Blue Blood

Galing kay NoonaB25

136K 6.3K 1.6K

*smut -historical Fantasy like... -action? To my best knowledge -romance -jikook... obviously. +note: there... Higit pa

A New Beginning
The Hunt*
Love At First Sight
My Jungkook*
My Jimin*
Other Half
Moon Child
Second Chance
My Jimin Pt2*
A Stolen Gift
Second Try*
Moon Goddess*
Lovers Querials*
The Final

Wait! Double!?

3.8K 173 41
Galing kay NoonaB25

A/N: Huh?
Before reading... I did some editing on this chapter and made some little change to it... I felt it was dragging and I couldn't get anywhere in last few chapter for those who kept up. It took longer to finally finish and update.. and I'm actually happy with this one... please enjoy.


Jungkook pov

The next day was a big clean up, using all my save up funds to help rebuild some parts of the city. Other lords from different land help us rebuild and restore in food and others care for the people. "Jungkook... I am amazed of how well you run our country." My father says to me as I look over other matters.

"Thank you. There wasn't much you left me when you guys pass. But... I will ask this...How long are you going to stay?"

"Oh. Well that depends on your spouse, he was the one who brought us back."

"What? Why?" I asked him.

"Why don't you ask him. There must be a reason, even I don't know."

"I will soon he wakes up."

"Jungkook sweetie, how long will that be? He's been out half of the day now." My mother says to me.

"Well whatever he did took most of his energy and I'm okay with a little rest." I said to her.

"Little rest? Jungkook. I have a gut feeling about this. Why don't you go and check on him. Please."

"Fine. I was going to check on him anyways after I finish with these matters."

"No, Jungkook, listen to your mother. Go and check on him now. Why don't you let me take care of this for you. If I know any better, she may be right about something. So go and don't worry about this." My father says to me. Looking at him and my mother I sigh and drop my work and when suddenly Jimin's other family came running in.

"JUNGKOOK! Come quick!" Samantha came rushing as soon as I got up.

"Why? What's wrong?" I said in a serious tone of voice and taking me a little surprise.

"You need to come to Jimin's room! Quick!"

"What! What's wrong now?" And I quickly followed them out the door.

We ran down the hall as my parents followed me behind. Soon I got close to Jimin side of the residence area. His parents are outside along with our children looking rather worried. "What's wrong?" As I approach them.

"I don't know. We were all about see Jimin when this is all over the entrance." Madam Park explains.

I look at the residence it whole place is covered with tree vines and when I walk closer a strong wind pushed me back like it is keeping me out.

"I wouldn't get too close if I were you." A voice said and I look back. There I see the moon goddess along with someone else with her.

"Who are you." I said to him.

He chuckled at me and walked past me looking at the entrance of Jimin's residence examining it carefully. "Hmmm ... he sure did a number of work, did he now."

"Yes. It would seem so, but he said he's willing to pay." The moon goddess said to him.

"So it would seem." As he walked away to meet us.

"What is this about? Explain and who are you?" I said to him.

"Sorry. All of know my wife, the goddess. I'm her husband. I've been attending other things until word got out about the blue blood."

"Blue blood? Are you here to taking him away?"

"No. I've come to see what's wrong. After all he is my son after all."

"Your son? what? But how? His parents are here. You can't be his son." I said to him and I looked at madam park and her husband.

"Hmm ... seems like she hasn't told you the truth... Well another story for another time and you should ask her about that later. But right now this is important." As he looks at the front door. "Hmm... what did he do? Can someone explain to me what happened?"

"It's my sister's daughter. Maria. We took care of her after my sister passing."

"Ah~ so she was the one who caused my wife lots of trouble. Shame that she is blinded and can't see what's in front of her."

"Shame indeed, she was very persistent and I wish you were here when she was." The goddess says.

He continued to look more at the door until he finally, "ah~ I see the problem now, but Jungkook are ready to see him? It will be a long journey though may take years or less but it all depends on you."

"Years? Why? What's wrong?" I asked him.

"It looks like my son is on a different dimension and it seems like he is lost or maybe trap in his own power."

"Trap? Lost? Is that the same thing?"

"No. But besides that I can open the door for a bit but you will have to find Jimin you will have to find a way out yourselves."

"If Jimin is the one who put this on then I'm sure he'll get us out." I said determined and I walked towards the building when my children suddenly started to cry. Looking back I walked towards them while madam park handed me one of them.

"Have you thought about names for these two? I haven't heard any." She asked me.

"Oh. You know what I'm not sure if we ever named them."

"Well give them a name, please." She says to me.

Looking at my boys and thought of some names. "Hmm... how about Jeon Park and Jeon Chim."

"Park and Chim?"

"Yeah... why not? It as our names together."

"Okay..." she says unsure about the name.

I held my son up and look at them. "While I'm gone the both of you are in charge until I get back. I'm sorry but daddy has to go and get the otherdada c papa ause he's trap and couldn't get home so papa is going to help him." I watch as they cried and I hush them until they slowly fell asleep. And look at my parents and Jimin's as well. "Please take care of them until I get back. Hopefully it doesn't take long."

"They are in good hands, please bring back my son." Madam Park says to me.

"I will." I say with a smile.

"Great now that is all in order, I am going to need a little help from you. Jewels."

"Me?"she answered, "I can't help. I'm not special at all."

"Oh you are. You're part of the Tao family and have your mother's gift along with your step sister. Explaining will come later but time is at essence here. Come child." Reaching out his hand and hesitating Jewels took the hand and followed him. "Now clear your mind and imaging opening the door."

I watch as Jewels did as the man says and slowly something opens. My children started to cry again but louder this time, like they know something is up. Taking a deep breath, I kiss the both of them. "Take care of them when I get back. Hopefully it will not take long again." And handed them back to my parents as they continued to fussed.

"Be careful, Jungkook. This will be your test again with the blue blood." My mother says to me.

"He's mine and nothing is going to keep me away from him." I said to them.

"I see that Jimin is right. You are ready for his final test." The goddess says, "now hurry the door will not stay open, he's trying to close it."

Looking at the entrance I walk towards it but before I go any further, I look back at them one last time and went inside and I hear the door close.

Author pov

"How long will it take for him to return with Jimin?" Madam Park asked the lord who is with the goddess.

"That will depend on Jimin."

"He also told me this will be Jungkook's final test and to see how strong their bond is." The goddess continued on.

In that moment a dark shadow appeared and ran straight towards Jimin's residence. "Looks like it's not over yet." The Lord says as it disappeared.

"What is that?" Madam Park says holding the children close to her.

"Jimin right now is in a fragile state. Very much vulnerable right and Jungkook better hurry before she gets to him."



"But I thought she's gone."

"Her physical body, yes. Jimin manages to destroy the body but her spirit still remains. If she finds Jimin's body for him it will be no good."

"Great. Just when things are over." Lord Parks says to conclude.

Everyone looked at Jimin's house and waited patiently for the couple to come back safely as their twins cried loudly for their parents like they already know.

Jungkook pov

Soon I look back and the doors close and there is nothing but darkness all around me. No light, no sound, nothing. I continued to walk in total darkness when a dark mist floated around looking for something and disappeared again. Thinking that can't be good.

The further I walked, I started to hear something calling my name and then a small light appeared before me circling around me like it was telling me to follow it and so I did into the darkness.

Jimin pov

Soon after I destroy Maria's body her souls escape and disappear for the time being. I felt weak like it took most of my energy. After all, I just gave birth to twins like several hours ago and her threatening my children took a lot of my energy.

I fell down as I felt a strong pair of arms picking me up and trying to keep me awake. But I told them that I'm so tired that I needed to rest. He finally agreed and let me rest.

The next day I woke up but already something feels off. I got up from my bed and walked to the door but as soon as I did a shock backfire like it was keeping me inside. "What the..." I said out loud to myself and suddenly flashes of light appeared taking me somewhere and before I knew it I saw my body on the ground unconscious. I tried to back into it but it's not letting me, like something is protecting it and a black mist came into my room and tried to go into my body but like me it also backfired.

The mist then took form. "You! When will you ever give up?" I asked her.

"I will not give up until I take what's mine!"

"Not when I'm alive and same for Jungkook."

"Both of your opinions don't matter anymore. If I want it then I will take it. Since you destroyed my body I might as well take yours."

"I don't think so."

"The only way is to destroy your spirit and take possession of it." And start running towards me with her fist and immediately block with my hand. Using my one free hand to vanish my body, protecting it somewhere safe.

Jungkook pov

The walk seems endless if you ask me and light keeps going until finally I start to see something up ahead. The more I walk up to the more I see who, "JIMIN!" And ran immediately to him and fell to my knees and seeing Jimin on the floor unconscious. "Jimin! Jimin!" Trying to wake him up but he is not responding. Holding him closely tight and not letting go, oh how much I miss him awake now. Looking around I start to carry him on my back. Everywhere is so dark and I'm not sure where to find my way out.

Jimin pov

"When are you ever going to learn?" I said to her and used my fingers to hit all her pressure points so fast that she didn't notice me hitting them, until she fell down. "Enough!" Saying in frustration.

I see her trying to get up but she couldn't, "you beast! What did you do!"

"What I do? I just stop you from doing something stupid. Honestly Maria, this is old."

"Nothing is old..." she says and quickly disappeared yet again.

"Really!?" I said annoyingly.

Author pov

Just when Jimin has her pin, she disappears again. Frustrated, Jimin starts walking into the darkness looking for her. Walking around in total darkness can drive a person insane and Jimin is almost close in losing it since there is nothing to light the way, everything in complete darkness but he knows that he has to be strong. To think Jimin could get used to it by now but sometimes he just wanted to be protected by Jungkook and let him take care of things. "Jungkook ... where are you?" Jimin suddenly says out loud. Holding himself together he continued to walk further down until he heard Maria's laughing in the distance.

"Aww... miss your husband? That dragon can die alone."

"Don't call him that! You know nothing about us."

"No... but I do one thing."

"And what is that?"

"He'll do anything to bring you back."

"You better not hurt him... better yet you better not do anything stupid. Looks can be very deceiving with him."

"We shall see... since he is here looking for you."

"Leave him out of this. This is between you and me."

"True. But he's my problem. As long he's alive he will be my problem."

"Don't take my husband a fool, Maria. You will be asking for it."

"We shall see."

And everything went silent.

Meanwhile back in Jeon's palace, lord Jeon took care of some matters while Lady Jeon and Lady Park attended the twins' needs. "How long will it take for them to return?" Lady Jeon asked her husband who is looking through papers of work that Jungkook did over the years since they disappeared themselves.

"Honey the more you ask the longer it will take. Please be patient."

"I know, but their children can't stop crying... they cried themselves to sleep and soon they wake up they cry some more. I need sleep here!" Lady Jeon says insanity after lack of sleep.

"Well remember when I had to go to war? Jungkook was like that when I was away until I returned home from war."

Lady Jeon sat quietly as she remembered Jungkook was like that when he was a baby. "I don't know how Jungkook did it... they actually have twins! I don't think our side of the family has one. I wonder if the parks do?"

"They might have one somewhere in their family." Lord Jeon says and soon they finish their little talk Lady Park came back with the other twin sleeping.

"Oh good you got the other one to sleep finally?" Lady park says as she walks in.

"Yes. For now after he cried so much...I have a question. Does your side of the family have twins?" Lady Jeon asked Lady Park.

"No.. but the high lord does."


"The goddess husband, the high lord. It's a long story."

"Mind explaining it to us?" Lady Jeon says to her.

"Well me and my husband had a hard time conceiving a child so I went to the temple to pray. That is when I found out why I couldn't have children."

"Why what happened?"

"Well it was my sister. Before she passed she put something in my drink and without noticing I kept drinking it to a point where whatever it was worked."

"And how do you know this???"

"The goddess showed it to me in a mirror and told me and in truth I'm in shock when I found out for myself. Later that year war broke out in our region." gain... but didn't explain how though

"Oh... that one year?"

"Yes. That is when the high lord came to me in a dream."



"Well no need to explain further. I can pretty much guess what will happen next. How did your husband take it?"

"He knows... we just kept it private since we agreed on it."

"I see... does Jimin know who the father is?"

"No. All he knows is Lord Park is his dad since he raised him from birth."

"I guess so...can't say anything more."

"Ahh... glad everything is okay here." Says the high lord popping in and everyone in the room stood up but he stopped them from going further. "Please. How are the boys doing?"

"Sleeping." Says Lady Jeon.

"That's good... well I'm here to bid you farewell. I'll come again when Jimin returns."

"How will you know?"

"I'll know for sure... after all we are blue bloods."

And so the High Lord bid the Parks and the Jeons goodbyes and the goddess followed behind. "Well they sure didn't stay long."

"I know... I wonder why the hurry?" The Family looked at the now closed door and shrugged and looked at the twins happily as they waited for the parents to return.


"You think it's okay to leave at a time like this?" The goddess says to her husband.

"At the moment no. But we have too. Jimin and I can never meet. Honestly."

"But why? He's your son too not mine and I'm still mad at what you did long ago. And you just told the family that you'll come back to meet him."

"I know. But things will get more complicated as it is and I don't want that for him. It is best to leave him alone and never know about me. It hurts to see this, but it's a must, and you better not say anything about it."

"I promise."


And so they left the subject and continued to journey back to heaven, where they reside.

Jungkook pov

Walking all alone while carrying Jimin's body on my back when I hear someone crying. "Who's there?!" I shouted and the more I walk close to see who it is. Slowly as I go further, I started to see someone sitting all alone hugging himself as if he's trying to comfort himself. More I walk I see who it is. "Jimin!" And ran towards him.

He looked at me with tearing eyes. "Jungkook?" He says "Jungkook?" Saying again and walk up running towards me.

Soon he was close a big wind gust pushes us apart and someone came and between me and Jimin. "You've got to be kidding me." I said out loud as I see who it is. "Two?"

"Well that is rude." Jimin says folding his arms and look at me. Since he was close to me.

"Rude? We have twins crying out loud." The other says.

"Crying out loud? Look who's talking. Imposters."

"Imposter? Your the imposter! Jungkook don't listen to him." Point at himself.

"No. Your imposter. Now I see what your doing. Your confusing my husband."

"Your husband? He's my husband, not yours."

"Lier! Your Maria disguises as me." Jimin pointed out, while Jungkook feels a little dumbfounded as to who is Jimin when he sees double. He place Jimin's body on the ground, sealing protecting and only the real Jimin will know how to undo it.

Author pov

Jungkook just stand at his position frozen and trying to figure out who is the real Jimin. "Alright. If your the real Jimin then how did we first meet?"

"In the lake. While I was practicing."

"Lake? It was a pond."

"No, Lake." Jimin says and start to run towards the other Jimin and start throwing punches, while the other blocks them.

The more they move around it is getting harder to tell them apart since they both move the same way. Until finally one was thrown on the floor and Jimin came up to me but fell down from lost of energy. "Are you okay?" I asked him.

"No... just tired."

I help him up and he automatically hold on to me. "Where's my body?" He asked me.

"Huh? Oh. Um.. it there safe."

"Jungkook! Don't tell her where!" Jimin says

"Jungkook don't listen to her. She trying to trick you."

"No. I'm the Jimin. Jungkook don't listen to her too. She's trying to trick you so she can get into my body."

"What why?"

"Because I destroy her body and she'll do all means to get into my body." Jimin says to me and I look at the one who is further away.

"Jungkook it's true. But don't listen to her." Pointing at the one who is close to me. "She is just stealing my words that I say."

The two Jimin continued to argue more and Jungkook doesn't know what to believe since they answered a few of his questions and end up being right until he remembered something. "Enough! The both of you. There is one more that Jimin will only know."

"And what is that?" They both said.

"The twins. What are their names." Jungkook finally asked.

"The twins?" Both answered again.

"Just answer the question." Jungkook says again.

"That's easy. Jeon Chim and Jeon Park." Jimin says confidently.

"I don't know and who decided to name the twins without me?" Other Jimin says folding his arms.

"Jungkook we named them and of course I would know their names." Jimin says holding Jungkook tightly.


Jimin watch from afar feeling hurt by this, not believing that Jungkook actually fall for her tricks. He felt broken at this point. Just when things take a turn for the worst he heard someone grunts in pain. He look up and see that the Maria was stabbed with something and fall back on the ground. And slowly the imposter Jimin change to her true form as Maria. "You have every answer right but there is one thing that is wrong." Jungkook says in a serious voice.

Maria a little frightened as she felt Jungkook strong presents and move away a little. "And what is that?" She asked.

"The real Jimin doesn't even knows the twins name yet."


Jungkook grab hold of the blade twist it and Maria scream as she slowly start to ash away. "What did you do!" She screams and Jungkook back away as he watches Maria fight to pull the blade but couldn't.

Jungkook hurry to Jimin's body protecting it as Maria release her anger scream of defeat and like the wind and run to Jimin's spirit one last time. "I don't think so." Jimin says and pull out his sword one last time and stab her as she came towards him. Maria stop and vanished into ash.

Jimin stayed still to be sure that it is completely over. Using his sword, he slit a small amount of blood and stab the sword to the ground hard and all the darkness around disappeared and before he know it they are back at the room.

Jungkook look up and see that he's back at Jimin's room. "Jimin?" Jungkook asked looking for Jimin until he spotted him on the ground again. Picking up his body, he walked over to Jimin's spirit and place his body over his spirit as it reunited with him.

Jungkook pov

As I place his body over his spirit, a light shines showing the sign that he is back at his own body. "Jimin?" I asked quietly trying to wake him up. "Jimin?" Asking again.

Slowly Jimin started to move around and slowly opened his eyes. "Jungkook?" He says to me. Soon that his vision is clear enough he called my name again. "Jungkook~ah." And hug me tightly burping his face on my shoulder, while I wrap my arms around his waist.

"You silly chick... why did you something this risky." I said to him and all he did was chuckled.

Several years later....
Author pov

The palace run around lively as the twins starts playing around the palace. "Hey, you two stop running or you will trip someone." Jimin says as he was holding a tray of food for Jungkook.

"Sorry." They both said and ran off somewhere else again.

Jimin shook his head and sigh and continued to walk off towards his direction to Jungkook studies. With a slight tap of the open door, Jungkook look up and smile at Jimin.

"What's this?"

"What's this? It's food obviously. Take a break and eat something."

"Fine. But this is important."

Jimin set the tray down next to Jungkook and look over his shoulders to see what's so important. "Is this from the Tao's?"

"Yes. Lady Tao says that everything is running good so far and therefore, she is fine running by hers now."

Jimin smile and turn is attention to the tray of food and start to feed Jungkooks. "Well we did guide her for serval years now and I think she is fine running her own people now."

Jungkook look at Jimin and nodded his head and took a bite of the rice. "I think so too."

"Good." Jimin says and give Jungkook a small quick kiss on the cheeks.

Jungkook cup his one side of the cheek, "What was that for?"

"Huh? Must I always have a reason for this?"

"Errr.umm... No."

"Then there is no need for me to explain." Jimin says as he leaned over and slightly touched Jungkook's arm like he was trying to hint something to him. "You know.... I've been thi-."

"Have you been keeping contact with the heavens and your parents?" Jungkook interrupts Jimin, which is out of the blue.

"Huh? Wait. What?"

"The moon goddess and the high lord. Which by the way, I heard that he was going to stop by but never did."

"Jungkook.... seriously?"


Jimin just sighs and pulls back. "Never mind." And so he was about to get up but jungkook pulled him back down and had him pin down, cage him in. "No. I haven't been able to contact them. It's like they are blocking me to even try."


"Yes. Now are you going to let me go?"

"That will depend on how well behaved you are going to be?"

"Jungkook the twins."

"Don't worry. I'm sure Tae will watch over them for awhile."

Jimin just smiles in disbelief and pulls him closer to a passionate kiss. After all, the storm had passed and that everything is now at peace.


A/N: you have finally reach the end of the book.... originally this is where it was supposed to end.... but i feel like I was raging it... so I had to cut the part and did some editing on this chapter... I'm actually quite happy about ending this book finally.... it took a long time to actually finish.

Thanks for reading and excuse my errors if I do happen to miss them. I did try my best. I am working on editing my first story... lots of missing part when I read them myself again after it was complete some time... and there are some parts added... please look forward to it. I might post it again saying edited... or something.

Again thanks for reading hope to see you all soon 🙃

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