An Imperial Affliction

By user05323260

20.7K 1K 177

ACP Riya Mukherjee is a ninja, and a short tempered one. Hiding in shadows for days and contemplating the doo... More

Author's note
Chapter 1 - Time flows like a river
Chapter 2 - Indifference is only a mask to tell the world "Fuck off"
Chapter 3- Some people will always slip through your skin
Chapter 4 - Knowledge is power
Chapter 5 - We are the master of our own destiny
Chapter 6 - Secrets are like puzzles
Chapter 7 - Human mind is a funny thing
Chapter 8 - The past is never dead
Chapter 9 - The two things that snap people out
Chapter 10 - Indifferent is not a reaction
Chapter 11- Danger is everywhere
Chapter 12- Facing the past is a good thing
Chapter 13 - Observation is actually obsession
Chapter 14- Pain has the power
Chapter 16- Murphy's law
Chapter 17- Acceptation brings a lot of emotion
Chapter 18- There is no right or wrong in this World.
Chapter 19- Emotions, advantage or weakness.
Chapter 20- Willpower has the ability
Chapter 21- All is riddle
Chapter 22- There is no hunting like the hunting of man
Chapter 23- Be strong, saith my heart
Chapter 24- For already have I suffered full much
Chapter 25 - Oh, what a tangled web we weave
Chapter 26- The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
Chapter 27- It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.'
Chapter 28- the laughter of the Gods.
Chapter 29- Our life is made
Chapter 30 - There is no refuge from memory
Chapter 31 - True family
Chapter 32 - The art of living
Chapter 33- The world breaks everyone
Chapter 34- Insanity
Chapter 35- Who, then, am I?
Chapter 36- My blood alone remains
Chapter 37- fight an enemy
Chapter 38- When love is in excess
Chapter 39- Explanations
Chapter 40- The farther backward you can look
Chapter 41- Back to the start
Chapter 42- And in the end
Chapter 43- It doesn't really matter
Chapter 44 - The aftermath
Small note - update and Thank you

Chapter 15 - Before you know

457 26 4
By user05323260

Before you know, you are in the middle of it.


Brain and Time has an interesting relationship. When brain wants time to slow down, to have it stretched, it shoots right past the brain in 300 KMPH speed, like it happens during exams, coming under a car, or finishing a deadline in Office. And when Brain wants time to just shoot past it in 300 KMPH speed, time beats a freaking cow cartridge, 1 hour feels like 5 hours, one whole day feels like an eternity.

Time is a mean Son of a bitch.

It's been 5 days since that agony filled journey to Johny's and her subsequent break down, and since the day ACP Mukherjee had no contact from either Raghu sir or any other officer. Either she can't reach them, or always the damn PA receiving her phone calls to Sir's both phone. What's the point of a personal number if a PA can have access to it? She, several times, wanted to go herself to that abandoned police quarter, but one part of her dreaded to break down like the last time, or kill this time Johny for good.

Yeah, these 5 days had been hard.

Work was also slow, and the only way she can channelize some of her frustration was to do complete paper work. It was like everything and everyone conspiring against her, when she was in such a bad shape, mentally. One part of her was dying to yell and shout at everyone, just to blow off steam, but then decided against it. Her team mates were always civil to her and they don't deserve to suffer, already giving her space and tip toeing around her because of her brooding. And besides, what will the difference between him and her Boss if she also started to yell at others because of her personal frustration?

Her Boss, another reason to add in her list of frustrations.

She is not blind. Sure, she don't give a damn when it come to others or don't poke her nose into other matters, but hey, if someone continuously rubbing something on your face without any fault of yours, you have to take a notice. Ever since the day in Gym she had confessed about her future planning that she will leave ETF someday, he had become colder to her, avoding her when they are alone, and always looks like he wants to yell at her just for anything, but composing himself. Even with her less than civil behavior from many days, she was sure it was due to that day in Gym.

Today, she was punishing the poor pen and pages of a file while finishing the report of some case she never even was a part of, when finally Universe took pity on her and a new case arrived. She literally took a breath of fresh air when she came out of SUV and headed for crime scene, finally a way to channelize her inner restlessness and not by brooding.

The man was found dead in his study room floor, in his 60s, an Event manager with no suspect to link to his death. It looked like he had a heart attack, but he had no heart disease, and during TOD (6 AM) he never called for anyone, even if everyone was present in home. The odd circumstances demanded police investigation, and when Liza checked the body it was found he died due to gas poisoning.

"So what, it's like the gas is still here?" Sakshi gulped, looking around as if she can spot the poisonous gas, "We are also getting poisoned?"

"Chill." The Forensic head smiled as she went back to check the body, "They opened the door and windows. The gas is out, so I think you are safe."

After some minutes, while the team checked the study and rest of the house for anything which can be linked to his murder, Liza informed she can't say which gas it is without doing autopsy. Rawte kneeled beside the body and opened it's one eye.

"There are high chances it is Carbon mono oxide." Sameer said.

"It's Sulfar di oxide." The Second in command commented as he got up, to which everyone raised their eyes.

"Are you sure Sir?" Liza asked. But it was ACP Mukherjee who answered.

"Carbon mono oxide don't make its victim suffer. The man is on floor, and from the facial expression it looks like he had to endure lots of pain."

"Difficulty to breath. His eyes are red and the way he is on floor suggests he could not stay sit or stand." He added.

"Which make the chances higher for SO2, adding the presense of AC in this room." She said.

"AC let out carbon and sulfar elements in Environment." He finished.

"What, did you two attend Global summit recently?" Sameer asked in wonder, looking back and forth toward them.

"General knowledge." They both replied in union, instantly annoyed at the other.

"That's so cool." Shree said to Chotu, their eyes on the other two.

"That's freaky." The crime journo commented to herself, frowning.

When the body was sent to ETF and crime scene secured with guards, the team stood inside the room, trying to make sense once again why some event planner was killed who has no possible enemy who hates him so much to kill him like this, chemical, way. They searched the room once again, when Chotu found the wire of the AC was cut. The members of the house informed the AC was out of service two days ago and service man did come to fix it. He went off the get a hold of that service man, though there was little possibility the man was actually from the company. Police sketch artist sat with the maid of the house to draw a picture of the AC mechanic, who had seen him. The team also found a small bottle of chemical inside the AC, after Shree opened it, and of course there was only a stupid way to find out if it's SO2 liquid inside, and not to wait until Liza's team did some test to find out the element.

"Why we are doing this stupid experiment?" Sakshi asked as Rawte and Sameer locked the doors and windows of the study, "Why can't we send it to Liza?"

"Field experiments are fun." Sameer replied, "Besides, I am always ready for a chemical reaction."

"This reaction can kill us." She was half angry half scared. She never thought these people around her to be masochist and silly to endanger themselves.

"A recent study showed law enforcement teams who stick with each other has lower percentage rates of death of one of their own." Shree supplied. Sameer gave an amused look to Sakshi to say 'See?'

"So helpful, Shree." She snapped, gritting teeth.

"Someone throw her out." Riya muttered to herself, frowning when Rawte came to stand beside her, the AC remote on his hand.

"One of us will go, eventually." He answered, and she cursed inwardly, damn that word again, "Ready?" He asked to others.

"No." The crime journo mumbled.

"Yes!" Sameer was enthusiastic.

Rawte pressed the remote, and if anyone was hoping some kind of blast, colorful gas or some other dramatic event, they were wrong. It was not until 10 minutes the air inside started to get heavy, everyone started to cough, their eyes became blur due to tears. The males ran to open the windows and doors, coughing themselves.

"Everyone okay?" Rawte asked to others, a part of himself also thought why on earth he suggested this idea. He, of all people. It was something which she should suggest, not him. Certainly not him. He will duel on that later, he promised to himself.

"No." Sakshi croaked.

"I think today her vocubulary is limited to one word only." Sameer frowned, "Take her out, Shree."

The IT head and crime journo went out, and only the trio was left inside.

"So it's safe to say the AC mechanic was not really mechanic, but a . . . " Sameer stopped, not able to think of a word.

"Chemical man?" Rawte supplied, to which he nodded. Both the men noticed ACP Mukherjee standing right beside the body mark, frowning.

"Spit it." The Second in command sighed, to which she looked right at him, then to somewhere behind him.

"His eyes were open or close when the police arrived here?" She asked.

"Closed. The family closed the eyes." Sameer informed.

"When you," She glanced at Rawte, "opened his eyes, his vision was going to that," she stabbed a finger to somewhere behind them, "side. He was looking in that direction."

"Till the moment he died." Rawte said slowly, nodding.

"It must be something special." Sameer replied, already heading the place behind them, a wall full of book case. The trio looked every inch of the place, for something special which mattered to him till he died, but found none. They looked at each other.

"Someone took it?" The senior officer asked rhetorically.

"Maybe." The boss replied.

"It's something which is right in front of us, just we can't see it." the ACP replied, still frowning as her eyes went to the books.


"You are changing, my friend." Sameer teased his BFF cum Boss as they both stood in front of Coffee machine, "Influence, may be?"

"Can you talk straight for one second and not in riddles?" came the irritated reply of his best friend, to which he chuckled.

"I am talking. You are changing and I think it's an influence of someone."

"Oh?" he turned, "Do I want to know why you think so?"

"You know why I think so." The senior officer replied, "You didn't ask whose influence I am talking about."

The second in command rolled his eyes, "I just decided, I don't want to know anything."

"Whatever." the former replied, "But if I may add another thing? Without fearing you will bite my head off?"

He nodded, as if there was any other option. Sameer grinned.

"I think you would not allow, much rather than suggest, to switch on an AC in crime scene just to prove if there was any poisonous gas inside, if it was several months ago."

The second in command stiffed slightly, "It was an impulsive decision."

"You are never impulsive."

"Remember that two storied building and my jump on that scumbag?"

"He was about to get into his car and drive off, there was no other option." He jumped from the table he was sitting on, "But here, we had option."

"Are you expecting an apology?" He countered.

"Nah." The senior officer waved his hand, "Just an observation."

"What, you think I am becoming impulsive because I am slipping into depression or something?" Rawte asked, slightly defensive. Sameer shook his head.

"No. Like I said, just an observation."

"Which will help the case if you are feeling upto it, Officer." They both jumped hearing the Director's voice behind them, "What is the progress of the case?"

The trio walked back to discussion room, and they informed the Director about the lack of suspect in this case, nearly cleaned track record in business and outside and the good nature of the victim. For the first time there was no suspect in a case, which was weird, and also demanded more work.

But Shree had something for them.

It turned out the man had recently withdrawled 5 lac rupees, but how or where he spent it, nobody knew. His bank and credit card records didn't show anything purchased, and they found no bill which suggest he spent the money in a legal way.

Chotu then informed the victim gave the driver one day off recently. The team came to a conclusion that day the victim might have done whatever he did with those money.

"Is there any receipt of petrol pump?" Rawte asked, which Chotu confirmed.

"He can drive to any place with that amount of petrol." Sakshi said, leaning back to her seat.

"When was the next time he filled petrol?" Aisha asked, to which Chotu answered two days later.

"What will be his speed, like 60 KMPH?" Sameer said.

"One litre petrol with 60 KMPH speed can go upto 10 KM, maximum." Shree said.

"He atleast went upto 140 Km with that fuel." Chotu said.

"Minus the next day journey." Riya said.

"Which leaves a radius of 40 KM," Rawte made a circle with the marker around the petrol pump location on a map, "give or take. Dig around." His comment was for Chotu and Sameer.

"On it." Both the boys left, already on work.

Once outside of the discussion room, they were greeted with the sight of Raghu sir. While Sakshi and Shree gave each other quizzical looks, Rawte noticed how Riya's entire body language changed, while Aisha's lips were pressed into thin line.

"Good afternoon Sir." They all addressed to the Commissioner.

"Are you here to take us to lunch, Sir?" Asked the crime journo cheekily, grinning widely. The older man gave a small smile.

"Maybe next time, Miss Anand." He dismissed her with several words, his full attention on the Director, "Can I steal my second favorite officer, Director?"

"For lunch?" Almost all can hear the sarcasm in the Director's voice, but Raghu sir merely nodded.

"Let's go then." Riya was barely able to compose herself.

"Hopefully this Lunch won't turn into extended Dinner, sir."

"Of course not." Raghu sir smiled, "Don't worry, I will bring your officer back in one piece."

The duo bid farewell, and some reason unfathomable to others, Aisha looked vaguely pissed. Only Sakshi had the (bad) sense to lighten to mood . . .

"Don't worry Aisha, he meant you are the most favorite officer."

To which she glared, and stormed off.

and failed.


"You avoid me for days, and one afternoon steal me for lunch." Riya commented as they both settled on their seats. She thought the Commissioner was joking when he said lunch, but he actually brought her to a quiet restaurant with fancy lamps and tasteful furnitures. They took the table farthest to the door, so that they can get complete privacy.

"And your point?" The older man asked, fingers entertwined on his lap.

"You say I need to be careful not to tip off the Director." She rolled eyes.

"Oh I enjoy it." He casually commented, "It's like our own cat and mouse game, don't you think? If only you had given the green signal to bring her onboard."

"She is off limits." Her tone betrayed no room for arguement, and he nodded.

"Yeah, I hear you." The food arrived, "Now glare on the food and try to eat them also."

After 30 excruciating minutes, she snapped, "What is it?"

He sighed, "And I thought I can enjoy the lunch." He wiped his lips with tissue and leaned back, "We tried everything, but Johny never changed his statement. He is sure it's him in the sketch."

She clenched jaw, "Okay, What's next?"

"I was thinking of an another way, which you won't surely like."

She waited.

"What if he is telling the truth."

Her stare turned icy, "You are right, I don't like this at all."

"Hear me out." He kept both of his hand on table and leaned forward, "Maybe there is someone who approached him, who planned this all. Someone who wanted the victim dead which will benefit him in ways beyond any of our idea."

She frowned.

"Maybe there was an imposter." He waited for her reaction, and found her sitting still in front of him.

"It makes much more sense. I mean, why anyone will kill an Ethical hacking student? We never found any reason or suspect who have strong motives to kill, and that too in this way? Approaching Johny is dangerous, and costly. It didn't make sense then, it doesn't make sense now."

"Except this theory." She said slowly.

"I don't have anything else, do you?" He tilted his head, "Maybe this imposter, if we presume, he is a very dangerous man. By killing the victim, maybe somehow he was benefitted. Maybe he made another identity, who knows."

"It makes no sense." She said slowly.

"That's the problem. It's like a riddle, if we had one reason why anyone will kill him, we could have worked, but for the first time we had the man who killed him and countless questions." He exhaled a deep breath, "It's one thing I can think of."

They both were silent for some minutes, until she asked, "So, what now?"

He was not expecting her to listen to him, but realized she is desperate enough and had also hit the dead end like him. He started speaking, "I say we spread the sketch. The sketch, not any picture. It's been four years, there are high chances Johny can't remember the details which makes the imposter different than the victim. If we spread the details, we can get informations both on the victim and the imposter. Separate the data, then at least we will have something to work on." He paused, "I think we should also cross check the victim," to which she straightened her back, ready to argue, "to find out if anything we missed last time. We are at dead end, better to look everywhere than bang head against wall, right?"

She nodded once slowly, and he was relieved, "I was not expecting you to accept this easily."

"But you did expect me to accept." She countered, still in daze, but shook herself off the next moment, "I don't have any choice, do I? Like you said, it's a dead end."

They talked several more minutes, he gave the idea to spread the words around her informer network, to which she agreed, and they talked from where to start and what will be the next course of action if they never find the imposter or find him out of country. He was confident they will get this imposter this time, so she dropped the pessimistic thought.

"You never explained why you were so involved in this case." He said after they finished the earlier discussion and were silent for some moments. She looked at him, but didn't say anything.

"During investigation we came to know you were his friend, but your obsession with this case tells other wise." He went on, carefully observing her. She didn't flinch or signaled in any way to suggest the topic is off limits.

"You loved him, didn't you?" He said softly.

"Love." She corrected in a steady voice, now looking down.

"Oh Ri." He rarely use the nick name which she loathes, but he could not help in this moment. He had always thought about this, today she just confirmed him.

"Don't pity me." She said in a tight voice.

"I am not." He assured, and went on when she looked at him sharply, not trusting him, "I don't want the pity version to work with me anyway."

She raised one eye brow in response and then stood up, preparing to leave. When she turned he said a name, "Nasir Jamal."

She halted in her track, then slowly turned around with an unreadable expression.

"The name, ring any bell?"

"Should it?" she countered. He shrugged, trying to look unaffected, but she was long past of his careful observation hidden under nonchalant, having them earned herself many times over the years.

"Who knows how much you know?"


"Oh you are back." The Director was near elevatore when she returned one hour later.

"Oh the relief is so obvious." She mocked, rolling eyes, to which the Director glared.

Next two days were idle and fruitless to say the least. On the third day they found a lead, that a low life who was seen with the victim. When Chotu hung him on air by holding his coller, he was quite forthcoming, saying how the victim paid him 5 lac because of a delivery. He didn't know how, and it will take more effort to know from his Gang leader what was inside the package.

More digging and more days later they got the full picture. One bibliophile friend of victim pulled some strings in dark area to get a very rare book, and he used the victim to do his dirty thing, to be on safe side. They got the friend, and he confessed, also saying someone was threatening him to hand over the rare book. He had said his friend to keep the book for safety after receiving the threats, so he had no idea where he kept the book. He also said according to those threats killing of his friend was only a warning for him to handover the book, as there another party who was ready to pay more and this threat maker was after this rare book for some time. The threats were coming from some Hussain, who has a garment factory but underneath it he deals in illegal arms. They paid this Hussain a visit, subtly dropping a hint that how they think the book is still in the library, which is very secure because of it's being a crime scene now. It can't be a co-incidence that the very next night a thief was found inside the crime scene, while other ETF officer lurked in the darkness, smirking when police pulled him away.

"The Principles of Philosophy." Sameer said when the police dragged away the thief and they were only people remain in the crime scene, "Interesting book to keep in middle of Economics books, right?"

He turned some pages, and they all saw how the century old first edition was hidden under a new hard cover.

"Clever." Chotu commented.

"Let's rub on Hussain's face now." ACP Mukherjee said, and they all looked at each other, grinning silently.

Hussain proved to be quite fast, never coming in their hands even if he is running around in his bunglow and is practically surrounded by law enforcement from everywhere. His security guards were another territory, pushing police and ETF officers away from him. When one of them pushed Sameer in swimming pool, he let out a groan, in another situation it would have been funny. Though Sakshi, who carefully moved due to the chaos, let out a laugh.

"Shoot him, for my sake!" He exclaimed, and others ran for Hussain again before tackling all the security guards.

They all came to a stop when Chotu along with some other police officers finally got a hold of Hussain. They watched, and because of the damn pool water almost all of them tripped, most horrifically Rawte who took with him ACP Mukherjee and fell into water. Sameer finally laughed, now he is not the only one inside water, and when Sakshi looked at her side to find Shree chuckling she tried to push him into water also, but he jerked away at the last moment, glaring at her.

Sameer came out of water after some moments, saying that low lives like Hussain should not be allowed to have pool in their properties. Riya found Arjun looking at her in an annoyed expression and finally snapped, it looked like he was annoyed about this whole inside-water situation but she knew better about that look.

"What!?" She exploded. One part of her said they really should have this conversation/confrontation out of water but she cared a damn now.

He crossed his arms, trying to look he was not ready to talk about it but his body language screamed otherwise (surrounded by water! How bizarre is that?). He gave her the same old irritated-pissed look, "Nothing."

"Oh shut up." She turned to look at him fully, "This look is going on all week. What?"

"You said you will leave." He was finally on the topic, "Eventually."

"And it added to your long list of issues with me how?" She snapped, not getting why he is behaving so oddly. Other time, she can understand, but what she said that made him so cold and passive agressive, she didn't know.

"I thought you finally started to care." He said softly, his gaze piercing, "I thought you would have wanted to stay."

"Do you want me to remind your eavesdropping months ago of a conversation between me and the Director?" She lowered her voice, but the irritation was there. "I am here for a reason."

"I get it." He nodded, "But what after that? Would you stay after that?"

"I didn't exactly plan for that someday." She mocked, a new wave of uncomfortableness filling inside. He continued to look at her, so she had to look right back, this time with a little bit of fire.

"Never knew my leaving will wound you so much, Boss." She said in her same old mocking-serious tone. He looked away, not answering. She realized she won't get any answer of it, and that she should have handled this conversation differently (with lots more 'None of your business' and quiet angry tone). Shaking her head, she turned and about to move, when she found his fingers holding her elbow, stopping her effectively.

"I guess I am used to you challenging me in every step." He tried to say keeping his voice light, but there was something in his body language which made her thinking maybe it's not the reason he was affected of her comment about leaving.


She saw him in a complete different light in that moment. She didn't know if she should be pissed that he didn't even denied that he knew she was in ETF for a reason, or be astonished the audacity of him treating her oddly the whole week and have a confrontation about it in middle of a pool. Maybe she should run away from him, because one word from her affected him and she didn't know how to feel about that. But in that moment, she felt anything but running away from this man.

In that moment and more moments in the future. 

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