Taken and Turned

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Sammy sighed as the two vampires in front of her bickered and messed around. It had been a few weeks since Ichigo had his cubs, and today Sammy thought it would be a good idea to get the family out and about. She wanted to push the babies in the stroller, so Ichigo (reluctantly) let her. Now Sammy happily watched the two cubs in the stroller move around to see where they were and what was going on. For only being a few days old, these two were pretty smart, and had already started to crawl.

It had made Ichigo cry to see them start crawling around, he sure did love the little things, Sammy thought.

She was brought out of her musings when Shiro started to speak louder, "But my love! I will always be openly gay for you!" That was followed by a huge hug that Ichigo begrudgingly took.

Ichigo hated when Shiro made a scene like this, he never liked the attention of so many people, and with this many people on the streets, who wouldn't stop to look at the odd group of people and the man proclaiming open gayness?

Ichigo pushed Shiro off him and slowed down to check on his cubs. The two babies wore bright smiles as Ichigo looked in on them and reached in to scratch behind their ears. The cubs started to purr and nuzzled Ichigo's hands. Kai used both his tiny hands to grab Ichigo's much larger one and made a funny noise at him. Ichigo cooed at Kai and Kai cooed back. Rei didn't like the idea that Kai was getting more attention than him, so he bit down on one of Ichigo's fingers.

Ichigo yelped and pulled his hands out of the stroller, Rei smiled and Kai started to laugh. Ichigo scowled at the two then let out a sigh as Shiro walked over to them and started messing with the cubs.

"Ya know Shiro," Ichigo started as he went back to Rei, "they are just as mischievous as you are."

Shiro smiled as Kai pulled on his arm with a huge grin, "Yep. Kai thought it was funny to bite me yesterday."

Ichigo opened his mouth wide, "Rei just got me!"

Shiro chuckled at how cute Ichigo looked when he was trying to get a point across with his tail and ears twitching. Reaching out, he took Ichigo's bleeding finger and slowly stuck it into his mouth. Ichigo's face grew a bright pink, but as he watched Shiro lick up his blood, he felt his throat go dry; it didn't help that there was a strange scent in the air that made his blood boil.

Looking around, Ichigo noticed that all the people around him were making his throat even more dry and scratchy. Ichigo reached up and lightly gripped his throat and started to back away from the strolled slowly.

Rei instantly knew something was wrong with his mother, his ears laid back and his tail puffed out. Rei let out a low hiss mixed growl and Shiro turned to see what was making his son upset.

Ichigo's eyes were slowly glazing over with black, looking back, both his cubs were now hissing and growling. They could smell the frenzy building in Ichigo, and they knew something bad was going to happen.

As Sammy tended to the cubs, Shiro rushed to get Ichigo away from all the people and into the nearby forest. Shiro knew he was in a dent, the house was too far away to get the animal blood Ichigo drank; even if Shiro ran fast enough, Ichigo would start to go into a frenzy, and that's not what he needed right now.

Shiro cursed as he stopped and laid his mate on the ground, Ichigo's eyes were almost covered in black now, when it fully consumed his brown eyes, the frenzy would start.

Lifting his wrist away from Ichigo, Shiro brought his sharp nail across it, and let the stream of blood drip. Right as the smell hit his nose, Ichigo let out a growl and shot up.

Shiro thought he was going for his wrist, but Ichigo flew right past him and into the trees. Shiro felt a wave of horror wash over him, he didn't know where his mate would go, or who he would hurt. Getting up as quickly as he could, Shiro tried following Ichigo's scent through the trees.

Lust for Love or for Blood (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now