We're Just Friends [BOOK 1 Of...

By Riane_Pereira

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They say all good boys go to heaven, but bad boys bring heaven to you. And that's what he brought me, Heaven... More

"Metal Rods and Ex Cons"
"Royal Fuckery"
"Blonde Herpe"
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours"
"I would rather choke on a razor blade"
"That's Pretty Wild"
"Skeletons in the closet"
"Sticky Stickerson"
"Two can play at this game"
"The Devil's Punch"
"Walking Testosterone Bottles"
"The Party Fiasco"
"Mistakes have been made"
"Is she mute?"
"Nathan the nutsack bastard"
"Did you get her pregnant?!"
"Baboons balls"
"Penny for your thoughts"
"The balls that hang on the tree"
"Sausage Fest!"
"Absofuckinglutely Nothing"
"The Christmas Bimbo"
"Mr.Potato Head?"
"Midnight Memories"
"My pecs ARE sexy and firm"
"Nathan Cheated"
"Date..Date.. Oh! DATE!"
"Lover Of Mine"
"Unless you're secretly gay"
"Nate, Dave and the Cave"
"Cry me a river... of blood"
BOOK 2?!?!?!

"Are you hitting on my girlfriend?"

535 12 2
By Riane_Pereira

T H I R T Y  (*screams*)

Stargazing - Isabella Celander

James Bay - Us

This is quite a special chapter, think of it as something exclusive but free hehe. So in celebration of that and the fact that its the 30th chapter, I have a special playlist exclusive to just this chapter for certain scenes. I've put the playlist above and the specified song will be above each scene! 

You don't have to listen to them with the scenes but I picked them solely for these scenes because they fit them, it just adds more emotion to the book. Enjoy!

The drive to my apartment is filled with laughter. After I bought up my concerns with Nathan gen assured me Jason was only out to get back at me for putting him in jail that he managed to get out of. We caught up on everything this week and i told her about happened in the cafe earlier, she can't stop laughing now.

"Ice? down her blouse?!" She screeches, slapping her thigh. I laugh along, pulling into the parking spot.

"Okay so can you help me get dressed?" I smile sheepishly, she nods eagerly "i'd love to!" She beams, hopping out of the car and running up the stairs with me following.

We drop our bags by the door and head to my room, ignoring Nathan walking out of the shower on the other end of the hall. I shut the door behind me "okay so the dress is in the closet, makeup is in those drawers, hair products are in the bottom drawer. Let's go for soft waves" She nods simultaneously pulling out whatever we need.

"Can i see the dress?" She grins enthusiastically. I chuckle "Yes, you can. give me 15 minutes" I strip down to my garments before pulling my robe on and walking down the hall to the bathroom. I peak into the small crack of Nathan's room to see him staring down at something, his crisp white shirt completely unbuttoned allowing his torso to be on full display.

I stare a little longer, gathering the finest details of him before forcing myself into the bathroom to get ready.

After 20 minutes of scrubbing myself squeaky clean and slapping on basic skin products i head back to my bedroom to see Gen sprawled out on my bed with everything laid neatly around her as she scrolls through her phone, completely unbothered.

"Earth to Gen?" I lean against the wall, smiling at her. She drops her phone on her chest "You look... moisturised" She chuckles, sliding off the bed.

"Lets eat lunch, we've got time" I spin around on my heel and walk straight into...

A hard chest.

"Shit- sorry i was just uh" Nathan looks down at me, grabbing my shoulders to support me. I glare up at him "c-can you sew a button? I-i don't know how to and i-" I roll my eyes, walking away to his room so i no longer have to listen to him ramble anymore. I grab the needle and thread, threaddle the needle before pulling him go stand closer to me.

"I'll heat up lunch!" I hear gen yell from my hallway.

I avoid his eyes, concentrating on the loose button instead as i try not to stare at his bare chest or run my eyes over his tattoos..

Or run my hands down his chest... 


I shake my head, pulling myself out of my fantasies whilst i try fo ignore my increasing pulse but instead i accidentally poke him "ouch!" He yelps, jumping a little.

I bite back a smile, frowning instead "stand still." I mumble, going back and forth till the button is tightened. I then lean in to cut the thread with my teeth when i hear a gasp, i glance up at nathan who's biting down on his bottom lip, staring at the wall ahead.

"Done." I mumble, slapping the needle on his desk and walking away.

One more second in that room and i would've suffocated, you could cut the tension in that room with a knife.

Lunch is quiet, filled with small chatter between gen and i. Nathan chose to sit on the couch with his lunch whilst Gen and i sat at the breakfast counter.

We idle around for god knows how long, trying to kill time. Gen does my hair whilst its still damp, she also gives me a French manicure and pedicure to kill more time.

And finally, when the clock strikes 3:30 pm do we start putting on my makeup.

"Okay i'm going to give you a very glamourous but natural look" With that statement she begins slapping all sorts of things on my face and after 30 very still minutes she finally spins the chair around so i can face my vanity mirror.

"Woah..." My eyes go over the flawless work. The lightest amount of foundation, concealer and a dark red lipstick, a brown-ish nude eyeshadow and a thin liner and mascara to match, along with just the right amount of highlighter.

"You.. should so become a part time makeup artist, this looks amazing!" I stand up and pull her into a tight hug.

She pulls away quickly "nuh uh don't ruin my masterpiece. Last but not least.. the dress" She grins, unzipping the bag and sliding it off.

The sight of the dress has me in awe at first, but then the fact that even thought Nathan will see me in it... he isn't my date. My heart sinks at the thought of his reaction...

"What? Why do you look like someone just told you your cat got ran over by a bus?" Gen frowns, her arms dropping.

"I-.. i just, the thought of doing all this without Nathan when Nathan was the one that bought me the dress and is the reason i'm being invited to the wedding in the first place. Hailey and Maddison are going to be so sad that i'm attending with another date and-"

"You're..what?" I hear a shocked voice by the door, both mine and gens heads whip to look at Nathan. "Nathan-" He scowls "You have another date? Really Anastasia? So i fucked up a little and that was enough to get you another date?? Do you really hate me that much you can't even stand pretending like everything is okay between us for one night? Just to make a few people happy? You really are selfish and really fucking ungrateful" He spits, his face dejected and his eyes full of hurt as he walks away slamming my door shut behind him.

I jump, tears welling in my eyes "God i'm such a bitch... he's right, i'm just letting my feelings for him get in the way of us being civil because neither of us want to admit what's happening" I choke out, looking up to prevent ruining my makeup.

Gen sighs, dropping the dress on the bed and walking across the room to pull me into a hug. I sniffle a few times, blinking back the tears.

But with every blink i can still see the hurt in his beautiful green eyes, the way he looked at me with so much.. betrayal.

She pulls away "Suck it up, you can fix this. I know you can. But not tonight, you just have to suck it up and roll with tonight's events... just make the right choices babe. I don't want to see either of you get your hearts broken because you guys are both oblivious dumbasses with too much damn pride" She shakes her head, grabbing the dress and unzipping it.

I take my robe off and slip my black heels on before i step into the gown, standing still as gen slides the rest of the dress on and zips the side.

A few tugs and adjustments later i turn to face her, she has a huge grin plastered on her face "you look beautiful.." I chuckle "thank you, wow this dress is so light and airy.." i twirl around in it giddily.

Just then the door bell rings, i rush out to get it only to see Nathan pull the door open.

I watch in horror as his face goes from neutral to redder than a tomato. He whips around the glare at me as pierce stands at the door with a grin.

Nathan storms past me into his room "Hey, come in" i smile, gesturing for pierce to walk in.

I look him up and down, he's in a grey 2 piece tux that perfectly contrasts with the cold blue of his eyes. With his shoes black and his tie also black, he looks absolutely drool worthy.

His black hair is slicked back with a cheeky strand falling over his forehead, giving him the young, wealthy business man look.

"You look absolutely stunning.." He smiles, pulling me into a gentle hug. "And you clean up great Evans" I wink playfully, making him grin wider.

"Are you ready to leave?" He looks between me and Gen. "Just one second!" Gen runs into my room quickly, coming back out with a silver necklace and matching earrings. "Almost forgot this, now go ahead you two. Enjoy your evening!" She chirps.

"And don't worry, i have your keys i'll lock the door and leave them in the flower pot outside as usual" I send her a grateful smile "thank you so much gen, see you" She waves at us as we exit.

"You look beautiful" Pierce smiles, leading me towards his car. I chuckle "you already said that" He shrugs "i know, but i can't help it" I roll my eyes, not bothering to contain the smile on my face as i slip into the passengers seat.

The drive to the church is oddly quiet. Pierce and i make small talk but nothing out of the ordinary. I stare at my lap, my fingers intertwined as my mind wanders.

Nathan's hurt expression resurfaces in my head making my heart sink. I squeeze my eyes shut in hopes of erasing the mental picture but it remains, taunting and tantalizing me.

"You okay?" Pierce puts a hand over mine, my eyes follow down his arm to his hand covering mine.

And that's when it hits me.

How much i'd rather have Nathan's hand in mine right now, how i'd rather be in Nathan's car right now bickering and laughing at something so stupid its hilarious. But instead i was here, making the biggest mistake ever.

But it's too late to go running off to Nathan right now. Not in the middle of the highway at least...

All this time.. i was so afraid of falling for Nathan and messing something up, little did i realize i had already fallen.

And now the soreness from hitting the cold hard ground was slowly unravelling. And i was the sore loser.


"We're here" Pierce announces, snapping me out of my thoughts. I force a small smile "lets go then?" I unbuckle my seatbelt and slip out of the car, not waiting for him to do it.

The only guy i've ever let open a car door for me apart from my father was Nathan. It'll probably always be Nathan.

Its like putting your finger in a door jamb and trusting a certain person they won't slam the door without moving your hand away first. You'd expect them not to move them, but deep down you know they would.

My gaze falls on Nathan laughing with a two of people right when my feet hit the brick path leading up the stairs to the church.

Which immediately reminds me of Christmas night, when i almost went ass over kettle down the stairs but Nathan caught me just in time. His goofy smile that night when we danced..

His deal. Remember his deal Anastasia.

Right, of course. How could i forget the no strings attached deal.

I don't know why we spend so much time denying the obvious. I guess both of us are equally stubborn...

Or too afraid to admit how strong these feelings are.

Upon closer look i realize its Mike and his sister Nathan is all smiles with, not some strangers.

It helps me breathe a little, i let out a breath i don't even realize i'm holding as i approach them.

Hailey notices me first, a grin spreading across her beautiful face. She's dressed in a deep red gown, its a cold shoulder style and looks absolutely flattering on her even with a pregnant belly.

I return an equally radiant smile "Its good to see you, how's everything? How's the baby?" Hailey rubs her stomach lovingly "She's perfect" She whispers, loud enough for us to hear.

My eyes widen "She? You're having a girl?!" I ask excitedly, she nods the grin on her face unstoppable. I squeal and pull her into a gentle hug "Congratulations! I'm so excited" She chuckles "thank you, really"

Turn to mike who looks smart in his all black tux with his arm in a cast and sling, smiling up at him "how are you feeling?" He returns the smile "Fine as ever, you look beautiful" He winks, pulling me into a hug.

"Anna?" Pierce calls out from behind me, standing alone awkwardly smiling. I gesture for him to come over.

"Where's my manners, Hailey and mike this is pierce. My.." I peer over to look at nathan but he averts his eyes to the floor. "My date.. Pierce this is hailey, Michael's sister and Michael" They exchange greetings.

"Oh right! Its almost 5, lets go take our seats. Uhm Pierce, sorry as you hopefully know Nathan and Anna were assumed to sit together so the seating arrangement is like that for a few parts of the day..." She looks at pierce apologetically.

Wow even the heavens are on hailey's side today. Annathan forever huh?

Gross remind me never to use ship names i feel like a weird social media stan.

Pierce smiles "its fine, i understand"

Seating arrangements are stupid.

We line up and enter the hall, soft music fills the hall as Hailey leads us to our seats close to the back, Pierce and Hailey sit in the row ahead of Nathan and i whilst mike takes a seat beside me.

My eyes wander around the hall, taking in the beautiful lavender theme. The place is strewn with white and lavender silk streams and flowers.

The chairs are a matte white and the lights are white, the arch has white Lilly's and lavender twisted around it. Candles scatter the room, some floating in tall pot like things filled with water.

My eyes finally fall on Nathan beside me, he's staring ahead with his jaw clenched. He has his cold facade on, and usually, it would intimidate me but I know I'm the reason he's mad.

With a huff, I turn to face the front. Christian makes his way to the arch, standing under it with a smile. The best man, Christians brother I'm assuming, stands beside him outside the arch. 

Everyone stands up as the very cliche 'brides march' song begins to play on the grand piano by a very good looking female pianist. Woah how can one look so beautiful and flawless-

I shake my head, getting to my feet with everyone else as Maddison enters in after the flower girls and bridesmaids with her parents on either side of her. This is the first time I've seen mike's mother and she looks gorgeous in her baby blue gown, i can see where all the siblings get most of their looks from.

Lucky kids...

Everyone sits down as the ceremony begins and the pastor starts talking. Throughout the ceremony I catch Nathan stealing glances at me. When Christian and Maddison kiss, Nathan's eyes bare holes into my cheek. His green orbs looking desperate from the corner of my grey ones.

But I force myself to watch the happy couple share a passionate kiss, for a short moment I feel Nathan's hand on mine but he releases it before I can react. The feeling of my heart sinking right after as disappointment settles in.

After the ceremony, we all move outside where the dance floor, tables and food have been set up

Pierce joins me as we walk down the white stone path leading to the garden. Nathan scoffs, easing his way through the crowd probably looking for mike.

I sigh, turning to pierce "Do you ever wanna get married?" I blurt out randomly, out of pure curiosity. His eyes go wide, he gives me a quizzical look "What?"

I laugh "No no I meant, in the future... In general" His mouth forms an 'O', he nods understandingly "Right no yeah, of course, I would at some point" I smile "yeah... Me too"

We take our seats at the round tables, greeting unfamiliar faces with smiles.

Mike's dad makes his way to the stage, a huge grin on his face. "Its time for toasts and my daughter insisted I go first" soft acoustic music plays in the background as Mr Baker speaks. Everyone chuckles, amused by his charm. "I love my kids, but I never expected her to jump the gun and get married before my son Michael" Mike huffs from the table beside us "Nice one dad!" He laughs as everyone raises their glasses. "Keep my daughter safe Christian! Or I'll have to turn you into a mannequin for my store, you'd be of good use that way" A laugh rumbles through his chest "I will sir! Don't worry!" Christian yells as James makes his way off the stage. Everyone else laughing at his statement.

Everyone takes turns toasting the bride and groom before Maddie finally addresses the guests. "Thank you all so much for being here, it's made our day very special. I'd like to thank my best friend; Ella, for arranging everything. This wedding wouldn't have happened without her so let's give her a round of applause!" We all give Ella a loud round of applause, she laughs shyly from beside Nathan holding onto his arm.

My brows shoot up in surprise when I divert my eyes to look at his expression he's smiling down at her.


"Please enjoy the night as much as possible, plenty of drinks and snacks are available until dinner is being served. Now, lets hit the dance floor people!" Everyone cheers, jumping to their feet and heading to the huge dance floor.

Pierce turns to me "Hey I saw you eyeing the greenhouse earlier, wanna go take a look while everyone is distracted?" He proposes the idea, piquing my curiosity. I glance back at the greenhouse that sat at the very end of the land of the baker's beautiful mansion. I nibble on my bottom lip, my eyes scanning the garden to see almost everyone dancing away on the dance floor.

I turn back to pierce "Let's go" I stand up, making sure not to trip on my dress as I lead the way to the greenhouse.

We trudge through the grassy field in silence, too much silence. "What's wrong" I sigh out, turning to look at Pierce. "Nothing" He breathes out looking down at his feet as we approach the entrance. "Really?"

"Anna I like you" He says suddenly moving closer. I smile "Nice one.." He shakes his head, pulling his hands out of his pockets to reach out for my arms. His cold fingers graze my bare skin, my chest fills with alarm and I frown at the odd feeling. "Hear me out" He whispers, his blue eyes sparkling with hope.

I purse my lips "Sure, go ahead" I smile up at him. "I've liked you since I first laid eyes on you. Your black hair and those god awful chunky boots you wear on everything, but I like those boots. I know I'm not your type, all strange and closed-off."

"But I think we could work, if you-" Before I can react Pierce is abruptly falling to the ground. My eyes dart up to meet nathans green ones. Very angry green eyes.

"Nathan what the hell that's my date-"

"I was your date Anastasia me, not him." He scowls. Pierce pushes himself up to his feet holding his jaw "what the hell man" He groans out calmly, as if he didn't just get punched in the face. "Shut up, you hijacked my date" Nathan hisses. I tug nathans arm back "Nathan stop it, did you follow us here?!" He laughs bitterly "Does that even matter? Yes I did. What're you gonna do? Kiss him again as a 'fuck you'? Go ahead." He bites angrily.

I swallow in attempt to get rid of the dryness in my throat, but it does very minimal change. "Nathan stop being ridiculous you'll cause a scene, are you drunk?" He laughs "Drunk? You think I'm drunk?" He shakes his head to indicate his disappointment. "Man back off" Pierce steps up between us.

Nathan shoves him, pierce shoves back and throws a punch. "Pierce!" I shreek out, pulling nathan out of the tight grip on his collar. Nathan smirks "Oh now you're worried about me? He hits like a little bitch-" Nathan eggs on, making pierce launch forward with his fist held up. I push nathan behind me "Don't."

"He started it-" He points at Nathan angrily "-and I'm ending it, go." I say sternly, glaring at him. He chuckles "heard that? Run along O'Connor". "No pierce. Go."

"What?" Pierce's face falls, his arms dropping by his sides. "Go, you two have done enough and if you stay here I will leave between both of your bullshit. Nathan can't leave because he's best friends with the brides brother but you're my friend. So go."

"Wow, Anastasia there you go again. Always protecting him. Whatever, goodbye" He wipes the little blood on his lip and walks away, glaring at Nathan.

I turn around to look at Nathan with a blank expression. "Anna i-" I hold my hand up "Save it" I mumble, beginning to walk away. He growls behind me, forcing me back. He holds my arms by my side and stares down at me "Stop treating me like I'm the worst person on earth, like I murdered your husband." I can't help but laugh at his statement, his face softens "I'm sorry" I stifle, clearing my throat before speaking up again.

I reach up to cup his left cheek, meeting his intense gaze "I'm sorry. About everything, whatever I said and whatever I did... that includes ditching you for Pierce" His face is expressionless for a moment before his lips break out into a grin and he tugs me closer "I'm sorry too, for everything..."

He leans in to kiss me but I put a finger to his lips, my heart leaping regardless "Not here, someone might see us" I look around. He shakes his head, pulling my arms away and slipping them around his waist instead then, doing the same to me. "Just shut up and let me kiss you" He whispers, finally capturing my lips in a passionate and very needed kiss.

My fingers curl around the material of his white shirt as he deepens the kiss. I reluctantly pull away before things get even more heated "Keep it in your pants tonight Nate, come on let's go" He chuckles, slipping his hand into mine and leading me to the dance floor.

Stargazing - Isabella Celander

When we step onto the polished wooden surface I look around reluctantly "I don't really.." He rolls his eyes playfully, pulling me closer and wrapping my arms around his neck then slipping his around my waist.

"Just... Dance, I know you can" He smiles down at me as we begin to sway to the music. The world around us begins to zone out, it soon feels like we're the only people here as we gaze into each other's eyes and sway around. My heart thumps to the song, the lyrics speaking too loud to us.

As if the world is stating the obvious that we're being oblivious to. Things that both of us are denying and for who knows what.

I try to properly process these emotions I'm feeling, they're so new. I've never felt these emotions before, it feels a little overwhelming but euphoric.

"I meant what I said the other day..." I shake my head "Don't ruin the moment Nathan, this moment is just... Perfect" I smile up at him, he nods, giving my lips a mellow kiss.

After a little more dancing, or should I say stepping on Nathan's feet a couple of times, we finally sit down with Mike and a few of their friends to eat.

"Hey is it true?" Nathan looks up from his food, giving me a look "is... what true?" I raise a brow, taking a bike of my steak. He chuckles "That you dumped a cup of ice down some chicks top because she said something to you?" I purse my lips avoiding his bemused eyes. "Yeah, I did. And it wasn't to me but about me as if I wasn't standing less than 6 feet away" I reason, washing down the food with some wine.

Mike laughs from beside me "That's... badass" I laugh "A little", "I like a badass" Mike winks then shifts his gaze to Nathan who looks anything but happy "Are you hitting on my girlfriend?"

And I choke on my steak, mike laughs as Nathan pats my back. "I'm fine" I cough out, sipping water before I speak "Who said I was your girlfriend?" He sighs "It was a joke anna, relax" Mike and him share a tense look before the table erupts in conversation again.

I sit back and watch the boys converse with their other friends, smiling when someone cracks a joke or when someone smiles at me.

After what feels like an eternity the crowd starts to gradually lessen. By the time it's around 11 Me, Nathan, Mike and his family are the only people left. "Well we're going to head out, thank you for inviting us Maddy" Nathan smiles, pulling her into an affectionate hug. "Thank you for coming and behaving, unlike for Hailey's wedding, thank you for also bringing a better date" She winks cheekily. Nathan and Mike both look at each other wide-eyed as I hug Maddy "Thank you for inviting me I had an amazing time, enjoy your honeymoon too" I wink, making her blush "Oh we will" She glances at a bubbly Christian.

As we go around the family and say goodbye, everyone starts to head back into the house, i give Mike's mother a tight hug "Thank you for having us Mrs Baker, you have a wonderful home" I smile gratefully. "Oh thank you dear, but call me Mary. I hope you enjoyed" She beams, her beautiful dark curls bouncing as she steps back "I did, congratulations" she chuckles "Congratulations to you too, Nathan can be a handful but he's a lovely boy when he's not being all stubborn and rebellious" She winks, making my cheeks darken.

After we bid everyone goodbye, Nathan slips his hand into mine casually looking around "I have a little something to show you" He leans down and whispers then grins at me. "What?" I raise a brow sceptically, a smile of my own forming. "Come on, I'll show you" He tugs me in the opposite direction of where his car is parked. "We're walking?" I try not to sound disappointed, after a long day my feet were killing me in these heels and all I wanted to do was take them off. 

But he seems so excited to show me this thing and I frankly am curious too but my feet and back are on the verge of giving up on standing.

Nathan halts abruptly "Hop on" He moves to stand in front of me, i chuckle "what?" he sighs "I'll give you a piggyback ride," He says sweetly, my heart swells with warmth at this little gesture "It's fine I can walk" I try to get out of having him carry me the entire walk, god knows how long it is. "It's a 5-minute walk just hop on before I make you" He sends me a smug smile over his shoulder, thinking it's going to work. I fold my arms over my chest and stand my ground.

He stands upright and turns to face me "Fine. suffer." He grabs my hand and walks us towards a path that leads through trees. He pushes aside a bush covered in flowers to reveal a small, glimmering lake. A few dim blue lights are scattered around the grass, there's a small wooden bridge leading from one side to the side of the. Flowers of all sorts of colours decorate the place.

"This is beautiful" I look around, gobsmacked by the beauty of this place. "I stumbled upon this place one night after I wandered around drunk. I had a fight with mike over something really stupid. I'm surprised I remembered this place once i sobered up. Kept it a secret ever since" He speaks, taking in the mesmerizing scene with my arms folded over my chest.

James Bay - Us

I'm so caught up in admiring the place I fail to realize Nathan until he moves to stand in front of me, so close I feel his breath on my face "You know doing that only makes your boobs look better?" His tone drops lower, huskier. I gulp, dropping my arms and avoiding his eyes. From the corner of my eye, I see his lips curl into a smirk. 

He trails a single finger down my arm, sending goosebumps following. "Nathan-"

"Shhh" He slips his arm around my waist and pulls me into his chest, with his free hand he tips my chin back and kisses me. At first its soft, cautious. But when my fingers curl around the material of his coat on his shoulders he deepens the kiss, tipping me back further.

My arms snake around his shoulders and lock there. Soon we're laying on the grass with him hovering over me.

Our lips move in sync, moulding perfectly together. This wasn't just any kind of kiss, i could feel it leaking with emotions that we both had bottled up. And this was the best possible way we could express them, he nips on my bottom lip earning a soft whimper from me. "Damn it, Anastasia you're driving me insane" He whispers against my lips. My lips part as I stare at the star scattered sky above us, letting out short breaths.

When I compose myself, I undo his tie and rip his clothes off. "Fuck me that's so sexy" He growls as the last of our clothes slide off. 

Thank you, Katherine, for making this dress the easiest thing to take off.

I wrap my arms and legs around Nathan as he carries out naked bodies into the lake, I shudder at how cold it is but he holds me close. Once we're in chest-deep he kisses me again, my hands roam his now messy hair as our tongues dance around sensually. The smell of his cologne and mint takes over my senses, clouding my judgement as he grinds against me.

A soft moan escapes my lips, "Are you sure about this?" He whispers, caressing my cheek with his thumb. I nod, smiling. "No say it, I want you to say it, Anastasia. Tell me you want me as much as I want you" He pleads, his green eyes bright and full of...

Love. Not lust but pure love.

My heart skips a beat as it sinks in. He really does love me...

I tear up, overwhelmed with emotion "I want you as much as you want me" I whisper, my voice cracking. He adjusts himself between my legs, peppering kisses down my jaw and neck, whispering sweet 'I love you's'. He comes up to catch my lips in a passionate kiss as he slowly eases himself into me, I gasp, missing the feeling of him being so close. 

My eyes close as I drift into wonderland, heaven even. 

I never knew admitting realizing you were in love would feel this good. 

"I love you too" I whisper.

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