Pokemon~Welcome to the Battle...

By ScytheSno

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Featureing OC's Sawyer and Blossom, Side Stories or Fillers, for between the scenes. Staring with the Inktobe... More

Mask-Pt 1
Pokemon~Valentine Special~Gladion
Pokemon-Valentine Special~Sawyer
Pokemon~Valentine Special-Silver


2 0 0
By ScytheSno

The morning sun shown through the curtains of the Pokemon Center windows, shining brighter as the sun rose. It's bright rays reaching the eyes of one sleeping. Tossing away form it did little good since the beds were positioned in a way that keep the sun brightly in ones face, as if placed like that on purpose. Another form next to him shifted, stretching out. First the back feet, sliding under the pillows knocking them away, then the front, which reached a 'wall'? Pushing harder the 'wall' gave way and there was room to stretch, to wiggle, to do as pleased.

"Mmmmm....again Silvally?!"


A groan came form the blond teen as he sat up awake now, rubbing his neck. Re-adjusting the tank top that had rolled up, showing the bottom of a few scars. His eyes down cast, he hated looking at himself in the mirror. If only he hadn't had been so stupid, He and Silvally could have done so much better.


A harsh whisper came form the other occupants Pokemon, the other in the room still snoozing even as the sun shown in her face, though blocked by a fuzzy rump. He glanced over her way, smirking. How could someone like him have been so lucky to have found someone like her? He'd never know. He slowly stood, stretching himself. Walking to the adjacent bathroom to the room they had rented, taking another look at her sleeping face, causing himself to pause and remember, as if it were a dream and he'd wake up. She'd no longer be there. The way her sandy blond hair lay scattered across the bed form tossing and turning in the night, or her stomach became exposed, blankets thrown down and tank top rolled up.


He received no answer form his distracted Trainer, making goo-goo eyes at the female across the room, guarded by the fuzzy rump of an over grown- He stopped, pausing. This was his Trainer's Mate. And that was her Partner, just as he was his Trainers. Silvally shrugged sneaking past, Gladion, easy since he was in his own world.

"Rai- ehh, Ny-Nuwray?"

The Raichu looked up as his name was called by the male, even if he almost didn't do it right.. His glare softened, knowing Sawyer wouldn't approve. He would get use to the sound of his name coming form the male human, even if it did take a very, very long time and he keep getting it wrong. He watched the male approach a bit slowly, switching between looking at him then to her, stopping half way there.

"Never mind."

Gladion stared bit more, until he heard a slurping sound. Eyes widening, he left the bathroom door open again.


He rushed over to the door, locking eyes with eye as Silvally stared sideways at him, toilet water dripping form his muzzle, tongue about to dip down again, muzzle hanging open. Time froze as they stared at each other, the only noise was the sound of Sawyer's light breathing and the tic-toc of the clock.

"Don't even think about it."

Gladion's voice was serious and dripping with an unspoken threat. Silvally keep still, as if thinking about it. Gladion saw the gleam in his eye.

"DON'T-! Ahhhh why do you do that?"

Threat ignored Silvally plunged all of what he could into the toilet, sucking in as much as he could into his muzzle and cheeks, only coming out when he was yanked back. Gladion was able to force his muzzle open just a little bit for water to pour out, then began the wrestling match between the two. Silvally tried to make his way back to the large bowl, while Gladion tried to force him out. Either having done this many times before. Gladion had no choice but to use brute force as Silvally's Pokeball was out of reach. Silvally slipped on the floor form what had spilled out of his mouth which gave Gladion his edge, slamming the door shut when his partner was out.


"No, how many times do I have to tell you."


His claws left marks as he pawed at the door.

"No means no."

"Wha-ssss goin'on?"

"Just showering, go back to sleep!"


Their tussle had woken the other party in the room, even if just barely. He face palmed, rubbing his temples. Even though he had told her to go back to sleep, she was probably going to get up anyway. Times like this he wished he was still alone, so that he wouldn't be a bother. She always told him it was fine, or brushed it off. He'd shake his head and she would pinch his cheeks, making him blush and her smile, he loved her smile. With her smile in his thoughts he striped, showering.


Silvally heard the water running, stopping with the door and waited, even his Trainer needed time to be alone. He looked over at the female Trainer, she had risen up onto her elbows giving him a sleepy grin, yawning.

"Silvally, did you drink again? HuH Huh..."

She laughed at that, the rumble coming form deep within her chest. It was always interesting watching them interact, noisy but interesting. She laid her head down on her Partner, petting his head.


His stomach growled at that, as if emphasizing his point. She heard it loud and clear.

"Sounds good."

She threw on her cloths, writing something on a note, then over to Silvally.

"Can I trust you'll give this to him if his out before we're back?"

He gave a rumble to confirm. She placed it on his night stand, pointing to it. Another rumble was given.

"We'll bring back breakfast."

She and her partner were gone with the shut of the door, just as He shut off the water. Taking his time to dry off and come out, peeking round the door itself. Noticing she was gone he stepped out while watching Silvally who was eyeing behind him, he wagged his finger.

"Not again."

Silvally rumbled, motioning to his night stand.

"Went to fetch Breakfast. -Sawyer"

Nodding he sat on the bed, enjoying the bumps across his skin the cold air was bringing. His hand tracing over a scar unconsciously, remembering how he got it.

------With Sawyer------

"I'll take 2 bagels and 24 Poke'Puffs."

"Of course, both fresh out of the ovens. Do you preffer any particular flavor?"

"Raichu, chu?"

"Chocolate and Vanilla swrils, please."

"Of course, m'am."

Handed two different bags, the sell wavering off into the noses of all nearby.


"No, Nuray. We'll eat with Gladion and the rest of everyone else. So wait."

Both their mouths watering at the though of it melting onto their tongues, exploding with taste.


Nuray crossed his paws over his chest as they walked back to the room, muttering to himself in the language of Pokemon she couldn't understand. Nearing the door, she couldn't hear the shower running which must have meant he was done. Smiling as quietly pulled out her key and jerked the door open, eyes landing on his shirtless form, her mouth gasped open at what she saw. Nuray mean while caught both bags.


------Few Mins Before------

He became lost in thought, forgetting he was with his girlfriend, that Silvally was there, ever even that he was still subconsciously tracing another scar. He was at another time, before it all had happened, back when everyone was together. His lips curled into a smile, taken back to when he was still ignorant to the world and Lily was still very little. Then it flashed black, he saw Type: Null, how they all were treated, amalgamated. His world shattered. He'd come to get his father, had been told to never enter the lab, but he did.


He jerked up outta his thoughts, seeing her there. Eyes meeting, hers flashing so many different things. He turned away first, curling in on himself. Now she would turn away and walk out. Silvally jumped up covering him, knowing he was afraid. She slowly approached, knowing Silvally wouldn't hurt her.

"Is that why your always hiding?"

She was still there, closer now. Voice soft and full of something he couldn't place, but not pity. He pulled in on himself harder, trying to disappear.

"Your going to walk out the door."

He stated his fear. Not seeing the confusion that crossed her face, she stood there, lost at really what to do. This was why he never went swimming, topless or anything having to expose himself to the world. She though bout it, feeling kinda the same way, just afraid of people staring. She shooed Silvally off the bed, he rumbled but she pushed him off. He felt the bed dip.

"Why are you shying away form me? Why would I leave? Just because your a bit scared up?"


He was still turned away. She pulled herself up onto the bed beside him, wrapping her arms round him. Feeling him shake, she pressed harder, just waiting. He keep the big fat tears that threatened to fall at bay. He would not cry, he was done with it years ago. Yet she brought out of him what he though long ago buried. She was different in a lot of ways, maybe she was worth a shot? Or maybe not. Maybe test the waters and see how cold it became. He uncurled a little, turning his head toward her, eyes a bit red. He could see her smile through the blurriness.

"Your handsome with or without scars, but you know..."

He turned back looking away form her. Feeling her finger trace his spin up and down. Shivering at the touch, ashamed she was so gentle.

"You don't have any on your back, which must mean you faced all of whatever it was head on."

Eyes widening, her statement had him confused. What did scars on your back or front have to do with anything?

"See one of my favorite stories deals with several warriors. It states that if a warrior has scars on their backs, that they ran form battle and were cowards. But you don't have any scars on your back."

He knew what she meant now. She was definitely different then any other that he knew. Feeling the bed move and shift as she did.

"But then again...That would make me a coward..."

He looked at her again, watching as she lifted up the hem of her shirt to him. He couldn't look away. Upon her skin was burnt skin healed over. He rolled over and she allowed him to trace it, though barley feeling his warm hand.

"I don't like it when people stare or ask bout it. But maybe when I'm ready I'll tell you about it."

She lifted down the band of her pants down a bit, he saw as it traveled further down, same as she lifted her shirt more.

"I have one too, so no more shying away, ok?"


"Don't. It's fine, now how about breakfast-"

They both looked over to see Nuray's and Silvally's cheeks full and covered with crumbs form all the pastrys, frosting covering the floor were they sat goring themselves.



"That was for everyone!! Awwwww..."

Sawyer knelt infront of Nuray, stretching his cheeks a bit.


She popped his stomach, earning a grunt form him. Gladion gave a look at Silvally as he gave the same look back.


Lips forming into a smile, the sound of a rumble came form within his chest as he doubled over at the scene before him. Soon Sawyer joined him too.

"I still want breakfast."

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