A Villain Kid Love Story (Mar...

Autorstwa Dorothyshoes30

22.8K 338 109

What if Mal never fall in love with Ben instead she is in love with Carlos? How different would Mal story be... Więcej

Chapter 1: A Chance of a Lifetime
Chapter 2: Leaving the Isle
Chapter 3: Evie meets Prince Charming
Chapter 4: Nightmares
Chapter 5: First Day of School
Chapter 6: Carlos faces his fears
Chapter 7: Jane's New Look
Chapter 8: New Friends
Chapter 9: Back to School Party
Chapter 10: Night at the Cultural Museum
Chapter 11: First Tourney Game
Chapter 12: Social media
Chapter 13: The Heartbroken Princess
Chapter 14: The Truth about my Past
Chapter 15: Once Upon a Date
Chapter 16: Chemistry
Chapter 17: Did I mention?
Chapter 18: Evie's First Date
Chapter 20: Opposite Day
Chapter 21: Jay's Wish
Chapter 22: Fire and Ice and Everything Nice
Chapter 23: Almost Kiss
Chapter 24: Truth Gummy
Chapter 25: The Briar Rose
Chapter 26: Mal the Dragon Princess
Sneak Peek of Chapter 27: Family Day

Chapter 19: Anxiety Attack

559 11 6
Autorstwa Dorothyshoes30

          Monday September 14, 2015

                      Mal's POV

    I'm sitting in my assign seat next to Audrey in Life Skills without Magic which is taught by Merryweather. Today Merryweather is teaching the whole class how to sew she gave everyone a piece of blue fabric because her favorite color is blue and she only wants us to use blue fabric. Audrey starts throwing a fit because she would rather have pink fabric instead of blue fabric. I put a piece of white thread through a needle and start sewing. Then I accidentally stab Audrey with a needle when I was sewing because she was sitting next to me. Audrey started freaking out all because I accidentally stab her with a needle when I didn't mean to stab her with a needle when I was trying to sew. All the needle did was hit her skin by giving a little prick on her finger causing Audrey's finger to bleed a little bit.

Audrey: I always knew that you are just as evil as your mother and you stabbing me with a needle just proves that you were trying to put me under a Sleeping curse. Look Mal, I know that you are still new here but, you should know better than to stab me with a needle when my biggest fear is needles.

Me: Look Audrey, I'm sorry I accidentally stab you with a needle. I didn't mean to hurt you and I had no idea that you are afraid of needles.

   I can feel all the anger bottled up inside me that was about ready to explode. I felt like I was going to explode and turned into a monster. Carlos knew that something was wrong so, he came over to my hold hand to help calm me down. Then Evie came over to stand next to me holding my other hand. Jay was standing in front of me trying to protect me from Audrey coming to hurt me all because I accidentally stab her with a needle.

Carlos: Mal, don't do this. Just stay strong and don't let Audrey get to you.

Me: Look Audrey I'm so sick of you being so mean to me when I'm trying to be a better person.

Merryweather: Princess Audrey Rose Beauty and Mal Faery get out of my classroom and go to Headmaster Goodwin's office. I am so sick of you two girls fighting. I don't tolerate fighting in my classroom.

   Then both me and Audrey head down to Headmaster Goodwin's office. Then Ben, Carlos, Evie rand Jay all followed after me to make sure I'm okay. When I arrived to Headmaster Goodwin's office, I sat down out in the waiting room. Carlos sat down next to me trying calm me down.

Carlos: Maleficent Bertha Faery, please just take some deep breaths everything is going to be okay because I'm always here for you.

Me: Carlos Oscar De Vil, I told you to never call me by my full name.


             Jay's POV

   I sat down next to Evie who was sitting down next to Ben. Both Carlos and Mal were sitting across the room sitting down next to each other. Carlos was trying to calm Mal down by holding her hand and telling her everything is okay. I don't understand how those two are pretending to be couple when they both clearly have feelings for each other but, they are both two scared to admit it. I just wished those two would get their crap together and just finally admitted to each other that they both have strong feelings for each other. I think those two would make a cute couple.

Evie: I have never seen two Villain Kids so in love with each other as much Mal and Carlos love each other.

Me: Yeah, I agree with you.

Evie: Both Mal and Carlos have the most beautiful Villain Kid Love Story I have ever seen.

Me: What about Harry and Uma? Those two would be really cute together and they have a cute love story of how a First Mate fell in love with his Captain.

Evie: Yeah, I guess they would be cute together even though I used to like Harry. I don't know why I even like him in the first place. I guess that I only like him because of his Scottish accent.

Me: I still can't believe you had a crush on Harry when we were on the Isle and you never told any of us.

Evie: Well, I still can't believe you have been in love with me for years and didn't even show me any signs that you like me.

Me: Carlos was the only person that knew that I like you. I never told anyone else about me having a crush on you because I was scared that you would reject me.

Evie: I had no idea you felt this way Jay.

Me: What exactly happen between you and Harry back on the Isle that you didn't tell me, Carlos or Mal about?

Evie: I had a crush on Harry for a while but, then I realized that he would never ever like me back, because he was obviously so in love with Uma to even know I existed.


      Evie's POV

Ben: Hey Evie, are you okay?

Me: No, I'm not okay. I'm scared Ben that your ex-girlfriend that hates one of my Best Friend so much and will do anything to get Mal in trouble so, she will be sent back to the Isle. I don't want Mal to be sent back to the Isle because the four of us have never been separated from each other. The four of us have been friends with each other since we were children. The Isle is not safe it's a very dangerous place where some Villains abused their children all the time. The four of us are practically like the closest thing we have to a real family except for Mal and Carlos who are madly in love with each other. I don't want Mal to be separated from her boyfriend who she has known his whole life. Love is forbidden on the Isle because Villain relationships normally don't work out this is the first time in their life, they can finally be together. I just want to see Carlos and Mal have their own happy ending and never be separated from each other.

Ben: I'll try my best to convince Fairy Godmother to not expelled Mal.

Me: Thank you Ben you're the best.

Ben: I try to be.


     Mal's POV

Audrey: Oh, hey Headmaster Goodwin.

    When I walked into Headmaster Goodwin's office I see Headmaster Goodwin sitting down at her desk that has a plague right in front of her that says "Headmaster Faith Goodwin". I had no idea that Fairy Godmother's real name is Faith. I guess it makes sense that her real name's Faith because Disney Fairies like to say "Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust".

Fairy Godmother: What is it Audrey?

Audrey: I just wanted to tell you that Mal is nothing but, a monster just like her mother. Today in Life Skills without Magic she purposely pricked my finger with a needle because she wanted to put a Sleeping Curse on me just like what her mother did to my mother.

Fairy Godmother: Is it true Mal that you stab Audrey with a needle?

Me: Yes, it's true that I stab Audrey with a needle but, it was accident I swear. I didn't mean to hurt Audrey with a needle.

Audrey: Don't listen to her Headmaster Goodwin because Mal is lying about it all being an accident. She did it on purpose because she wanted to hurt me this is why Ben should of never invited the VKs in the first place who have been nothing but, trouble since they arrived.

Fairy Godmother: Well Mal, I'm afraid that I will have to expelled you for stabbing Audrey with a needle. Auradon Prep has strict rules about not hurting other students with sharp objects or else they would get expelled for doing so. Well since you broke the rules Mal, I'm going have to expelled you and send you back to the Isle.


   I really don't want to go back home I would rather stay here in Auradon where I feel safe. I remember when me and Carlos were younger, we used to talk about finding a way to break the barrier so, we can finally get off this island. A few months ago Carlos did managed to break a hole in the barrier with one of his droids that was the only time we managed to break the barrier. I remember a few years ago what Carlos told me the first time we talked about running away together to go live in Auradon.

Carlos: Once we find a way to break the barrier, let's run away together just me and you. We can start a new life together in Auradon just the two of us.

Mal: What about Evie and Jay are we just going leave them here?

Carlos: They can come along with us but, I was just hoping to run away with only you.

Mal: Why do you want to run away with only me and not Evie and Jay?

Carlos: Because you're my best friend Mal and I want to have more adventures with you.


    Now looking back on that memory made me realized today that Carlos truly does loves me in a romantic way. At least I think he does loves me. How could I have been so blind about love to not realized that Carlos one of my best friends is in love with me? It is all starting to make sense now that Carlos is secretly in love with me that is why he wanted just the two of us to run away together and wanted to start a new life with me in Auradon. He wanted to run away with me so, we can finally be together in a world where love is not forbidden. Then again what do I know about love? All my life I have seen love failed. My biological father left me when I was baby. I watched my parents' marriage failed when I was baby. I don't even remember what my biological father looks like. My mother raised me to believe that love is weak and ridiculous. She told me to "never fall in love because all love does is cause you pain and leave you heartbroken in the end" for a long time I promised myself to never fall in love. Then one day in 6th grade I started developing feelings for Carlos. I never wanted to fall in love with Carlos it all happened so fast and no matter how hard I try the feelings won't go away. Who knows if Carlos really does truly loves me maybe I'm just hoping that he feels the same way I feel about him. I guess I won't know for sure if he really does loves me until he admits it himself that he has feelings for me. Why does love have to be so complicated?

Ben: Hey Headmaster Goodwin I think we should give Mal another chance and not expelled her the first time she broke the rules.

Fairy Godmother: Okay, Mal I'm not going to expelled you because Ben's right I should give you another chance.


    Later that day after school was over, I went back to my dorm room and started drawing an new idea that I just came up with for what to draw next. Growing up on the Isle I was known for being a gifted Graffiti Artist my most well known Art Piece is a drawing of my mother's silhouette that says "Long Live Evil" because the word "Live" spells "Evil" backwards. Today I came up with a great idea for my "Long Live Evil" Art Piece instead of writing "Long Live Evil" on my mother's silhouette I'm changing the slogan to say "Long Live De Vil" because the word "Lived" spells "Devil" backwards which is a reference to my crush's last name. Then I added a little red heart between the words "De" and "Vil". I have always loved to draw ever since I was a kid. When I was drawing my new Art Piece it made me think of something that happened three years ago.


    When I was 13 years old, I enter a Street Art competition that was only for VKs. The competition was a community event to see which VK is the most talented Graffiti Artist on the Isle of the Lost. One of the things that VKs love to do for fun besides going around stealing is spray painting Street Art all over the Isle. I won first place in the Street Art competition everyone thought my Art Piece of my mother's silhouette that says "Long Live Evil" was very creative. Well almost everyone thought I was a great Graffiti Artist except for Harriet Hook who was so, mad that she won Second Place with her "We Ride with the Tide" Art Piece. Harriet Hook's the oldest child and daughter of Captain Hook who was 14 almost 15 at the time when she won Second Place in the Street Art competition. Harriet was so mad at me that I won first place as the Best Graffiti Artist on the Isle of the Lost and she has been mad at me ever since then. One day a few weeks later after I won the Street Art competition, I was going to work on a new Art Piece where I like to do my Street Art. When I arrive at my special place, I saw a girl with Curly Black hair wearing a red bandana Spray Painting an Art Piece over my Art Piece that I worked hard on. I was so, mad that the girl with the red bandana was ruining my Art Piece. I walked closer to the girl with the red bandana and yelled at her.

Me: What do you think you're doing Spray Painting your Art Piece all over my Piece?

    Then the girl with the red bandana stopped Spray Painting her Art Piece over my Piece and turned around to face me.

Harriet: I just thought your Art Piece needed a little touched up.

Me: Do you know what? I'm going to cut your right hand off right now just like what Peter Pan did to your father just so, you can never ruin my art work ever again. Then you will have to wear a Hook for the rest of your life just like your father.

    Then we both got our swords out and started having a sword fight. I was about ready to cut off Harriet's right hand until Carlos saw what is going on when he was walking, by and came over to stop me from getting into another fight. Carlos sneaked up behind me and wrapped around me to stop me from hurting Harriet in a sword fight.

Carlos: Mal you need to stop getting into fights. I don't care what Harriet did to you I just don't want to see you get hurt especially by a Pirate who are trained to be excellent sword fighters. A Pirate can seriously hurt you I just don't want that to happen to you.

Harriet: Aww Mal's boyfriend came over to rescue Mal how sweet of him not!

Me: He's not my boyfriend.

Harriet: I'm pretty sure he is because Dog Boy likes to follow you around like he's a lost puppy.

Me: He's just my friend just shut up Harriet.

Harriet: Sure, whatever you say Mal.

   Then Harriet just walked away because her father was calling her to come back home to watch over her younger siblings CJ and Harry while he goes out to the bar to get drunk with his Pirate Crew during Happy Hour. After Harriet left, I sprayed painted my logo which is two Dragons in shape of an Heart on an empty wall. Then Carlos wanted to sprayed paint something so, I let him take any of my spray paint which I had a whole bucket of spray paint in every color. Carlos picked out a Red, Black and White spray paint can, and spray painted his logo which is two Dog crossbones in shape of an "X" over top my logo. I loved Carlos idea putting our logos together to make a beautiful Art Piece.


   When I was getting ready for bed, I looked at myself in the mirror and closed my eyes. Then I said to myself.

Me: I just wished I never was the daughter of a villain. My life would be so much easier if I was the daughter of a hero instead.

   After I made my wish on how I would like my life to be different I head off to my bed and fell fast asleep.


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