Lil' Red Riding Hood | Derek...

By shortfilipino

729K 24.9K 10K

"Hey there Little Red Riding Hood You sure are looking good You're everything a big bad wolf could want" Gold... More

Lil' Red Riding Hood
1: Body in the Woods
2: I like my sugar
3: Freak of nature
4: It was scary
5: Scary werewolf gives me the heebie-jeebies
6: Playing Lacrosse is Hard
8: Their problems are my problems
9: Being Gross is a Boy Trait
10: I talk when I'm nervous
11: Far Longer Than Forever
12: Into the Woods
13: Walking on Sunshine
14: One call
15: What kind of dog are you?
16: The Dark of the Night
17: One long night
18: Much more to the story
19: Maternal Ancestry
20: Back to school
21: Attics are usually dirty
22: House Swap
23: Mercier Friendships
24: Pretty or not
25: Who's that Alpha?
26: Family protects family
27: That's not cupid's arrow
28: Too much whiskey isn't good for anyone
29: Some kind of inception
30: Oh, my God, it's Stiles
31: Let's take some pictures
32: Trudging through the woods
Lil' Red Riding Hood
33: Graveyard shift
34: Paige of music
35: Enter the Mercier Hunters
36: Family Importance
37: Welcome to Beacon Hills
38: Secrets in a House
39: No more masks
40: Looking through Glass
41: One thing on the list
42: Lines of a War
43: Snap, Crackle, and Pop
44: Out of Commission
45: Late Night Drown Fest
46: Fuzzy feeling
47: His Nice vs. My Nice
48: I have a feeling
49: Clubbing's fun when you're not fighting a lizard
50: Everything's Legal when Cops aren't around
51: Faith and Trust
52: Her Release
53: Familial Bonding
54: Where have you been?
55: No killing please
56: The Accident
57: Claws and Guns
58: Breathe In and Breathe Out
59: Town Whackjob's Birthday
60: Paige, the murderer magnet
61: Maggie, the adult
62: How important is your family?
63: Things within 24 hours
64: You need a day to yourself
65: Game Night
66: Margaret and Peter
67: Familial Betrayal
Lil' Red Riding Hood
68: Permanent, like our friendship
69: Attack of the Crows
70: Nothing Dull Happens in Beacon Hills
71: Do you hear what I hear?
72: Teaching Assistant
73: Mental Health
74: The Creepy Uncle

7: Making friends isn't always easy

14.3K 453 341
By shortfilipino

With her naturally wavy hair pulled up in a high ponytail. Paige listened to Scott explain his dream to her and Stiles in complete detail. Her mind was in and out during some parts since he seemed to keep in the sexual aspects of his dream. Something that she did not want to even think about because he was practically a brother after the many years of being his friend.

"So..." Stiles finally voices himself, "You killed her?"

"I don't know." Scott tells them both quickly with a frightened expression, he was genuinely rattled up over what happened, "I just woke up. And I was sweating like crazy, and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before."

"Really?" Stiles questions in disbelief then hums out, "I have. Usually ends a little differently."

Paige instantly contorted her face up, "What does that mean?"

Scott was just as disgusted as Paige at this point, giving his male best friend a look of pure horror, "A, I meant I've never had a dream that felt that real, and B, never give me that much detail about you in bed again."

"Oh-" Paige let the realization hit her before the disgust overwhelmed her facial features, "Oh! Ew! Gross, Stiles, I never want to hear that again."

Stiles looked between them and nodded curtly, "Noted. Let me take a guess here-"

Scott quickly stopped Stiles before he could voice his thought out loud, "No, I know, you think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow, like I'm gonna lose control and rip her throat out."

"I wasn't thinking that." Paige says absentmindedly while playing with the end of her sleeve, wondering if she had some snacks in her locker. Possibly her lacrosse locker, but she wouldn't be in there for a while and she was craving something now.

"Neither was I."

Paige stops and looks up at him, "Yes you were. You're not optimistic at all. You're a pessimist so of course you're gonna think of the worst case scenario for every situation."

Stiles pushed at Paige making Scott step between them. He grumbled and admitted, "Fine. Yeah, that's totally what I was thinking." He instantly felt bad after seeing Scott's downcast expression, "Hey, come on, it's gonna be fine, all right? Personally, I think you're handling this pretty freakin' amazingly. You know, it's not like there's a lycanthropy for beginners class you can take."

Paige tapped her chin in contemplative thought before says with a low high pitched voice since she knew this would make Stiles explode, "But there could be a teacher..."

"Who, Derek?" Stiles' jaw dropped open at the very suggestion, "You forgetting the part where we got him tossed in jail?"

"I know that but Scott is freaked out and I just wanna help him feel better." Paige defends her suggestion, feeling rather solemn. She needed something sweet to lighten her day. "And we don't even know if Derek is really the culprit, so he could help us... if he doesn't want to kill us for throwing him in jail..."

"Ugh, you girls say anything when a pretty face is involved."

Paige was taken back by the rather sexist comment from Stiles, she reached up and hit him as hard as she could which made Scott wince a little bit. But Stiles totally deserved it. "Derek's pretty face has nothing to do with it." She stuck her nose up while crossing her arms over her chest, "Besides, personality is far more important for me. And Derek scares the freaking frick out of me. I'm not the stereotypical girl that falls for the hot bad boy."

Scott momentarily forgot about his dream because of his friends bickering. Which was why he loved the two of them so much. Even when they weren't trying they somehow cheered him up. "Didn't you just admit that he was attractive though?"

"I never denied it." Paige points out to him with pursed lips before giving him a toothy grin, "But I think everyone is attractive."

"You said I wasn't."

"You're not." Was her immediate response to Stiles while she gave him a straight look, "I never said I was attracted to rats."

"I'm the rat?" Stiles grabbed at her ponytail and pulled, making her swing her hand and hit his face, "If I'm a rat you're a friggin' bee with your annoyin' sugar loving self."

"Let me go, rat face-"

"Make me bumble-bee."

"You guys are attracting attention again."

Paige popped Stiles hard in the face which made him groan and release her, "I only want my hair pulled in the fun way. And that wasn't fun."

"Oh-" His nose scrunched up as he shoved at her, "You're gross."

"Takes one to know one."

Scott only shook his head at their ridiculousness while pushing the doors to the building open, "Are we just going to stop talking about what I dreamt about? Because it felt so real."

"I mean-" Paige went to add something when the entire thing just clogged in her throat, "How real?"

"Like it actually happened."

Stiles swallowed and pointed ahead of them, "I think it did."

Paige covered her mouth to stop the bile that wanted to come back up. She should have been used to seeing blood; after all, she was a woman with monthly shark week, but this was something different. The bus; back window was broken open and there was blood splattered everywhere. She almost wanted it all to be fake with how disgusting it looked. She waved her hands around at her sides. Her craving for food was now gone because she didn't think she could keep any snack down.

She didn't have time to register anything before Scott went rushing back into the building to try and find her. Scott might have called her a bunch and sent her thousands of texts.

"Scott, it's okay-" Paige went to grab onto his shoulder but he shrugged her off, "Scott, I don't think you actually hurt her. She's probably okay."

Scott sent a concerned and panicked look at his friends, "She's not answering my texts."

"It could just be a coincidence, all right?" Stiles adds in hoping this would help in anyway, "A seriously amazing coincidence."

"Just help me find her, okay?" Scott quickly demands before changing it to an inquiry to be more polite, but it was so rushed that neither registered it, "Do you see her?"

Paige felt a little jumbled, she could practically feel the anxiety from him, making her own body feel heavy and panicked, "No. Scott-"


Stiles threw his hands up in the air, "Why didn't you help?"

Paige's mouth dropped open and she slowly faced Stiles, "It's not like you were looking either."

"I was trying to look but your big head was in the way."

"You're like seven inches taller than me."

"Yeah, but-" Stiles swacked at her ponytail, "This adds height."

"Are you just jealous that I have pretty hair and your dad made you chop all of yours off because-"

Stiles pointed his finger at her, "Don't you dare finish that sentence-"

Paige closed her mouth and squinted her eyes at him. She took that as a challenge and blurted out, "You had a head full of lice."

"Don't spread lies about me-" Stiles reached out to cover her mouth but she ducked under his hands and went skipping backwards down the hall, "Don't smile. Wipe that happiness off your face."

"Attention, students, this is your principal. I know you're all wondering about the incident that occurred last night to one of our buses. While the police work to determine what happened, classes will proceed as scheduled."

During chemistry, Paige sat in the front while taking notes on their current lesson. Which was about transferring protons and neutrons and all that fun chemical crap. Which was not being retained at all in her brain but at least she had notes to look over for later. At this point, Paige had taken her hair down, mainly because Stiles might have broken her hair tie from tugging at her hair too much.


Paige turned her head at the meek voice of her lab partner, but the second she looked at him he looked away. Hiding his face so she could see it as he slouched further. "What?"

"It-It's..." His voice was low and not confident at all, "It's nothing."

She never really got to know her lab partner. He never particularly spoke to her even though they sat near each other for a while now. Paige's eyes fell down to his notebook which was missing quite a few notes due to how fast Mr. Harris was going. "Did you want my notes?"


Paige tilts her notebook so it was easily seen from his position next to her, "I'm Paige..."

"I know..." He murmurs while quickly taking the notes down.

"Okay, but I don't know your name." Paige sinks down on the table, crossing her arms and laying her head on them to look up at him. He hid his face away from her, "It's only polite to know my partner's name, right?"

"I'm Isaac."

"Would you like a cosmic brownie?"

Isaac seemed to stop what he was doing at her offering, most likely not expecting it at all, "Uh..."

"Unless you don't like brownies, but I also have oatmeal cookies." Paige picked her backpack up and dropped it on the table, "And maybe a piece of a pound cake in here."

"C-Cosmic brownie is fine. Thank you."

Paige dazzled him with her smile before sliding a brownie in front of him, "You're welcome." She noticed a bruise under his eyes, which was probably why he was hiding his face. It looks like he tried to cover it up with makeup but didn't do a good job at it. Her eyes zoned in on the bruise before she reached up to trace it.

Isaac flinched away from her hands in fear, snapping the tip of his pencil and ruining his notes. "I-I'm sorry-"

"No, sorry, I shouldn't have done that."

"Mr. Stilinski." Mr. Harris cut deeply which made the class grow quiet, "If that's your idea of a hushed whisper, you might want to pull the headphones out every once in a while. I think and Mr. McCall would benefit from a little distance, yes?"


Mr. Harris only shot him a displeased look that caused the two of them to split up, "Let me know if the separation anxiety gets too much for you."

Paige winces a little bit for her friends before turning back to apologize to Isaac but had his hood pulled on all the way and he was avoiding looking at her now. Which made her feel terrible, but she could just tell that he was being hurt somehow. Why else would he try hiding a bruise that was on his face. Paige usually made friends with everyone because people always said she was such a nice person. But making friends isn't always easy. Especially when Paige's usual very touchy-self would always get her in trouble.

This being a key example since now Isaac couldn't look at her. Paige pushes the cosmic brownie closer to Isaac with the end of her pencil. And after a couple of seconds, Isaac slowly picked it up and put it in his pocket. This evoked a wide smile to appear on Paige's face.

"Hey, I think they found something!" Harley, a student that Paige maybe spoke to once, pointed out the window. This then made all the students hop out of their seats and run to look out the window as the paramedics brought a man into the ambulance.

Paige stared at the man, she placed her hand over her stomach as though she could feel the pain that poor man had gone through. Just imagining claws digging into her made her want to move right out of Beacon Hills before something like that could happen to her. She turned back at Scott in concern, this wasn't going to be good on him.

"That's not a rabbit..."

Stiles waved for Paige to approach Scott with him, he tried to use Paige's optimistic voice as he spoke to his best friend, "Okay. This is good, this is good. He got up, he's not dead. Dead guys can't do that."

"Guys-" Scott's face furrowed in regret, "I did that."

"Students, get back into your seats." Mr. Harris boomed at all of them, even though he had looked out as well in curiosity.

Scott only shook his head and ran out of the classroom. Paige and Stiles slowly met each others' gazes before moving back to their seats. 

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