My Life In Pieces (Book #1)

By KatherineJones92

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This slice of life novel follows fifteen year old Alex Harrison. Alex has just had her world broken into jagg... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 10

26 11 6
By KatherineJones92

We had just entered the science wing when I spotted Dylan talking to a few other boys. He had been so busy with practices that I really hadn't got to see him a lot yet. Out of all of my cousins, Dylan was always my favorite as a kid. He was like the big teddy bear brother I always wanted. I looked closer and recognized the other boys as Ari's brother, Jake, and Laura's boyfriend, Gavin.

"Dill!" I didn't care who looked at me now. I wanted to make sure he heard me.

He turned around and smiled wide. "Lexi! Come here a minute."

I motioned for Danny and Miri to follow. He gave me a hug big enough that my feet left the ground. He set me down and then turned to his companions. "Gavin, Jake, you remember my baby cousin Alex."

Even though we had played football together for hours so they had to know who I was; I had a feeling this was Dylan reminding them that I was the cousin they were supposed to be making sure the opposite sex stayed the hell away from. I just nodded dutifully. I was so killing Dylan after school.

"Nice to see you both again. We didn't get to talk much the other night but Laura talks so much about you, Gavin, I feel like I already know you." Danny laughed a little bit. I turned to Dylan. "Danny and Miri are in my math class; they are showing me around."

He looked at Danny then and gave him a playful punch on the arm, "Thanks for showing her around Danny, Miri." He turned to his friends, "Told you she would fit in instantly."

Danny added in, "Yeah, Miri and I are happy to. It's cool to have another Harrison around. You guys finally caught up to the rest of us."

I gave my cousin another hug and we headed off to class. This one seemed even longer than Algebra. Science was not my favorite. I had saved Elle a seat which she took happily. We spent half the class doodling in Elle's Art book. I found out we also had Gym together and Aaron would be in there too. Our whole little clique would have a class together.

We walked to the gym together when the bell rang. I had to check out a uniform for the year that made my skin crawl. I wondered how many other kids had worn this thing. I spotted Declan when we entered the large gymnasium from the ladies changing room. At least he was another familiar face. Declan actually looked normal now that he was in sweats and not the preppy getup from this morning. He grinned as Elle and I approached. "Hey Alex, how is your first day going?"

"Good, haven't gotten lost yet." He smiled and I happily left out it was because Miri and Danny had led me around.

"That's good. Have you made any new friends?"

I shrugged not wanting to admit the only people I had talked to today were in The Families, "Yeah a couple. They're not in this class though."

"Would you like me to introduce you to a few people?" I looked at Elle who gave me a don't do it face but I was too polite to say no. Declan introduced me to a few petite blonde girls who knew Laura then a couple of guys who started getting into a fight about their relationship so we quickly walked away. I had just had about enough of introductions when I spotted Elle with Ari and Aaron. They looked like they would rather eat a bowl of nails than be in gym class. I was excited now. I told Declan I was bowing out and headed in their direction.

Elle saw me first and waved. "Hey Alex. You done being social?" I laughed and Ari pulled me closer to him as I sat down. He pulled me into his side like it was what he always did and hung his arm lightly around my shoulder. The butterflies were swarming. Elle looked as pleased as I felt.

Aaron spoke next, "How is your first day going?"

"Good so far. I officially met Miri, Danny, and Declan."

Aaron laughed. "Were Miri and Danny still fighting?"

"Oh yeah. They made it through first period sitting on either side of me. I think they managed to each have a continuous conversation with me without actually talking to each other." Both Elle and Aaron shook their heads. I looked up at Ari who was going in and out of consciousness it seemed. "Are you okay Ari? You look tired."

He seemed to just realize that my eyes were on him. He flushed a bit and responded, "Yeah I just space out a lot." I looked from Elle to Aaron. Both of them acted like this was normal so I dropped it. He seemed to sense my unease and answered by squeezing my shoulder. I smiled and turned back to the other two.

"I thought this class was for ninth and tenth graders? What are you two doing here?"

Ari rolled his eyes, "we skipped too much last year and they're making us repeat it."

Aaron added, "At least we get you two in here with us this go around."

"True. And we have Declan over there," I pointed to Declan who was stretching with the petite blondes from earlier. The coaches had told us all to stretch but the other three around me hadn't budged. I wondered how long it would be until we got in trouble.

Aaron laughed, "Did he give you a tour this morning?"

I nodded, "Does he do that often?"

"He is the president of the new student welcoming committee."


He sighed. "Tell me about it."

I looked over at Ari, he seemed content still with staring off into oblivion. Every once in a while he would make a comment proving he was paying closer attention than what we gave him credit for. I did catch him staring in my direction a couple of times. He would just smile. Class was about half over when Elle got up and pulled Aaron with her, "Ready for lunch?"

He nodded. "Totally, Ari you ready?" Ari nodded as well. I looked around confused.

Ari looked to me, "We sometimes tell the coaches we are going to the bathroom and just change early. There is a side entrance to the changing room and a side entrance to the parking lot down the hall from there ."

Aaron shrugged, "There are so many kids in here, they never notice we never come back."

"The parking lot?"

Elle smiled, "Yeah we never eat in there."

That made me nervous. I did not break rules very often. It always made my stomach feel like it was being tied into knots. My options were to go with these kids or sit or hear the teacher blow the whistle and watch all these kids I didn't know exercise while I was in the corner. Declan was surrounded by a small group of girls who were watching him flex. Ew.

Aaron distracted the coach who was supposed to be paying attention to kids coming in and out of the gym while Elle, Ari, and I quietly slipped out the gym door into our separate locker rooms. We quickly changed. Elle played lookout as we waited for Aaron to join us. Ari had disappeared to the parking lot already. When Aaron came out of the locker room we quickly slid out the side door of the school. I was surprised to find Ari in the passenger seat of a big black Jeep. Jake was driving.

Where did he come from? Study hall apparently. He said seniors typically tried to get Study Hall this period or the one after lunch to have a longer time out. Ari opened his car door and gestured for me to slide in so that I was between him and Jake. Elle and Aaron slid into the back seat and we drove to the back of the lot. Ari pulled me down close to him so that we couldn't be seen as Jake's Jeep approached an elderly security guard. He showed a pass to her and she happily let him go. Seniors apparently also were allowed off campus for lunch.

We all cheered when we were in the clear. My heart was racing. Ari put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side. Jake gave us a side glance but said nothing. I looked up at Ari who looked completely at ease. I relaxed into his side as we drove.

This had been quite an interesting first day so far to say the least.

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