Chapter 28: I've got a lead

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A/N: hey people, hope you're enjoying the story. I actually managed to read over this one because I was finding ways to avoid my schoolwork so hopefully the errors should be minimal. Please vote and comment if you're having fun reading 🤗

~Levvina 💕


"Hello daughter~"


You couldn't move. Frozen in place by some unnatural force.

"It's been a while hasn't it sweetie"


"Don't what?" He chuckled amusedly stepping closer into the room

"Don't call me that. We're not related."

"Ahhh, and here I was hoping we'd have a nice reunion" he sighed in false sorrow, taking a seat on a stool by the door.

"Well, I understand when a matter doesn't concern me so I'll leave the two of you to..catch up" Dabi mumbled as he walked out of the door, dragging it shut behind him.

The room would've been silent enough to hear a pin drop if it weren't for the erratic thumping of your heart against your rib cage.

You felt like the walls were closing in around you, forcing you closer to him with each passing breath.

"Wanna know what I've been up to these past eight years?"



"I've had a lot of time. Time to reflect. Time to grow. Time to think of all those whom I'd visit once I got out.."

You mumbled something inaudible to him

"I can't hear you" he hummed



Your body jolted upwards at the sound of his shout.

"Y-your sentence, it was supposed to be 9 years minimal, how'd you get out early?" You barely choked out your words

"That's more like it" he smiled "I could've just waited, I would've been in there for one more year at the very least but miss Toga's companions gave me an offer I couldn't refuse whilst they were breaking her out. I decided to tag along, it beat rotting in that cell any longer."

" offer?"

He began to remove his dark hoodie exposing his bulging muscles. The man was a beast. You could tell he'd made good use of his prison time, training his body to near perfection and it horrified you.

"Yes, an offer.." he stood from the stool and began walking over to where you sat on the bed.

" see, it's not you they want or that pathetic boyfriend of yours..."

You tried your hardest to conceal your fear as he approached however, whilst he traced his hand up and down from your cheek to the base of your neck, your body betrayed you as it shook.

He seemed amused by your involuntary reaction, as if it confirmed to him the years of torture he'd put you through had stuck, that he'd done a 'good job'.

"..they're after something that will transcend either of your powers in the years to come.."

His hand travelled lower..and lower...and lower until it rested on your bump.

Your eyes widened and your pupils shrank as you deciphered the meaning behind his implications.

"T-they want my-"

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