My new neighbor

By booksaremylife12345

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Kaylee Josiah is your average American girl. She has her friends and gets amazing grades in high school. She... More

Chapter One~My new neighbor
Chapter two~So what now?
Chapter Three~Here comes Mr. Trouble
Chapter Four~ A new girl
Chapter Five~My Project Partner
Chapter Six~ What did you just do?
Chapter Eight~ Why did you help me?
Chapter Nine~ Fifteen Minutes Of Pain Instead Of Fifteen Minutes Of Fame

Chapter Seven~ Well here goes nothing

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By booksaremylife12345

Chapter Seven~ Well here goes nothing

Hi everyone! Sorry for a longer wait then usual.  But this chapter will be full of surprisesJ

I crouched down and slid against the door. Despite the pounding in my ears, I could hear him calling my name.

He can rot in hell for all I care

I groan internally.” What am I going to do?” 

The tears were just slipping down my face. There was no stopping them. I laid my hands against my head, trying to soften my quiet sob.

And then there was a light tap against my shoulder. Aw shit. I hate crying in front of people. I don’t like looking like I’m a wimp and a baby. I looked up with the pained expression still on my face.

“I have something that would really make you forget your troubles.” A hand reached out to me.

Without a second thought, I took it and walked wherever she was going.

She led me to the back of the room. Others where gathered around and had bloodshot eyes. Um I don’t know about this.

I notice one familiar face. Jayden. I guess it doesn’t surprise me that he was hanging out with druggies.

I caught him off-guard as I found a seat next to my guide. “Brody shut up man. There’s no way.” He laughed his warm laugh. He then did a quick double take. “Why is she here?”

My guide piped up. “ She seems to be having a bad night. And I thought she might need a pick me up.”

“Well she doesn’t Clare. You can march her right back to wherever she came from.”

I cleared my throat. “ You know what? I think I do too.” I wiped away the last of my tears and reached for the funnel. 

A hand then clamped over mine. I thought it was Jayden. But no, it was another guy.

“Whoa there horsey. Let’s try this out first.” He handed me a joint and the lighter.

Okay well here goes nothing and here goes bad memories. 

Within a few minutes, my mind was soaring. . Man this stuff is amazing. Screw Colton! I laughed giddily and started dancing on top of the table.

This made everyone whoop, holler, and clap along.  Clare was right. This really is letting my worries drift away.

I threw in a little shimmy and saw something new in the corner of my eye. Somebody brought out a bag of white stuff onto his or her lap. I stopped dancing and sat down onto the tabletop.

I eyed the bag wanting to try some.

“Ha you same some?” The guy that gave me my joint asked me.

I started to shake my head yes when someone interrupted me. “No she doesn’t. She’s not getting involved with this.”

I swirled my head around with a curious smirk on my face. “Who are you to tell me what to do? You’re not my parents.”

“Trust me babe. You should listen to me.”

“Ha no.” I laughed in Jayden’s face. “Now can I please get some of that?”

The guy looked over at Jayden. In response, he glared daggers at him. I stuck my hand out impatiently and waited for the guy to listen to me.

He sighed and plopped the bag into my wigging fingers.

He then just shrugged his shoulders apologetically at Jayden. Jayden rolled his eyes and left the room stormily.

Whatever. He can go be a crybaby.

Soon enough my body was restless and was cutting lose. I ran downstairs to join the madhouse party. I could barely remember anything about Colton. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Who cares?

Its fun to cut loose. A smile found a permanent place on my face as I danced to the vibrating music.  The house was rocking. It felt like it was physically moving too. But I don’t know if it was from the drugs or what.

I grabbed a beer from a nearby counter and chugged it, having people cheer me on.

“CHUG CHUG CHUG!!” They all echoed around me.

And then I found arms wrap around my waist. I looked up and saw that it wasn’t Jayden or Colton. But this guy Greg on our football team.

He started grinding on me. And why ruin the fun? I joined in too, throwing back my head. He wrapped his arms all around me. I grasped his upper arms to steady my sloppy body.

We were synching together against the throbbing music.

I felt a hot breath against my neck. I didn’t think much about it and continued to shake my ass all I wanted.

There it was again. And now a slimy tongue. Okay knock it off. I tried to release out of his grip, but Greg held on harder.

“Lets go somewhere more private.” He licked my earlobe making me nauseous. Or maybe that’s from the beer.

I tried to resist him, but my body had become too weak. My arms felt like numb, cold spaghetti.

Oh god some me help me.

Greg tossed me over his shoulder and started going up the stairs.

The numbness continued to spread all over my body. Someone please help me.

Everyone was too busy interested in themselves to notice me.

But then I saw a familiar face. I turned up my head and looked at him with glassy eyes. “Help me.” I mouthed.

He was the last person I saw before being thrown onto a bed in a pitch-black room.

“Come on baby. “ I could feel Greg’s body radiate o top of me. Oh it made me sick. He started to glide his hand to my underwear.

Please no.

“Open this goddamn door now!” I heard a muffled voice behind the door.

Greg chuckled. “Dude you’re going to have to wait for your turn.” He faced back to me.

The door was erupting with loud thumps and banging.

My heart was racing out of control.

At last I could see a sliver of light. There was a loud crash and the door splintered off into large chunks.

Jayden ran towards the bed and crunched his fist against Greg’s cheek. With that one punch, he knocked a football star out cold. Wow.

Jayden wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stared into his eyes appreciatively.

And then the darkness washed over me.

I woke up abruptly in Avery’s bed. Wait. This isn’t her bed. I felt something warm against my arm. Something began to move. Oh my god where the heck am I?

I sat up fast and managed to hit my forehead against the headboard.  Stupid darkness. That awoke a body that was lying beside me.

Oh my god I’ve been kidnapped!

I heard a loud yawn and a light click on.  “You’re awake?”

I turned to the mysterious person. “ Obviously. Where am I? And why are you in the same bed as me?”

“You’re in my room. Avery hasn’t come home yet. And I don’t think I should break into her house.”

Even though Jayden’s voice was husky with sleep, my head throbbed with pain.

I slapped my hand against my head as a reaction.

“Can you please speak softer?” I begged.

I threw a pillow over my head. Wait a minute. I’m in Jayden’s room. He is in the same bed as me.

I gasped and jumped out of the bed. Not so gracefully I presume. My leg got twisted up in the blankets and I fell face first into the rug.

“Ooffm.” Hello bruise.

I heard the bed rattling and looked upwards. Of course the bad boy is laughing his butt off. He saw me looking at him and quickly tried to swipe the smile from his face. No such luck.

I scoffed and threw the neighboring pillow at his face. He managed to flinch away at the last second.

I stood up and walked over to the end of the wooden bed.

“You still didn’t tell me why you were in bed with me? Did you…. um. You know?”

“Have sex with you? Nah honey buns you have nothing to worry about.”

“Okay well at least things didn’t get that crazy.” No way I’m loosing my virginity to a freak like him.

“Aw contraire my dear. You were a feisty little thing.” Jayden wiggled his eyebrows and scooted closer.

“W-w-what happened?” My eyes widened in fear.

What if I got raped? What if I told Colton off? What if I drunk dialed my family? What if I stripped?

Okay I need to escape the island of “What if’s”.

“Just tell me, Jay. Please.” I asked again, softer this time.

He shook his head and slipped off into the bathroom.

“Are you going to answer me?”

“Can you let me pee in privacy?”

Okay he has a point there. I unraveled myself from the slippery silver sheets.

There’s my bag! I crawled towards the door on my knees. Okay still no message from Avery or my parents. But ah of course messages from that dirty asshole. Twenty to be exact. How pathetic. I rolled my eyes and tossed my brick back into my bag.

The water stopped running and out came my savior. But not without almost slamming the door into my face.

“Hey watch it Silver!”

“Shhh could you keep it down? Some people are trying to sleep, and you madam have an annoying voice.”

“Um your o-“ He silenced me with his soft hand over my mouth. Can he stop doing that?

I licked the inside of his palm and soon enough, he retracted.

“Ugh what the hell man?” He looked at his palm with a disgusted look.

“Mkay if your not going to tell me what happened, ill go ask someone else. Thanks for kidnapping me, it was fun, but I really should be going.” I stood up all too quickly, took two steps and my legs gave out. Oh my god I’m paralyzed.

“ You’re not going anywhere any time soon. “

“Leave me alone.”

“Do you want help up or what?”

“No.” I started and saw his figure paddle back to the messy bed. “Wait,” Ugh I really don’t want to say this. “ Can you help me? Please” I choked out the last word.

Jayden sighed and turned back around. I noticed his arm muscles sticking out from his sleeve. I quickly drifted my eyes away before he would catch me staring. With one swift move, he tossed me over his broad shoulder.

“I know my ass is fantastic. You can look, but don’t touch.” He added playfully.

I rolled my eyes and remained quiet until he plopped me back down. I rubbed my hand on my face and trailed it threw my hair. “So?”

“You are one persistent girl. But aren’t they all?” He scoffed to himself as if it was an inside joke.

“Okay here’s what happened.”

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