After all these years (Katsuk...

By LevvinaLily

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[COMPLETE] Sequel of Lifeline (Katsukixreader) If you have not read the prequel than this will NOT make any s... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1: Pretty Great
Chapter 2: I can do this..
Chapter 3: Morons
Chapter 4: Surprise
Chapter 5: Huh?...
Chapter 6: how could I say no
Chapter 7: I Wanna Talk
Chapter 8: Eventful
Chapter 9: 17 Missed Calls
Chapter 10: Fucking Slut
Chapter 11: Forgotten Aquatintance
Chapter 12: Good One
Chapter 13: Here Goes Nothing
Chapter 14: Loved
Chapter 15: Fucking Dumbass
Chapter 16: You're Weird
Chapter 17: Yeah, yeah
Chapter 18: It's A Promise
Chapter 19: Never Going To Leave You
Chapter 20: I Know
Chapter 21: Tonight
Chapter 22: Believe It
Chapter 23:Probably..
Chapter 24: Night Dork
Chapter 25: A feeling of satisfaction
Chapter 26: Its Time
Chapter 28: I've got a lead
Chapter 29: Hunter
Chapter 30: His name...
Chapter 31: Sure
Chapter 32: Petty Bastard
Chapter 33: The beginning of the rest of our lives.
Authors Note

Chapter 27: Hello

990 40 107
By LevvinaLily

A/N: hey readersssssss🤗 I'm actually so shocked that I managed to update this on time, like I really didn't think I would👀. Today's chapters gonna be a little '🤭' but hopefully you enjoy it.

I feel like I write this all the time but it's genuinely just because I'm too lazy to spellcheck and I have a million and one other things to do rn so please overlook any spelling or grammatical errors 😣

~Levvina 💕


"Alright, lets get out of here" you mumbled to yourself as you exited the cubicle you were in and headed over to the sink/basin to wash your hands.

"Wow! Your really pregnant" a dreamy voice echoed from behind you making you jump, splashing some of the water on your top.

"Oh my god you scared me" you gasped lifting one of your wet hands to your chest, covering your heart.

"Oh, i didn't mean to"

You turned around to see a pretty tanned girl with flowing lilac hair

"Sorry, I just thought I was alone in here" you smiled nervously

"But you were?"

"Wait, what?"

"Nothing, nothing. I love your outfit, it's beautiful"

"Thanks" you beamed

"Do you mind if I feel the material? It looks soft"

"Uhhh..No? Go ahead"

You held out your arm for her to touch the sleeve, she ran her hand up and down it a couple times.

"Really, really soft!" She exclaimed, a little too excitedly.

"Thanks" you sweat dropped nervously beginning to pull back, but before you knew what had happened you were hit by a striking pain.


You looked down at your arm to see a small knife sticking out of it and blood pooling around the wound.

You went to scream but before even a weak yell could leave you she had you pinned against the wall, mouth covered with her hand to muffle out the sound.

'Who the fuck is this psycho'

"Long time no see huh (Y/N)?"

"Mmphhh!Mmmphh!" You continued trying but it still wasn't loud enough.

"I see you've been living your pretty little life happily over these past few years" she hummed sweetly to herself "with him"

'What do you mean?! I don't even fucking know you?!'

Tears were now streaming down your face as the pain in your arm spread in waves about your body.

"Don't remember me hmm?" She cooed, the pitch in which she spoke fluctuating "maybe this'll help refresh your memory"

As she spoke, the woman's body started to turn into a mud-like substance and melt away.

'Don't tell me?!'

Soon enough a naked blonde woman with piercing golden eyes stood before you.

'T-toga?! But I thought she was-'

"I spent so long in that silly prison. Nothing to cut. No one to friends"

She lifted her free hand and pulled out a cloak from the bag she brought with her.

You saw this as your opportunity and bit down on her other hand. Hard.

"KATSUKIII!!!!" You shrieked at the top of your lungs, praying that he'd hear you


"Naughty, naughty~" she sang "you weren't supposed to make any noise"

"(Y/N)?!" You could hear Katsuki's voice


"I SAID SHUT UP!!" She laughed pushing you back against the wall.

A familiar purple smoke began to surround you, enveloping your body from behind. You tried to fight it but in your current state it was near impossible.

It all happened so fast, as you were being sucked into the purple void the door to the bathroom slammed open and you could see the fear in katsuki's eyes as his pupils shrank.

"(Y/NNNNN)!!!" He howled as he lunged forward, only to slam into the wall you were once pressed against. The void had sealed. You were gone.

When you next opened your eyes, you were in a yellow room with a bed and a small ensuite connected to it.

"W-where am I?" You growled, wrapping your arms over your bump protectively.

Looking up you could see Toga standing next to Dabi.

"Long time no see. Welcome to your new home princess" he muttered with a lazy smirk hanging off his face

"Not long enough, I see you're still an ugly fucking asshole" you spat glaring daggers into his frame

*A/N: No you're not Dabi ily 🥺💕*

"Still got that attitude huh?"

"Why did you bring me here? What do you want from me?"

"You'll find out soon enough"

And with that the two of them left through a metal door. You heard a heavy clanking sound as they locked it.

'Shit. Shit. Shit. This is badddddddd. I can't even use my quirk'

They didn't take any of your stuff from you so like an optimistic idiot you tore out your phone from your pocket, only to have your hopes shattered when you looked to see no service.


There was nothing you could way out, not even a window. Your arm was still injured and the air vents were too small to crawl through and even if they were large enough, you were heavily pregnant...shit, you were heavily pregnant. What if the baby came prematurely? What if they tried to harm them?

Your mind was overrun with thoughts of the worst possible scenarios that could happen, you already struggled so much to do things on your own, now you were literally alone. No friends, no midwife, Katsuki wasn't there to help you.


You couldn't help but think of how he must be reacting now that you're in this place. Would he find you? What do the league want?

An array of emotions washed over you. Crippling fear mingling with hopelessness and regret.

This was all your fault. It was you who'd decided to pester Katsuki to take you out. If you'd only listened to him, let him do his work, stayed at home. You wouldn't be here.

You laid back as comfortably as you could on the bed you were provided and proceeded to do the only thing you could. Cry yourself to sleep and pray that by the time you woke up this horrible nightmare would be over.

* . • 〰️➿〰️ • . *


"FUCK!!" I howled as I punched the wall, leaving behind a large crater.

It'd been three hours since she disappeared and we still had fucking nothing. I was currently in me and shitty hairs agency with all the other extras.

"Relax bro, try to calm down, we're gonna find her" shitty hair frowned reaching his arm out to pat my shoulder.


He flinched back a bit as I shouted

"my fucking PREGNANT FIANCÉ was kidnapped and you think I'm gonna find her if I just RELAX?!!!"

"No, dude I only-"

"Shut up!"

"Bakugou-" Pikachu mumbled

"I said shut up!"

"I told you this would happen didn't I?" Axel sighed


"You heard me! I told ALL of you that they'd target her and what happened? We ignored it and now she's gone"

"Why you little" I growled stomping in his direction "DIEEE BASTARD!!!" I swung my arm in a hook and my fist connected with the base of his jaw, sending him flying to the other side of the room.

He got back up and charged at me, lifting his fist to return my blow.

"Dude, calm down! We're not gonna find her if you two keep getting at each other's throats!"

"Yeah! You two need to stop fighting and help us look for her" tape arms and red head snapped as they pulled us apart from each other.

"Tsk. Get the fuck offa me" I growled shrugging him off my shoulders and charging back at him, this time I was held back by a tighter grasp around my arms. "THE FUCK DEKU?! LET GO OF ME!"

"Sorry Kacchan, I know your pissed off and scared for her but we all need to focus right now so that we can find her, okay?"


From what we knew the league had broken Toga and one other individual out of the prison facility she was in. They'd tried before and failed, only sending in outer branch members. But this time it was the main assholes. Scar face and bootleg deadpool were caught on tape.

We weren't sure who the other criminal was yet but we were waiting on the files from the facilities security department.

All we could do at this point was scout out around the country and try to figure out where the hell they took her.

After a few more hours everyone started to leave, heading over to their own agencies to try see if they could gather some more information.

I ended up staying overnight with shitty hair tracking what we knew of the leagues recent activity, anywhere they'd been spotted to try and get an idea of the area they might be based in.

"C'mon bro we should head home for now"


"It's 2am and you're gonna need to sleep if you wanna have enough energy to continue tomorrow- well, today I guess?"

"You go without me."


"Tsk. I'm not going so you're wasting your time"

"I won't force you to leave, but I'm not gonna leave you here alone."


'Maybe he's right'


"I said fine let's leave"

A warm but sad smile spread across his face


He offered for me to stay at his place or whatever, he was probably tryna give me 'emotional support' or some shit, but I said no and drove back to my place.

'This is all my stupid fucking fault'

I got back to my place pretty felt so empty and cold.

I dragged myself over to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of beer. The time went by incredibly slowly as I drank it. After my first was finished I reached in and grabbed another...and another...and another, until I was sitting slumped up, back against the wall, surrounded by empty bottles.

Not sure how, but I soon found myself pressed up against the doorframe of me and (Y/N)'s bedroom. There was a box of baby toys and clothes from the baby shower that we still needed to put away, most were white because we didn't know the gender, a couple pink because raccoon eyes is betting that it's a girl.

I stepped up to the box area and wobblingly crouched to my knees. Behind the box was that giant teddy bear I'd won her at the amusement park all that time ago. She called it Katsu bear right?

"Fucking dumbass and her stupid names.."

I kicked off my shoes and laid down on her side of the bed, taking in a deep breath. It smelled like her...

"Aaaaahhh!" I tugged at my hair as I buried my face deeper into her pillow.

"Every. Fucking. Time! Why does this shit keep happening?!"

I didn't know who I thought I was complaining to, there was no one else there.

'I can't fucking loose her..not again..'

I could feel my phone vibrating and lifted it out from my pocket

[incoming call from: The Hag 🤬]

'I can't deal with her shit right now'

I let the phone ring out, too lazy to switch it off but it kept buzzing. Eventually I ended up throwing it off to the other side of the room and falling asleep

* . • 〰️➿〰️ • . *


I woke up to a loud noise at the front door. I sat up to go get it but was hit by a splitting headache.


"I'm fucking coming!!!"

I could feel each step I took pulsing through my head as I went to open the door.


It was shitty hair

"Shut the fuck up you moron!"

"Sorry, Sorry. It's just, I've been trying to get ahold of you since last night but I figured you'd fallen asleep already or something"

He entered the house and cleaned up the bottles on the floor with a sympathetic expression on his face

"What. I got shit on my face or something? Why're you looking at me like that?"

"Dude, I know the answers pretty obvious but I'm gonna ask anyways, are you okay?"

"I'm fucking fine"


"Listen. The sooner we find (Y/N), the fucking better. I'm good okay"

"Alright but just know that I'm here for you bro"

"...why did you wanna talk to me anyways?"

"Oh yeah, I think the security department said they were gonna email us the information on the other escaped inmate today. I didn't get it so I was assuming they'd sent it to your email."

"Well why didn't you just say that in the first place you shitrag?!"

We headed over to my computer and I logged into my email.

"Ahh, do they did send it. What does it say?"

I opened the email and allowed my eyes to scan over the text, skim reading it until I saw the name..

I felt my heart freeze.

"Holy shit. We need to find her. NOW."


*time skip brought to you by my sadistic tendencies 🙂*

It'd been just over a week now since you were taken. You were still in the same sickeningly yellow room, the bland colour of which was slowly driving you insane.

The only people that'd come in and out of your room were Dabi, Toga and Twice, Shigaraki making an odd appearance but never often.

Surprisingly to you, they'd actually been treating you quite well? Apart from the forced captivity they'd provided a decent amount of food to satisfy both you and your child and they even had their own nurse come in and check you which you found very strange.

You'd spent the past 8 days trying to come up with a plan of escape but due to your pregnancy it would be impossible. You couldn't use your quirk. You couldn't be reckless. If you got hit it was not just your life that would be in danger.

You spent your days laying on the shitty bed you had and complaining to the wall. Occasionally you'd be told to shut up but you ignored your captors demands and continued to pester them.


You shifted your gaze from the ceiling over to the large metal door as it began to open, the bottom dragging across the hard floor.

To your complete dissatisfaction it was Dabi.

"Hello princess"

"What do you want"

"Just here to drop off your meal, no need to get snappy" he chuckled as he placed a tray full of food on the table next to the bed and sat down on the floor by the door.

You stared at him suspiciously. Why was he sitting there?

"Aren't you gonna leave?" You questioned, not moving from your bed.

"Just thought you'd like some company until our guest arrives"


"Yeah, we got someone special coming to visit."


"Don't concern yourself princess, you'll find out soon enough"

"Whatever" you lifted the tray to rest on your bump and began to eat what was on it. Usually, you'd decline anything provided to you by the enemy but the fact of the matter was, you didn't know how long you were gonna be here. You and the others had been tracking the league for months and they were good at covering their tracks.

If you didn't eat this shit, it could harm your baby so you had to trust and pray that it was safe for consumption.

"How long till it's born?"

"None of your business"

"Well, I'm the one guarding you who'll need to send for the nurse if you go into labour so I think you'd wanna tell me. If not I could just ask the nurse and you could stay here and be bored on your own"

"I should be about 8 months in by now I think"

"Any idea of the gender?"

"Wanted a surprise so I never found out.." you hummed monotonously

"what would you call'em if they were a girl?"


'Why so many annoying questions?'

"A boy?"

"No clue. We hadn't decided yet"

"You really aren't that much of a talker are ya?"





After a few moments of silence you decided to speak.


He lifted his head up "Mmm?"

You swallowed back what pitiful fear you felt and placed your dominant hand over your bump.

"Are you guys gonna kill me?"


The corner of his lips tugged upwards to form a  sinister smile.

"No, but he will"

You watched as the heavy metal door once again screeched open and your heart plummeted to the innermost pit of your stomach.

"Hello daughter~"

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