The Royal Spare (COMPLETED)

By magicheart21

39.1K 3.5K 606

This story follows the life of Princess Maiena, the second and youngest child of King Thaddeus-- the strong... More

1- Of Royals and Nobles
2- Of Sneaky Ladies
3- Of Knights And Kisses
4- Of Disappointing Fairytales
5- Of Courtships And Promises
6- Of Moonbeams And Shadows
7- Of Secret Art And Passageways
8- Of Old Friends And New Discoveries
9- Of Sweet Treats And Big Coats
10- Of Searches And Realizations
11-Of Goodbyes And Hellos
12-Of Midnight Snacks And Promises
13-Of Raindrops And Confessions
14-Of First Kisses And Never Afters
15- Of Friends And Saviours
16-Of Lullabies And Butterfly Kisses
17-Of Siblings And Decisions
18-Of Dreams And Nightmares
19-Of Intuitions And Vows
20-Of King's Orders And Second Chances
21-Of Tears And Facades
22-Of First Dances And Second Thoughts
23- Of Flowers And Apologies
24-Of Virtue And Reasons
25-Of Changes And Crushes
26- Of Necessities And Solutions
27- Of Picnics And Superpowers
28- Of The King's Condition
29- Of Spats And Slips
30- Of A Regency Under Threat
31- Of A Man's Desire And A Knight's Code
32-Of Pretty Dresses And Hot Pies
33- Of A Grand Ball And First Meetings
34- Of A Jealous Guy And Falling Stars
35- Of A Sleepy Princess
36-Of A Non-lover's Quarrel
37- Of A Knight's Choice
38-Of Meeting The "Girlfriend"
39-Of Well-wishes And Sunsets
40-Of A Short Respite
41-Of A Knight And A Pen
42-Of A Romantic Rendezvous
43-Of Pain And Possibilities
44-Of Secret Lovers
45-Of Confessions And Understanding
46-Of Tricks And Treats
47-Of Tricks And Treats: Part 2
48-Of Tricks And Treats: Part 3
49-Of A Royal Engagement
50-Of A Princess's Worries
52-Of A New Light
53-Of A Palace Under Siege
54-Of Surprises And Choices
55-Of The Rumor Mill
56-Of A National Celebration
57- Of Brothers' Love
58-Of Ever Afters

51-Of Treaties and Opportunities

567 55 7
By magicheart21

"Nikolai, you can't be serious." I gaped at my brother who was calmly sitting on the throne while I stood in front of him with a royal decree he had just signed in my hands.

"Do you think I would joke about such a serious matter?" The Prince Regent smiled at me softly with a very patient look in his eyes which was a stark contrast to my agitation. His reaction only made me more uneasy.

"Exactly. This is such a serious matter. How can you make this decision overnight?" I asked him and waved the document in front of him.

"I didn't decide in haste. I've thought about it and this is the best decision. We have to take advantage of this opportunity, Maiena. Besides, it's only for a few days while I attend what probably would be the most important meeting of nations in recent history after your revelations and sign the treaties on behalf of Reidonia. Although, Father will wake up in five days. We can't wait that long."

"I understand that you have to do this right away and couldn't wait for father but look at this and tell me you're sure about this." I insisted.

"You don't have to show me that, Maiena. I know what I signed." He told me in his still very calm and patient manner. At that moment, if the entire privy council and the Elite knights were not present, I would've grabbed his shoulders and shook him violently to get him back to his senses. "Trust my decision and have faith in yourself. I'm not worried. Especially with Lord Gerardo and Sir Gali by your side. Even if Aidan is not here right now, I'm still confident with the support that you have."

With the mention of Aidan's name, my heart desperately ached but I held my composure. Since the night before my engagement party with the dauphin, I never saw nor talked to Aidan again. I didn't know exactly what happened. I just learned from Desmond that Lord Gerado told Nikolai that Aidan left and travelled to the Orient with his mother Lady Adaline because of some urgent matters with her family. They didn't know when he would come back. I didn't understand because Aidan didn't explain. I also wondered how Lady Adaline from our neighbor country Slavja could have family in the Orient which is on the other side of the world. I didn't know why and I couldn't ask Aidan. He never called. He didn't leave a message. He just left. He left me without a word.

I sighed exasperatedly and read the document again. The words Regent Ad Interim beside my name glared at me again. "But you can't... I can't..."

"Why not?" His smile grew a little wider then. "Princess Maiena, you single-handedly unraveled and put an end to the Etazurian's evil schemes to illegally gather confidential information of different countries worldwide and use them to control their wealth, resources and military power."

"But..." I wanted to explain but I couldn't find the words. I was just lucky to find the program in the dauphin's laptop. I just wanted to get rid of the files he used to blackmail Nikolai so he would agree to my marriage with Phillipe.

"I know what you're thinking. You were not just lucky, Tesorita. If it were any other princess, they wouldn't even know what to do with that information but you happen to be a genius. You liberated all those nations and gave them security. The world looks up to you, not only as a beautiful and intelligent Princess, but also as their saviour. Such respect can not be questioned." Nikolai explained.

"But our laws... Our citizens..." I still tried to argue. Reidonia has never seen a woman take the throne even temporarily. They certainly wouldn't accept me.

"You think our citizens do not think the same way as the world?" My brother lifted an eyebrow and pointed to the window. "They've been singing songs about you since last night. The number of people outside the gates increase by hundreds every hour and their voices reach the palace. Can't you hear them?" Nikolai asked as I stood quietly and listened.

I have heard them singing since last night but only truly listened at that moment. They were singing about me! My heart became suddenly overwhelmed by pride, gratefulness and joy. People actually recognized my efforts. I wasn't just pushed aside to be the pretty backdrop for my brother and father. The world saw me. Respected me. It was an unfamiliar feeling but one that I will never forget for the rest of my life.

When I finally raised my eyes to look at my brother, I saw him beaming with pride. "You are not just a princess, Maiena. You are more than capable to be a Queen. I believe you can do this."

"I can't be Queen." I said.

"Not yet." He smirked. "I have already asked the royal scribes to draft an amendment to the law that will allow you and all future princesses of Reidonia to ascend to the throne under certain conditions without having to marry into royalty. When it is ready, I will implore father to sign it." He smiled.

"Nikolai..." I gasped and stared at him like he just grew three heads.

"Don't look so shocked. I didn't decide this without merit. You proved to me how this is possible. The council agrees to it too." He said and my eyes swept across the room of noblemen. I suddenly realized that I was the only woman in their midst.

When I still didn't speak a word, Nikolai chuckled. "Anyway, don't think about wearing the Reidonian monarchy crown now. You won't be Queen for hundreds of years."

I turned to my brother again with a soft smile on my face. "That's right. Papa would have to live a hundred years more and you another two hundred." I grinned as I launched forward and hugged him. I didn't care that we were surrounded by snooty noblemen. I didn't even care that I would probably never be Queen in this lifetime. I was just genuinely happy to know that my big brother believed in me and incredibly grateful for the hope of freedom that he was going to grant me and all the princesses of this country in the future. "Thank you, brother." I whispered.

He hugged me back and gently rubbed my head. "Silly girl. You deserve it." He then got up and stood beside me on the platform then turned to face the room.

He held my hand tightly and raised his chin proudly as he declared, "Gentlemen, bow before Her Majesty, Princess Regent Maiena Stella Divina. In my short absense and while we wait for the King's full recovery, her word is the word of the crown and all shall abide by it."

For a few seconds, nobody moved or said a word as I stood there with my head held high and my heart about to burst out of my chest. I could sense their doubts and hostility.

"All hail, Her Majesty." Sir Gerardo's powerful voice resonated across the room as he bowed before us. It meant the world at that moment because if not for Nikolai's unusual decision of leaving the country in the hands of a woman, the authority should have been his as head of the second most powerful House in the country.

With the leader of the privy council's initiative, all the other proud noblemen of the room echoed, "All hail, Her Majesty!" and bended the knee.

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