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On top of the building that was considered The Days Museum, stood the trio. The three jumped down, not getting hurt in the slightest, but Joyous almost falling over. Dauntless was the first one to speak, as he was always the one to take initiative. "Commander, we've arrived at the window to the basement. Shall we move forward?" Foreseeable and Joyous stared at Dauntless, waiting for him to receive a reply. "Yes. There is no need to break in, not sure why, but the window isn't latched. Quietly make your way in, then give me a status report." Even though Horrid could not see him, Dauntless nodded. "Yes, sir." The other two haven't said a thing yet until they got to the window. "I think the last time I was here was when I had killed a bunch of Daynian civilians. They all just ran up on me, so I had every right to!" Foreseeable sighed and pinched the corners of her eyes. "Dios mío Joyous. We don't have the right to kill people in this city. We do it because we want or have to." Dauntless let the two bicker without shutting them up as he opened the window and slid in. "Commander, I'm in. The others are talking about nonsense, but I assure you they'll stop any second now." Dauntless glared back at the two in question and aggressively gestured them to get inside the building. Obviously, it didn't take long. Foreseeable went in first, then Joyous as they shut the window behind them, locking it. "We're all inside. Awaiting orders." To Dauntless' relief, Joyous and Foreseeable stopped talking. "You see, there are guards posted everywhere, and I mean that. I managed to hack into the cameras thanks to Emotionful. Some of them are mere tin cans, and only a few are actual Daynian people. You must take them out quietly." In unison, the three all acknowledged Horrid. Little did they know, there was someone else in this building, waiting for them.

"Isn't it crazy how there's nothing here but... a ladder? This feels like a setup..." Joyous skeptically scanned the basement. "Joyous, you look way too far into things. What would they put in a museum basement?" Foreseeable rolled her eyes. "You two, stop having these useless conversations unless you want to fuck up the job. Let's take these guards out and get whatever we're looking for." Silence filled the air for a small moment. "You got it, hermano mayor!"  Joyous jokingly saluted. Dauntless took a single step on the ladder, testing how loud it was. To his satisfaction, it was as quiet as a mouse. He continued up the ladder, as the other two quickly followed behind him.

"Don't move from this position until I tell you to." Joyous grimaced. "Desde cuándo estás a cargo?" Joyous clutched onto their brother's wrist. "Desde que el Comandante me informó." Joyous rolled their eyes and let go.
"Commander, we're in. No guards have been spotted just yet. Awaiting orders." The trio examined their surroundings, there were four hallways, three of them looked the same, but there was a bigger one on the left. "This is where you all split up and rely on yourselves. There are three identical hallways, correct? Each of you go down one. I remain unsure of what is behind them, but search there first." Dauntless addressed Horrid. "Joyous, take left. Foreseeable, right. I'll go in the middle. Search for about veinte minutos. Then, we'll meet up back here, got that?" The two nodded as they immediately rushed down their designated hallway. However, Dauntless didn't move yet, he crouched down and stood completely still. He reached for the gun in his holster, but then he stopped. He didn't have a silencer, a gunshot would alert all of the guards. Dauntless had spotted a guard coming toward his area. Luckily it was a robot, so it had a more limited line of sight. 'Hm. Who the hell uses tin cans as guards? Dumb move.' Once the guard had passed Dauntless, he pounced on it and tore its head clean off as quick as he could, a bit of sparking involved. He stood back up and kicked the piece of metal into a corner, hiding it in the shadows. After being secured, he turned around and ran down the middle hallway.

"So... Commander... what exactly are we looking for? You haven't told us yet." Joyous asked, slowly walking across a hallway filled with finely sculpted statues of historical figures from the Days Union. "I'm glad you asked. It takes on the appearance of a silver orb. Nothing else in this museum looks like that, so once you see it, grab it and get out of there without a trace." Joyous' mind instantly fixated on their objective. "Aye aye, captain! Tell Merci I love himmm!" Joyous started to gain a fuzzy feeling in their heart, they couldn't wait to get back to base and see their other brother again. Joyous found a statue that had a reflection, they messed with their hair a little until they were satisfied. "Hmm... it's definitely not in this room, I should go back to hermano mayor." As Joyous turned around, they were met with something right in front of them rather than the space of the room. Their eyes went wide as they backed up. "Y/N–"
"Shhhh... turn off your comm before he hears you." Joyous turned off their comm without hesitation. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be back at base?" Y/N nodded, feeling only a slither of guilt. "I wanted to come along to help. I left before I got to hear what Commandente said we had to get out of here, so I just stole tons of artifacts." Joyous didn't take time to process their comrade's words and started shoving them into a dark corner of the room. "Hey! What the hell are you doing?" Joyous furrowed their eyebrows. "Commander has access to every camera in this building. I can't let him see you, y'know!"

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