The Wolf and The Rabbit

By Stillwell03

601K 12.2K 7.8K

Izuku was alone in the world. Abandoned by the ones he called his family and left to his own accord. But than... More

Friends and harem
New Friends
Standing Strong
Entrance Exams
Genius Combat
The Party
The Bakugou's
Sports Festival
Fighting for the Top
Third Event
Finals and Dreams
Midoriya Squabble
Inner Turmoil
Work Studies
Nightmare of Hosu
Easy Day
First Christmas
Most Awkward Date
Calm Picnic
Training Camp
Night of Madness
Effects of Support
Paying Dues
Two Titans and A Rabbit
Parent Teacher Talks
Dorm Move In
Special Moves
Push Through
Rescue Work
Parents Day Meeting
The Child
Planning Raids
The Raid
Fight for Hope
Pure Rage
Okamure vs Overhaul
In The Dog House
Culture Festival
A Gentleman
Ties and Bonds
Painful Choice
Festival Roar
Final Farewells

Brutal Battles

18.2K 359 368
By Stillwell03

Izuku POV:

The weekend seemed to come and go in an instant for all of us with Monday seeming like it started right after Friday finished. 'Alright, so if I combine Earphone Jack with Electrification I'd be able to act as a stun gun in a sense to turn Kaminari's quirk into a more precise long range. Meanwhile if I combine Tsunatori's Horn Cannon with Awase's Weld, I could possibly make an attack that is similar to a boomerang or even a short sword maybe.' I began thinking of possible combinations for every quirk my new friends had along with mixing them with other ones. 'Now what should I combine Creation with to get a better combo? Hmm, maybe use it as a way to increase ammo for Yui's Size quirk? Yeah, that works.' "I guess your muttering never left." I quickly stopped when Kaachan said this being a bit embarrassed.

"S-sorry." "It's fine, just kinda throws me back a bit to when we were kids. Kinda happy not everything changed." I start to see a smile grow on Kaachan's face while Sero tries to mock him. "Is the mighty Bakugou smiling?" "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU SOY SAUCE FACE!" "Alright, jeez man." He glanced over to notice the immense amount of writing in the notebook I had with some combinations. "Dang man, you really think of everything." "Kinda. I try to think of ways to work with what I have to make it better for specific situations. I have the ability to use other quirks, so I might as well see what stacking them on top of each other can do." "Whatcha got on mine?" Kaachan became interested while showing what I had.

"Right now, I have Oversized Explosion by mixing your's and Kendo's to increase the amount of sweat my palms will produce to create a larger explosion. This worked rather well and can come in handy if I'm facing a large amount of people. I also have an idea to mix your's and Kirishima's together since the drawback of Explosion is you aren't resistant to the shock. Hardening absorbs shock and acts as a defensive layer over your body, so in short I can absorb and keep using the quirk for almost if not as long as you can." "Badass." "So what would you do with mine if you had it?" I thought on this while before answering. "Since your quirk turns the oils in your skin to the stickiness in your tape, I'd mix Kaachan's or Mina's and replace the natural oil with the acid or sweat they produce. This would turn your moderate long range support quirk and their close to mid range offense quirks to one long range offensive attack." "That is cool. You really are someone that thinks outside the box Usagiyama." I smile a bit while scratching the back of my head for Mr. Aizawa to walk in.

"Good morning class." "Good morning Mr. Aizawa." "I went over the reports on the battle training. For the most part, nicely done for you all." He got near the podium for him to discuss what he needed to next. "Now onto the business at hand. This next decision will determine your futures here." Everyone held their breath hoping it wasn't something that would expel one of us again. I started to panic a bit as well for him to bluntly state it. "You need a class rep and vice rep." "Thank goodness it's just normal school stuff." We all sighed in relief before jumping out of our seats to become our class rep. "We need someone real manly to be the class rep." "I wanna be it! Let me do it!" People started to go nuts with me blurting out something nobody expected. "I think Iida and Yaoyorozu should be the class rep and vice rep." Everyone looked at me for a second while I explained.

"Iida prides himself on doing the right thing and has the brains to back it up. Yaoyorozu also got in on recommendation and is immensely smart to use her quirk the way she does, so you can almost guarantee she has talent for this. Out of everyone here, I can't argue they are probably the best for this." Everyone stopped to think about tit before agreeing with me. "Izubro does have a point, they are smart and try to keep standards high." "I'm down with it." "I can see it." Everyone began to debate who was probably the best for the position with us agreeing on Iida as the rep and Yaoyorozu as the vice. "Alright then, time for first period."

Time skip to lunch

While eating lunch with everyone, Iida came over to our table to ask about my suggestion in the classroom. "Usagiyama, why did you wish for me to become the class rep. With a quirk like yours, you would without a doubt be a better fit to lead us." "Maybe, but I'm too much of a push over in some ways and need to get more of a backbone before I become someone like a leader." I held a smile on my face before continuing with what I was meaning. "We all have our own battles. Mine is learning how to become someone that can stand their ground when I need to." "I think you do a great job with that." I glanced at Iida to see him smile at me. "You're calm and calculating. If I had to choose out of everyone to become class rep, I would say you are best suited for that job." I smiled at this while knowing Iida thinks of me in a nice way like this. "Thank you. It means a lot." "What are friends for."

Hearing this made my body glow a navy blue before engines grew out of my calves. "It would appear you have obtained my quirk. Allow me to assist you in learning how it works." Iida sat with us explaining how his engines run on orange juice and how to properly maneuver with them to the best of his ability for the rest of lunch. It seemed to work since they were rather detailed instructions. When lunch was done however, I had to say goodbye to Kino, Nejire, Yui, and everyone from the other classes before heading inside class A. Once inside, Aizawa walked in to explain what we were doing today for heroics.

"Today we will be going off campus to a facility that specializes in rescue training. Myself, All Might, and a third person will be assisting in this training exorcise." He pressed a button to reveal our costumes before walking away. "Wear your costumes or your PE uniform. Either or works and meet me outside by the entrance in five." He leaves with all of us grabbing our costumes to head out.

On the buses

After a failed attempt on Iida's side to have us sit in seat order, we all boarded the buses with Kirishima and Tsu sitting beside me. "Hey Izuku, do you mind if I ask you a question?" "Sure Tsu, what's up?" "Well, I was wondering why you haven't taken your dragon form while training yet?" Everyone looked at me with curiosity. "YOU HAVE A DRAGON FORM MAN!?" Kaminari shouted this in amazement with everyone listening kinda close with amazement as well. The only person who wasn't that amazed was Ochako since I explained my relationship with aunt Ryu to her and Tsu. "The main reason I don't use it so much is cause it's not that easy to hide the fact you can turn into a massive dragon and train with it. Whenever I do, aunt Ryu takes me out in the mountains so I can avoid any significant property damage to the surroundings." "Understanding."

"Sorry my quirk ain't that special man. If it was better, I'd be willing to have ya copy that instead." Kirishima started hardening his arm with thinking it wasn't so special. "To be honest, it's hard for quirks to have offensive and defensive traits. Of course quirks like Kaachan's and Todoroki's are more flashy and talked about, but the real thing that makes a quirk amazing is how you use it with this." I point at my head for him to get it. "I see, so I just have to use my head with it more." "Think of this. Many people in our class are good at long range, but close range fighters can minimize damage and keep a fight in a specific area to not allow innocent people to get caught in the middle. You can probably handle the most hits and cause the least amount of collateral damage here with that quirk of yours. It isn't flashy, but it can get a job done and help people. That's what really matters."

I seemed to get through to Kirishima with him smiling a bit. "Thanks man. You really know how to make people feel better about their quirks." "I always try to think that a quirk is only as useless as you make it out to be. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, all you need to know is how to enhance and defend against yours." The bus stops for Mr. Aizawa to tell us to get off. While we do, we're met with a giant building with what looked like the space her 13 in front of us.

"Hello UA. Welcome to the USJ." Ochako began to fangirl knowing 13 was our teacher along with him being one of her all time heroes. He began to explain how today we will be finding ways for our quirks to be used in rescue with explaining his quirk a little. 13 also emphasized how easily his quirk can be used to kill compared to how it can be used to save lives. To help us learn, 13 created this facility he called the Unforeseen Simulation Joint to have us ready for any possible disaster we would be facing. While entering inside, the power started to flicker with a strange portal opening near the bottom of the stairs.

"Do they have fake villains here?" Kirishima asked with both me and the teachers knowing the actual answer. "Those aren't fake villains, they're the real deal." "Hello UA, we are the League of Villains and we've come to kill All Might." A guy with hands covering him began stating this with Aizawa jumping into action. "13, protect the students!" He jumped directly down to face them while 13 looked at both me and Iida. "One of you get outside and run for help!" I glanced at Iida for him to get what I was going to say. Before we could though, a mist guy came over to block our only way of escape. "Hello, we are the League of Villains. We have come her to kill All Might, but it would appear he is not here. Might there have been a change in the curriculum?" Kaachan and Kirishima charged at him to miss before he surrounded us with some kind of black mist. "Seems you all will be more trouble than you are worth. Now, disperse!"

I grabbed everyone I could to create a giant fist to protect us. In my group was Todoroki, Ojiro, Koda, Tsu, and Aoyama. Everyone other than Ochako, Iida, Sero, Sato, Mina, and Shoji was transported somewhere. "Thanks for the save." Todoroki thanked me while I looked at the mist man. "Don't thank me yet. We still have this guy to deal with." "It would appear you will be quite the nuisance. No matter, for you are merely a child-" I came at him to kick him in a metal plating to knock him to the wall. "You're gonna regret dropping your guard with me!" I held his body with Kendo's Big Fist quirk before looking to Iida. "Get out of here! Run!" He did this with escaping as fast as he could.

"What are you going to do now mist man, your going to fail in this attempt to kill All Might when my classmate gets our teachers." "I will not do anything, but he will." 'He?' "Izuku! Look out!" I could barely hear Ochako as I get a punch to the gut sending me down the stairs and into the water fountain. 'What was that?' I looked up to see a giant beast with it's brain on display. "Nomu, kill the kid."

3rd person POV:

Izuku got up and began activating OFA at 5% and Rabbit at the same time. "I'm not gonna lose to you." Izuku began to hop up and activate Wave Motion to add a little more oomph to his hit. "Pact Move: Luna Cycle!" The sound of the impact was heard throughout the facility with the beast known as Nomu seeming unphased. "Nice trick brat, but Nomu has Shock Absorption. You won't kill him like that." Nomu began to grab Izuku's leg to break it like it was nothing before slamming him around making the pavement crack where he landed. As a way to absorb some of the impact, Izuku used Kirishima's hardening. Bit this did little as he was shown bloodied by the assault. "Usagiyama!" Aizawa tried to take on the villains he was against before rushing to help his student.

"I don't think so Eraser. Nomu, kill him too." Izuku heard this to send an explosion off at Nomu's face to release him. He tried to get up, but was met with immense pain from being unable to stand on his broken leg. 'Dammit, I'm useless like this. What would mom do? What would aunt Ryu and uncle Fat do?...What would I do?' "Nomu, kill the brat now!" Izuku began to smirk at the monster before starting Wave Motion to float just above the ground. "Come and get me."

The Nomu charged at Izuku with everything it had. Izuku dodged with Permeation before using Manifest to turn his hands to clam shells while increasing it's efficiency with both hardening quirks he had. It seemed as if he was winning before the monster grabbed his hand to break the shell before snapping his hand like a twig. "SON OF A BITCH!" He was punched in the face after with this. Izuku was then beaten into the ground consistently. "This is pathetic. Nomu, end him." The beast followed his masters orders to attempt to stomp on Izuku's face to crush his skull. This was stopped however by Izuku grabbing it with his arm that wasn't broken. "I guess I have no choice in this matter." The small green haired boy began to grow in size and take the shape of a dragon. "It's been a while since I've fought in this form. Congratulations on making me take you this serious."

Izuku grabbed the Nomu with his now enlarged hand to slam him into the ground over and over again before throwing him out the facility and miles away. "You're next hand man." "YOU CHEATER!" "Shigaraki, we must leave now or else." The blue haired man known as Shigaraki didn't listen and charged at Izuku. Though Izuku was stronger, he was too big to grab Shigaraki before decaying some of his legs with his hands. In this fight, Izuku had to transform back down to normal size before it became a bigger issue. When he did, he charged at Shigaraki with everything he had in a single punch. But just as the two were going to collide, the doors blew open to show Miruko in front seeing what's going on with a look that screamed she was ready to kill.

"Somebody want to tell me why my son looks like he was beaten bloody and is dealing with some asshole with hands on his body!?" She was ready to attack with 13 answering. "Uh, the hand guy led a raid here to kill All Might with him trying to hurt the students here. Usagiyama was able to take down some giant monstrosity but not without being hurt. The man with hands also commanded it to try and kill Usagiyama" In that moment, a vein broke on Miruko's forehead while she glared at Shigaraki. "I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" She jumped down at insane speeds for Shigaraki to barely dodge before getting a roundhouse to the face sending him a distance. The rabbit hero jumped up and attempted to snap his neck with her foot to just miss due to the warpgate villain taking the two away before she could make contact.

"GET THE FUCK BACK HERE! ONLY PUSSIES RUN!" Many were either conflicted to say anything to this comment, or scared of the immense damage done to the pavement the second she missed Shigaraki. Miruko's demeanor changed however when she heard Izuku collapse from immense pain. "Izuku!" She ran over to the boy to noticed the mangled shape he was in. "Mom, is it over?" "Yeah, he's gone." Izuku smiled at this while blacking out. "That's a...relief." He fell unconscious with Miruko placing his head on her lap to give the boy some comfort instead of laying on the solid ground until UA arrived. She was both saddened and proud of her son for holding out how he did, but the most prominent emotion she had was anger. This was not pointed at Izuku, but instead to the sons of bitches as she called who put her son through this. 'Whoever you are hand man, I will find you and shove my foot so far up your ass that they'll need a doctor to surgically remove it! Nobody fucks with my son and gets away with it!'

Meanwhile with the Bakugou's

Mitsuki and Massaru had been spending a pleasant afternoon together with the TV on the news. As it played, a song was heard with the blond turning it up. "This kid is good." "He seems to be-" Massaru stopped mid sentence while spilling his tea on his lap seeing the video. "Mitsuki, can you come in here and see this video?" She walked in to see a boy with scruffy green hair and a scar on his right eye playing a piano. "....HOLY SHIT!"

And that finishes this chapter. So Izuku's dragon form has finally been revealed. How will Izuku and his class manage going through UA now after what just happened. Next chapter will also be about the Bakugou's in regards to the last bit. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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