Chapter 14: Loved

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"Hello, (Y/N)?"

'AGGGGHHHHH!!!! HE ANSWERED!!!! Okay (Y/N). Play it cool'

"..hi katsuki. Can we talk?"

"Yeah, definitely"

"I mean like, in person" you mumbled.

"Uh, okay. Are you free now?"

"Yeah, wanna meet me at the park?"


"Be there in 20 minutes, if you're late I'm leaving" you spoke sternly

"Okay by-"


"Fuck. I cut him off when he was talking" you facepalmed.

'That phone call was so awkward (>'~'<)'

Making a lot of noise as you moved, you clambered off your bed and began to rummage through your wardrobe for an appropriate outfit.

'It has to be hot but also look like I'm not trying to impress anyone... this is hard (-'_'-)'

Eventually, you settled on a monochrome black outfit consisting of black jeans, a black turtleneck, black Tim's, black gloves and a warm black coat.

The journey to the park didn't take very long, you got there especially quickly as you used your quirk. As you neared the playground you could see someone standing there but as you got closer you could tell it wasn't katsuki, just a random guy out with his dog.




You looked down at your phone to check the time.

"23:34, where is he? It's been almost half an hour"

You rubbed your hands up and down your arms as your breath cooled in the air forming little clouds which were visible in the yellow streetlight.

'Ten more minutes...ten more and if he's not here I'm leaving'

Another five minutes down and you were seriously giving up on him coming so you decided to get ready to go home.

As you turned to leave you saw a tall figure approaching with a soft blonde head top.

"I thought you said you'd be gone if I was late?"

"I-Uh... had a change of heart" you mumbled sitting back down onto the bench

As he came under the streetlight you could see how tired he looked. There were bags under his unusually dull-looking eyes and he looked totally drained, as if he hadn't slept properly in weeks.

"(Y/N) can I please explain." He sat next to you

"Go ahead. I'd love an explanation. Explain to me why her shit was all over your apartment katsuki. Why were her underpants under your bed? Why was her bra wedged in your sofa? Heck, why did your hoodies all smell of her cheap perfume? Go ahead, and please don't insult me by lying to me okay" you tried to keep your anger to a minimum but it was clear that you were obviously still pissed.

After all these years (Katsukixreader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora