Nuestro amor - The Night Coal...

By AaliyahTheBisexual

21.6K 349 534

Working in the Night Coalition was the most lucky offer you've ever had in your life. Everybody is protective... More


Ocho y medio

1.4K 33 62
By AaliyahTheBisexual


another madness combat song because i love madness combat







The eight of you were all exchanging looks with each other, some disheartening, some expectant.

"So, uhm...." Pleasant trailed off.

"Who's gonna drive?" Merciless finished.

You were all standing at the garage and your desired vehicle. It was, of course, a very large car, considering that it had the perfect amount of seats for everyone. The exterior was a sleek black with deep red LEDs lining the doors, wheels, windows, and more.

A few people glanced at Dauntless, but he gave a dismissive look with a shake of his head.

You placed your hands on your hips and looked at the Commander.

"Sir, who should drive? You should decide, since everyone here is fuckin' delusional and has no idea how to make up their minds."

Merciless heard this loud and clear and bared his teeth with a scowl.

"Cállate la boca, Amorous! You're the one who doesn't know how to keep track of time!"

You raised an eyebrow out of shock and your eyes widened. It was the look you always gave before getting heated.

"Why the fuck do you care so much, huh?! Las mujeres te tienen miedo y tu hermano siempre te dice que te controles!" You argued back, pointing at the yellow axolotl. Then, you continued as the two of you began to approach each other.

"You're like a fucking dog!"

"The fuck you say?!"

No one bothered to stop you two, and the Commander was staring at you both with a smile. However, he was not amused.

You and Merciless got much closer. He towered over you even when slightly hunched over, but height wasn't something you found intimidating. Rather, maturity. But it's not like either of you weren't being immature.

"You're gonna ruin this mission like you always do, I just know it. Why the hell are ya even here?! You're always so dependant on the bossman and for what? It's like you need his validation at all times or else you'll die! Got daddy issues or somethin', baby?"

Merciless gave a chaotic grin as he could tell he irked a nerve.

"My daddy's still alive, that's for sure."

The atmosphere dropped as Merciless' grin slowly fell. Foreseeable's eyebrows rose as Emotionful sucked the air through his teeth. Pleasant's usual smile fell, she couldn't see, but maybe that was for the better. Otherworldly continued to stare as Dauntless did not appreciate what you had said, but didn't want to intervene. Turbulent was taken aback as he began to slowly cover his eyes, and the Commander had no reaction.

Merciless' mischievous glint in his eyes was not there anymore. However, you stood your ground, your eyelids not going down even once.

In a quick movement, Merciless lunged at you, and you didn't have time to dodge because of his tall figure. You both fell on the ground, grunting. The fall was pretty painful. Your widened eyes were looking everywhere but his face. The back of your head had collided with the ground rather roughly, causing your vision to falter. You didn't care about anything else, you just wanted to get off of the ground. Merciless was now yelling in Spanish, but it was drowned out by you focusing on something other than him.

You took notice to the fact that no parts of his body were pinning you down, since he was dumb enough to relieve himself after the fall, so you had an escape route from underneath him. This was the first time you were on the ground in a fight, and because of that, your panicking slowed you. However, Merciless was more focused on cursing you out rather than causing damage.

You averted your eyes and made eye contact with Merciless. You continued to stare at him as you unnoticeably crawled backwards. You felt more space for your feet to move around. Then, you pulled your legs back. And then, with as much force as possible you punted Merciless in the nose, causing him to immediately clutch it with a yell, and then fall on his back.

You then rolled backwards and got up, wondering how Merciless didn't spot your foot.

You were expecting more, but instead, he sat there with blood running from his nose, Dauntless standing behind him.

You fixed your hair as you could see everyone constantly shifting their stares between you and Merciless. You knew what you had said was rather insensitive, but apologizing at that moment would not have been ideal.

You felt a pair of arms around your left as you looked over. It was Pleasant.

"Amorous? Is everything alright? What has happened?"

You stayed silent for an uncomfortable while until you spoke.

"I, uh, might have made Merciless a bit angry. But, I believe it's... fine now."

Pleasant gave an acknowledging hum as you shifted your gaze to the Commander, which Otherworldly was standing next to him.

"May I be the one to drive, Commander?" He asked, lifting his arm with open an open hand.

With a sigh, Horrid handed Otherworldly the keys and walked towards the car.

"Alright my beauties, fiesta is over. Let us go. Otherworldly will be our driver." He announced as he sashayed over to one of the doors.

Enticed by his seductive tone, everyone got themselves together and immediately followed suit.

Otherworldly was about to get in, until he saw what Horrid was doing.

"Commander, what do you think you are doing?" The eel questioned, narrowing his eyes as he leaned to the side.

The lobster let out a curious hum as he stopped what he was doing.

"What? It's better if I am in the passenger seat, my dearest Otherworldly."

Otherworldly of course, was opposed to this.

"No. It is not. Akilah must, not you. Go away."

"Oh, you're soooo cute, Otherworldly! And so, so very handsome! I love it when you're serious, it... Realmente me pone en marcha!" Horrid exclaimed with a giggle. Otherworldly did not like this as he tightened his grip on the door handle.

"Shut up, you ugly thing. Your attempt to charm me will not work. Give it up." He continued to usher.

However, the woman in question chimed in.

"'Worldly, don't worry about it. I'll sit behind you instead, okay?"

The gentleness of her voice caused Otherworldly's heart to drop as the Commander smirked.


The electric eel unlocked the car as everyone got in at the same time.

The interior of the car was lit by small LEDs on the ceiling. The seats were black and made with a shiny, leather. The car was not new, however, the smell was great. Otherworldly then started the car, and began to pull out of the parking space.

In the first row of seats sat Otherworldly and the Commander. The two seats behind them sat Pleasant and Foreseeable. Behind the two women, sat Emotionful, Dauntless, and Merciless. Behind those three were not seats, but rather a miscellaneous space. So, you and Turbulent sat back there together.

It was better this way anyway. You and Turbulent had no conflict, but you weren't the best of friends because of the difference between your schedules and routines.

Turbulent was always outside, and you were always inside. So, you two never had the chance to bond. Although, he would still act like a close friend when he was near you and had no one else to talk to.

You wanted to see this as an opportunity to start a conversation, but you knew Turbulent would do it first. Everyone knew about his enthusiastic attitude and the fact that he is loud about anything.

Last time you spoke, he threw shade, but it wasn't like you cared. You were the type of person to never hold grudges against anyone, especially the Coalition. Since they were like family to you.

Everyone else in the car was having their own conversations. Turbulent took notice of this and studied your face, trying to see if you were in the mood or not. In your peripheral vision, you noticed he was rather confused.

But it made sense, you were a tricky person after all. Your resting face made you appear angry all the time, but Turbulent decided to push it aside.

As he continued to stare at you and figure out how you were feeling, you couldn't help but smile big, then giggle.

This time, Turbulent didn't even try to hide the fact that he was inspecting you. So he leaned over.

"De qué te ríes...?" He asked, also smiling, but in an awkward manner.

"It's just... your face... I dunno why it's so funny..." You explained, snickering between words. This turned the crab's awkward smile into a prideful grin.

"I got a laugh out of the mean and stoic Amorous! This is a great accomplishment!" The man in red beamed, attempting to wrap an arm around you to pull you in for a hug.

However, you noticed this, and your smile dropped as you grabbed Turbulent's wrist immediately.

"I do not wish to be suffocated by the likes of you, respectfully." You asserted, your grip on his wrist getting tighter as your nails dug into where his arteries were located.

Continuing to stare him down, you could see that Turbulent was not disturbed, not regretful, rather, he was a bit excited. You had forgotten about this notorious trait of his, as you immediately let go, looking at him in disgust, which didn't help.

"Your mood did such a quick swing, that's just... that was just so... magnificent!" He breathed out, studying his wrist, marked by your nails.

You inched away from the astonished crab and side-eyed him.

"Don't jizz your pants, please."

Luckily, no one really overheard what had happened between you and Turbulent. Except for Emotionful, but it wasn't like he was going to do anything about it. He was mainly hearing Dauntless and Merciless bicker anyway.

"Al'... I forgot my pen back at base... can I borrow yours? Please...?" The youngest asked with puppy eyes.

"Koda, I don't vape." The oldest coldly stated, dabbing below his younger brother's nose with a wet wipe to get rid of the dried blood.

"Ughh! I miss Val!" Merciless vocalized, dramatically throwing his head back.

Dauntless however grabbed his chin and quickly pulled his head back down. "No he terminado. Just keep looking at me for a bit." He said as he continued to clean his brother's face.

Emotionful really admired Dauntless, Joyous, and Merciless' family relationship. Cheerless was his cousin, but she never had the time to show the kind of love that those three had to him. He couldn't be upset, though. Perhaps he should've been more vocal about it in the future.

Normally, Dauntless would've been pretty unhappy with you because you harmed his brother when you didn't exactly need to, but he was more frustrated with Merciless instead. However, there were too many people around to stick it to him.

Foreseeable and Pleasant were having small conversations left and right. The two women were fancied with drinks in the cup holders between them. Pleasant felt around the cup holders for another sip, and simply just grabbed the first drink that touched her fingertips.

As she stuck the straw between her lips and began to drink, she immediately noticed that the taste was not familiar whatsoever. The last sip was a sweet, peach-like kind of flavor. This one was more of citrus than anything.

She stopped drinking and stared at the cup in awe, as she knew this was Foreseeable's drink she just took, and not hers.

Embarrassed, the pink psychic quickly put the cup back. Hoping Foreseeable saw none of that.

To her luck, Foreseeable was staring out the window the entire time.

Pleasant decided to stare out the window as well. She couldn't see the outside world, but just thinking about it brought her tranquility.

In front of the two psychic ladies, was Otherworldly and the Commander. The two were completely silent, which was odd for the purple one. The green one took notice to this.

"Something troubling you, Commander?"

Horrid sighed as he leaned on his arm rest and looked down in shame.

"My daughter's Quinceañera is soon. I'm sure of it. Have I really been gone for so long...?" He mumbled his last sentence, inspecting his hands as if he had nothing to do.

Otherworldly's third eye glanced over at the Commander. He did not look happy in the slightest, his eyes closing with furrowed eyebrows. He was extremely disappointed in himself. This was something he despised about himself. Responsible for his child growing up without both parents.

It was Otherworldly's turn to interject as he sighed.

"Look, sir. You're one hell of a father, and I don't mean that in a nice way. Even if you return to your home planet in one piece— which is highly unlikely— an apology to your wife won't stop her from trying to kill you. You made the choice of either staying with your family, or beginning to take over and destroy with our assistance, and you chose us. With the Union in our way, and our ship in need of repair, you might not be seeing them for a long time. It's your evil, Commander, not anyone else's. This is very much your fault, but I presume you already know this."

Horrid scoffed as he glanced at Otherworldly for a second, and then resumed his staring out of the window. He couldn't help but begin to smile and chuckle.

The eel nearly sighed. Even considering how long he has known his boss, he still cannot ever seem to figure out what goes through that brain of his. Sarcastic flirting, random philosophical questions, or questions about Otherworldly himself.

"Hard right." Commander blurted out.

"What? But there is no road there." Otherworldly gave an almost crazy glare.


Otherworldly then immediately leaned left as he held the wheel to the right, causing everyone to jerk to the left.

Naturally, Merciless didn't have a seatbelt on, nor did Dauntless. As a result, this caused Merciless to unwillingly push Dauntless, crashing into Emotionful— who was much smaller than the brothers. All he could do was let out a quiet squeal and temporarily suffocate. Turbulent managed to hold on to something so he wouldn't do the same to you, and Foreseeable and Pleasant's seats were divided by a cup holder. Thus, no collision.

As soon as Otherworldly averted the wheel back to normal, Dauntless immediately shot his younger brother a dirty look.

"What have I told you about wearing a seatbelt, Koda?! You could've damaged your nose further, and you hurt Emotionful. A comrade."

"Well—! You weren't wearing a damn seatbelt either, zorra! You're such a stupid sabelotodo. También, lo siento Emotionful. Te... invitaré a una copa o algo después de esto, vale?"

All the small mummichog did was nod, a look of forgiveness in his diamond-blue eyes.

Dauntless scoffed at his brother as he crossed his arms.

"Seriously? I'm a 'stupid sabelotodo'? That makes no sense. You can't be stupid when you know everything."

Merciless decided that he talked enough for the day, and ended the conversation by rolling his eyes.

The road that Otherworldly was traveling on was a conspicuous dirt path. It was sloppily made, but you could tell it was going to go in one direction for a small while.

It went silent for about ten minutes. Because of this, the elf was feeling extremely unnerved. A space of silence while you cannot see anything is an unpleasant experience. With that, she went ahead and broke it.

"Commandante, I know it isn't the best time to ask this, but I need to get it over with so I do not forget." Pleasant began.

The red-eyed crustacean leaned his head back against the seat and smiled.

"Oh, that's alright, my darling. There's never a bad time to ask me something, never be reluctant on something such as that, my love. Go ahead."

The pet names combined with Horrid's usual seductive tone gave Pleasant chills as her knees slightly buckled. Being enticed by the Commander was something that only Otherworldly was immune to. Nobody knows why, not even himself, but everyone else couldn't help but be enchanted by his magical tone and way of words. It nearly caused Pleasant to falter.

"Ah, well... how exactly did you and your wife meet? Why did you two end up falling in love?"

This question caused Otherworldly to quickly glance at his boss a few times before redirecting his focus back to the wheel. The Commander's smile fell, but not out of sadness.

"Ah... mi glorioso Hippolyta... hmmm. Well, to start, my wife is a noble of our home planet, Vodalis. She resides in the country of J'Harah, but she is known worldwide. She's the head of an organization that is stationed on every continent of the planet. It's called Netherrain. Do not ask me why, she didn't come up with it, she's smarter than that. They are technically the government of J'Harah— well— the ones that are keeping it stable. They hold incredible technology, far more than the average Nocturne offspring can comprehend. However, I'm the only one who knows that. Her syndicate assisted Otherworldly and I in manufacturing the ship we still have, the Aria-Kordeliyah. She's far more intense than me, let's just put it like that. Enough with the boring information heap though. It all started with me, ten decades ago, I thought it was a good idea to get myself in all the trouble I could. Never got caught, until I became reckless with uh... credit cards? All of that put me in debt, along with me stealing minerals and gems from people. Not because I wanted to sell them, I just sort of... wanted them, you know? I was a greedy little idiot back then. Eventually, the numerous banks that gave me those cards gave me a notice, disclosing the percentage of interest that I stupidly let get higher and higher. On top of that, I was sent a very mysterious letter from the people that I stole from, and it was quite threatening to say the very least! And upon receiving all of that, I was indeed shaken up. But, being the once unintelligent man I was, I thought going to Netherrain would be a good idea. They were a false government, but that was the whole point of their gig. They made things like debt go away, and that's just what I needed. I was sure they would also take care of the people that wanted my head on a stick, so without hesitation, I immediately ran to their headquarters. It was a long walk, but I thankfully made it there unscathed. I stormed into that huge building, not knowing I needed clearance first. I was apprehended by security immediately before I could even ask for the boss. But I can't even begin to explain how lucky I was. I was in a panic the whole time, making all the noise I could possibly make, and the woman that ran things happened to be nearby and took me herself. She took me to a strange room. It wasn't her office, but some kind of basement. Originally, I was regretting my decision of walking in that place overall because I thought she was going to do something rather violent to me. I don't know why I was so scared. She was such an assertive and serious woman at first glance, that was what terrified me so much. You see, nearly a hundred years ago, I wasn't the man I am now. As scary as it was, it sure did make me feel a type of way. I was into women like that, but I highly doubted she was into me... until... the solution to my problem was figured out. She assured me she'd make everything go away, she'd compensate the banks that I owed, and she'd personally murder the people who wanted to murder me. I was shocked when she shared that she would do it herself instead of sending out her underlings. And then, she brought up the topic of how I was going to pay her. My heart sank so very low, it's almost funny thinking about it now. But the issue was, I had no money. I offered to give her the jewels I stole, but, she claimed they meant nothing to her, which showed me how wealthy she already must've been. Even though during that era, Netherrain wasn't that populated and was reveiving very little income, but I had no assumption that she was lying, and that left my mind back into a panic. I thought about just giving up and letting her be the one to execute me, but an idea came up. A really, really, really stupid one. I may have been idiotic but I certainly was not ugly. I knew I was the most attractive man and I still do, my appearance was something I always took pride in. So, I did not ask her straight up, I hinted at it. I damn near teased her about it. It was an awful decision to make at that moment. Paying my debt with something so... absurd, but it worked out in the end. After I paid it off and gave her what she wanted, I was about to be on my way back home, but instead, she told me I seemed like a great man, a person she could trust. It was an awkward standpoint but, she offered me a position in Netherrain. I refused though. I wasn't poor, I was actually pretty wealthy myself, I just wasn't right in the head. I continued on with my life, trying to forget that entire thing. However, the day we crossed paths again, I couldn't help myself, and nor could she. We've been married for almost over a century since then. I'm so glad I was such a dense man. I don't regret anything that I did at all that day. And eventually, Xiomara came into our lives. I never knew I was capable of such love, but, I'm happy that they're both doing alright... even without me."

The purple-skinned man couldn't help but sigh and twirl a bunch of his dark, silky hair around his finger. He didn't notice, but in the middle of his story, everyone else in the car had stopped to listen. Emotionful had tears threatening to fall, Dauntless had no strong feeling about it, Turbulent was fascinated, Foreseeable was also about to cry, Pleasant let out a curious hum, Otherworldly did not say anything, you were deep into thought the moment the Commander concluded, and finally, Merciless was about to go nuts. He tried to stand up, but his head collided with the ceiling of the car very quickly. That of course humbled him into sitting back down, then, everyone looked at him except for the two in the front. He looked extremely troubled, as if he had a bomb strapped to him and was physically incapable of letting anybody know. His mouth was wide open for a second until he attempted to speak.

"Yo-yo-yo-you-you-you-you're telling me you two- you-you- both— you're saying you fornicated becau-because youuuu had no way of payment?!"

The bright-yellow axolotl was absolutely baffled, he didn't like the image that was put inside of his mind. He dramatically sat back down and threw his arms around his brother.

"Alvaro! Can you believe that shit?! That's so gross!"

Dauntless fought his brother off as he glared at him.

"Koda, you sound like a damn eight-year-old, shut the—"

Before the assertive axolotl could complete his sentence, a loud pattern of beeping went off. In the very back, it was your radar. You reached into your pocket and pulled the device out with swiftness. You studied it, and it only picked up one reading.

"Commander, there's something here. It isn't too far from us either. And... it's moving... really, really fast."

The atmosphere was completely razed. Everyone was now on alert. Horrid gave a long exhale through his nose.

"Stop, Otherworldly," He commanded as he slightly raised his hand with authority.

The eel immediately acted as he slammed his left foot against the brakes, the tires screeching, and the car lightly bouncing, along with everyone else.

"Todo el mundo, fuera, en silencio."

With that, everybody followed. Foreseeable took one final sip of her drink, and roughly exited the vehicle. Her boots collided with the dirt ground, vaguely kicking up dust in the air as Otherworldly immediately positioned himself next to her.

The Commander leaned against the car, smirking.

"Amorous, guide us. And everyone, do not say a word unless absolutely necessary. I have a feeling I know what...who is here with us."







hopefully you understood the pun

longest chapter so far, hope you liked it

there'll be some more drama later i think idk

also more horrid lore real?

ok bye

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