Not Your Luna (Formerly His R...

By Chloexx919

48.1K 951 74

He grabbed me, and I felt tingles go up my arms. I started to thrash around trying to get out of his grip. As... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
I Have A Question...
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's Note

Chapter 20

965 25 0
By Chloexx919

Song: Set Me Free - Nico Collins


I arrived back at the pack breathless. However, the fact that I wasn't able to speak didn't seem to matter because people figured out what was happening on their own.

Aaron saw me and barely hesitated before running to inform Aiden of what was happening. I couldn't tell if it was to stop the attack or out of the ned to protect his former Alpha. 

I wouldn't have a chance to figure it out.

As Aiden left the packhouse, people started to scramble. I understood why. The scents of different rogues were completely overpowering.

It almost hurt to breathe. It sucks to think that I used to smell like this.

I began to smell blood. I smiled in a sort of psychotic way. I was a very diabolical person. 

I could hear squelching sound and blood spraying in the distance. My traps were working. 

Aaron showed up again with Jack trailing behind.

I began to worry a bit. They were getting closer and I had yet to see a single warrior. Not to mention how Aiden disappeared minutes ago.

I could feel them closing in. When wolves are close and in large numbers, they can be sensed. It helps to find packs. Rogues usually stay apart because of that. 

Less chance of dying I guess. 

When you're a rogue, this can be annoying. Never thought it would actually come in handy.

I had yet to sense my father. Even in a large group, if he was nearby, I would be able to sense my own blood. 

But he wasn't here. Why isn't he here?

Our entire plan rests on this. Him being here. 

It doesn't matter if we destroyed his entire army. If we didn't cut off the head, it would never stop.

And eventually, he would attack again. And that time, we wouldn't be expecting it.

I couldn't take it. He had to come. I couldn't stand him being alive for another second. Imagining his face made my blood boil. These few weeks, it has taken everything to keep myself from running into their camp and attempting to kill him myself. 

But even an idiot would know that would just be an indirect form of suicide. Then I wouldn't get to feel his blood running down his arm as I ripped his heart out. Just like he did to me. Although, his pain would be over quickly. I've never had such a luxury.

That would be disappointing.

If you haven't noticed, I hate being disappointed. 

I held myself back as the temptation of running into the oncoming rogues washed over me. I needed as many of them as possible to be apprehended by the traps.  I shouldn't waste my energy doing what was unnecessary. 

I needed to preserve my energy for the prize fight. Although, I had the feeling my boys had my back. 

What they didn't realize is I also had theirs'. When they tried to come to help me during the fight against my father, something would stop them. 

No matter what they tried. I have spent the last few weeks thinking over every detail. No matter what they would try. They would fail.

They would choose their packs or me. Saving someone they love from an attack or saving me. Living or dying with me. 

I had put every effort toward making sure the latter didn't happen. 

I would never tell them, but I would die for them. 

And I will.

I just hope they aren't thinking the same thing.

We don't all have to share the same fate.

How anticlimactic. 

My story has to be interesting. I am no hero. There are not enough people to save in the entire world to match the amount of damage I have done. I can't atone. 

I won't waste my time trying. 

That's too basic for a character like me. 

I am unpredictable. 

In some stories, I am the protagonist. Although, in most, I am the antagonist. The murderer. 

The bringer of death.

Now that is a fantastic storyline. 

Too bad I never wrote memoirs. 

I would become a bestselling horror author. How fun.

Or you know, labeled as insane, which I am. 

They would connect me to murders all over the U.S., and I will be considered a national menace. They would wonder how I had never been found and laugh at how I was delusional, talking about killing people because I thought they could transform into wolves.

Maybe I'm lucky I never wrote the book. 

Wait, what the hell am I doing?

I snapped myself out of my thoughts to find Aaron shaking me. I had zoned out. Goddammit! During the battle? What is wrong with me?

"Emma! Snap the hell out of it!"

"Sorry about that. I don't know what happened. I apologize."

Alphas don't apologize. But Aaron would soon take over my position. People often apologize to Alphas. 

He is strong. He will be an amazing successor. He will not treat rogues the way other packs have.

He will not them have a hatred of packs that turns into a revolt against them. 

He's been a rogue. He will be the strongest.

I was proud. 

What more could I ask for?

"Where's Aiden?"

"Gathering his wolves. So is Alpha Jack." That's my boys. "They should be back soon. But so far no rogues have left the woods."

"Obviously there weren't enough traps to stop all of them, so what are they waiting for?"

"We aren't entirely sure. It could be any number of things. They probably don't know the placements of all the traps. They're probably unsure."

"No, rogues don't hesitate. They have such a miserable existence, they probably have someone run through the traps and if they die, they die. It has to be something else." I pinched my forehead. 

I was normally so levelheaded in these situations. Why couldn't I concentrate?

That's when it finally hit me. How had I been so stupid? Obviously, they were waiting for my father. 

And then his scent overwhelmed my nostrils. 

He was here. 

I lifted my head to the sky and howled with a smile. Finally he fun was able to begin. 


Hey, my loves.

I have no fucking clue what I am writing and it is currently midnight so I'm sooooo sorry that it's shitty, I'm just tireddddd. 





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