
By chambreduloup

195K 3.8K 4.1K

Harry and Draco share a secret bond, unknown to everyone, including themselves. It only makes itself present... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 13

6.4K 141 141
By chambreduloup

"What?" Draco's breath hitched, fixing Harry with a gaze only described as endearing.

"Marry me. You promise me, and I'll promise you." He stated, holding Draco's hand and intertwining their fingers.

"Harry..." Draco smiled, a wide, bright grin, and nodded slowly, his thumb stroking Harry's stubble.

"Say it again." Draco said, sitting up and crossing his legs so he was now facing Harry who was still laying down.

"Marry me, Draco." Harry smiled, sitting up and gathering Draco into his arms again.

"Yeah... yes, of course I'll marry you!" He said excitedly, scrambling to straddle Harry's lap and crash their lips together.

Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's waist, bracketing his hips as Draco stood on his knees. He craned his neck so their mouth fit together like a puzzle, slipping his tongue in, dancing with Harry's, and he arched his back so their chests were pressed together. Draco's hands came up to tangle in Harry's hair, making soft little grunts every now and then when Harry moaned into his mouth.

"Took you long enough, you bastard." Draco laughed against Harry's mouth. He couldn't disagree with that. Not one bit. There had been so many times that he'd just wanted to ask Draco to marry him. But he could never find the right time to do so.

But now? Now was perfect. And that's what Harry wanted it to be.

Harry gasped. "Wait." He said, his arms still around Draco, holding him to his chest. He leaned over to his bedside table and opened the drawer. He pulled out a little green velvet ring box with gold seams.

Harry outstretched his legs and Draco moved back and sat on his thighs to give him more room.

He opened the box slowly, revealing a platinum band. Draco's eyes became glassy, and he laughed fondly, a little wet.

Harry carefully pulled the ring out, handing it over to Draco, who's delicate fingers held onto the band. He twisted it in his fingers, catching a glimpse of an engraving on the underside of the band.

"Formidable." Draco breathed.

"French." Harry said.

"Means great-" Draco replied, fiddling with the ring, rolling it in his fingers.

"That's what my love for you is." Harry looked into Draco's eyes. Draco's breath hitched. He knew it was rather cringe, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

"The greatest I've ever known, or felt." He said firmly, no room for argument, yet his voice had a soft, vulnerable tone to it.

"Harry..." Draco pushed himself forward so their chests were pressed together, and he cradled Harry's head to his neck with one hand, his other still holding on to the ring.

"Here, let me." Harry pried the ring from Draco's dainty fingers, and slipped it onto his fourth. Draco didn't have much time to admire his hand as Harry brought it to his lips and kissed it, his soft hair tickling his neck.

"It's beautiful..." Draco said, taking a deep breath, his exhale rather shaky.

Harry looked up at Draco and brought his hands up to bracket his cheekbones, "So are you." And he kissed him.

It was more languid and slow than any other kiss they'd shared, could practically feel Harry's love overflowing from a bucket inside him. The bond flared, casting a soft, warm white glow around them, little strands erupting from the ring on Draco's hand to wrap around the two of them.

They felt a tugging at their backs, and both realised it was their wings prodding at the bandages wrapped around their backs. They broke the kiss and looked at one another, pupils blown wide and lips thoroughly snogged.

Harry felt it first, the tugging of his wings at his back. They pushed and they pushed at the seemingly industrial bandages around them until finally, they broke free. They burst out of their pockets, widening and fluttering, stretching themselves out and testing the environment.

A few seconds after, the same thing happened to Draco, his wings seemed to explode through his back, bending and twisting themselves into shape.

But it didn't hurt. If anything, it was more of a relief, a release of weight they didn't even know they had. The wings seemed to have a mind of their own, as they wrapped themselves around the other pair, encompassing Harry and Draco in a little cocoon.

"Fucking hell. I don't think I'll ever get used to that happening." Harry said, and Draco laughed breathing, shifting in Harry's lap. He reached out to touch Harry's wing, smiling when it twitched and responded to Draco's touch.

"Feels nice." Harry said, and it reminded him of the other night, where Harry was left on the carpet, bleeding out, where he had said the exact same thing.

There was still two pools of dried blood, now black, staining the carpet, but neither of them had the energy to cast a charm to clean it.

A soft glow was still very much present inside their little case, and Harry watched as Draco's eyes seemed to glow with the softly throbbing light, reflecting it. Draco did the same.

"I love you." Draco whispered, barely audible as he slumped forward, head resting on Harry's shoulder and hand resting on the 3 month along bump, the cool band of metal a comfortable reminder of where they were.

"Love you too, pretty boy." Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's slim shoulders.

"You need to stop calling me that."

"Why?" Harry smirked.


"Because what?"


"You like it... don't lie." He smiled, bringing his arms down to press his hands against Draco's stomach.

Draco would soon be at the point where he would be too big, and his jeans and trousers no longer fitted him, even with enlargement charms. They were rather too tight at this point, but Draco refused to acknowledge that fact, and decided to just wear one of three things when in the house:

1. A pair of baggy sweats (probably Harry's because they're comfortable and warm)
2. Boxers and one of Harry's larger shirts, because they literally engulf him, plus they smell like him.
3. Or nothing at all. He'd happily walk around 12 Grimmauld Place completely and utterly starkers, and couldn't give a shit. (And it riled Harry up)

The baby was growing, and so was he, and with this came Harry's constant need to have his hands all over Draco's stomach, with no real explanation as to why.

"Shall we get a drink?" Harry asked, still running his hands over the smooth expanse of skin, running them round so they sat and the small of Draco's back.

"I can't, I'm pregnant." He reminded.

"I know." Harry chuckled, "I meant tea... or coffee, if you like."

"Yeah, okay." Draco made a move to climb off Harry but he grabbed his wrists and stopped him.

"Let me carry you..." Harry asked.

"Wha-why?" Draco laughed.

"You're my fiancé now, I can do whatever I want. And if I wanna carry you, I'll carry you down to make tea." He kissed Draco quickly, shifting himself so he was on the edge of the bed and stood up, with Draco wrapping his legs around his waist.

"My fiancé... has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

"It does." He agreed. "Personally, I think Husband has a much nicer ring to it."

Draco laughed, kissing his way up Harry's neck and rubbing his cheek into Harry's stubble.

The wings has contracted and folded themselves back into their backs, sealing up as though nothing was ever there. A sudden tingling sensation shot up Draco's back, making him jump.

"You okay?" Harry asked as he made his way down the stairs with Draco in his arms.

"Yeah, just got- tingly." He said.

"Me too." He agreed.

Harry made the tea with Draco still in his arms, much to Draco's protesting, claiming he wasn't a child and could be put down. But Harry didn't listen.

They were now sat down on the couch, the tatty one with the old faded blue, knitted blanket Molly had gifted Harry for Christmas one year.

Draco sat slumped on the corner seat, with Harry's head in his lap, kissing his bare stomach and running his index finger down the faint brown line running down the centre.

"I think you'll be upset when I'm not pregnant anymore..." Draco laughed. "You'll be lost without doing this every day."

Harry hummed to show he was listening, laughing out of his nose softly as he leaned in and kissed Draco's stomach again. His fingers gently prodded Draco's bellybutton that was now beginning to become an outie, rather than his usual innie.

"D'ya think you're gonna lactate?" Harry asked offhandedly, realising as soon as he said it, that it sounded much better in his head than it did out loud.

"What the fuck, Potter? No! I don't have tits!" Draco said exasperatedly, guffawing anyway at the silly question.

"Can you imagine if you grow these huge knockers?" Harry cackled, the whole sofa thrumming with his laughs.

Draco spluttered, "I-I dont even want to think about that!" He laughed aloud. Harry did the same, face split into a terrific grin, bellowing laughs rolling throughout the living room.

As they calmed themselves down, they looked at each other intently, still smiling, little hiccups of laughs escaping.

And then they were kissing. And it was messy and it was wet and it was much too noisy. It was an awkward position and Harry's teeth clashed with Draco's, and their tongues pushed against each other sloppily. But it was perfect. It was so them, and they wouldn't have it any other way.

"M'not ready for another round yet, fucking hell." Draco said.

"Neither am I." Harry agreed.

"Shall we go to bed?" Draco asked.

Harry nodded and stood up, taking Draco's hand and dragging him back up the stairs. The tea was left cold.

"And so I told her that she was off the case! And she threw a strop about it! Even after being blatantly homophobic!" Hermione exasperated, throwing her hands up into the air. "Fucking bitch." She spat at the end.

Ron was sat next to her, arm around her shoulder as he laughed at her retelling of the incident in the hospital a week prior.

It had only been the four of them, that evening, Harry, Draco, Ron and Hermione. And everybody seemingly had something to tell.

"We've got something to tell you..." Draco and Hermione said at the same time.

"You go first," she told him, smiling as she stood up and crossed one foot under her knee when she sat back down again.

Draco took a deep breath and unclenches his hands, standing up and walking over to where Ron and Hermione were sat a few steps over on the other couch.

"Here." He said happily, holding out his hand to them and smiling, biting his bottom lip to keep from giggling.

Hermione gasped when she saw the ring, her hands coming up to cover her mouth.

"Oh, Draco! It's beautiful!" She took his hand, looking at the band engraved with little diamonds. "Congratulations!" She squealed, jumping up and pulling him into a tight hug, pressing her face into his neck.

"God! I'm so happy for you two!" She said into his ear.

Draco caught Ron smiling fondly up at the two of them. Ron nodded at him, smiling, and stood up, clapping him on the back before going over to Harry, pulling him in to a bear hug. His hand cupped the back of Harry's head as Harry squeezed his face into his shoulder, glasses askew, while the other wrapped firmly around his upper back which he patted.

"Congratulations, mate! Fucking hell! 'S been a long time coming." He laughed.

"Yeah! Yeah! Was worth the wait though, to see her get all excited over it." He glanced over at Hermione and Draco who were still hugging, Draco's fingers fisted into her t-shirt fondly.

Harry felt an unnecessary lump form in his throat. He was jealous. But he wasn't.

The bond, Harry thought. He was irrational, there was no need for him to get jealous over this. He let out an involuntary growl which startled Draco and he looked over at Harry.

Ron jumped too, "Hey! What's the matter! Calm down-"

"Leave him Ron," Hermione interjected, "It's the bond, he can't help it."

Harry looked guiltily at Ron who smiled nervously. It seemed that Ron hadn't completely come to terms with the effects of the bond, and it still made him rather nervous.

"Sorry." Harry smiled sheepishly, looking down at his feet.

"Don't be, its fine." Ron said, patting his shoulder before walking into the adjacent open kitchen.

Draco shuffled over to where Harry was stood and pushed himself into Harry's embrace, who wrapped his arms fully around Draco.

"'M sorry for growling. Can't help it." Harry apologised.

"Don't be. It's okay, if anything, it's fucking hot." Draco breathed.

Harry spluttered, "Stop! We're not at home!"

"So...?" Draco but his lip and shuffled closer to Harry now that they were sat on the couch.

"Oi! No shagging on my couch, you dirty fuckers!" Ron shot at them, glaring.

Draco's head whipped round, eyes blown wide, and Harry guffawed, tossing his head back, body shaking with laughter.

Once recovered, he sat up straight in the sofa, looking at the two white pieces of paper in Ron's hand.

"What did you have to tell us?" Harry asked, throwing an arm around Draco who melted into his embrace.

"I um- here." Ron handed over the two bits of paper, them being what Harry now recognised to be pictures. Ultrasound scans.

Harry's eyes widened. He looked up at the couple opposite him, then back down at the photos. And then up again.

"Seriously?" Harry's breath hitched, tears springing to his eyes instantly.

Hermione nodded and laughed wetly at Harry's reaction.

"It worked? You- you're gonna be..." Harry said.

Ron nodded excitedly, "Yep! We're gonna be parents, we're having a baby." He said, smile gleaming.

"Fucking hell! Congratulations! Jesus Christ!" Harry nearly shouted, bolting up from his seat and pulling the two of them into a tight hug, squeezing his eyes shut.

"I'm so happy. So, so happy!" Harry sounded incredible the verge of tears, and Draco realised, when Harry pulled back, that he was actually crying.

"Finally!" Harry cried, pulling Hermione into his arms. She yelped and then laughed. His hand cradled her delicate head. "Fucking Weasley genes, eh? Never let us down." He said, closing his eyes when Hermione laughed.

Draco stood up, feeling a little awkward, before pulling himself together and actually pulling Ron into an embrace.

"Ah, shit! Fuck- I'm so happy for you two!" He said into Ron's burly shoulder.

"Thanks, mate." He said, squeezing tighter, clapping his back gently.

When Ron broke the embrace and went to hug Harry, Draco crashed into Hermione, squeezing her tightly, as his throat was caught.

But it said everything that went unsaid.

"God, congratulations!" He whispered to her, before adding, "You're going to be a wonderful mother. 'M so proud."

This broke Hermione's efforts not to cry, and she was sobbing into his shoulder as he stroked her hair.

"Thank you." She said softly.

Draco could tell that Ron and Harry we're still hugging each other, as he felt a similar lump rise in his throat.

He broke the embrace before he managed to startle Hermione too much, and couldn't restrain himself, no matter how much he tried. He felt the bond screaming at him to do something, and an irrational pang of jealousy spiked.

He released a low, rolling growl, pupils dilated so much his eyes actually seemed black.

Ron jumped out of Harry's arms, still not used to the growling. Hermione shot him a look, and he became quiet.

Draco glanced over at Hermione and gave her a look of apology. She nodded with understanding, and gave them both a look of sympathy.

"I'm sorry, I- I don't know why I did that." He said sheepishly.

"Don't worry about it. It's the bond that flares up. it causes involuntary jealously. It can't be helped." She said, smiling at them.

Harry took Draco's hand, and the bond calmed down, relaxing into the crevices it weaved through their magical cores.

They ended up staying the night at Ron and Hermione's, she insisted, Draco did not.

"Harry please just fuck me." Draco pleaded, flopping down on the bed and huffing.

"No! We're not at home! And I don't think Ron and Hermione would appreciate hearing, or possibly seeing you having my cock rammed up your arse." Harry said, laughing at Draco's glare.

"Fuck you." Draco said, rolling over so his back was facing Harry.

"Come on, don't be like that, love." Harry reached out to press his hand to Draco's shoulder.

"No! It's fine." He cocked his head. "I'll just go and have a wank in the shower." He spat, getting up from the bed and grabbing the nearest towel, stalking off to the adjacent bathroom en suite.

"Draco..." Harry said, a hint of frustration.

But Draco had started running the water, the shower beginning to steam. He deliberately left the door open, and Harry could see exactly what he was doing.

He stepped into the shower, pulling the curtain just so it covered himself, and grabbed the bottle of shower cream.

Harry watched the shadow of Draco behind the curtain, saw one hand come up to his chest, presumably to flick at his sensitive nipples. He watched as his body bent over slightly, his back arching as he continued to flick himself softly. He tossed his head back.

Draco knew Harry was watching, could feel his arousal, and he decided to tease himself.

Harry huffed out a sharp breath, hands skating down to his belt, and unbuckled it. He whipped it off and unbuttoned his jeans, undoing the zip so he could shove his hand in and palm his cock through his underwear.

He tossed his head back, biting his lip, but quickly brought it forward again to watch Draco. He shifted himself on the bed so he was right in front of the en suite door.

Draco bit his lip too, his other hand grabbing the base of his cock. He stifled a moan and poured a handful of the shower cream onto his hand, smothering it straight onto his cock.

The squelching sounds of his hand against his cock made Draco whimper, the slick slide of his fist over the head of his cock. He clenched his arse and brought his other hand down to fondle his balls. They drew up instantly and he flicked the cap open again, pressing his cock to his stomach as he drizzled the cool shower cream over his balls.

He used his palm to roll his balls into the top of his thigh, before skating his hand up again, and twisting his fist at the head of his erection.

He couldn't help it, he let out a low moan. And it seemed that now he started, he couldn't stop.

"Fuck." Harry whispered, whipping his cock out of his underwear, and fisted it with quick hard stokes, twisting his fist at the head just like Draco had just done.

It took his half a dozen pulls before he was crying out, come splattering his chest, exhaling heavily while trying not too moan to loudly.

Draco must have heard Harry's release, and he tugged on his cock a few times, fingers frantically flicking his left nipple before Harry saw his cock pulsing, thick ribbons of come painting the shower curtain and the wall in front of him.

He heard Draco's hoarse moan as he continued to fist his overstimulated cock, his body jerking with aftershocks as he rode out his orgasm, fucking into his fist to finish himself off.

Harry thrashed back against the bed, pulling off his jeans and grabbing his wand, casting a quick cleaning charm to remove the drying come off his shirt.

He pulled his shirt off and pulled his boxers up, laying back against the headboard, body relaxing and eyes beginning to close.

He heard the water shut off and a towel being pulled off the radiator, and soon he saw Draco swaying his hips as he walked back into the room.

"Told you I'd do it." He smirked.

"I joined you." Harry bit his lip.

"Oh, I know. I heard you." Draco cracked up before unrolling the towel from around his waist. He bent down and picked up a clean set of underwear from his bag and pulled them on.

He climbed onto the bed and crawled over to Harry, straddling his hips, and leaning down to kiss Harry square on the mouth.

"Love you." He said innocently, kissing Harry again.

"Love you too." Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's back.

"Sorry for getting angry."

"'S not your fault. 'S the bond. Don't worry." Harry said, closing his eyes again.

"It's still not an excuse. I need to control myself." He said.

Harry rolled over with Draco still in his arms, onto his side. He waved his hand and the lights went out.

"You're just horny. Hermione said you would be." He offered.

"Hmm" Draco hummed happily when Harry began kissing down his neck. He lifted his legs and locked his ankles around Harry's waist.

He giggled when Harry's hand rested on his stomach again.

"Sleep now." Harry whispered, him being close to sleep himself.

"G'night." He breathed and kissed Harry's forehead, and his legs relaxed.

He reached down and pulled the covers over them, rubbing Harry's back, lulling him to sleep.

"Night, baby."

Draco's heart swelled, and he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

A/N: this is the part I was excited about! I hope you enjoyed it! If there's any mistakes that I missed please let me know !! <3

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