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To be born as someone like me is a blessing and a curse. I never imagined it as a carefree life. There are numerous, important tasks to do and decisions to make every single day. For example, how would I like to be woke up in the morning? Well, it's not hard to figure it out once you know that I never wake up by myself. That annoying knocking sound against my door that was already open, heard once again.

"Don't tell me it's morning already.."

I rolled over, still underneath my covers.

"Buenos días. Yes. Now, get up. The both of us don't want you to get scolded." I rolled my eyes while they were still closed. "I won't get scolded, idiot,"

I pulled my comforter off of me in an aggressive manner and leaned over to the right to look at my clock. "You- it's six-thirty A.M." I glared at the man dressed in gold. "Yeah, I was told to wake you up by that time... so get up." I rolled my eyes and held my head. This is rather early, Commander usually lets me sleep longer. I saw the imbecile leave and decided to stand up, which I did too fast, and now I feel incredibly dizzy. After recovering, I prepared myself and threw my uniform on. The tie was a deep dark magenta. My hat was an old fedora that someone from my family used to own. I forgot who it was, which I feel bad about, but it's not my fault that my memory is absolute garbage. I tied a ribbon that was the same color as my tie around it to make it look better. I grabbed a big bottle of perfume and sprayed my neck and around. I don't really use perfume, but for such an early morning, why not?

I opened my door and I already heard about seven people talking at once. I closed it behind me and leaned against it. 'Okay, you're gonna greet Commander respectfully and then listen to what he has to say. Today is going to be a normal day, a good one in fact.'

I sharply inhaled and made my way out the dark hallway.
"Ah, there you are. Greetings, Y/N." It was the Commander, every word he speaks just has some kind of charm to it. "Greetings, Comandante. If you don't mind me asking, why are we... up so early?" He gave me his iconic eyebrow arch. "Well, you don't seem very energized. I need to discuss an important matter with you all later, so I took my time to rally everyone up early." I nodded, even though he clarifies everything he has to say as important. "Hola, Amorous! You probably thought this was going to be a normal day again, you need to start realizin' that it's never a normal day!" I scoffed and ruffled the hyper mess' hair. "You get that quote from Benjamin Franklin or something?" I teased. "Who is Bejokim Framlin?" I laughed loudly. "Just some white guy from Earthly folktale, Joyous." Joyous isn't stupid, trust me. One thing I find interesting about Joyous is the conspicuous gender. They didn't really decide on something like that. Plus, they don't really care what they're referred to as anyway.
"Dios Mío, Joyous. What am I gonna do with you?" I pat Joyous on the head as they smiled. "Yo, Amorous! You want some of this?" I heard a voice from behind me, I turned around slowly.

"Well, if it isn't the most good looking brother, Merciless." I winked at him and he froze for a bit. "Oh, well- I... thanks... anyways. You want this?" He held out a fork to me, it had food on it but I couldn't tell what it was. "What is... this red disc looking thing that you are... offering to me?" I looked at him in displeasure. "It's called a tomato. It's from Earth." I scrunched up my face quickly. "No, I don't want anything to do with human culture. Also, isn't Earth destroyed now? How did you obtain this?" He looked side to side in an awkward manner. "I dunno, I just found it on the floor." I gagged and gave the idiot a look. "Qué?! Why do you always eat stuff from the floor? Commander's gonna feed you to the perros de la oscuridad if you don't stop." With that, Merciless rolled his eyes and walked away.

It was like a damn Fiesta up in here, is this what the Commander wanted or something? I sighed in sheer boredom and approached the Commander, as he already spotted me. "Uh, what are we even doing? We definitely have a job to do today, right?" Horrid grinned at me, his fish-like ears slightly rising. "Of course. I'm just making sure everyone's in the mood for it. I shall commence business at once." I nodded, as he set down his glass of wine. He clapped his hands twice and everyone immediately went silent and got into position, except for me. "Hm, you all seem more obedient than ever. You should be like this all the time." Commander made his way towards the center of the room. "I'll get straight to the point. This mission is a retrieval one. We need to infiltrate The Days Museum. They have something that doesn't belong to them. It's an artifact from our home planet." He paused in frustration. "You see, hijos de putas– like people who worship these damn Daynians– love to take stuff from our species and claim that they found it." Even though he wasn't paying attention, I nodded. "I already know who I'm going to assign this to. If I were to bring all of you, it would be a disaster." I almost laughed. He's exactly right. We all think of each other as a familia, but sometimes, familia don't get along. "Dauntless, Joyous, and Forseeable. You three are great choices for this, so therefore, I am placing my trust in you." When Horrid announced this, my ears twitched. "You three know your way around that museum, right?" The chosen trio nodded, I didn't like this. "Commander, why not me too? If it's a stealth mission, killing, anything like that, I've got it covered!" He looked over at me and shook his head. "Amorous, what you're saying is fact. However, the only thing that stops you from being my choice is... your memory." My eyelids couldn't help but go up. Quickly after, I sighed. "But Commander, it's not like I never remember things! It's just-"

"-A three out of ten percent chance. That's what it is." I rolled my eyes, but I wasn't quite accepting defeat yet. I'm going to sneak out with them, I just have to wait a little while after they leave.
"We shall now depart, sir." The Commander nodded. "Alright, I'll keep in contact with you over comms. Do not fail me."

ok ok OKAY

i was gonna work on chapter 9 of Roses but nawww

oh yeah, if you don't understand Spanish, I am very sorry

yes, i am doing a spanish night coalition theme because i thought it'd be pretty fun 🥰

for the love of God, do NOT use Google translate. it's going to give you the wrong things

ok bye lol

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