The Wolf of Hogwarts

By CoJo14

55.2K 1.5K 319

Lily and James Potter where unquestionably the brightest and most powerful wizarding couple of their age. Jam... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 3

5.1K 131 45
By CoJo14

Nannar sat down on one of the chairs and the Professor sat down next to him. "What do you mean by that?" Nannar asked. He was didn't know what to think of this goblin. For one reason why would the leader of this clan want to meet with him? There had to be something else going on here. 

Ragnok smiled again. "Mr. Nannar, before I became chieftain of the British clan, I was the Account Manager for the Ancient and Most Noble houses of Potter and Peverell. When Albus Dumbledore contacted me to tell me to expect you within a couple of days, I could not believe my ears."

Nannar just stared at the goblin, still wary of what was going on. Ragnok smirked. "Lets get to business." He snapped his fingers and a thick metal pox, just a little larger than a piece of paper, appeared on his desk. "Mr. Nannar, contained within this box are your parents last will, along with inheritance and blood tests." 

The goblin placed his hand on it and a clicking sound rang throughout the room. The Professor jumped a little at the sound. Ragnok lifted up the lid and picked up the first document. He placed it in front of Nannar. 

Nannar picked it up and began to read. 

I, James Charlus Potter, Of sound body, mind and magic, do command this document to be my last will and testament. 

I, Lilly Rose Potter, Of sound body, mind and magic, do command this document to be my last will and testament. 

If Lily Potter outlives James Potter, all Potter possessions are to go to her and our son, Harry James Potter. 

If James Potter outlives Lily Potter all magical Evans possessions are to go to him and our son, Harry James Potter. 

If we have both fallen and Harry James Potter lives, he is to inherit all Potter and Peverell possessions. Upon his eleventh birthday he is to take the Inheritance and Blood Rituals and take up the title of Lord Potter-Peverell. We ask that as soon as he has completed these tasks that he is shown the Goodbye Chest. 

If these people are still alive by the time this will has been opened, then we leave them this:

Sirius Black- 250,000 Galleons and the right to live in Potter Manor. 

Remus Lupin- 250,000 Galleons and the right to live in Potter Manor. 

The Bones Family- 100,000 Galleons 

Alice and Frank Longbottom- 100,000 Galleons 

The Lovegoods- 100,000 Galleons 

If we are not alive we ask that our son be placed with these people- 

Sirius Black- Godfather(Deceased)

Remus Lupin- Honorary Uncle(Deceased)

Edgar and Amelia Bones- Family friends(Deceased-Alive)

Alice Longbottom- Godmother(Deceased)

Pandora Lovedgood- Family Friend(Deceased)


Nannar looked up at Ragnok. "Can my vaults take take this kind of hit?" The goblin nodded. "Only 200,000 Galleons where drawn but your vaults could take five times that with little problem." Nannar nodded, looking back over the document. 

"I was placed with the Durselys though. Why was that?" The Professor sighed. "May I answer this Chieftain?" The goblin nodded his consent. 

Professor McGonagall turned in her seat to look at Nannar. "Mr. Nannar what you must understand was that our world was just recovering from a war. Your placement with the Dursleys was only supposed to be temporary. Albus Dumbledore placed you there because he wanted the populace of Great Britain to calm down before he placed you with a family."

The Professor sighed and seemed to age several years. "It took longer than we expected and with James and Lily's will sealed by the Wizengamot, our form of the House of Lords, Albus was forced to keep you there longer. He had plans to give you to Amelia Bones, a family friend of the Potters. After five years he finally got the will open and was able to read it. It wasn't two days later when we found out your Aunt and Uncle had thrown you out."

Nannar looked at the woman. She seemed depressed at the fact that she had failed him in a way. Nannar contemplated comforting her. He decided it wouldn't hurt. "Professor if you hadn't placed me with the Durselys then I wouldn't be who I am today, so I must thank you for that."

The Professor looked up at him with hopeful eyes. Nannar turned back to Ragnok. He placed the document back on the desk. "I assume that this war is the reason for all the deaths on the paper?"

Ragnok just nodded. Nannar shook his head and looked over the document again, trying to come up with a plan of action. He turned back to the Goblin Chieftain of the British Clan. He spoke with as much authority as he could muster. 

"Lets do the Inheritance and Blood Ritual. Then can you give me this Goodbye Chest and show me my vaults?" Nannar was starting to get warry of the sharp pointy smile of the goblins. He had half a mind to snarl at the goblin for the threat of aggression. 

Ragnok reached into the metal box and bulled out two pieces of parchment and a silver knife covered in little squiggles. "Cut your hand with the dagger and let seven drops of blood fall on each paper."

Nannar did as asked and watched as dark red words, which he realized was his blood, rose on the paper. He picked up the Inheritance Ritual.



House of Potter- Father 
House of Peverell- Father 
House of Black- Paternal Grandmother, Second in line
House of Evens- Mother, Second Generation 


Potter Manor- Westerdale, England
Potter Isle- Southern Indian Ocean
Potter Cottage- Godric's Hollow
Potter Tower- Smith Island, Canada 
Potter Plaza- Rome, Italy 
Potter Chateau- Nice, France

Nannar looked up from the properties list. "How many bloody properties do I own?!" Ragnok stared at Nannar, one of those damnable smiles stretching across his face. "Mr. Nannar, the Potter family used to be vast, with multiple children every couple generations. While the head and heir of the family stayed in Great Britain, the other children would often go out and bring back new magic for the Potter family. Plus not all those properties where originally Potter Properties."

Professor McGonagall spoke up. "The Potter family is an old family and has often born some of the greatest witches or wizards this world has ever seen. They where seen as scholars, pushing the boundaries of magic to the fullest." Ragnok nodded. 

Nannar sighed and shook his head. He knew that he was unique but  a family of magical scientists was pushing it a little. He looked back down at the ritual paper. 


Potter Vaults- 

Vault 687: Trust Vault
Vault 752: Potter Family Vault 

Peverell Vaults- 

Vault 812

Nannar looked up from the paper. "The lower the Vault the more protected, correct?" Ragnok nodded. "Can you merge the Potter Vaults with the Peverell Vaults at the Peverell location?" The toothy grin made him want to punch the goblin. "That we can do. It will be a thousand galleon deduction though." "Do it."

Nannar set down the Inheritance Ritual and picked up the blood ritual. 


Due to the use of the Magical Heritage Ritual, created by James and Lily Potter, Lord Harry Potter-Peverell is registered as a magical being. 

Magical Creature Heritage: 

Giant- 10%
Goblin- 10%
Naga- 20%
Vampire- 15%
Troll- 5%
Veela- 10%
Succubus- 10%
Wizard- 20%

Nannar looked up in surprise. He slid the paper to Ragnok and gestured for him to read. Ragnok picked up the paper and read it before bellowing in laughter. It startled both Nannar and Professor McGonagall. 

Once Ragnok calmed down he answered their unspoken question. "Mr. Nannar the Potter family is famous for many reasons but there are two reasons that will always hold true. Your family is that of scholars and researchers, bringing forth a warrior every couple centuries. The Potter family is also famous for intermarrying with magical species." Ragnok gestured to the paper. "It appears that this Magical Heritage Ritual James and Lily created brought forth some of those creatures in your blood."

Professor McGonagall smiled. "It was often rumored that James was part Veela." Ragnok nodded. "Looking at you now I know that some of these abilities lie dormant in your blood. The Goodbye Chest should deal with that."

Nannar wondered why he was surprised anymore. 

Magical Skills: 

Natural Occlumens 

Nannar set the paper down, and leaned back in his chair. "Parseltongue?" Ragnok leaned forward on his desk. "Sometimes dubbed the Language of the Gods, it has many uses. It can be used to speak to snakes, both magical and non-magical. Some of the greatest healers this world has ever seen have been Parselmouths. There are no two similar parselmouths. The language itself bonds with the core of the witch or wizard."

Nannar sat back in wonder at just what his parents had left him. It had been one of his greatest questions. There had been a time when he scoured London trying to find where his Aunt and Uncle had lived but he never did. He wanted to ask them about his parents but because he couldn't find them the question had been put on the back burner. 

Now because of this Professor McGonagall he had got some answers. He had gotten answers to questions that he didn't even know he had! He sat there, oblivious to the quiet discussion that the Professor and Ragnok where having. He had to get into this Goodbye Chest. It sounded like his parents had planned for something like this. He sat up straighter in his chair. 

"Chieftain Ragnok?" The goblin turned away from his conversation with the Professor. "Can you bring me the Goodbye Chest so that I may look through it? And while I'm doing that, can you merge my vaults?"

The goblin chief nodded and got out of his chair. "There are a few other matters of business that I must take care of. I give you thirty minutes." Nannar nodded and Ragnok snapped his fingers, and a large chest appeared next to his chair. There was an intricate symbol on top of the lid.

It was a long, red bird of prey chasing the tail of a very thin black horse. Inside the circle the two animals created was something similar to a cats eye. It was a triangle with a circle inside and a line bisecting the two shapes. Underneath the bird and horse was a crossed sword and wand. 

The Professor smiled when she saw the symbols on top. She obviously knew them from somewhere. "Place your hand on top and it will draw your some of your blood, to confirm your identity." Nannar had forgotten that Ragnok was still there. The goblin left as Nannar place his hand on the lid. There was a prick and he pulled his hand off to find a bloody hand print on the chest lid. The bird and horse moved to a nine and three position and the lid popped open. 

Nannar raised the lid feeling apprehensive. Inside he found a large amount of books, a black leather jacket and a pair of rectangular gold framed glasses. He moved things around and found a silver bundle tied up with a blank piece of parchment next to it. 

He found four letters on the inside of the lid of the trunk. Each one was addressed to him in a different script. Two of them looked like chicken scratches while one was slightly shaky. The last one was too perfect.  He felt a pull towards the letter with the shaky script. He grabbed it and it came off without hesitation.

He tore open the paper and pulled out the letter inside. 

Dear Harry, 

If you're reading this than it's all gone wrong, and all I can say is I'm sorry. I'm so sorry we failed you. I'm getting a bit head of my self here. Sorry. 

My name is Lily Rose Potter. I am your mother. We- your father and I -created this chest encase Voldemort came. Encase he killed us. We left you this because we wanted you to have something to remember us by. A face to give to the stories that people will tell you. 

We wanted to give you every advantage so we built two rituals. One was supposed to bring together and meld the Magical Creature Heritage in the Potter line. The other was to set up blood wards within your blood, to be triggered by the sacrifice of either me or James. We hoped that these two rituals would help you.

We left you some of our most valued possessions. In the GB Chest is my diary and the necklace James gave me on our one year anniversary. Its a pair of golden stag antlers. James had it loaded with enchantments to keep me safe. I hope now that it keeps you safe. 

Oh, Merlin- there's So much I want to tell you. So much that I will miss over the years. I just... promise me this Harry.

Live a good life. Marry the person you love. Don't let yourself be consumed with vengeance. Don't let defeating Voldemort take over your life. But at the same time, no matter what you do in life, no matter what path you choose I will always love you. I don't want to see you here for a long time, and without the love of your life. You have already made me so proud. I really hope you don't have to read these, but if you do, know that there are people that love you, people who will care for you. 

Love Your Mother, 


Beside his mothers name was her namesake, a lily flower. The letter was filled with tear stains, and in some places his mothers handwriting had gotten so bad that she had to cross it out and start over. Nannar cleared his head, keeping a lid on his emotions. Unbeknownst to him he was tapping into his Occlumency skills. 

He set the letter down and grabbed the next one. It was the chicken scratch that was closest to his mothers letter. 

Dear Harry,

I'm James Potter, and I'm your dad. I'm so so so so so sorry that I couldn't be there for you. I'm sorry that if your reading these then it means that both me and Lils are dead. And that, that terrifies me. But thats a sad topic. Let's talk about something happy. My Hogwarts Years!

I had three other best friends when I was at Hogwarts. I considered them brothers. That's why it hurt the most when Wormtail betrayed us. But I'm getting ahead of myself. One of our friends is a werewolf. Remus Lupin. He was hesitant at first but eventually he told us he was a werewolf. 

So me, Sirius, and Peter set about becoming Anigmi to help Remus with the changes. We did it in our third year. I was a stag and had the name Prongs. Sirius was a black dog and had the name Padfoot. Peter was a rat and had the name Wormtail. Never trust a rat!!!  We called ourselves the Marauders. 

That's as good a point as any to talk about your gifts. Harry, or Prongslet as Sirius called you, The Marauders where some of the greatest pranksters that have every walked through Hogwarts. Lily says I'm being biased but its true. We crated a map that allowed us to view where everyone was inside the Hogwarts grounds. It's called the Marauders Map and the password to open it is this; I solemnly swear that I am up to no good. To clear it say Mischief Managed. 

The second gift that I'm leaving you is the Cloak of Invisibility. I recommend that you ask a trusted adult about the story of the three brothers. It is a priceless artifact that has been in the Potter family for generations. Our ancestors, the Peverell's created three objects that would make someone the so called 'Master of Death'.  This Invisibility cloak will never tear, it will never rip and no one without the Permission of the Head of the House of Peverell can modify it. 

The next thing I'm leaving you is my fathers glasses. They are keyed to the rituals and will awaken any dormant blood within you. Plus there's a few other neat things they do. And last but not least I leave you this chest. There are seven separate sections, I hope you have a fun time exploring them. 

The Stone is with the Gaunts. 

Love Your Father, 


Nannar set the letter down and looked over what his father had left him. The silver bundle must be the Cloak of Invisibility and the blank parchment the Marauder's Map. He didn't want to look at them right now, with the Professor watching but he did grab the golden glasses. 

He slipped them on and gasped. He felt, right. He hadn't even known that he felt wrong to begin with! But now he could practically feel the power rolling through his system. He caught the Professor gasping at the wave of magical energy that rolled over her but ignored her. 

Nannar- or was it Harry? -reached for the next letter. 

Dear Prongslet, 

It is me, Padfoot, your godfather. And if your reading thing letter than that likely means that I too, am dead. And- and thats a major disappointment because I swore that I would protect you. I just hope that If I died then I went down protecting you. 

Me and your father where close where we where younger, he took me in when my parents banished me from my home. I only hope that if your reading this then you have someone that cares for you. And if you don't- then show go show the world what it means to be a rouge Potter. 

I helped your parents with the Magical Creature Heritage ritual. I only ask you this Harry. Make the world a better place. Make it so that Werewolves and Vampires can have jobs, so that Veela and Succubi aren't looked down on. Do what we couldn't and make the world equal. 

Inside I left you a few things. One is my leather jacket. Its been enchanted to grow with you and be self-repairing. I also put in a few of the prank books that the Marauders wrote. There's also a small surprise for you in one of the rooms. 

I love you Harry. I just wish I could have told you that face to face. 

Your Dogfather, 


Harry- since when did he think of himself as Harry? -set the letter down and pulled out the leather jacket. It was a little scuffed but it looked good. He swallowed and put it on. The jacket immediately resized to fit his frame and Harry pulled it around himself. Somehow he knew that this was not the first time he had worn this jacket.

He sat back in the chair and looked at the last letter, the one with the too straight letters. The inside of the chest was still filled with books. Harry grabbed the letter and tore it open. 

Hello Cub, 

My name is Remus Lupin. I'm the werewolf that turned you. I- I hope you are good. As you know, if you're reading this letter, than I'm dead. And I'm sorry for that because I probably died trying to avenge you when I should have taken care of you. 

James and Lily said that their ritual will bring forth the inheritable traits of the more prominent creatures in your blood, so I gave you books talking about all of the known abilities of those creatures and even some of the unknown abilities. 

I just hope that this turns out okay. That there are no harmful side effects of the spell. Prongs and Lils are saying that you should merge with the wolf, that you and the wolf will be one. I just hope its true because growing without being merged is not something that I would want on you, cub. 

Be careful. The world is different for werewolves than it is for wizards. The wizards don't like us and I can't blame them. Make sure you only tell people that you trust with your life that you're a werewolf. If you tell the wrong person, no amount of money can save you. 

Also a bit of advice, form a pack. It's wonderful when you have people to support you, people who care for you and can help you recover after a full moon. Although I will say that you'll be very protective of your beta. I recommend protecting them with all you've got. 

But that's just the ramblings of an old wolf. Harry, I ask only this one thing. Do good in school. There are going to be purebloods and maybe even half-bloods who will take Hogwarts for granted. They don't understand the opportunity they have. Magic has no laws, no limits. The only limitation to magic is your willpower. If you learn the correct magic, reality itself can be changed. 

Here's the Marauders Motto. I think it'd work well with you. 

There but never seen, listening but never heard

Your Uncle, 


Harry set the letter down and looked at the books in the chest. There was supposed to be seven separate rooms inside this chest along with two surprises, one from his godfather Sirius and his father James. His -assumed honorary- uncle left him books on all the magical creatures in his family line. And his mother left him her diary. 

Harry sifted through the books and found the necklace his mother had mentioned. It was on a silver chain and the antlers themselves where golden. Harry unclasped it and placed it around his neck where he let it rest against his chest. 

He knew that he must look weird. He was wearing old, dirty clothes and hadn't taken a shower in two days. His hair went down to his shoulder blades but he had on a good looking leather jacket, gold looking glasses and a gold and silver necklace. 

He sat there looking down at the chest that his family had left him. After reading Remus' letter it was obvious why Sirius wanted him to make things equal. He didn't know how to feel about the sacrifice and work that his parents did. The risks that they all probably took to make sure that he was safe. He thought back to what Remus had said, about how magic had no limits, no laws. 

He promised himself right then and there that he would make his family proud. That he would launch the wizarding world into a new age. 

And it was then that Harry James Potter-Peverell, Werewolf Lord of the Ancient and Most Noble Houses of Potter and Peverell, was born. 

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