My Life In Pieces (Book #1)

By KatherineJones92

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This slice of life novel follows fifteen year old Alex Harrison. Alex has just had her world broken into jagg... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 11

18 10 2
By KatherineJones92

I hated to admit it, but I could get used to this.

I saw James' truck as we arrived at a little diner called Chew Chews. It had a train painted on the wall outside and seemed like the place a lot of the seniors from school liked to hang out. I instantly adored it.

The four other seniors were standing around one of the boy's trucks talking about the engine. This was starting to feel more and more like Texas by the minute; they just needed some boots. I guess no matter where I lived boys would still love their trucks. Off to the side of them, Miri and Danny were arguing and Nina, Annie, and Laura were talking in giggly hushed tones next to Landon. Landon was talking to James. So all that were missing were Declan who would be getting out of Gym by now, Ryan and Reece, and Tyler and Brenna.

How did they all get out of class too? Was this a thing?

Dylan landed his eyes on me and waved me over as we got out of Jake's Jeep. I smiled at Ari and left his side. I hadn't seen Dylan since after Algebra. Dill squeezed my shoulder as we walked up on the crowd. "Hey guys I want you to meet my cousin Alex if you haven't already." The ones whom I hadn't met looked curious. "Alex this is Annie and her twin Landon."

"They are Declan's step brother and sister?"

He smiled and squeezed my shoulder, "Exactly. And this is Nina."

"Danny's sister."

"Yep. You are doing really good at remembering all of us kids."

I blushed slightly. "Thanks."

"You re-met Max and Logan at the barbecue." They both waved a small hello.

We all headed inside to order. By the time I got my food several of the people I knew were already seated in separate clusters. Declan had arrived and was obviously hitting on Annie. Dylan and all of the seniors were sitting in a corner booth. Miri and Danny were arguing at the end of a long table. Ari, Ellie, and Aaron were sitting next to them, ignoring the heated banter. The open spots there were in between Danny and Ari or next to Miri and across from Ari. I chose the spot next to him. He squeezed my hand under the table after I sat down. I smiled and started into my burger.

I listened as Miri and Danny argue about how selfish Danny was. I decided to intervene, "You two sound like an old married couple."

Miri looked at me, "No Danny just won't admit that he is a selfish jerk and that is why we broke up."

"No, Miri will not admit that she just can't take no for an answer."

"What is the question?" They both looked perplexed. "What can she not take no for? How is he being a jerk?" They both looked back embarrassed, not knowing the answer. "See you two just like to fight. Because you're not together, you fight so you can be around one another." Both of their jaws hung open.

Someone behind me added in, "See I have been saying that for a month. She is new and could tell that in ten minutes."

I turned around and saw Tyler standing over me.

"Hi Ty." He smiled and sat down next to Miri.

"So how is your day going beautiful?"

I cocked my eyebrow trying to figure out if I had heard this kid right. "Fine and yours?"

He smiled, "Great now."

He was flirting. I knew it, everyone at the table knew it, and the little cartoon angel and devil that had to be on either side of this guys' shoulder right now knew it.

"Glad I can brighten someone's day?" Miri looked like she was going to have a coronary.

I could feel Ari stiffen next to me. I glanced out of the corner of my eye and saw his mouth was in a hard line.

What did I say?

Tyler looked around for a moment. "So have you met most of the kids now?"

"Yeah a good portion of them. I see a lot of them around. I haven't seen you or Brenna today though."

He leaned over me and stole one of my French fries and winked, "Well I guess I will just have to make myself more visible for you."

Ari broke in and sounded annoyed when he uttered, "Where is Bren anyway?"

Elle added, "You know your girlfriend? Our sister?"

He shrugged, "Working on lyrics."

I tried to think of a way to ease the tension. "Does she write all of the songs?"

"I write some."

Ari snorted next to me.

I smiled ignoring him. "Well we'll have to hear one you write sometime."

"You do seem like a good muse. I might just write one for you." Ari slammed his hand to the table. I jumped and Dylan was at Tyler's side hovering over me in an instant.

"Problem boys?"

Ari answered first. "He's hitting on Alex in front of his girlfriend's siblings. You know normal Tyler shit. "

Tyler held his hands up in defense. "We were just exchanging pleasantries. Alex said she wants to hear one of my songs sometime. I told her I may have to write her one then."

I tried to shrink in my chair as much as possible. I could feel all eyes on our table. Dylan just scoffed at Tyler. "Yeah she is a true inspiration for your writing, I'm sure. She's been in town for two minutes and you're already on the prowl. Where is Brenna by the way?"

I almost giggled at the sour expression that came across Tyler's face. "I guess I better go find her." He looked at me. "Sorry for talking to the pretty lady without her handler's permission. Promise not to let that happen again."

Dylan got close enough to Tyler their noses almost touched, "Smart idea." Dylan made Danny get up and he sat down by me. "Sorry, Tyler's a moron."

Ari added, "He's a cocky prick." He looked at Miri, "No offense."

She nodded, "None taken. Tyler can be a handful."

I shrugged, "I've been hanging out with him and James since my first night here and he hasn't talked to me like that yet. Maybe he's just having an off day?"

Ari snorted, "More like an off year."

My head hurt, "Can we just get back to school?"

Dill rubbed my shoulder, "Sure kiddo." We all got up and Dylan was nice enough to cover my half eaten burger. That strange exchange with Tyler had killed my appetite. I looked around for Ari as we all loaded into cars and trucks. He was getting into Jake's Jeep with Elle and Aaron. I left Dylan and walked over to them.

"Room for one more?"

Elle smiled, "Sure, you and Ari are in back this time."

I climbed in and buckled up before I got the nerve to look at Ari. His face was a straight line. I leaned over as close as I dared and talked into his ear, "I am so sorry."

"For what?" He said it through his teeth.

"About whatever the fuck that was back there with Tyler."

"You mean you and Tyler flirting in front of all of us?" His voice was quiet enough I didn't think anyone up front had heard.

"I wasn't flirting. I was being polite."

He looked at me and I gave my best puppy dog eyes. He smiled a small smirk, "I guess I'm not used to Southern hospitality like that."

I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or serious. Either way I just wanted to be done with the topic.

I rolled my eyes, "Bless your heart if you think that was flirting."

He leaned over and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "The only person I want flirting with you is me."

I blushed and eased back into my seat. My hand sat next to his. He silently interlocked out pinkies. I liked his hand on mine.

Digital and Interactive Media was next on the agenda. I half expected to get called to Principal Stone's office for skipping part of Gym. I figured out on the way there that Ari and I would be in the same class. We walked to the back of the computer lab together and sat in the far corner. None of the other kids from the families were in this class which meant we would get to be alone for the entire period. The teacher, Ms. Gilbreath, began class and I tried to pay attention. This class actually seemed kind of cool. We were going to get to learn Photoshop and other Adobe programs apparently. Ari kept unintentionally stealing my focus. I watched as he took notes and chewed on the end of his pen even though she was just going over the syllabus and did a getting to know you exercise like all the other teachers. He would look over and smile occasionally. The class sadly ended all too soon and I was headed to some kind of Social Science class. Or I was pretty sure that's what it was. Ari showed me the way but stopped me at the door.

"Do you know where your next class is?"


"What do you have?"

"Study Hall. Then Spanish and I end with English."

He looked confused. "Grade Ten English is in the morning periods."

I shrugged, "I'm in English for 11th grade."

He smirked, "Smart and pretty, I like it. Elle has it too. She is two halls over in Math. I can text her to come find you. Or I can get your number and forward it on to her?"


"I think I can find my way, but you can still have my number." He gave me his phone and I dialed in my digits. "I was wondering when you were going to ask for it. You don't use social media a lot so it's not like you can contact me there."

"I've wanted it since The Garage. How do you know I don't get on social media?"

I blushed, "I already added Elle and Aaron to Insta and Snapchat and Elle said you don't ever get on."

"Yeah I like being old school sometimes. Thank you for your number."

I handed him back his phone and smirked. "Use this wisely."

I walked into class and was all alone. Or thought I was. A kid came in a few minutes late and sat next to me. He looked really familiar with mocha skin and a light red afro. It took me a second but I realized it was Ryan Stone.

When we had the chance to speak I smiled, "I'm Alex."

He looked confused at my speaking to him.

"I'm Ryan?"

"I know, you're Declan's and Logan's brother. Dylan is my cousin."

His eyes lit up with recognition, ""Oh shit. Sorry, I didn't realize."

"Yeah I don't think we have met yet, or like re-met."

He smiled, "Nice to re-meet you."

"Is this class a tenth grade class or ninth? I have no idea what classes they actually put me in."

He nodded, "Yeah no it is a grade ten level. My mom wanted me in here though this year so she had me take the grade nine level this summer."

"Is that normal or just a thing with the families? I feel like all of you are a grade ahead in one class or another."

"Ha, yeah, everyone says that. No, our parents are just really pushy. We are all in AP, dual credit, or ahead in classes."

"Your mom put me in eleventh grade English."

"Sounds like my mom. How's your first day going?" He looked genuinely interested.

"It is okay. I mean I miss back home like crazy, but it helps having family around."

"That and like four other families all being nice and making friends with you because you're a Harrison."

I rolled my eyes, "What, not all Canadians are this friendly? I thought you were known for it like us Texans?"

He laughed, "We are but we also take care of our own."

"Most of y'all do, I would agree with that."

His eyebrow raised, "Let me guess Brenna?"

"She hates me. That and Tyler hit on me out of the blue in a restaurant full of people who know he has a girlfriend. That was kind of awkward."

He scooted his chair closer to me and craned his neck so that no one could hear our conversation. "Okay first of all Brenna is a bitch who's jealous that some pretty thing like you is coming in and getting all the boys' attention. "

"Who's attention?"

"Oh all the guys were talking about you after you played football the other night. Well until Dylan laid into them for it. Tyler wouldn't hit on you unless he thought you were hot."

The guys were talking about me? How? What about me?

My eyes bulged. "No way he thinks I'm anything."

"Ty doesn't waste his time flirting with a girl unless he thinks he can get her or unless he wants to piss Brenna off."

What's the likelihood that Brenna has already heard about it?"

"News travels fast in this school."

I looked at him more intently, "Did you already know before I told you?"

He shook his head yes. "Tyler and Reece had last period together and Tyler told him how Dylan pissed him off and overreacted because he talked to you. Reece figured he hadn't just talked to you. Ty also said Brenna is driving him nuts and he wishes he could dump her but he had to wait for the right time. He doesn't want to just drop her because of the band, but she has really gone psycho since you showed up. She's trying to keep him on lockdown and he's not into it."

I shook my head, "He's just messing with me to make her mad."

"Most likely. That would be Ty for you."

I shrugged, "He didn't act so stupid when it was just us and James these past few weeks."

"Ty is a great guy. He's just stupid when it comes to girls."

"Shit, Brenna is going to murder me. Any other rumors already going on about me?"

He laughed, "Just about you and Ari."

I almost choked on my own spit, "What about Me and Ari?"

"Oh don't play stupid. The two of you have been making sex eyes at each other since you got here. Is it true you dumped your boyfriend for him?"

My eyes bulged. "What? No, I've never even had a boyfriend." Patrick didn't count.

His eyes bulged right back, "Seriously?"

"Dude, I'm not even sixteen yet."

"You're behind the curve here."

I rolled my eyes. That was not one curve I wanted to be ahead of. The rest of the class passed and Ryan walked me to Study Hall. It was the first class I had today with absolutely no one I knew and I was relieved. I needed time to process all of this. I was allowed to just sit and study which for it being the first day, I felt like I was still behind. The teachers had not given us homework but the syllabi alone intimidated me. I looked through each one trying to picture myself being able to handle all of this.

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