A family secret?! - Invader Z...

By countrygirldemon

340 2 4

This is a story about Dib's Father Professor Membrane adopting an Alien baby with his wife before they had Di... More

Meeting Zim
Temper to Curiosity
Anger masking Sadness
Enemies to Dating

Knowing the truth

55 0 0
By countrygirldemon

Sora's pov:

When I turned 6 showing high intelligence, Dad took me to his secret lab since he thought I was smart enough to know the truth. I held his hand when he lead me to a room where a woman was in a tube floating in what ever the liquid was and I noticed she was hooked up to many machines "You should sit down Sora because what I'm about to tell you will be hard to believe, but I promise you that things between us will not change because I still think of you as my daughter" He stated turning his back to me with his hands gripping each other when I sat down "I don't like where this is going, Who is that sleeping woman and why did you bring me here?" I ask scared a bit when he looked at me and I could sense his despair and pain "I'm not your father and Anne is not your mother that woman there is your mother and you are not of earth" He stated, my world shattered in many pieces when I saw that he was being serious about this so I took a good look at the woman- no my mother who was in a deep sleep but part of me couldn't believe this "You are lying to me! Stop joking around nd tell me the truth" I screamed at him slamming my fists onto a metal table bending tremendously which made me freeze in my spot when I looked at my hands which were covered in white scales and my fingers were claw like but when I looked up, I saw Dad on the ground in surprise but I sensed a bit of fear from him "I-I'm sorry I-I didn't m-mean to...... I'm s-sorry" I mumbled while trying not to cry but soon I felt a hand on my head as he knelt before "I know this is hard to process all  at once but I promise nothing has changed" he softly spoke as I jumped into his arm crying "I'm so scared daddy" I cried into his shoulder wrapping my arms around his neck while he hugged me rubbing my back "then what am I? A Freak? A alien? a Monster?" I asked quietly, he grabbed me by the shoulders and looked me in the eyes "You are not a Freak, Alien nor a monster, You are you but we are going to have to keep this from the rest of the family for their safety' he stated and I nodded at him because recently me and dib fought recently "I agree with dad because recently me and dib fought and he told me that if I was an alien he would experiment on me" I mumbled and he sighed at this "well he is just a human child who says things he don't mean" he stated and I walked up to my mother pressing my forehead while sensing a familiarity from her. I pulled away from the glass taking his hand into my small one "Lets go home dad" I stated softly as he picked me up "Alright and its family night so it's your turn to pick" he said, my eyes went wide and I grinned at this information. When we made it home Dib and Gaz came running to us "where were you too?" Gaz asked curiously while dib glared at me "Why do you get to spend more time with dad Sora?! that's not fair" he stated angrily while I looked away from him giving him the cold shoulder "Dib your sister here was making sure I came home or else we wouldn't have our family nigh tonight so instead of getting mad at her you should be saying thank you " dad stated sternly while I thought of what we should do tonight and I got an idea "Dad lets go Applebee's at the botanic gardens" I asked making him stiff and I wouldn't blame him it was mom's favorite place to eat but to my surprise he nodded at me "Alright Lets go kids" He stated and we had a great time even with me knowing they aren't my real family but they took care of me so my opinion never changed towards the people who raised me when my mother couldn't.

3rd pov:

Sora was a popular kid in school from the moment she entered the school but she didn't care about reputation when she saw her little brother get pushed by bullies so she pushed them back while standing protectively over her little brother "Leave him alone" she yelled at them and her eyes held disgust "or what? You maybe popular but that doesn't mean we wont beat you up" The bully stated, gritted her teeth "Sora why are you protecting me?! I can handle this myself" Dib yelled at worrying about his older sister when she looked at him over her shoulder giving him a small smile "What kind of big sister would I be if I didn't protect my siblings and I promised mom I would look after you and Gaz dib" she stated softly before she got punched in the face knocking her to the ground, making dib's eyes widen and he sat there watching his sister fight his bullies to protect him. She got up quickly, she pushed her brother into a locker blocking the bullies from opening while she got beat up since she didn't know how to protect herself but she didn't care because she would protect dib and Gaz even if it was painful. After the bullies left seeing she wouldn't budge, she fell forward onto the floor with a thud and dib slowly opened the locker to find her on the ground covered in bruises, scratches, blood trickling from her mouth and a black eye. He quickly scrambled to her side and he shook her "Sora hey wake up sis" he stated but he got no response from her so he put her arm around his neck slowly dragging her to the nurse's office and was taken home by Professor Membrane. Since that incident Sora began training to protect herself, and the ones she cares about, she even learned to shapeshift like her biological parents but she had to make sure to no one else saw her. Sora maybe popular but she refused to talk to the other popular kids which pissed them off. They made her life living hell but she didn't let them get to her unless they went after dib and Gaz which ended up with her getting expelled a couple of times which made Professor Membrane mad. 

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