:Captured: Bakugou x Reader

Par Forgotten_Damsel

100K 3.5K 2.5K

Bakugou x Reader Tribal AU When you're suddenly taken away from your home village by force, you find yoursel... Plus

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 1

12K 286 254
Par Forgotten_Damsel


Word Count: 4615



The salty breeze whipped through your hair as you ran down the shore, your feet sinking slightly with each step as various children chased after you. Laughter exploding from your lungs when they finally caught up with you, tackling you down into the wet sand with them.

"Okay, okay, you caught me!" You giggled lifting yourself into a sitting position to look over the many eyes that were locked on your form. Shaking your head, you pulled one of the children into your lap then looked out towards the crystal blue ocean married with a coral painted sky from the sinking sun. Squinting your eyes to focus on the horizon, you could see the fuzzy outline of boats approaching the coast of your tribe.

"Look," pointing a single finger to the almost unseeable boats approaching, "they're back with today's catch."

The children lined up ankle-deep in the saltwater jumping up and down at the idea of their parents or siblings returning with the goods they had stolen from the sea. All but one child, who remained in your lap glaring at the floating contraptions.

You knew that he detested those boats from a very young age.

Rising from the wet ground below you, you placed the child on your hip which they gladly accepted, nuzzling their face into the crook of your neck with no compliant.

"Come on everyone, it's time to go back home!" You called which caused all the remaining children to rush past you up to the coast where your people lived.

You kept a steady pace behind the children making sure to keep all in your sight till you returned to your tribe, "Kota, are you excited for tonight?"

Immediately, you felt the boy's grip tighten around your frame, "I don't want you to do it."

"You don't want to see my Wauo dance?" Your bottom lip pouting out as you turned your head making the onyx hair boy remove his face from the safety of your neck.

"Your mine and that's it!"

A vibration worked its way through your throat at his claim over you.

You didn't bother fighting the smile that was making its way onto your face that accompanied your laughter, "You know, I've already waited three years to even participate in the dance. I can't wait forever Kota, one day I will get married to my Abi. You didn't get like this when Midoriya got married."

"And then he left us!" Kota snipped back, "If you get married then I won't have anyone, you'll leave me too, just like everyone else."

Frowning you petted the back of your hand against his cheek, "I'll always be with you, and Midoriya will be back soon after our shaman tells him all need to know. Him, Uraraka, and Iida will be back in time, and I'll still be in the village I'll just be married, that's the only difference. I'm not leaving you."

"You have to promise me," Removing his ivory shell necklace from his neck then shoving it your way, "promise me."

Kissing the necklace on the single thick indigo bead that was placed in the center of the tiny necklace you sealed your promise. This was the highest oath that two people could make in your tribe.

It was meant for serious matters, but for children, everything was a serious matter, "I promise."

The two of you arrived at the small tribe and Kota removed himself from you reluctantly. The tribe was bustling with life as people worked diligently in preparing for the ritual tonight. The night before had been the Abi dances where the stand out of the night had surprisingly been Yosetsu, making him the prime candidate for many of tonight's dancers.

You were excited to perform in one of your tribe's most important traditions after putting it off for so long; but, you were also becoming increasingly nervous at what comes with it.

You had the potential to become engaged tonight if you attracted a male and accepted his invitation to his hut. A shudder ran up your spine as you continued to think about a reality that may soon come to fruition in a matter of hours. You could be calling someone else yours after waiting for so long.

Fears came with that reality as well-- would you make the right choice? Would you be a good enough Wauo for them? Was life married as hard as your chanter told you?

Walking through the tribe you failed to notice predator eyes watching your figure.

But Kota did.

He already knew how you stood out from the other women that were dancing tonight by the way all the men talked about you in the bathing cove.

When news that you were to be performing in this season's Wauo dance many males made entry to the Abi dance to make them eligible for you to potentially pick them. Even if you were to give a subpar performance, many of them would still invite you to their huts, but you didn't know that their infatuation with you went that deep. For most, it was their first time performing as well, as they were eagerly waiting for the chance to claim you as their very own for the rest of time.

A sharp tug on your fern dyed wrap skirt brought your attention back to the boy next to you. He did not speak but instead took your hand in his, gripping it tightly as you passed the ceremonial fire pit. Biting your lip, you knew this would be harder for Kota then what you originally thought.

Four years ago, his parents died on their boat from rough seas. When he didn't see their boat arrive at the shore with the others, he knew what happened and he shut the world out. No matter the amount of nurturing that his remaining family gave him, the only people he would let in strange enough were you and Midoriya.

It was as if the two of you had become his new parents.

He adored you, but he loved Midoriya.

So when Midoriya and company left with All Might two years ago, he clung onto you even tighter.

Now you found Kota sneaking out of his aunt's hut to come to sleep with you in the middle of the night, or fighting her till he was allowed to be by your side again, and running to your side whenever she attempted to have him get on their family boat even if it was just for a ride over the nearby coral reef to look down at the vibrant sea life below.

His aunt felt horrible that the boy had become so attached to you that you felt inclined to take care of him while he recovered from the trauma of losing his parents and feeling abandoned by Midoriya.

You had put off your Wauo dance for him until this year.

You felt Kota had made enough progress for you to entertain the idea of getting married. You gave his hand a pulsing squeeze, "How about I wear your favorite color tonight for my dance? Just for you."

You could see the sparkle in his eyes at the prospect. It would be like you were just dancing for him. Quickly, he nodded agreeing to the offer.

It was moments like these he was absolutely adorable without even trying.

"Kota!!!" The cheery voice of his aunt rang through the air taking the boy into her arms, "I missed you!"

Kota pushed against her embrace before giving up and accepting the death hug he was receiving, "I missed you too." He mumbled his eyes trained on the ground as he pouted.

"Was he good for you (Y/N)?"

You ruffled the boy's hair, "He was as always. How was today's catch Shino?"

"It was a great day! Should be enough to last us for at least two days," placing Kota on her side she wiggled her brow towards you, "you should go start getting ready for tonight. It's getting dark after all."

"Yeah, I probably should, I'm sure my parents are waiting for me," kissing your hand you placed it onto Kota's forehead, "be good okay? I'll do my best, just for you."

The young boy's cheeks turned into strawberries at your words, "Y-You better!"

Giggling, you turned on your heels departing from the two to go your own hut. Flipping open the thick cloth that covered the entrance of the grass woven home you walked into the warmth that your mother and father worked so hard to make. At your arrival, your mother and father greeted you before getting you ready for tonight's festivities.

Soon, you found yourself in an apricot skirt with fine details and patterns crafted into its design hugging onto your hips as it barely grazed the ground, a decent slit on one side allowed you full movement. Your chest was bound in a matching strapless top ending just below your breasts. Both pieces of clothing having white shells dangling on the edges acting like fringe.

Cuffed around your wrist and ankles were cream portulacas and shells filling any gaps in the flowery jewelry. Your mother braided your hair away from your face but let most of it run free while your father decorated your face with white paint making several dots and lines that accentuated your features.

Your mother tucked away a stray strand of your (H/C) tresses behind your ear as both of them took in the sight of you, "You look wonderful, (Y/N)."

"I'm sure that you will have no trouble impressing the potential Abis tonight." Your father added patting your head.

Heat flooded your cheeks as your (E/C) orbs danced between the two adults in front of you. Your focus settling on the addition of a second thicker and uniquely beaded necklace that adorned each of them. Engulfing both in your arms, the couple returned their daughter's embrace.

"I'll make you proud."

Your heart pounded like a drum as you continued to perform.

After landing another dangerous leap, you found yourself spinning in front of the large ceremonial fire. It's heat radiating onto your body as you continued to dance closer and closer to the flame, your skirt teasing it as if asking to be lit. You focused on your movements making sure all flowed into one another like rippling water. Your bare feet running different patterns into the soft sand as you bent your body in unique ways. One of your legs occasionally kicking above your head.

Leaping into the air once more, you landed perfectly on your hands flipping yourself onto your feet in a fluid sequence. Slowly, you spun descending to the ground sitting onto your legs, your head hanging heavily as you recovered your breath to soothe the burning sensation in your chest. Moments later, applause filled the air. Lifting your head, pride swelled in your chest as you fought back the tears that threatened to fall from your eyes.

You had aced your dance.

A body smacked into yours threatening to topple both of you over. You knew immediately who it was based on the small stature.

"You did great." Kota choked out. You could feel the warm droplets and shivers his body released as he held you. You returned his embrace pressing his frame into yours as you carried him over with you next to other potential Wauos a few still awaiting their turn to perform.

This was much harder on him than you thought. Taking your seat, you petted your hand through his sleek locks you didn't bother listening to the chief and others debating your dance.

Instead, you cooed into Kota's ear a soft lullaby that you had always sung to him whenever he got this upset. Your other hand busily tracing small shapes into his back as a desperate attempt to calm him down. Your brows furrowing as you glare at the sand, your toes curling into the grainy texture, had you done the wrong thing? Was Kota really going to be okay if you do accept an Abi?

Your mind played with these thoughts for the rest of the ceremony not bothering to watch the rest of the dances happening in front of you. Kota's shivering body was the only thing tying you to reality and the occasional sob that would escape his lips.


Snapping your head up you found a blushing Yosetsu in front of you.

"Will you come with me?"

Ah, yes this was the prize that came from being the best dancer.

The victor would receive the first pick. Across the way, you could see Setsuna in front of the male of her choice which meant she was the best dancer of the night.

You could see the hope in Yosetsu eyes, his weight shifting side to side as he held out a hand to you. You knew that he was the most desirable candidate. He was the tribe's best boat and weapon crafter and had the added bonus of being loved by everyone in the tribe.

Your eyes flickered between his noticeably calloused hand and nervous face, "I..." your voice coming out in a whisper. Kota's grip somehow tightening even more making it hard to breathe.

Swallowing your fears you shifted to your hands allowing you to stand with Kota, "I'm sorry, Yosetsu."

Turning, you walked away from the joyous celebration that was moving into full swing as you heard a mixture of instruments coming to life and more voices joining them as a choir. You could also hear your parents consoling the heartbroken male as you strode away with the now whimpering child.

"It's okay, Kota," you whispered making your way through the now dense woods to a certain destination, "It's okay."

"No! It's not I-I-I ruined everything for, for, you tonight!" He wailed as he unknowing pulled your hair in his fists.

"Hey, hey that's not true," pulling the boy out the crook of your neck you wiped away one of the many streams that were running down his face, "I still can accept an offer of an Abi if they give it to me before tomorrow night. I'm just taking my time that's all."

The young boy sniffled before burying himself into your chest not being able to think of a rebuttal for your statement. Finally, you made it to your destination.

Taking a seat on the cliff-like rocks you let your feet dip in chilly water. Kota settling into your new position peeking out of your chest to see where you had taken him. It was a small lake far enough from the tribe that many didn't know of its existence. It had become his, Midoriya, and your secret hideaway.

"You remember the last time we were here?" You asked gently playing with Kota's soft hair, "It was the night before Midoriya left, remember we found that cenote?" A nod was your only response.

Plucking off one of your portulacas from your bracelet with placed it into Kota's petite hands, "I want you to put all your sadness in this flower, okay? Your smile is much prettier than your snotty nose."

A weak chuckle left the boy's mouth as he stared at the flower for a long time, occasionally petting the soft petals. His dark eyes narrowing at the flower as he finally began to calm down. Eventually, he gave the flower back to you shifting in your lap to place his back against your chest becoming more comfortable.

You placed the flower in the water giving a gentle push making it drift away from you. It wasn't the first time you did this with him. You found that it was the best way for the boy to calm down his nerves. Resting your chin on his head, the pair of you watched the flower float away in the moonlit waters. You had lost track of time watching the flower move at a turtle's pace to the center of the lake.

"I wanna go back now, (Y/N). It's too cold."

Kota carefully pulled away from you but took a fist full of your cloth skirt as payment as you walked. By now, the ritual was surely over but as you neared your home you couldn't help but feel that something was off.

The sky much cloudier with smoke than a usual ceremonial fire would make. There was still a ruckus echoing in the air that traveled further than you thought possible. Fighting your nerves, you continued to venture forward to the outskirt of the tribe grounds, smoke now filling your lungs a considerable amount but that was the least of your worries.

The shrieks of your fellow tribe members cut through the air like a knife. You could hear the crashing of metal and a burst of demonic laughter bellowing out of multiply individuals. Pulling Kota into your grasp you peered out behind one of the grass huts. You could now see the carnage in its full glory.

Blood splattered onto grass homes, bodies of all ages scattered across the ground. Many homes were in flames as the remaining member of your tribe fought pathetically against the invaders. Your people weren't trained fighters as they were typically at sea. You had always relied on your shaman for protection and with him now gone, this battle was like an adult going against a newborn in a drunk fight.

Your pupils dilated as you took in the sight of the barbarians that were rampaging through your village, laughing and chants going through.

Their bodies covered in war paint and dressed in different animal pelts sewn onto their leather pants and a strange covering over their feet. Most also wore protective leather over their forearms. All of their chest and much of their muscles were on display except for the female invaders whose chests were tightly wrapped in leather. Some carried their destruction ontop of strange four-hooved beasts while the rest attacked on foot.

However, there was one that stood out in the crowd.

Oddly, he did not adore the war paint or the unique facial marking that the rest of his people had. His forearms protected with an intricate dyed leather covering and numerous necklaces hung around his neck shined from the flames of chaos. Wild blond hair stuck out against the vermillion cloak that was lined with a thick fur mantle at the top and tattered edges flapping behind him as he rode on top of one of the beasts. His crimson eyes dashing around as if he was inspecting his people's work, a toothy smirk making its way on his face. A large sword at his side covered in crimson as his hands were busy steering his beast.

He was definitely the leader of this attack.

Whipping your head away from the awful sight, you desperately attempted to calm your panicked breathing. Your chest heaving as you kneeled to Kota's level.

Placing your hands on each side of his head you kept this attention on you. Your eyes the size of the moon as you failed to stop the uneven breath that was leaving your mouth, "Kota, you need to stay here till I get back, okay?"

Your hands detached from his face as you struggle to release the clasp of your necklace. Once released you shoved it into the young boy's face, "Promise me now Kota that you will do as I say."

You had never made him promise to you like this.

Briskly, a kiss was placed on the unique gem making your pact. Returning your necklace to its original place and switched places with boy keeping his sight out of the destruction occurring a few feet behind him, "Run if anyone you don't know comes near you. Run to the cenote and return here in two days. Even if I'm not with you, you have to run, got it?"


Kissing your hand you placed it onto his head as he repeated it to you. Removing your hand, you stealthy rounded the corner of the hut you were hiding behind. The cries of your tribe were now almost nonexistent. Only the occasion wail and yelp. It seemed that the invaders were now occupied with the buffet of food that was laid out in preparation for the dance. Their blood-drenched hands picking through the food while a few of the surviving members of your tribe were tied together. You could tell that they weren't going to make it though as they were severely injured.

As you moved you recovered a sharp fishing spear from one of your fallen comrades. Successfully, you managed to make your way into the ship hut that Yosetsu ran that was thankful not burning yet.

Going to the cenote immediately was a last resort.

You knew that if you were caught by these villains and somehow made it to the cenote would spell disaster. They would just swim in after the two of you cornering you and Kota with no place to go. The best course of action was to get on a boat and make your way to the fishing grounds.

Your tribe's boats were unique and difficult to steer if you did not grow up riding them, meaning these people wouldn't be able to follow after you once you made it into the sea. All you needed to do was get a steering paddle that was brought in when all the fishers came back.

Once you had that, Kota and you would be in the clear.

Holding your breath, you pulled a paddle down from a hook making as little noise as possible not wanting to attract unwanted attention in case some of them were busy looking for stragglers they missed on their way through. Exhaling a sigh of relief, you leaned into the paddle steading yourself, thanking the gods that you haven't been caught yet.

You were in the home stretch now.

Adding a dagger to your side, you left the large hut you moving quickly over the large clearing stepping carefully over the bodies that littered the ground. Your eyes burned wanting to shed tears for your loved ones but now wasn't the time.

Tucking yourself behind another hut, you peeked around the corner to check on the status of your bloody 'friends'. Some were now on the move, double-checking the hut they raided for signs of life. Once they were satisfied they lit the home in flames seeing no need to keep it standing.

The blond leader had made himself comfortable on top of the chief's seat with one of the few land types of meat your people had prepared clutched in his hand. He seemed annoyed by whatever conversation he was having with a redhead next to him as he greedily shoved the meat in his mouth licking his fingers clean when he finished.

Looks like you were in the clear, Kota was only two huts away and then the two of you could cut through the woods down to the beac-


Your blood ran as cold as the sea when you heard that familiar scream.

The ink haired boy came into view. He was flailing in the grasp of the man who found him who continued to keep a firm grip despite Kota's efforts to break free.

The blond raised a brow at the newly found child, "Where did you find him?" His gruff voice resonating in the air sending shivers down your spine.

"He tried to take off the woods, when I finally got my hands on the brat he kept saying that someone name (Y/N) was going to whoop my ass."

"Damn right she will!"

The male laughed at the Kota's empty threat while you gnawed on your bottom lip, the spear in your hand shaking from the amount of strength you were holding on to it with.

"That means there's one more of them out there." The redhead piped rising to his feet.

"You won't find her stupid!" Kota screeched spitting at the redhead, hitting its target on his cheek. Immediately, the boy felt hands wrap around his neck by the one that found him, he could now see how enraged the man was from his act of defiance.

"Your lucky your even alive right now brat! I could have killed you right when I found you!!!" The male bellowed tightening his grip ignoring the small scratches that Kota was making on his hands and the occasional kick that would hit his chest.

"P-Please leave him alone," Shino feebly cried, blood escaping her lips as she spoke, "I'm begging you he's just a child."

Crimson eyes turned to the few that were hanging onto life as if debating the request, "Stop messing around and end it now, Mao."

Your body moved on instinct.

Dropping the paddle you rounded the corner launching the spear in your hand into the back of the man that held Kota. His large form dropping and taking Kota along with him to smack into the ground. Dipping down, you armed yourself with another spear your eyes sharping as you launched it. Your fight or flight now shifting.

Flight was no longer an option, it was time to fight.

Your attack would have landed if it wasn't for the blond's cat-like reflexes. He had tilted his head to the side embedding the weapon into the wood rather than his skull. A slew of curses passed your lips as you continued forward pulling the dagger out of its hiding place. You couldn't miss a beat now.

You wouldn't let yourself.

Those piercing red eyes locked on you. His expression was unreadable. You did not falter in returning the threatening gaze your lips sneering as you made your way to Kota. Your gaze only breaking away to nimble dodge the sharp projectiles coming at you. Only one brushed against your cheek when you pulled Kota behind you protectively.

You were in the lion's den now, completely surrounded, and now also a target for up-close combat, and all you had was a dagger that was meant for cutting rope. It was comical really, but you still got in a position to fight for not only your life but also Kota's from the twenty or so enemies that surrounded you.

The blond's eyes darkened as he raised his hand making his people freeze. There was a spark amusement in his smirk.

Standing, he waltzed his way to you and in a short scuffle knocked the dagger out of hand with ease. Growling, you grabbed onto his furry mantle harshly tugging him down to be met with a headbutt.

In response, he captured your wrist crushing the delicate flowers that decorated them into nothing. He seemed unaffected by your attack but you certainly felt the throb in the forehead as your blood pulsed through it.

He kept his distance to avoid receiving another headbutt from you while his cuprite eyes danced as he analyzed your features which you returned.

Now that you were up close to the male, you could see a pair of scarlet fanged earning latched to the lobes fo his ears. His cheeks and jawline sharp and angular, his hair even wilder than you thought it was. His most striking feature however were those soul-stealing eyes that held those cuprite gems. If you were to meet him in different circumstances undoubtedly you would have thought this man was attractive -- handsome even.

He made a sharp exhale as if he came to an internal decision.

Leaning close, you could feel his hot breath tickling the shell of your ear.

"You're going to be mine."

Continuer la Lecture

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