Mia Anderson

By once_upon_a_time01

30.7K 423 28

Mia Anderson has three brothers, Cooper Anderson, Derek Anderson, and Blaine Anderson. Mia goes to Mckinley H... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Author's note
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Naya Rivera R.I.P
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
The End (A/N)
New Beginnings

Part 50

201 2 0
By once_upon_a_time01

So apparently we are going to have a Sadie Hawkins dance. Sam has this theory that the Warblers and I think he is right. Trent was no where to be seen. For Glee Club today we were in the astronomy room which was awesome. I linked arms which Blaine as we walked inside.

(Sugar) "I want to sit under Venus."

(Sam) "I want to sit under Uranus."

Being the immature children we are, Blaine and I laughed at what Sam said.

(Sam) "What's so funny?"

We all took a seat and Finn started the meeting.

(Finn) "So this week in Glee Club, it's ladies' choice, inspired by the Sadie Hawkins Dance."

(Tina) "Which I thought of. It was my idea."

(Finn) "Yes, thank you, Tina. And every girl will sing to whoever they want to take to the dance."

(Kitty) "Well, I, for one, love this lesson. I've got a song I want to sing to somebody."

That already does not sound good.


We were in the locker for the next glee club meeting and it smelt horrible in here. Tina was at the front of the room with Finn.

(Finn) "All right, so Tina is ready to present her solo and make her choice. Gentlemen, prepare yourselves for Tina Cohen-Chang."

(Tina) "Thank you, Finn. For my song, I'll be performing "I Don't Know How to Love Him" from Jesus Christ Superstar. It's about the pair of unrequited love and..."

(Finn) "Yeah, okay, just wrap it up. Beiste needs the locker room at 4:30."

(Tina) "Sorry. Hit it."

Music Begins to play and Tina sings.


"I don't know how to love him

What to do, how to move him

I've been changed, yes really changed

In these past few days, when I've seen myself,

I seem like someone else

Don't you think it's rather funny,

I should be in this position

I'm the one who's always been

So calm, so cool, no lover's fool,

Running every show

He scares me so"

Tina walks up to Blaine, who I was sitting next to and sings to him. Omg she is singing to my very gay brother. I look at him and he looks back at me smiling and then back to Tina. He is so clueless.


"I never thought I'd come to this

What's it all about?

What's it all about?"

I look at everyone else and they seemed to understand, just not Blaine.


"Yet, if he said he loved me,

I'd be lost. I'd be frightened

I couldn't cope, just couldn't cope

I'd turn my head. I'd back away

I wouldn't want to know

He scares me so

Ooh, I want him so

I love him so"

(Finn) "Okay, let's hear it for Tina. Yeah."

Well all clap for her and I look at Blaine again seeing if he finally realised what is going on and by the look on his face, no, he does not.

(Tina) "So... Blaine, will you go to the dance with me?"

I rube the back of my neck kind of feeling bad for her.

(Blaine) "Oh, uh... Wow, um, Tina... I don't know what to say. Um... no. Thank you, but no, no, thank you."



So apparently the girls performed a song and Marley asked Jake to the dance and Brittany asked Sam. Pretty obvious that was gonna happen. Sam and I were in the school library trying to find some evidence that the Warblers cheated and then I found something that could help.

(Mia) "Sam. Come look at this."

Sam rolls his chair over to me and looks at a photo I found.

(Mia) "This is Hunter Clarington 2 years ago. This is him now. He went from being a stick to really muscular and hot."

(Sam) "Human growth hormones!"

(Mia) "I am not the only one that didn't see Trent right? Round face guy?"

(Sam) "He totally wasn't there!"

(Mia) "We are kind of close maybe he might have some information that can back up our theory about them cheating!"

(Sam) "And then we can take their place at regionals!"

We high five each other. Sam goes off to do something and I look through photos doing some more research to get more evidence. I look up and see Noah walk through the Library door and up to me.

(Mia) "Noah? What are you doing here?"

(Noah) "Just came here to see the she-devil herself."

(Mia) "Ouch."

(Noah) "Not you beautiful, Kitty Wilde. Telling her to back off Jake."

(Mia) "Good idea."

(Noah) "What are you doing?"

(Mia) "Digging up dirt on the Warblers. I am trying to find evidence that the Warblers cheated at Sectionals. I know they did but nothing will happen unless I have proof."

(Noah) "This is a side of you I have not seen before. Dishing up dirt."

I laugh slightly at his comment. Sadie Hawkins dance...

(Mia) "Can I ask a question?"

(Noah) "Shoot."

(Mia) "Are you doing anything on Saturday because I was wondering if you would want to go to the Sadie Hawkins dance with me. Do you?"

(Noah) "I am sorry Mia but I can't. I- "

(Mia) "It's fine. No need to explain. I need to go."

I turn off the computer and quickly pack up my stuff.

(Mia) "See ya Puckerman."

I quickly walk out the library. I walk down the halls and see Tina and Blaine sitting on the floor of an empty hallway.

(Mia) "Hey guys..."

(Blaine) "You ok?"

(Tina) "What's wrong?"

(Mia) "Sadie Hawkins sucks..."

(Tina) "Got rejected?"

(Mia) "Yep..."

(Tina) "Come join us..."

I sit down next to Tina and sigh.

(Blaine) "I just told Tina that I like Sam."

(Mia) "Was she shocked? I was shocked when I found out."

(Tina) "I was..."

(Mia) "Today sucks... my crush doesn't want to go to Sadie Hawkins with me."

(Tina) "Who is this crush?"

(Blaine) "Yeah who is it?"

(Mia) "Puck..."

(Blaine) "Noah or Jake?"

(Mia) "Noah of course. Apparently he isn't free..."

(Blaine) "Damn..."

(Tina) "That sucks."

(Blaine) "Puck's a jerk..."

(Tina) "Definitely..."

(Mia) "Mhmm"

(Blaine) "You know... when it comes to Sam... I know it's all just a fantasy. I-I mean... I'm proud of our relationship. I'm proud the gay guy can be friends with the straight guy. I'm proud of showing the school that. I just... I don't want to jeopardise our friendship, you know?"

(Tina) "Blaine... you miss Kurt. You need someplace to put your love, right?"

(Blaine) "I guess."

(Mia) "And then there are those lips..."

(Blaine) "Those lips. Yes, those lips. And when he does all those impressions?"

(Tina) "It's pure crushable crack."

We all begin to laugh slightly.

(Tina) "Okay... here's what we're gonna do about your very human and moving dilemma. Both of you. We are all going to the Sadie Hawkins Dance together. We'll all go as best friends, and we're gonna have the most fun night ever. Okay? Come on."

She holds her hands out to the both of us and get up."

(Blaine and Mia) "Okay."


It was time for the Sadie Hawkins dance. I decided to wear a blue and white dress with white heels to the dance. (A/N: Dress in the picture above.) Blaine drove Tina and I to the dance and when we got there Blaine linked arms with the both of us. We walked into the gym and it looked amazing. Tina did a great job.

(Blaine) "Tina, these decorations are incredible."

(Tina) "Well, Sadie Hawkins Dances are sometimes called "Snowballs", so that's where I got the idea for a snowflake theme."

(Mia) "It is beautiful."

(Blaine) "I'm really glad that you invited us to this."

(Mia) "If you didn't, we would be at home eating ice-cream and watching The Notebook."

(Tina) "No Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from what happened before?"

(Blaine) "I thought there might be, but no."

(Tina) "I'm thrilled."

Tina and I walked onto the dance floor while Blaine joined the guys on the stage.

(Artie) "What's up, McKinley? We've got quite the set. We'd like to dedicate this song to all the strong, proud and empowered ladies who stuck their necks out to make this happen. This week, you showed us what it feels like to wait anxiously by the phone that never rings. The horror when all your friends get asked to the dance, and you don't, and you have to sit there..."

(Blaine) "All right, cool. Thank you, Artie. This next one's for all the, uh, powerful women out there."

The guys perform TLC's No Scrubs and it was awesome. It looked like a fun awesome.


I was sitting at a table by myself and I got a message from Trent. Omg... I quickly run to get Sam.

(Mia) "Sam. Massive breakthrough come on."

We quickly go find Blaine and see him with Tina.

(Sam) "Dude... I need you. Huge breakthrough in the case. Let's go."

We start to walk away but get interrupted by Tina.

(Tina) "Wait! Blaine and I were just about to..."

(Sam) "About to what?":

(Tina) "To keep dancing."

(Blaine) "I'm sorry, Tina; this is bigger than all of us. I gotta go."

(Sam) "Did you not hear me?!"


After a few minutes we show a few pictures to Finn.

(Mia) "Look at the pictures, Finn. It's not just Hunter. Half the Warblers have gained ten pounds of muscle since they joined the team."

(Finn) "I already looked into this. This is a weight training regimen that they stole from Vocal Adrenaline."

(Blaine) "You can't just go from being a twig to Jean-Claude Van Damme in a few months. Tell him, Sam."

(Sam) "Look, the average male gains up to two pounds of muscle per month... fact!"

(Blaine) "And that's without cheating. We looked it up online."

(Sam) "Plus, uh... Look at this cell phone video that Artie and Joe Hart took down at the Lima Bean the other day."

(Hunter) "What the hell is this? Did you put Splenda in my latte? You're a barista! You don't think! You need to remember like six things.

(Sam) "Here comes the biscotti throw.

(Hunter) "And one of them is that the sugar comes in the brown packet and the Splenda is in the yellow! I freaking hate Splenda! It tastes like pencils! Why are you putting pencils in my latte?!"

(Sam) "Now, that is 'roid rage and you know it."

(Blaine) "Look, chapter seven, subsection 16, rule four, line nine. "Any team using performance-enhancing drugs, including amphetamines, anabolic steroid, human growth hormone or Four Loko will be automatically disqualified from competition.""

(Mia) "The rule is retroactive, so if we can prove that they used at Sectionals, they'll have to forfeit and we'll win. Glee Club is back."

Sam High fived Blaine and I.

(Sam) "Blamia!"


(Finn) "Guys, what you are asking me to do here is beyond serious. The Warblers are, like, one of the most respected glee clubs in the country. To accuse them of this when-when all we have for proof is photos of some dudes' heads and a-a cell phone video? Look, I want Glee Club back just as much as you guys, but... this isn't enough. We need more real proof."

(Mia) "We have some."

The three of us clicked our fingers and Trent stepped out from behind the lockers and showed himself

(Trent) "Me."

(Mia) "I knew when Trent didn't perform with the Warblers at Sectionals that something was up."

(Finn) "Yeah, he is kind of like the sunshine of the group, isn't he?"

(Trent) "Blaine and I joined the Warblers together. It was a band of brothers, a group joined by harmony and honour. And when Mia joined our group finally had this queen that made everything better."

(Mia) "Love you Trent!"

(Trent) "And then Blaine left and Sebastian became captain, then Hunter... They just chipped away at everything that was good and special about us. Winning was everything. I mean, you took the shots or you didn't perform. Singing with the Warblers is my life, but I couldn't do it. My hormones can't handle heroic doses of testosterone. I don't even shave yet. The Warblers mean everything to me, and it's killing me to betray them like this."

(Mia) "You're not betraying them. Hunter betrayed the Warblers, you're saving them."

(Trent) "Yeah, that's what they said about Brutus. And Cassius. Look, if I go public with this, then the Warblers' reputation... it's ruined forever. Years of honourable melodies and harmonies, all forgotten."

(Sam) "Look, the Warblers' reputation was ruined the second they decided to cheat to win. Fact."

(Finn) "So, what do you say? Will you do this? Will you testify against the Warblers?"


It was time for a few of us New Direction girls to sing and I was kind of excited.

(Brittany) "Yeah, McKinley! Okay, a friendly reminder: Uh, don't eat the snowflakes. They're fake. And the glitter sticks to the roof of your mouth."

(Tina) " All right, ladies, grab your date and get on the dance floor!"

(Sugar) "Because the guys were just a warm-up for the real main attraction: Us!"

Up from the stage I could see Puckerman here. What....? And I saw him with Kitty. At least he doesn't look like he is having fun. Obviously he hasn't seen me yet.

Marley (New Directions Girls):

"Oh, yeah, yeah

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (Ah!)"

Marley and Unique (New Directions Girls):

"Oh, yeah, yeah

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (Ah!)"

Marley (New Directions Girls):

"Never had much faith

In love or miracles (Miracles, Ah!)

Never wanna put

My heart on the line (Ah!)"

Unique (New Directions Girls):

"Swimming in your world

Is something spiritual (Spiritual, Ah!)

I'm born again every time

You spend the night... (Ah!)"


"'Cause your sex takes me to paradise

Yeah, your sex takes me to paradise

And it shows...

Yeah, yeah, yeah"

Puckerman finally looks up onto the stage and notices me.

Marley and Unique (Mia with New Directions Girls):

"'Cause you make me feel like (Feel like)

I've been locked out of heaven (Heaven)"

Unique (Mia with New Directions Girls):

"For too long-o-o-o-ong (Oh oh oh)

For too long-o-o-o-ong (Oh oh oh)"

Marley and Unique (Mia with New Directions Girls):

"Yeah, you make me feel like (Feel like)

I've been locked out of heaven (Heaven)

For too long-o-o-o-ong (Oh oh oh)

For too long-o-o-o-ong Oh (Oh oh oh oh!)

Oh, oh"

Mia with New Directions Girls:

"Oh, woah, woah, woah

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Can't I just stay here

Spend the rest of my days here

Oh, woah, woah, woah,

Yeah, yeah, yeah"

Marley with New Directions Girls (Unique):

"Can't I just stay here (Can't I just stay here!)

Spend the rest of my days here (Oh whoa!)"

I look directly at Puckerman and he looks at me while dancing with Kitty.

Mia (Unique):

"'Cause you make me feel like (You make me feel like)

I've been locked out of heaven (Ooo, woah!)"

Marley and Unique:

"For too long-o-o-o-ong

For too long-o-o-o-ong"

Marley and Unique with New Directions Girls (Unique):

"Yeah, you make me feel like

I've been locked out of heaven (Yeah!)

For too long-o-o-o-ong (For too long!)

For too long-o-o-o-ong

Oooh oh oh"

Puckerman turns to Kitty and says something to her. She smirks and he smirks back. They then start to laugh. I had enough. I put my mic back on the stand and walk off stage and up to them.


"Oh, yeah, yeah, eh, eh (Unique: Yeah, yeah, eh, eh) (New Directions Girls: Yeah, eh, eh, eh, Ah!)

Oh, yeah, yeah"

Marley and Unique (New Directions Girls (minus Mia)):

"Oh, yeah, eh, eh, eh (Yeah, eh, eh, eh) Ah!"

I finally reach them.

(Mia) "Her? Are you serious? You called her a she devil! If you really didn't want to go with me then you could have just said that."

(Noah) "I am sorry Mia."

(Mia) "No you aren't! I can't believe that I fell for you again!"

(Noah) "That crush you were talking about was me?"

(Mia) "Of course it is you. Enjoy Kitty. Go "have at each other in the back seat.""

I storm of with tears in my eyes. I hate this stupid dance. I walk to a table and sit there by myself watching people slow dance to a song Ryder started to sing. Why can't I find true love?

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