Hard To Love (Noctis X Prompt...

By MajesticTeagle

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Prompto has always been striving to mold himself into the best person he's always wanted to be. He's never ha... More

1: Dreams
2: A Prince's Day
3: Old Times
4: What Never Was Can Be
5: Extended Hand
6: Something To Consider
7: Heartache
8: The Life of a Working Artist
9: Under Pressure
10: A Change of Pace
11: Heavenly
12: Those Eyes
13: Drinks On Me!
14: Morning After
15: A New Path
16: Birthday Blues
17: Want

18: The Beginning (END)

632 19 7
By MajesticTeagle

Prompto breathes in a deep inhale as he faces the door to the outside world. On the other side of this door is a party, where people are mingling and eating and discussing the Prince, as he is the main subject of today. For some reason Prompto is even more nervous to go out there than before, and it may have something to do with the fact that he isn't going out there alone. Instead, he has the Prince holding onto his hand. Not as a friend, but this time as his lover. Prompto swallows and finds his heart flutters at just the thought of him and Noctis being official. 

After they had made love in the music room, they quickly showered and made a hasty escape towards the actual party. Both of them had been gone far too long, especially Prompto who was only meant to be having a quick wardrobe change. Noctis squeezes Prompto's hand gently and the blond looks up to face him with nervous eyes.

"You okay?" He asks with concern, and Prompto feels his lips twist into a smile at how Noctis cares for him. It's an invigorating feeling, and if it weren't for the constant swarm of nauseous butterflies, he would have forced open the doors and greeted the world without any hesitation. The only reason he is hesitating now is because he feels so embarrassed with what happened last time he was out there with everyone. Getting pushed into a fountain doesn't exactly bring a smile to Prompto's face.

"Yeah, I'm cool," Prompto puffs out as he catches his breath. What's worse in this situation is that he can feel his insides cramping from the expression of love he and Noctis participated in. Prompto isn't sure whether to thank Noctis or curse him from all the feelings he's caused, but right now that isn't the main focus. It's what's on the other side of the door. 

Noctis holds Prompto close and when Prompto glances up to ask what he's doing, Noctis kisses him deeply, cupping Prompto's cheeks and pouring all of his strength into the blond. When they pull apart, they're both blushing immensely, but a new spark glows within Prompto's chest. He isn't alone anymore. He has Noctis to help him, to guide him and with him by the blond's side, anything is possible.

"How about now?" Noctis smirks and nudges Prompto's side playfully. The freckled man laughs and nudges Noctis back before gripping the door handle.

"Much better," He grins widely and pulls the doors to the garden wide open.

"Ah! Perfect timing!" King Regis claps his hands together as the two make an appearance. "We were just about to do cake!"

Noctis rolls his eyes as Prompto pushes the mighty Prince forward to conquer the bounty of candles placed onto the massive chocolate and vanilla iced cake. Prompto feels his stomach growl at the sight of it. It's been ages since he allowed himself a piece of cake. Everyone gathers around the table where the cake is being held, and Prompto quickly scrambles to adjust his camera lenses. If Noctis is about to blow out the candles then he needs to get a good shot of him! He carefully angles the device and stands a certain distance away. He manages to get the cake and Noctis in frame before he snaps one of Noctis smiling at the cake in front of him. 

Then came the song. Everyone sung Happy Birthday to the Prince with pride and Noctis was more than thrilled to blow out the candles. Prompto caught photos of every single action the Prince did, and when Prompto looks back on the images he took, his heart skips a beat as he sees that in the last shot, Noctis is looking directly at the camera, directly at him. He's smiling, and Prompto has never seen Noctis this happy before. He finds himself smiling lightly at the photo and makes a note to save that to his personal hard drive. 

"Hey, Prompto, that's an amazing shot!" Luna gasps as she peers over Prompto's shoulder. 

"I feel like I could have zoomed in a little more," Prompto hums in thought. He holds the device out to allow Luna a better view of the image and Luna frowns as she studies hard. 

"I don't see the flaw." Luna says.

"There's a shadow that's coming into frame. It ruins the aesthetic of the photo."

"Ah, you take this far too seriously," Luna pushes at Prompto's shoulder with a light giggle. Prompto shrugs with a small smile of his own.

""I'm getting paid for this, so of course I would take this seriously."

"Right! Of course! But you're naturally good that I just don't see the problem."

"What are you guys talking about?" Noctis asks as he enters the conversation, two plates of cake in hand. Luna's eyes light up like lanterns as he takes one.

"Oh! Thank you, Noctis! I've been dying  to try some of this cake!" Luna takes the cute little cake fork into her hands and goes to jab the small piece of fluffiness, however before the fork has a chance to sink into the pure sweetness, Noctis takes the plate back.

"Actually, this is for my boyfriend," Noctis says with a slight smug look. Prompto bows his head down in embarrassment. Noctis is so forward sometimes, but in a way it's sweet that he wants to share their status so openly. Luna furrows her eyebrows before she puts two and two together once the plate is then handed to Prompto. Her mouth opens wide and her hands clasp together in excitement.

"Oh my gosh! It finally happened!" She jumps in delight, drawing the attention of many onlookers. Ignis and Gladio, to name a few. Prompto buries his head into Noctis' shoulder as he feels his face flush in a red hot shyness. Performing on stage is one thing, but having eyes on him because of their newly formed status is kind of... overbearing.

"Aww, looks like the Princess finally found himself a Prince," Gladio smirks teasingly.

"The question is, which one of them are you calling the Princess?" Ignis remarks with the same look as Gladio. Prompto sighs and chuckles at the sudden attention. Noctis frowns at the comment Ignis makes and then scowls when Gladio ruffles his hair in fond amusement.

"Congratulations, you two," Ignis says and bows his head down in respects. "I'm sure with you by Noctis's side, Prompto, maybe he will stay out of trouble."

"Doubt it," Noctis mutters. "Oh, by the way, Ignis, the music room got a little messy-"

"Noctis!" Prompto immediately smacks his lover's chest in shock. There is NO way that Prompto is allowing anyone else to clean the music room. Prompto is sure they got rid of most of the mess they caused, but just in case they haven't, he doesn't want Ignis snooping around.

"Messy? My, what could have caused that?" Ignis furrows his eyebrows in thought and Noctis only smirks as he pulls Prompto in by the waist for a hug. Gladio chuckles lightly and folds his strong arms over his broad chest.

"I bet I could take a guess," he says.

"What do you think it could be?" Luna asks innocently with a small tilt of her head. Gladio then coughs once before occupying himself with his little sister who is off playing with Umbra and Pryna. Good call. Prompto doesn't want Luna to know of the naughty deeds they performed moments before. It's already difficult to stand up straight and in all honesty the boy is surprised he has lasted this long, but then again a majority of his time standing has been spent leaning on Noctis for support, which the prince doesn't seem to mind. 

Luna watches Gladio leave with a disappointed frown before her usual gorgeous smile is back and she beams happily at the new couple. "You guys look so cute together!" She giggles happily and Prompto finds himself laughing a little at how much the woman seems to be gushing over them. They do make a cute couple, and Prompto agrees with the statement as he squeezes Noctis' free hand. The other is pushing cake into his face and Noctis shows no sign of slowing down on the cake eating. 

"Alright, you three enjoy yourselves and behave. I'm going to gather my cleaning supplies and make way to the music room."

"W-wait, Iggy! Uh, leave it to me, yeah?" Prompto volunteers as tribute in order to save himself from the embarrassment, but Ignis doesn't take it in.

"See you all later!" He waves and gives Prompto a small wink as he fades away into the crowd.

What was that for?!

"Ignis already knows," Noctis answers. "About the music room."

"How?!" Prompto gasps out.

Noctis shrugs. "I did say you were pretty loud."

"Oh, God," Prompto groans and flings his head back. Of course. Gladio knows, Ignis knows, Luna is acting as if she doesn't know what's going on but Prompto suspects that the woman is smart enough to figure it out on her own. If she does know, she's not letting on that she does, and Prompto hasn't decided whether he is thankful for her silence or if it's only causing him more stress. Regardless, he looks towards his Prince, seeing that he is already staring back at him with a small smile. 

"Everything will be fine, Prom. Ignis doesn't mind."

"I feel so bad... I'm sure we got most of it, but what if there's something left? That's so embarrassing..."

"Cheer up and eat your slice of cake," Noctis tells him and picks up the fork on the blond's plate. Scooping a small piece of the soft sugary treat, he commands Prompto to say 'Ahh.' Playing along with his silly little game, Prompto obeys and in comes the airplane, delivering the goods to Prompto and immediately leaving him in bliss. It truly has been a long time since he had cake, and he smiles happily as he swallows, asking for Noctis to deliver yet another bite.


Noctis groans and throws his controller down in frustration. He has just driven off the edge on rainbow road for the sixth time, and Prompto has already crossed the finish line waiting for Noctis to to hurry up. Prompto falls back on the bed in roars of laughter as the prince folds his arms and glares at the screen.

"I think I've had enough," Noctis pouts causing Prompto to increase his laughter.

"Aww, tired of losing?" Prompto teases with fits of chuckles in-between each word. This was the eighth race he has won and by the minute Noctis was getting pissed. 

"It's a stupid game. This is how friendships break! It's bullshit. what kind of track is rainbow road anyway? Couldn't you have chosen a better one?!"

Prompto shrugs with a victorious grin as the last racer, besides Noctis, crosses the finish line and automatically the match ends. The total score shows Prompto finishing in first place and Noctis falling somewhere down the bottom. Seeing the visual representation of their scores makes Noctis fall onto his back with a huff.

"Lets play a different game, okay?" He asks and Prompto nods his head and goes back to the wide arrange of video games he and Noctis have collected over the past few months. They've been wanting to try everything together, video games being one of those things, and eventually Prompto pulls up Smash Bros.

"How about this one?" Prompto asks as he holds it out to his boyfriend.

"Really? This always gets you as mad as I am with Mariokart."

"Yeah, but this way you can get you rage out," Prompto says. Although true, Noctis isn't looking forward to having Prompto ignore him for an hour due to being beat up in a video game. "Or," Prompto begins, placing the game down and crawling over to Noctis. "We could do something else to ease your rage." Prompto snakes a hand over Noctis' chest and leans down across his boyfriend, a small smirk on his face as he gently traces the raven's jawline. Noctis raises an eyebrow and rests his hands over Prompto's hips, gently rubbing circles. Noctis has to admit. Prompto looks very tempting with his loose red singlet and tight black jeans. For a while now, he's been wanting to take those clothes off of him. Make a mess of his neatly waxed hair, mark his neck and exposed collarbones.

Noctis chuckles darkly and pulls the blond in for a quick kiss on the lips.

"Maybe we could," Noctis says, pondering on the thought more. "Hmm, what did you have in mind?"

"Well..." Prompto bites his lip adorably, the finger that was tracing over Noctis' chest now sliding down his torso and stopping at the waistband of his sweats. "What I had in mind kinda involves these things being removed."

Noctis snorts with a wide grin. Prompto has gained so much more confidence in their relationship since it started. He's bold, daring, and Noctis could even say that his self-confidence has expanded magnificently in general. It feels like Prompto is finally being true to himself, and that makes Noctis incredibly happy. 

"I like the sound of that," Noctis hums before cupping Prompto's freckled cheeks and bringing him in for more kisses, soft and sweet. Prompto holds onto his lover tightly and returns the kisses with a smile.

A knock on the door sounds and both boys groan at the intrusion. 

"Now? Of all times?" Prompto grumbles and Noctis can't help but laugh at how eager Prompto was to get into it. Ignis comes in with a small smile of greeting to the two of them. 

"Pardon me, Noctis, but we have received a letter from the Lady Lunafreya," Ignis tells the Prince and Noctis raises his hand to have the letter placed in his grasp.

"What's it say?" Prompto asks excitedly. Noctis tears open the envelope and quickly skims over the lines. 

"We've been invited to see Luna's oracle ceremony in Altissia."

"Holy shit, really?!" Prompto gasps and clasps his hands to his cheeks in awe. "I've always wanted to go to Altissia! I've heard it's beautiful!" 

"Yes, it is indeed quite the place," Ignis confirms. "The ceremony is said to start next week. If we leave tomorrow morning we should arrive a day beforehand."

Noctis nods as he stares at the letter in his hand. He eyes Prompto who now has his camera in his grasp, most likely deleting any unnecessary images to clear space for their big trip. How can Noctis say no when his blond partner looks as if he has just won the lottery. 

"Oh! Oh! Can I drive?!" Prompto raises his hand excitedly and begs Ignis to have control of the Regalia on their trip. Ignis heaves in a deep sigh and through careful consideration, gives in.

"Alright. But as soon as I sense even a bit of danger, I'll be re-taking the wheel, understood?"

"Understood, Iggy!" Prompto salutes and Noctis smiles towards the blond. He is far too adorable for his own good.


"Hey Prompto, how does this camera work?" Noctis asks from the back seat as he presses all sorts of buttons on the device. Prompto grips onto the steering wheel tightly as he hears a bunch of digital sounds coming from his precious and very expensive camera.

"Be careful with that, Noct!"

"Eyes on the road!" Gladio scolds Prompto and the boy stiffens turning his head back to the road as asked. Prompto hears a few clicks here and there and he tenses every time he hears Noctis say "Oops," or an "Oh, shit."

"Noctis, I swear if you're breaking my camera-!"

"Prompto, eyes up front," Ignis warns the blond from the passenger seat and immediately Prompto follows the instruction. Noctis holds the camera up and attempts to zoom in on his boyfriend who is trying to drive them all safely to their destination. 

"Relax, Prom. I'm just trying to learn how to take a photo," Noctis says to soothe the agitated Prompto. The blond sighs and with much reluctance, allows Noctis to play around with his camera, making sure to let the prince know that if he dares break it, Noctis would be the one to pay for it. They had finally driven out of the Crown City and were now on a narrow road in the wasteland, on their way to Golden Quay, where they would take a boat out towards Altissia. Several hours have already passed with one gas stop and a snack refill.

Gladio relaxes in the back with Noctis, his bare muscled arms holding up a tiny book. Noctis is attempting to get a nice image of Prompto driving and Ignis sits in the front keeping a close eye on the blond's driving skills. It's not that Ignis doesn't trust Prompto, but he is driving a car that belongs to the King. If any damage was to come to this vehicle the cost for repairs would not be cheap.

"Alright Prompto, make a right here and just follow the road until you see the next gas station. There, you will need to make another left." Ignis guides the young man and Prompto follows through. 

"Man, I can't wait till nap time," Noctis groans and finally places Prompto's pride and joy back into its protective case. 

"Just take one now, princess," Gladio tells him as he flips the page.

"Stop calling me that," Noctis rolls his eyes and stares out towards the deserted land beyond the road. The sun is slowly setting beyond the horizon and the orange sand darkens as the light begins fading away. He yawns and lays his head on the window, eyes falling on Prompto almost instinctively. He wishes he had Prompto in the back with him. Then he could at least use him as a pillow.

Suddenly the car slows down. Right down, and the four of them all sit up to attention. The car hums out a defeated purr before the vehicle rolls to a complete stop.

"Uh-Oh..." Prompto widens his eyes and carefully glances to Ignis.

"Prompto," The spectacled man turns to the blond with a raised eyebrow. "Did you remember to fill the tank up when we stopped at the previous station?"

"Uh... It might have... slipped my mind?" He chuckles nervously. Everyone groans at the realisation that they're now out of fuel and stuck in the middle of nowhere. The nearest station is still quite a way down the road, and it would take a while if one of them were to run down, get the gas and then run back. 

For a while, they tried asking for help from passing vehicles, but apparently no one likes helping strangers. An hour they all must have sat there trying to get a helping hand before Gladio puts his foot down.

"Alright, there's only one option," he sighs out and walks to the rear of the vehicle. He cracks his knuckles and begins to push hard on the boot. Prompto stares in awe as the car begins moving. Not as fast as it would be if it actually had fuel, but enough to be able to get somewhere. 

"Way to go, big guy!" Prompto encourages before Gladio glares at the rest of them and commands them to help. Immediately Noctis pushes one side of the car while Prompto takes the other. Ignis moves himself into the driver's seat and the team of four work their asses off to move the empty Regalia. 

One thing they can be certain of is that this trip is going to be one to remember.

The End

Thank you so much for reading and voting for those who did and stuck around to the end! I am terribly sorry if at times this story seemed as if it had no direction. In all honesty, for a while I wasn't sure what I was doing, but it's all done and dusted!

If anyone is confused by the ending, basically it's the segment that leads into the actual game.

Either way! It's done and finished and I am going to sleep because OML I'm tired and I was stupid to try writing this so early in the morning  hahaha.

Thanks for reading! I might do another Promptis story later on, and hopefully that one is a little more planned out.

Goodnight Ya'll!

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