Caught By Flames (Kyojuro Ren...

By FlameBaby_Kyokun

565K 17.2K 26.7K

Scars. Many had formed on the child's body as she listened to her family get ripped to shreds. The mountain w... More

1 : Prolouge
2 : Training (1)
3 : Training (2)
4 : Final Selection (1)
5 : Final Selection (2)
6 : Final Selection (3)
7 : Recovery
8 : We Meet Again (1)
9 : We Meet again (2)
10 : Out for the Day
11 : A Day in the Garden
12 : Demon Train?! (1)
13 : Demon Train?! (2)
14 : Please Live...
15 : Special Attention
16 : The Truth and Emotions
17 : Vulnerability
18 : Kinda Random Chapter lol
19 : Another Random Chapter lmao
20 : Not Again...
21 : Sweet Confessions
omg y'all, update on manga series
22 : Lovey Dovey
23 : Beauty
24 : Smile
25 : Date Night
26 : Divided and Connected
27 : Happiness and Joy!!
28 : Swordsmith Village
29 : Upper Moon One
30 : Spotlight
31 : Lonely Sky
32 : Daydreams or Nightmares
33 : Train, Damn Pillars
34 : A Gruesome Night
36 : Bonding + Announcement
Side Story : Haunted
Side Story : My Idol Criminal (1)
Side Story : My Idol Criminal (2)
37 : The End of the Beginning (1)
38 : The Beginning of the End (2)
39 : Your Hell (1)
40 : Your Hell (2)
41 : Your Hell (3)
42 : Your Hell (4)
43 : Your Hell (5)
44 : Your Hell (6)
45 : Saved Or Not?
46 : Promises of War
47 : End of the War (1)
48 : End of the War (2)
49 : The Ending (1)
50 : The Ending (2)
51 : Her Dream of the Past
52 : Epilogue
Important Announcement I guess lol
Not an Update, Sorry lmao
Hello again, I'm back for the grave. Kinda
I wanna have an even number of parts so

35 : Kyojuro,- no wait- SURPRISE!!

5.5K 138 741
By FlameBaby_Kyokun

A/N: okay, I'm really sorry that this didn't come sooner. It's an important chapter, and honestly, I've had better days... it's almost 1 am as I'm writing this, and power has been out for a few hours, not to mention I've been scrubing my walls... anyways! Hope you enjoy!

After the nightmare conversation was over, you hurriedly left Kyojuro to do his own thing and went to go speak with the Corp members the other pillars were training. You wanted to make sure everything and everyone was ready.

When you were done visiting the other pillars, you went to the Rengoku Residence to check on Senjuro and Shinjuro. Upon arriving, you could hear both Tanjiro's and Kyojuro's grunts and wooden swords.

"Well, great." You huffed, and snuck in quietly, not alarming either. Thankfully, Tanjiro already knew you were coming so when he smelled you, he wasn't shocked and focused on training. You walked through the familiar house, finding the kitchen where Senjuro most likely would be.

"Oh, Snowball! I was getting everything ready, is it still a go for tonight?" He spoke happily, probably the happiest you've ever heard the young boy.

You hummed in response, touching an old vase that had been there long before Shinjuro, "Of course. I just wanted to make sure everything was ready for tonight. Is Shinjuro-san in his room?"

Senjuro's smile fell slightly as he looked away, "I wouldn't go in there today, Snowball..." hearing the heartbreak in his voice made you kneel down placing a hand on top of his head with a bright smile.

"Don't worry! He's coming out whether he likes it or not." You chuckled and clenched your fist to demonstrate your resolve. Senjuro only chuckled and continued what he was doing before you came in.

Senjuro had begun to worry you about Shinjuro, so you hurriedly walked to his room and knocked lightly. It wasnt long after you saw the door slide open slowly, revealing a tired looking father. "Oh, (Y/N). Pleasant seeing you here. Come for another pep talk, kiddo?" He asked, obviously lacking in sleep.

You chuckled and gently pushed him towards his futon, "No, not exactly. I came here to tell you Kyojuro's party is tonight. I wanted to know if you'll still make it, since I'm sure he would want you there..." you trailed off, not wanting to sound like you're not giving him a choice.

"I'll be there, kid. Don't worry." He smiled, beckoning you to do the same.

"Just rest up, okay? I'll have Senjuro wake you up when it's time to start leaving." You smiled and stood up, excusing yourself from his room. Walking down the hall, you focused on the sleeve fabric of your standard uniform then ran into something sturdy and hard, falling onto your butt. Not knowing what you ran into, you looked up and found a curious looking Kyojuro.

"What are you doing here, Snowball? Were you speaking with father again?"

Since the party was a surprise, you tried playing it off nervously. "What? Pshhh, of course not. I was just in the uh area and wanted to, um, y'know, say hi to Senjuro. So uh, yeah." You put a hand on the back of your head, the other one grabbing Kyojuro's who helped you up suspiciously.

"Okay..." he said, obviously not convinced.

"Look, just don't worry about it! But, please, Shinjuro-san looked tired so don't wake him, okay?" He smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Alright, sweetheart." He chuckled, both of you knowing how red your face was going to get. Defensively, you pulled both your hands to cover it only to feel Kyojuro kiss the top of your head. "You're so cute, (Y/N)." He chuckled and kissed the top of your head once more.

"K-kyojuro..." you whined, wiggling out of his strong grip. "S-stop it...!" Your face felt like it was about to explode, and you didn't want Kyojuro to see it but he thought it was the cutest thing on earth.

Turning around to face away from him, you finally removed your hands from your face. "Is there something you're not telling me, Snowball?" His tone was playful as he poked your side. You could only image the joy he was getting out of this.

"Br-brother, leave (Y/N) alone... she has people she needs to go train, remember?" Senjuro spoke up from behind the two of you. 'My savior!!' You thought as you ran to his side, kneeling behind him as if hiding.

"Well, she won't tell me what she was doing here, so I was going to get my answer through... unconventional means." He placed his hands on the nape of his neck, looking away with a slight tint of pink dusting over his cheeks.

Senjuro only laughed lightly, "She came to say hi. She told me she would be in the area today and would stop by a few days ago, so I've been expecting her." 'How is he so good at that?!' You thought after he explained what you had said a little better than you had.

"Oh, I guess you weren't hiding anything then, my bad, Snowball." He smiled widely, walking over to you and Senjuro with his elbow poked out for you to hook yours with. With a small giggle, you stood up, taking his elbow and walking out side by side. "I'll be here for awhile longer with Tanjiro, but I'll be back later tonight." He kissed your forehead at the gate, Tanjiro turning away with a bright face. "Just wait for me." He smiled brightly, radiating more sunshine than the actual sun.

With a small smile, you got on your tiptoes and kissed his cheek happily. "For as long as it take!" You replied, making his laugh while watching you ran back towards the training grounds Mitsuko and Inosuke should be waiting at.

Skip to Dusk~

You paced around the butterfly estate, watching for Senjuro and Shinjuro's arrival. They were the last ones other than Kyojuro and Tanjiro. You wanted them to show up before Kyojuro made it since then you would be able to surprise him with his father and brother there already. Everyone who was already there was busy hiding in the darkened estate that had no lights on. Except Inosuke who was running around like a wildman, his swords being swung in the air like an Indian cave man.

Finally, you saw two people with bright colored hair dressed very nice come out of the trees, running. You pointed to the dark building quietly, them disappearing just in time for Kyojuro's head to peak over the hill. His voice filled your ears as he spoke loudly to Tanjiro, encouraging the boy. Immediately, Inosuke shut up and hid in the woods on Tanjiro's side, to scare the boy who could smell people from far away.

Upon smelling everyone huddled inside the building, he stopped with raised brows, wondering what they were planning. "Oi! Tanjiro!" You called, hoping to distract him while waving to get his attention. "Go ahead and wait inside, I'm sure you and Kyojuro can continue your conversation later!" He hummed and reluctantly went inside, afraid he was about to be kidnapped by his friends.

As he began walking towards you, Inosuke jumped out, scaring him half to death, "I got you! Fear me, underling!!" Kyojuro and you both chuckled at their reactions as Tanjiro pulled himself off the ground and began running towards the building with Inosuke by his side. You made sure Inosuke informed the boy what was happened, after they weren't in earshot anymore.

"This better not be a joke." Tanjiro whispered as he ran past your sweet smiling face.

"What's going on? Why is it so dark inside?" Kyojuro asked as he pulled you close to his chest, resting his chin on top your head.

You nuzzled your face into his chest, "Shinobu took everyone out for the night. Said something about extra training. Not familiarized with the details, that's just what Mitsuko and Zenitsu told me." You lied lovingly.

Kyojuro hummed and played with your hair as you held him closely, giving Tanjiro time to hide. After a few moments, you leaned away and pulled his hand away from your hair, lacing your fingers. "You're starting to worry me, (Y/N)." He raised his brows at your strange behavior. You only laughed and pulled him towards the building.

"Don't worry, I'm okay."

You stopped walking once you reached the door for the estate. He noticed your hand was shaking slightly, and touched it soothingly with a smile. You chuckled and slid the door open revealing the dark entrance. "You're not scared of the dark, are you?" He asked playfully behind you. Your soft gaze turned to a harsh glare as you turned to look at him.

"Of course not. Don't be ridiculous, Kyojuro." He only laughed as you led him further into the building towards the main area where everyone was hiding. You could tell some people were hiding in the rooms and following you, so you knew Kyojuro was suspecting an ambush or something. You clapped your hand over your mouth, trying to stop from laughing.

You were gonna get him so gooooood.

After walking in the dark towards the main area you knew it was about time for your plan to start. You got ready since you knew someone was moving into position, also getting ready for their part.

You smiled and turned towards Kyojuro just as hands clapped over your mouth, pulling you into the darkest part of the hallway. You reached out to grab him, screaming as if your life was being threatened, but the figure drug you away faster than he could catch your hand.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!" He shouted looking around, hearing noises from the walls. He followed the strange noises to the main area and stopped at the door where the noises stopped. "(Y/N)?" He said softly, knocking on the door.

"K-Kyoju-!" Someone muffled your screams, beckoning Kyojuro into the room, just like you had planned. Forcefully someone slammed the door, just as Kyojuro pulled you into his arms, pulling his sword out, searching the darkness for any signs of movement. As his eyes adjusted, he saw the wide smile planted on your lips as people began surrounding the two of you.

The lights switched on, Kyojuro squinting his eyes shut only to be greeted by loud shouts. They were shouts of laughter, soon your own laughter reaching his ears. His eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness, glaring down at you.

"You scared me, (Y/N)." He pouted and pulled you to your feet, placing his sword back into its sheath.

He heard two distinctive voices, and looked over to see Shinjuro and Senjuro holding a cake. "You shouldn't be mad at her, son. It was Uzui's and my idea. We wanted to give you a good scare, seems we did." Shinjuro smiled brightly, looking less tired than earlier.

"Who said I was mad at my lovely sweetheart?" He smiled brightly, knowing his revenge was going to be sweet. You chuckled and watched Mitsuko throw up a hand signal resembling a hand gun which caused you to pull Kyojuro into the small area with a wide grin, everyone following to catch a glimpse of the beautiful fireworks that were going to go off soon. As soon as everyone gathered outside, fireworks began exploding causing Kyojuro's eyes to widen with surprise.

You looked at him and smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Surprise, Kyojuro." Your soft voice pulled his attention from the fireworks. "Happy Birthday." He watched you placed your head on his chest, ignoring the fireworks and everyone chanting as if he were the only thing you cared about.

Wrapping his arms around you, he looked around noticing everyone he and you knew was there, all the pillars and swordsmiths. All the junior corp members. The kakushi, everyone except Oyakata-sama and his family who, regrettably, could not make it.

"You've really outdone yourself this time, (Y/N)." He whispered, "But I appreciate you doing this."

"Of course you do, if you didn't I wouldn't have done it for you." You said playfully, not moving from his grasp. He was warm and made you feel safe in his arms.

He chuckled at your response, "And that's why I love you, Snowball. One day, I hope you'll become my bride." His voice rang through the open area, everyone quieting down. Hearing his words made you look up at him, tightening your grip around him. "Did I say something wrong?"

Your raised a playful brow, "You practically just proposed to me, Kyojuro. In front of the entirety of the demon slayer corp members and associates." You laughed, "you really are clueless, Rengoku." Hearing his last name made his ears turn red as he glanced at the tentative crowd surrounding you two.

"Well, I suppose I can't disappoint the crowd, now can I?" He pulled away from your tight grip and got on one knee, holding one of your hands tightly.

You turned bright red immediately, everyone's jaws dropping as he kissed the hand he held, "K-Kyojuro...!" You covered your face with your other hand, but he only smiled at you lovingly.

"It's a bit sooner than I anticipated, and I'm sure everyone saw it coming... but I suppose we aren't guaranteed tomorrow. And when I say you've made my life better by a million times, I do not exaggerate. I have a great family, but I also have you. I'm not sure how I cannot be deemed the happiest man on earth, because I feel that I may be the happiest person ever to walk the earth. You've made me happier than I ever could have imagined. I long for your gaze each time we're apart, so let's never be apart. I ask this with all my heart, will you marry me and spend the rest of your days by my side, (L/N) (F/N)?"

Senjuro cheered for his brother who kept his calm and affection gaze on you, ignoring the crowd. Shinjuro also spoke up, "Bout time you had the guts to ask her, dear boy." It made everyone laugh Tanjiro could smell both sadness and happiness radiating off of you as tears fell from your eyes.

"Oh, Kyojuro..." you croaked, crouching down in front of him still covering your face with the one hand. "Do you even need to ask?" He only chuckled and wiped the tears from your face, "Of course I'll marry you. Your my sun and world, I couldn't live without you..." you threw your arms around his shoulders, him standing up to keep from falling. Kyojuro pulled your waist closer to him, burying his face into your shoulder as you stood on your tiptoes.

"I hope I find someone who makes me just as happy as (Y/N)-san makes Rengoku-san...!" Mitsuri said, eyeing Obanai.

"Rengoku-san! I want you to know, hurt (Y/N), and Giyu and I will hurt you just as bad!" Sabito shouted from the front row, Giyu enthusiastically yelling behind him, surprising everyone. Maybe he was drunk already... or finally losing it...

Shinobu shrugged, "I'm happy for you two, I was wondering when you would ask her, Rengoku-san."

"(Y/N)!" You heard someone shout. It was a voice you didn't recognize right away and came from outside the perimeter of the residence. Everyone turned their heads, not recognizing the voice either. Kyojuro subconsciously pulled you closer, glaring at the direction the unknown voice came from. "I have news for (L/N) (F/N)!" It called, stopping out of breath.

Kyojuro noticed your widened eyes and the fact you were breathing abnormally. "Snowball? Is something wrong? Do you know that man?" He questioned, everyone seemingly wondering the same thing.

"You do recognize me, right, (Y/N)? Please say you do...! My dear daughter...!" he shouted, his hands on his knees.

"F-father? Why- no, what are you doing here?" He heard her choke out, seemingly forcing the words out. After processing what she had said, Kyojuro froze.

"(Y/N)'s father...?" He whispered to himself, trying to believe such a brute of a man could be the father of such a delicate and beautiful girl.

"You shouldn't be here, father. Go back to where you came from." You spoke coldly, digging your face into Kyojuro's chest for comfort. You didn't want to hate him, but seeing him alive in front of you certainly hurt. "I spent years thinking you were dead, why come back now?! I needed you back then!" You shouted, tears streaming down your face and onto Kyojuro's uniform.

The man smiled softly, "I know, baby girl. I know. I'm sure your mother and Daichi, my boy, probably hate me for what I've done. I wouldn't doubt it if you resent me as well... but, I needed to warn you. If you want this happy life to continue, don't fight upper moon one on your own. I love you, I really do. That's why... I don't want to see you consume yourself with rage against Muzan..." hearing him say those things about your mother and brother clicked something in your head. You almost immediately stopped crying, gripping Kyojuro's haori tighter before loosening it.

Sanemi stepped in front of you and Kyojuro after watching the man ruin such a happy occasion. "Who the hell do you think you are, bossing someone around when you have no clue how strong they are?! She's fought him before! She can do it again-!"

You placed a soft hand on Sanemi's shoulder, gazing at your father with sadness in your eyes. "I don't hate you father... I never could, and never will. Mother and brother don't either, I can say that will full confidence... and I trust that you're only saying this to give me the best, that's who you are..." you ran to his side, hugging his shoulders as he fell to his knees at your words and the softness of them, "I don't resent or hate anyone other than Muzan. I know what will happen should rage drive me, I've seen the outcome already. Father, stay here with me. I can keep you safe, I'm sure that's what mother and big brother would want." The man had wide eyes, clutching onto your clothing with tears falling down his face. He cried into your shoulder, "Since Nezuko conquered the sun, I doubt Muzan will be going after you... please say you'll stay by me to atone for what you did... I needed you back then, but that doesn't mean I still don't need you..."

Kyojuro smiled, after all these years and despite what you said during your first fight against Akaza... you did still care about him. You were too kind, Kyojuro thought. "I would stay if I were you. Snowball is usually right about things." Kyojuro proudly claimed.

The man pulled away from you and wiped his face. "You must be the boyfriend." He chuckled.

"Father... please don't-"

"Actually, I'm the Fiance!" He proudly stated, and only smiled at the glare you gave him.

The man stood to his feet, "I like you, kid. I'm glad she's got a man like you who can take care of her."

"She doesn't need me to take care of her! She's capable to do it herself! I just happen to be the man she loves." You started touching the dark ground, feeling for a rock. Once you found one you waiting for him to say something else. "And I love her back. Should she ask that I take care of her I will, but as far as I'm concerned, she can do it just fine herself!" He easily dodged the rock, laughing loudly while your father looked at you with a surprised expression.

"You really are clueless, Kyojuro." You huffed then smiled and walked to his side facing your father. "This is Rengoku Kyojuro, the flame pillar."

He nodded, "Who's the Thread pillar? I heard that was the one who defeated Akaza twice. Come to think about it, they also fought Upper Moon One for an entire night..."

You and Kyojuro looked at one and giggled, "oh, father. You're just as clueless as Kyojuro. I'm the one and only Thread Pillar." His eyes widened before he engulfed himself in laughter.

"Hey, (Y/N), you say that's your old man, right? How about you and my son have some time to yourselves while us old men speak for awhile?" Shinjuro tapped your shoulder with his famous glare towards the man, making everyone sweatdrop. Shinjuro was practically the man who raised you single handedly after Ruka passed away... so he could be frightening and you knew that.

"Sure! Just don't scare him to much, please! I don't need him dying right after I see him again." You laughed and lace your fingers with Kyojuro's as you walk back into the building while everyone else kept partying and drinking, if old enough, like they had at your birthday party.

The next day was the complete opposite... complete hungover horror...

A/N: ayee, finally proof read one before uploading it...! This one is longer than all the rest to make up for the fact I didn't upload it sooner... hope you enjoyed!!

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