Nightmares Become Reality

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Ichigo's dream's were plagued by darkness, and darkness only. Nothing else would come forth. Ichigo didn't mind, but after a few minutes of this, he became slightly unnerved. Ichigo never felt prone to nothingness, and right now wasn't changing anything. He called out for his friends, but no one showed, then finally, Ichigo called out for Shiro. His voice echoed of the darkness as if it were walls, then out of no where, the darkness shifted and became brighter than the sun, and Ichigo fell.

He kept falling and falling, seemingly endlessly; he cried out for Shiro, but this seemed to spur something on, and Ichigo fell face first into grass. Getting up, Ichigo shook his head, and ran a hand down his face. 'What the hell?' Ichigo thought disgruntled, not liking the idea of being thrown around.

"Hello?" Ichigo called out into the dark sky above him, no stars, no moon, just the sky. He looked around to find that he was surrounded by even darker trees, all ominous looking. "Okay. I'd like to go back now!" His gut was tightening, but Ichigo couldn't tell if it was from fear, or premonition to something else. 

After for what seemed like forever, a certain scent hit his nose, and until then, Ichigo forgot about his ears and tail till they started to twitch. His ears swivled towards the trees, trying to hear the faint sound of someone walking towards him. Ichigo's head moved to look behind him, and he called out to the familiar scent, "Shiro! Where are you!"

A flash of white caught his eye, and Ichigo spinted towards it, but his feet halted when the white alfa being stepped out from the shadows of the trees. 

"Sh-Shiro?" Ichigo stuttered out, completely mortified. 

Shiro didn't look like Shiro at all, the right side of his face was covered by the white mask on the bike he just drove to the inn. But this mask was broken in half, only to cover that side of his face. Unlike when Ichigo first saw the mask, he was terrified of it this time, it looked so ominous on Shiro's smirking face. The mask wasn't the only thing though to scare Ichigo deep enough to his the bone; it was the blood running down from his mouth, and splattered across his dark clothes, and staining his usually white hands. Shiro looked like the monster he was supposed to be, and worse.

In the midst of Ichigo's fearful eyeing, Shiro had dashed forward, and pinned Ichigo to the ground face first, making sure to ub his face into the grass. Shiro held down his arms, and straddled Ichigo's hips to keep him still.

"What the hell Shiro!" Ichigo roared out, angered by Shiro's roughness, that is, untill Shiro raked his claws down one of his arms. Ichigo shrieked from the pain and the feeling of blood pouring from the wounds Shiro had inflicted.

Shiro didn't stop there though, he gripped Ichigo's hair painfully, avoiding his laid back ears, and yanked Ichigo's head up. Shiro then bit down into Ichigo's neck without remorse, making Ichigo scream from the pain. Ichigo's head fell back down to the ground after Shiro thought he had had enough. 

Shiro then leaned down to one of Ichigo's flattened ears, and growled, "It's Shiki to ya! You are my underling, my food and entertainment, nothin' else. Ya speak my name one more time," Shiro's hold on Ichigo's arms twisted painfully till the point Ichigo felt the bones started to shatter, "an' I'll tear ya limb from bloody limb, making sure ya're still alive to feel everthin."

Ichigo was more than scared, he was terrified. This wasn't Shiro, and this wasn't real, it was a nightmare. He had to wake up, he had to; if he didn't, Ichigo was afraid that his image of Shiro would be soiled forever.

Ichigo started to twist and squirm with great furry, he felt Shiro's surprise in the loosening of his arms. When he felt Shiro fall off of him, Ichigo shot up, and started to run in the other direction, into the dark trees.

Lust for Love or for Blood (Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें