hand. “Like that’s gonna keep me away.” He smirked, grabbing my hand, he pinned me to the door. “now missy, let me though or I’ll use force.” He said. I rolled my eyes. Before I could do anything, the door opened and Ian and I fell to the floor. I was on my back and Ian on top of me. I groaned and looked up to see my mom looking at us like we were crazy. Ian got up and helped me up. “What in the world are you guys doing?” my mom asked. She started to laugh. I couldn’t help but laugh too. “Sorry, I was blocking the door because Ian wouldn’t tell me what he says about me to Roy.” I said. “Geez, you kids and your nonsense.” My mom said and headed toward the kitchen. Ian was just smiling. “see ya.” He said and gave me a hug. “This is so not over.” I said. He just laughed and walked out the front door. I sighed and took a shower. Work made me exhausted but sleep wouldn’t come.

I video called Ian. He answered immediately. He was wearing a red shirt with weird designs on it and black shorts. "nice shirt." i said, smiling. "Hey. my mom got me this." he smiled. "Did she really?" i asked. "yup. Enough about my awesome shirt. Whats up with you?" he asked. "i can't sleep." i said. "want me to play for you?" he asked. I smiled. He knew i liked it when he played the violin. His mom forced him to take classes when he was young. he hated it at first but grown to like it. he made me like it too. Taking my smile as a yes, he stood and got his violin. "Okay get your self situated." he said. I placed the laptop on my bedside table and laid down. i watched as Ian began to play a slow melody. Before i knew it, i was drifting to sleep.


Hope you guys liked it. sorry for any errors. again i didn't proof. But yea. :D

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