Chapter 12: Good One

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A/N: hey guys, I feel like I've been writing Katsuki really OOC recently. I'm trying to stay true to the nature of his character but it's just a bit hard not to make him look like a softie within the specific situation I'm putting him through 😩😓. Anyways, HoPeFuLlY the usual hot-headed katsuki we know and love will be back very soon 👀🤐...hopefully🙃. Until then please just enjoy the story and accept my emotional cinnamon roll.



The next few days were long and tiring. You had finally gotten a lead on that Marlo guy, apparently his real name was Morina which kind of explains why he changed his name considering how un-intimidating it sounds.

The lead came from Eijiro and katsuki's agency, speaking of, you'd been avoiding katsuki like the plague and still haven't listened to any of his voice mails. It was weird, like as soon as you broke up with him, no matter how hard you tried not to, he was the only thing you could think about.

You and hunter, as well as some other colleagues at Psyche, were working to form a plan of action.

"So, how do you think we should handle this (N/N)?" Hunter hummed from the other side of your conference room

"Well Marco, have you pinpointed Morinas location?" You questioned looking over to your friend (it's 11pm so his shift has started)

"Working on it..."

"Okay, once we have that I'll go collect our guest" you smiled innocently

"Then?" Dianne (a sidekick) questioned

"I'll get as much information as I can, tweak his memory a bit and put him back" Hunter smirked.

"I've got it! Here's his address" Marco shouted, handing me a sheet of paper

"Okay, I'm off-"

"Wait! Miss (Y/N)"

"The miss is really unnecessary Dianne, I told ya. Just call me (Y/N)"

"Yes, Sorry, (Y/N).. here, I have no doubt in your abilities however considering the nature of your mission you may chose to use this" she mumbled passing over a bottle and cloth

"Is this? Chloroform?"

"Yeah, we have tonnes of chemicals and stuff in the third floor of Psyche to make support items"

"Coolio, I'll just knock him out with this then. See you all later" you winked as you left the room

You walked over to the closest openable window and pulled your hood over your head, making sure your visor was adjusted properly. You inputted the location into the god in your visor and jumped.

You used your quirk to create small platforms in the air as you raced through the night sky. You looked at the Tokyo skyline which was lit up like fireworks and it was beautiful.

As you travelled, you passed over Katsuki's building.

'The lights are off so he was probably asleep...god shut up inner voice! This is not relevant right now>:( !'

You slapped your hands on either cheek as you shook off your thoughts.

'Focus (Y/N)...focus.'

Before long you had reached your destination. It was a cute little house. Looked quite ordinary and it was honestly the last place you'd expect to find him.

You landed about twenty meters away from the front garden, using your visor to zoom and enhance your vision.

Only one light was on and you could see the shadow of a large silhouette against the curtain.

After all these years (Katsukixreader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें