Lust for Love or for Blood (B...

By Jaychesh

24.5K 796 118

Ichigo is a hunter, Shiro, a vampire. The two met as young kids, and always stuck with each other. But as the... More

Blood Moon
Dreams Come True
Sanity Or Blood, Which Tastes Better
Three Words.....RUN LIKE HELL
Author's Note
Letting Loose
Forgotten Lover
The Pain
Sammy Doll?
loSoul Society
The Crimson Typhoons
Shi and Kyo
Highway 2 H3LL {i no sum of u were waitin fer it ;)}
Nightmares Become Reality
Motto Hoshiin Darou (you want more, don't you)
The feels message
Only Teardrops
Editor's Note!
New Bling~Sammy and Ichi Style
Writers block!!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!
Family Reunion
The Feelz Are Strong With This One
My Eternal Love
The Seed Of The Plan
Welcome, Kai and Rei
Taken and Turned
The Losing Side Of The War
Running From My Heart (pt. 1)
Running From My Heart (pt. 2)
Dawn Of A New Beginning
Sneak Peak of the Second Story: Hell Butterflies

Neko-fy That Ichi-Berry!

673 26 3
By Jaychesh

Loud banging on the door startled Ichigo out of his after shower haze, his head had been resting on Shiro's lap, dozing off as Shiro petted him. Now, Ichigo was very much awake, and....hissing?

"Shhhhh, my little berry. Your Shiro is here to protect ya." Shiro held onto the hissing strawberry, nuzzling his hair, and grinning at the berry's reaction.

Ichigo tried to wriggle out of Shiro's grasp after he had calmed down, but failed miserably. Getting an idea, Ichigo ground his ass against Shiro's front, and leaned his head back to lick the white neck. Shiro began to moan, ad his grip loosened, at that moment, Ichigo bit down, and wriggled out of the strong arms. Shiro growled in agitation and tried to grab the laughing Ichigo, but only fell onto the floor in a heap of blankets.

Shiro tried to get up, but a certain vampire strawberry sat on his back, keeping him down.

"Ya know," Shiro growled out from under the blankets, "i get to play with ya after this is over, an' your gunna be screamin till yer voice is hoarse."

Ichigo, still triumphantly grinning, was about to retort, but the door was flung open, and Sammy stepped in, followed by two other strange girls.

"When someone knocks," Sammy walked up to the blanket heap of Shiro, reached down, and smacked where his head was, and after hearing a "what the fuck!", she continued, "ya answer tha stupid door."

Ichigo got off Shiro, his head down, "Sorry....Ma'm." He started to grin, but Sammy smacked his head too.

"Call me that again, and I dress you in that outfit again!"

Ichigo looked up, rubbing his head, his eyes wide, "Sorry! It won't happen again!"

Sammy chuckled, then ruffled Ichigo's hair, grinning wide, "Awww! No one can be mad at ya fer long, can they?"

"Oh yes they can!" Shiro grabbed Ichigo from behind, and bit his neck.

"Ouch! That hurt bastard!" Ichigo tried to pull away, but his arms were trapped.

Shiro removed his mouth, grinning ear to ear, " Like I said, ya owe me now."

"Ehem!" One of the girls that followed Sammy in coughed, seemingly annoyed by the lack of focus.

"Oh hush it, were're getting there!" Sammy giggled out, then addressed Shiro and Ichigo, who was still getting nipped in the neck. "Shiro, Ichigo. These are my sisters, Beth," Sammy pointed to the one who looked impatient, her dark brown hair shining in the sunlight, and her eyes giving off an air of beauty. Her arms crossed over black, skin tight, body suit. She had black eye liner on to bring out the blue, green in her eyes. And she had on black, knee high, low heeled boots.

"And this,"Sammy pointed to the other girl, who looked like she was enjoying the situation. Her dirty blonde hair was flowing over her shoulders, and her bright blue eyes were almost childish. But what really stuck out, were the pink cat ears on top of her head, the pink cat tail swaying behind her, and the fur sleeves on her arms, and legs. The pink arm sleeves led to paws, with small claws. Her pink leg fur sleeves, led to black, ankle boots. She wore pink shorts with a black belt, and she wore a black, belly tank top. Under a bright pink, short sleeved jacket, that had a hood, with holes on the top so her ears could show.

Suddenly, she ran, and pounced on Ichigo, making him and Shiro fall on the bed.

"That's Kaitey. She is twenty in human years, but in vampire, she's like five."

"Is this tha strawberry that I get to play with!" A squeaky voice came out of her tiny mouth, and showed cat like fangs.

"Kaitey, get off Mr. Kurosaki." Beth walked over, and picked Kaitey up by the scruff of her neck, and brought her back to the door. "When you two are ready, and in a more suitable position," she eyed Shiro fiercely, "we'll be waiting for you outside." With that, Beth left with an un-amused Kaitey in her arms.

"Well that was different," Shiro stated, still underneath Ichigo. Ichigo got up, and smoothed down his white t-shirt. "Nah, uh, uh! Where do you think yer goin?" Shiro grabbed Ichigo by the belt loop on his dark skinny jeans, pulling the smaller male into his lap.

"We have 'business' to attend to." Shiro bit down on Ichigo's neck again playfully, but Sammy smacked him on the head.

"Stop it!" Shiro let go of Ichigo to hold his head, tissing in annoyance. Ichigo stood in the door way, waiting. Sammy grabbed Shiro by the wrist and started to pull him outside, "The affection is cute and all, but we have a job to do."

After getting Shiro outside the now quiet club, Shiro pulled his wrist away from Sammy, sneering at her, "What job?"

Sammy turned and grabbed the collar of his shirt, seriousness clouding her bright red eyes, "Need I remind you what you did to all those people during your little tantrum?"

Shiro's smirk faded, and he looked to the side in guilt; seeing this, Sammy smoothed her features, and lightly punched him in the shoulder, "Hey....Me an' tha girls are gunna get you two far away from here, and to add on the strawberry," Sammy chuckled at her little jok, "we won't tell th strawberry about it. He was kidnapped, so it would make sense that we get you two outta here."

"But," Shiro didn't want to lie to his mate, but Sammy cut him off.

"I know. My whole being is against this. But you're my little cousin, I love you, and I don't want to see you or Ichigo hurt anymore than you two already were. Just, go with it for now, and when the time's right, you can tell him the whole truth. And to be honest, it seems like he only just got his memory of you back, if you tell him now, he'll be shattered; and there will be no fixing him then. You got lucky this time."

Shiro shrugged as he and Sammy started to walk over to the waiting trio, "Oh and one more thing," Sammy stopped in front of Shiro, smirking her trade mark smirk, "Don't ya think ya should go a little bit easier on Ichigo when you're uke-ifying him?"

Shiro glared at her, then sneered, "Not a chance. If he can handle it, and he begs fer more, then I'll give 'im all I got."

Shiro made a a profound gesture in Ichigo's direction, and Sammy smacked his arm lightly; both laughing at the other. 

In the midst of their laughing, they were interrupted by a shrill cry, "Seriously!! Where do you insane people get these things!!"

Sure enough, Shiro and Sammy look over to see Kaitey and Beth chasing Ichigo around with things in their hands.

"Ichi-berry! Just let us play wit you!" Kaitey squealed as she picked up speed, and started gaining on Ichigo. He noticed this, and turned a sharp left, only to be tackled by a grinning Beth.

"Got 'im!" She pinned his face to the ground, while she held his arms down. Kaitey ran up, and started to mess with his hair.

"Stop it! Go away tiny baby satin!" Ichigo growled out.

"Hold still!"

"Why," Ichigo called out to the two staring at them with sarcasm , "does that sound so familiar!"

Sammy started to laugh, followed suit by Shiro, then finally, Sammy sicked Kaitey and Beth off of Ichigo, only to find that the damage had already been done.

"What. the HELL!" Ichigo yowled out.

Sammy, Beth, Kaitey, and even Shiro, did their best to keep a straight face as they watched Ichigo. On top his head, were two, darker in orange than his hair, cat ears that twitched in aggravation. Coming out the bottom of his back, and through a newly made hole in his jeans, was an equally dark orange cat tail; also swaying in aggravation. And on his neck, was a dark black, studded collar.

"What did you do!" Ichigo yowled, and hissed, and growled. Stomping around rambling on about how he was gunna get them back, and how he would dy their hair green, brown, and an ugly shade of yellow.

FInally, after recovering form his outburst of laughing, Shiro walked upt to Ichigo, grabbed his arms, and hugged him, "It's okay my neko berry, all's well."

"Is not! I have friggin cat ears! See!" Ichigo loosened one of his arms and pointed to his head; as if to conclude this, one ear twitched, then both lay flat. "This isn't cool," Ichigo mumbled out as Shiro started to scratch under his chin. It felt good, but he wasn't going to admit to it.

"Better?" Shiro let Ichigo go, with a small grin.

"Better..." Ichigo grumbled out, then headed to the waiting Yamahas' lined up in a row. 

Shiro turned to Kaitey and gave her a wink, Kaitey in return smiled ear to ear, enjoying everything. Beth had gone back to being the most mature, while Sammy just smiled on.

"Alright, it's time ta go!" Sammy clapped her hands, and everyone got on their specific bike. Kaitey got on the one that was pink with black flames, Beth got the one that was black, and had blue flames, Sammy got the one that was red with skulls printed in certain areas, while Shiro and Ichigo got the coolest one of them all.

On Shiro and Ichigo's bike, was the color white, and on the front was a mask, outlined in black so the white wouldn't mix with the bike. It was broken in half vertically, and the mouth looked like skull teeth, above the eye were three red stripes, and below it were two. The eye itself caught Ichigo's attention the most, it was colored just like Shiro's eyes. Yellow iris, surrounded in black schelera.

Ichigo walked up, and touched the mask, awe struck with it. Shiro had turned and started growling at Sammy for some unknown reason to Ichigo.

"Relax. It's not meant to bring you nightmares. It's there to symbolize your strength and power. You should know that, and you should also be grateful that I did it."

"Well, I appreciate it!" Ichigo grabbed Shiro's arm, "it's beautiful in it's own way, just like you." There was a light blush covering his cheeks as he said this, and he looked down. Shiro took his chin gently, lifted his face, and kissed him lightly; he then released him to go sit on the bike. Before he turned, he gave Sammy one last glare, then joined Ichigo on the bike.

Sammy yelled at them to put their helmets on; Ichigo did so quietly, while Shiro did so with a long groan. Their helmets had the same mask on them, and were the same color as the bike. The glass part that covered their eyes was dark on the outside, but was fully see through on the inside.

Shiro revved the engine after he started the bike, and Ichigo clung to his stomach from behind. Shiro grinned, and waited till the other three were going down the road at at least 80 mph, then he revved it up some more, and sped out of the lot. He enjoyed the squeek of excitement coming from his now neko, vampire mate behind him; grinning ferally, he went faster, and did a wheely. Only did he place the bike back down to the ground, after Ichigo yelled at him.

'This is gunna be a fun ride.' Shiro thought with a smirk.

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