Caught By Flames (Kyojuro Ren...

By FlameBaby_Kyokun

584K 17.7K 27K

Scars. Many had formed on the child's body as she listened to her family get ripped to shreds. The mountain w... More

1 : Prolouge
2 : Training (1)
3 : Training (2)
4 : Final Selection (1)
5 : Final Selection (2)
6 : Final Selection (3)
7 : Recovery
8 : We Meet Again (1)
9 : We Meet again (2)
10 : Out for the Day
11 : A Day in the Garden
12 : Demon Train?! (1)
13 : Demon Train?! (2)
14 : Please Live...
15 : Special Attention
16 : The Truth and Emotions
17 : Vulnerability
18 : Kinda Random Chapter lol
19 : Another Random Chapter lmao
20 : Not Again...
21 : Sweet Confessions
omg y'all, update on manga series
22 : Lovey Dovey
23 : Beauty
24 : Smile
25 : Date Night
26 : Divided and Connected
27 : Happiness and Joy!!
28 : Swordsmith Village
29 : Upper Moon One
30 : Spotlight
31 : Lonely Sky
32 : Daydreams or Nightmares
34 : A Gruesome Night
35 : Kyojuro,- no wait- SURPRISE!!
36 : Bonding + Announcement
Side Story : Haunted
Side Story : My Idol Criminal (1)
Side Story : My Idol Criminal (2)
37 : The End of the Beginning (1)
38 : The Beginning of the End (2)
39 : Your Hell (1)
40 : Your Hell (2)
41 : Your Hell (3)
42 : Your Hell (4)
43 : Your Hell (5)
44 : Your Hell (6)
45 : Saved Or Not?
46 : Promises of War
47 : End of the War (1)
48 : End of the War (2)
49 : The Ending (1)
50 : The Ending (2)
51 : Her Dream of the Past
52 : Epilogue
Important Announcement I guess lol
Not an Update, Sorry lmao
Hello again, I'm back for the grave. Kinda
I wanna have an even number of parts so

33 : Train, Damn Pillars

4.5K 155 131
By FlameBaby_Kyokun

Sanemi threw his wooden sword down towards Inosuke's head, knocking him unconscious. He blew a huff of hot air and walked away wordlessly. You on the other hand were helping Mitsuko and Tanjiro while Kyojuro was out with his brother for the day.

"Get up! You don't have time to rest in a real battle, keep fighting! Both of you!" You shouted slapping Tanjiro upside the head lightly. He slapped his own cheeks, then gripped his sword tighter with a determined expression. "Whoever wins will fight me! And whoever loses will train with me for the next week! You don't want that!" You encouraged through muscle torture. You weren't a good teacher, but they certainly understood that you could put them through a living hell.

"Arghh!!" Tanjiro shouted as he brought his sword up and swung it downwards, only to be stopped by a block using Mitsuko's wooden sword. She took the chance and kicked the boy in the abdomen, throwing him into the ground a bit of length away. She huffed in response, not used to fighting for such a long time, so you stopped the two while giving them water.

"Why did you lose, Tanjiro?" You asked, throwing your head back and gulping down the water even if that isn't something you should do. He thought for a moment, but came up blank. You hummed in response and turned to Mitsuko, "Why did you win, Mitsuko?" She shook her head believing it was pure luck of the draw. With a sigh you sat down on the sandy area. "No, it wasn't luck. The key is experience, he lacks the experience you have, so even though his swordsmanship is polished, he leaves himself open when he thinks his attack will break the defense of the enemy, while you on the other hand didn't let your guard down. You're used to attacks from a close range since demons don't usually have weapons. Therefore, when Tanjiro went in to attack, you saw the opening and went for it like you would have for a demon." You looked at the boy with a sweet smile, "In other words, you're being too nice as well as underestimating your opponent."

He thought your words over before it clicked in his head. When he tightened his grip on the wooden hilt, you backed away and let them continue fighting, checking up on Inosuke.

He suddenly sat up with a wild grin and began jumping around begging to fight. With a sigh, you picked up a wooden sword and swung it around with your right hand, telling him to attack you in the small area the four of you stood in.

While Tanjiro and Mitsuko fought, you and Inosuke did the same. On the other hand, Kyojuro decided to surprise you with a visit from Senjuro. As he approached, he head multiple hits of swords and slowly inched towards the area you trained the demon slayers. He had Senjuro on his shoulders, so of course, he saw you first and watched intensely as your battle between Inosuke was clearly one sided, even if you were still injured. Kyojuro watched his Tsuguko and Mitsuko battle it out, and watched as he fiercely fought the girl, harder than he had done to Kyojuro.

'What did she do to him...?' He thought to himself, shivers being sent down his spine. "She so cool, oniichan!" Senjuro happily cooed. You turned your gaze slightly and was caught off guard, accidentally hitting Inosuke a little too hard with the wooden sword. He hunched over, grabbing his abdomen which was already forming a bruise.

"Ah! Well, you should be expecting anything." You 'hmph'ed and crossed your arms. "But that was better than yesterday. Good job."

Inosuke lifted his head, "Again! Fight me again, I wanna have a rematch!" You sweatdropped and picked your sword back up.

"Alright, but if you lose again, what is it that you'll do for me?"

"1000 laps around the estate!"


"And... 1000 push ups and sit ups!" You chuckled and agreed.

"When do I want it done by?"

"Dinner! Now fight me!" He went in to attack, but you dodged and kicked his side, throwing him in between Tanjiro and Mitsuko. He immediately got up and went to attack you again, using the same technique, but when you went to dodge, you were forced to block a kick he threw. Grabbing his leg, you throw him into the ground and put your knee against his spine, placing him in an arm. It was something Shinjuro taught you, and Kyojuro immediately recognized the stance you were in.

Inosuke tried with all his might to throw you off, but you stayed in the same position. "Come on, this is no fun! Get out of it!" You whined half heartedly. Inosuke tried desperately, but didn't succeed until both Tanjiro and Mitsuko threw themselves on you, freeing Inosuke.

"I get it! We won't be alone on the battle field, so we shouldn't be alone during training!" Tanjiro said, pulling himself off of you, who was sprawled out underneath both Mitsuko and him, with an annoyed expression.

"You ruin my fun." You whined and sat up, pushing Mitsuko and Tanjiro off of you without much trouble. Tanjiiro sighed.

"Sorry... but I won't let my teammates get beat up by someone older!!"

You let out a loud laugh, "I'm barely 18, kid! Anyways, you're all improving. Color me surprised." You huffed and turned on your heels, making a b-line towards Kyojuro and Senjuro. "SENJUROOO-KUNNN~!" You shouted in a sing song tone with your hands raised in the air.

As you grabbed Senjuro and pulled him into a hug, Kyojuro rolled his eyes, "Wooow, way to make a guy feel special. Take his little brother, brilliant plan." He huffed, but gazed at the two of you softly.

"Oh hush, it's been months since I've seen little Senjuro! And when I did see him, I was so sick I could barely stay a few hours without Shinobu pulling me back." You replied and turned your back to Kyojuro whispering to the boy. "How about what I promised now? We can surprise your brother!" You giggled as his face lit up, frightening Kyojuro slightly. First his tsuguko... now his brother... what were you planning?

You grabbed the hand of the timid boy, then your fingers weaved in between Kyojuro's, making his face flush despite having held your hand multiple times before.

"Let's go to town, Rengoku boys!" You shouted with a giggled and led them happily through the building and to the streets. Senjuro laughed with your while Kyojuro smiled at the cute behavior. Your long hair flowed effortlessly behind you as you practically danced with each step you took.

When you got to town, you pulled away from Kyojuro and said you would meet him at the market in a few minutes. Senjuro giggled as he pulled you away from his brother, who had already begun to suspect something was up. With innocent motives, he decided to secretly follow the two of you, and watched you enter several buildings before exiting empty handed.

"I don't know... nothing seems to catch my eye..." you whined, losing all motivation. Many might think he would be easy to shop for, but they were wrong. He was the hardest person to shop for-

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find something soon!" Senjuro encouraged, taking your hand once more and pulling into yet another store. This one was full of colorful hats and other accessories, but you didn't want him to cover his beautiful hair, it just shined so brightly.

Then it caught your attention. You automatically pulled on Senjuro to get his attention, and as soon as he laid eyes on it, his face lit up with excitement.

"See? That's perfect for brother!" He shouted with glee. You paid for it and left the store, seemingly empty handed once again, but this time you headed for the market, so Kyojuro had to be speedy getting there.

With a straight face as he saw you approaching, he spoke up. "Why did you leave so suddenly? I thought we were going together, not just for me to be abandoned by both my brother and lover." When he said that your face blew up into a flurry of color, turning slightly blue from lack of oxygen.

"L-lo-..." you couldn't form a single word, much less a sentence, so you closed your mouth and smiled awkwardly. Senjuro only laughed at your reaction and took his brother's hand, leading the two of you through the market.

After calming down a bit, you noticed (f/f) laid on a table and tugged on Kyojuro's arm fabric. "Can we get some of this?" You asked without making eye contact. He smiled and grabbed some, walking to catch up with Senjuro. You did the same, and followed the two until you each had an armful of food and snacks to munch on later.

The three of you sat down to enjoy the food you bought, but it was interrupted by Sanemi and Tengen who were, as strangely as it sounds, walking together for a change. "Shouldn't you be training?! You're supposed to set an example, ya brat." Tengen huffed with a glare.

Your mouth was still full of food as Sanemi began lecturing you, "YOU SHOULD TRAIN JUST AS HARD AS THE NOOBS, DAMN PILLARS. HASHIRA, MY ASS!" You glared at the wind pillar and slowly swallowed your food, sitting up straight.

Watching you gulp the last of it down, Tengen backed away slightly in fear of an outburst. "Would you like to train with me Wind Pillar? Have you gotten stronger since last time? I wonder... but hey? Who knows? Maybe your little lecture was important enough to interrupt the meal I'm sharing with very special people! Shall we find out?" You questioned sadistically, letting him know now was not the best time.

He screeched silently in his mind before turning down the offer with a hot head. "I've got better things to worry about than sparring with you. Like training the noobs like we're supposed to be doing-" he growled and stomped off.

You slumped back down and smiled at Senjuro, giving him a pat on the head. "Don't worry, I promised you that the three of us would spend the rest of the day together, I'm not gonna ditch you for something as trivial as training people who could already stand up against an upper moon." You began stuffing your face once more, but somehow you didn't make a mess. It was admirable.

Once you were done, the three of you laughed and goofed off until the sun began setting. You decided it was time to head back while Kyojuro took himself and Senjuro home. The path to each destination splits around a small creek and once you reached it, you stopped Senjuro following suite.

"Is something wrong, Snowball?" He asked with bright eyes gleaming towards you, mimicking the sun.

You smiled and reached behind you, grabbing something small out from your back pocket. "I told Senjuro before we left that we would go to town to look for a gift for you... since your birthday is coming up." You smiled and held out the red and orange bracelet with charms that resembled flames. "At first I didn't see anything that called out to me, but when I saw this set, I knew I had to get it for you! It came with hair ties as well, they match your hair and eyes!" You smiled brightly with slightly tinted cheeks.

He shifted his gaze down to what you held in your hand revealing the bracelet along with several other hair ties that matched his hair color almost perfectly. He smiled widely and pulled you into a tight hug, patting Senjuro on the head affectionately.

"Happy early birthday, Kyojuro." You smiled sweetly and wrapped your arms around him before pulling away gently and putting the bracelet on him happily. He pulled his sleeve up to admire how well it looked on his wrist while you pulled the entirety of his hair into one of the new hair ties. It was different, but you kinda liked it.

"You really didn't have to..." he said, turning to face you with a small smile.

"Oh, you think this is the end of it? After what you pulled at the village? Hell no, there's way more." You said, putting your hands on your hips in a sassy way and a smug smile.

Truthfully, you had an entire even planned out, and it's going to be even better since Nezuko conquered the sun.

He just had to wait and be patient...

"Oh boy, good luck, oniichan!" Senjuro said and began pulling on him. "Good bye, Snowball! I'll see you soon!"

Before Senjuro pulled him to far, Kyojuro stopped and ran back towards you, sweeping you off your feet as his hands wrapped around your waist, his lips meeting yours. It looked like one of those fairytale scenes everyone imagined.

"Have a nice night, (Y/N), I love you." He placed you down gently, placing another sweet kiss on your lips.

You smiled in return and mimicked his words, "I love you too, I'll see you tomorrow." You giggled and pulled away, running down the path back to the butterfly estate, waving sweetly to the duo.

"So oniichan has a girlfriend." Senjuro gave a smug expression, Kyojuro just laughed and led him towards the Rengoku Residence.

A/N: this is so late... not to mention not proof read... oof

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