Perfect and Pathetic

By asronan

288K 8.8K 697

Sarah Harrington is probably the definition of 'Pathetic'. She lives alone in her family house with more than... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Eaton's POV
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Eaton's POV

Chapter 30

6.6K 223 4
By asronan


I really miss my friend. It's been a month since she called from the military camp....

Eros : a passionate physical and emotional love based on aesthetic enjoyment; stereotype of romantic love (Basically Eaton and Sarah's love)



"Nothing makes a room feel emptier than wanting someone in it." ― J

I slowly closed the mahogany door behind me.

I didn't feel like having lunch with four of them after Eaton left, so I went home instead. The house looked gloomy, like it used to be before the Lancasters came in my life again.

"Rosa?" I called.

I searched for her in the kitchen, as she should be, but there was no trace of her.

"Rosa?" I called again, more louder.

"I'm here! Living room!" She finally answered. I chewed my lower lip and went there.

To my surprise, Rosa was busy pouring tea for our guest. I was shocked for a second until I studied the guest who sat on the single chair near the fireplace.

He was built but looked old. With his graying blond hair and sad looking green, sunken eyes, he smoke his cigar while staring at the fireplace. Heinrich looked odd, he looked ill.

"Oh, please, Sarah, sit." He turned from the fireplace and greeted me politely. I stared at Rosa to know why Heinrich came here but she looked at her shoes and left for the two of us to talk.

"Is Eaton's flight gone smoothly?" He asked and the pang of sadness grew in my heart.

"Y...yes. He went safely." I said while sitting down, trying to avoid his stare.

I didn't dare to look at him. His presence seemed strong and powerful, Eaton did look a lot like Heinrich, but Eaton presence was more friendly and cool, but he still has the sense of powerful in him. Maybe, he was still young, the powerful aura didn't show much in him, but it didn't change the fact that Eaton still a powerful man.

God, I miss him already.

Heinrich smoke his cigar until it went short. "If my wife know that I smoke, she will be so mad at me." He said like it was a joke but his tone said differently.

"I'm sorry that it will turned out like this." He sighed. My chin went up and looked at him.

"Oh, its alright. He have his responsibilities."

"You don't have to lie to me," he said, Heinrich's index finger circling at me in the air. "Your expression says it all. You reminded me of my wife when every time I went away for work."

"Why is it that he is the one who go? Why is it not you?" I looked at him in the eyes as I asked. I was scared of Heinrich as much as I respected him. But, at the moment, I was angry at him.

He didn't seem to noticed. His face looked tired as if he didn't slept for years. His breaths were short despite that, he lit his second cigar before he said anything.

"My doctor said that I couldn't go far if I want to work and I want to live, for Henry."

"But why only for Henry? What about Eaton?" I knitted my eyebrows and Heinrich sighed.

"I'm going to be honest with you," the smoke came out from his nose. "I wasn't a good father figure for Eaton,"

Well, no shit.

"You see, Eaton always had been close to Esther, my wife. When he was little, I was busy working and Esther always been the one who was at home. Esther was very fond of you, and so, before she died, she requested for Eaton marrying you, and I thought of it and I knew your parents were and honest businessmen, so I was, why not?!

"As my company that inherited from my father to me grew larger, I became more busier and by the time, I didn't realized, Eaton grew older and couldn't be far away from his mother....well, until she died." He paused and smoke his cigar again.

"When my wife died, Eaton was thirteen and Henry was four, so young to not have a mother by their side. I was so heartbroken that I realized that I grew further apart with my sons, especially Eaton. He needed me the most and I failed. I didn't went to visit Esther when she was sick because I didn't want to see the woman that I loved most dying. I didn't even go to the funeral because I was drunk and throwing tantrum like a child." He looked away from me.

"Heinrich..." I slowly called him. His hand went up at me to tell me that he was okay.

"Eaton blame me. He didn't even have to say it, I knew because I was a shitty father." He coughed. "Sorry... my lungs, are sick. Happens all the time when I swear,"

I stood up and gave him his tea and he drank it slowly.

"Eaton tried to kill himself one day," he continued. "I know...Terrace told me." I murmured and stared down on my shoes.

"So, of all his misery of losing his mother, we moved back here when Eaton was a freshman. And he saw you, Sarah, and I could see that he got his happiness again. Well, until your parents called me that you three were likely to move away because you parents business was a fail-"

"We were going to move?!" I squeaked. Shock, I placed my hand on my heart.

Why the hell did my parents never told me anything?!

Heinrich tried to smiled and continued, "I didn't want to loose Eaton's happiness again so I quickly made an arrangement with your parents to quicken your marriage. And I do everything to bring up your parents' business in exchange. I know it was a selfish decision, but I want Eaton to be happy again."

"I understand. I'm happy too. With him." I looked at him and Heinrich pursed his lips.

"You love him?"


"I thought you didn't..."

"I love him all along but I didn't realized it until recently."

"Oh, I'm sorry that he's leaving for this. My lungs are in worst condition now and I want to live, for Henry at least, because I know that Eaton still blames me of all of my wrong doings but I don't care if he will hate me forever. He have you and he will work everyday knowing that you waiting for his return. I really need you to be patient."

"But why waiting for him hurts? Why it have to be hurt for me?" I was trembling and my hand squeezed closer on my heart.

Him, smoking his cigar. Him, like every men who lost his love ones will say, "Because you love him. And your love is real."


I went to school the next day.

News of Eaton leaving had been spreading around the school since I came. Some of the girls were crying that their prince left without a word. Some of them having dramatic panic attacks in the hallway. Not that I annoyed by them. I was like that too, inside.

Shoving my hands in my blazer's pockets, I walked without even glance at the girls, but the fan club stared at me angrily and some of them sobbing even harder when I walked past them.

"Why didn't you stop him?" I heard a voice said loudly. I stopped. The girls that were crying turned silent. Liona was standing near a locker at the end of the hall. She looked at me angrily but also guilty expression written across her face.

"I tried and I couldn't." I answered and rolled my eyes at her. That was the last time, I faced Liona Sterling.

When I arrived at the dining hall, the four of my friends were there, staring at nothing while their hand playing with their food.

It was weird to see Nate and Finnick together without Eaton. As if like John Watson(s) without Sherlock by his side. They both looked venerable, even Emily and Hydra. Nate didn't even bulged or smile when girls greeted him, it was weird for a player like him. Same like me, they missed him too.

Before I could come closer to them, Christopher blocked my way. "President, can we talk?"

"Is he really left?" He stared at me and I slowly nodded. It has been at least a week since I faced Christopher, his gray eyes looked stormier than usual and he lost weight, I could see his cheekbones clearly. We sat at the same spot, the stairways at the end of a hallway that pupils rarely used, same spot where Christopher begged me to go home after the attack from the fan club about a two months ago.

It has been two months since the whole school know about my relationship all along...

"That's mean I will have a chance with you!" He lightly punched my shoulder. I looked at him without any expression. I knew that he tried to cheer me up but it was a fail.

I stood up from the stair case. I took a deep breath, "Look, I know you're trying to cheer me up, but I really don't have the mood right now. I'm sorry."

I started to marched my heels away fro him until he said, "Lets forget about it." Before I could move further, I stopped and walked back at him.

"Lets forget about that, so we can start over." He confirmed. I sat beside him. "Why do you want to start over?"

"Because you're my first friend here. I really need my friend right now. And I don't want to ruin our friendship just because I like you." He admitted. I stared at Christopher, he was dead serious. "I don't want be that prick who tries to steal the girl he likes from her boyfri- sorry, husband." He looked at me with hope in his eyes. His words sounded sarcastic but he wasn't. At least in my opinion he wasn't.

He lend out his hand to me. "Hi, I'm Christopher Bayern, nice to meet you."

I hesitated at first, but I shook his hand anyways, "I'm Sarah Harrington. Nice to meet you too."

"Good, we're friends again." he grinned. I tried to smile but I couldn't, so, I looked away from him. With my knees on my chest, Christopher, whom lazily sat on the stair, leaning his head on the railing for a moment there, we stared at nothing. For obvious reasons, my mind drifted to Eaton. My Eaton.

"How much do you missed the prince?" Christopher asked, broke the silence between us without looking at me. I turned and I could see that he was hurt to asked that question and I knew Christopher was a nice guy. But, everybody was selfish. Including Christopher, me and Eaton. I smiled softly and turned away from him.

I placed my chin on my knees and breathed, "Terribly." I answered.


After I went home from school, I felt like my soul has been sucked and there was not energy left in my body. I decided to have a nap.

My heels stopped when I was between two doors.

I walked to my right, where Eaton room was. The presence of silence playing around the room when I walked in.

His room was empty, only his guitar that leaned on the wall beside his bed was left.

I crawled on his bed and lay there sideways. My eyes were steady staring at the balcony where I recalled we both staring the stars while he kissed me.

I wondered if he was on the way to work, thinking about me. I wondered if he sat near the window, with his headphone on, Wonderwall was playing over and over. I wondered if he thinking of kissing me as much I wanted to kissing him.

I missed him. The entire atoms in my body missed him.

I clutched the torn beanie he gave me on my chest. My nose sniffed on his sheets and the beanie, the smell of cinnamon and the sea, the smell of Eaton.

I imagined how was like if he didn't leave, he would be with me, us laying together on this bed, staring at each other's eyes and he would first be the one who kissed me and he would say that he loved me while our lips touched and I would playing with his hair and kissing his jaw.

Until then, I fell asleep, crying.



It's really weird to write a chapter without Eaton in it.....

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