A Series Of Pretty Little Sto...

By PrettyLittleLiar58a

8K 77 0

Short (or sometimes long) stories. PLL set in times before and after finale...when reading you'd figure it ou... More

I'm not drunk drunk, I'm wine drunk. -Ezria
Don't break routine. -Spoby
Escapades. -Haleb
Do it for love. -Sparia
The Parcel. -Ezria
The Parcel, Part 2. -Ezria
We skipped a phase. -Sparia
Hidden Thoughts. -Sparia
Together, We're Paily.
Because You Weren't Wearing a Bra - Sparia

Hidden Thoughts, Part 2. -Sparia

446 8 0
By PrettyLittleLiar58a

Spencer cancelled her plans with everyone this week. She couldn't bring herself to meet up with any of her friends until she resolved her feelings for Aria. She spent the last three days thinking about her feelings and the next two days deciding how to tell Aria. "Hey. Movie night? Need to talk - S," She texted Aria. Aria didn't respond until twenty two minutes later, "Sure. See you later." Spencer got out of her bed and slowly walked into the bathroom, she wanted to have a long and hot bubble bath. Spencer filled the tub with water, added her bath bubbles, then lit a few scented candles. She stripped off her clothing and looked at the time, 5:56pm. Promising herself that she'd take at least 25 minutes, she tied her hair into a messy high bun then got into the tub.

"Spence," Someone shook her slightly. Spencer jumped. "Aria," She smiled, relieved that it wasn't a serial killer. Not that they'd be polite enough to shake her awake. She glanced over at the clock, 6:02. Damn. "I was only supposed to be here for like twenty-five minutes," She rolled her eyes, "an hour later, here we are," Spencer groaned. "I've been calling you for what seemed to be forever," Aria sighed. "I'll be in your room," Aria nodded and walked out. Spencer quickly got out and drained the tub while drying off and putting on her fluffy gown. "I've missed you," Spencer walked into her room, shut the door and embraced Aria. "It's just been a crazy week," She explained. "It's okay. I understand the Hastings workload," Arias eyes widened. "I'm gonna get straight to the point," Spencer pulled away and sat on her bed, pulling Aria with her. Aria have her a confused look. "Aria, I'm going to be completely honest with you," "Spence. You're scaring me," Aria said in a serious tone. "No need to be afraid. I just need you to listen. I know you kissed me. Everywhere," Spencer gave Aria her signature wide eyes and smirk. Before Aria could protest, Spencer continued. "I took this week to think about you. About me. About us. I had no Hastings work. When you kissed me, I didn't know what to do. Mainly because I was shocked. The other reason is that I was unfamiliar with the feeling I had afterwards. I felt appreciated. Loved. And hell, I even felt butterflies. All my life I've been with guys, I haven't felt that way. I was afraid. Afraid that if I was in love with that feeling, I'd be in love with you. And being in love with you is the- no, was the scariest thing at that moment. My parents perfect ways flashes through my head, I was afraid of what everyone would think. 'Oh look. It's the state senators daughter. Being an embarrassment.' But what I've realised is that those words were constructed by me. Those thoughts, also by me. They were made by fear of the unknown. Now? I'm not afraid. I don't care what anyone thinks as long as I have you. I love you. And judging by the look on your face, you feel the same way too," Spencer had Arias hands in her own, Squeezing them at the important parts of her short speech. Aria could not keep the huge grin off of her face, neither could she keep the tears from rolling down her cheeks. "I love you, Aria. It's taken me too long to fit the pieces together, but now that I've made sense of it all, I can gladly say that I'm in love with you," Spencer gently put her forehead onto Arias as she cried, "And I never want to lose you. Even if, by off chance that we don't work out as a couple, I don't ever want to let go of you." Aria smiled and reached up to wipe Spencer's tear stained face. "I love you, Dork," She pushed her lips towards Spencer's and they finally kissed. Slowly and passionately, yet hungrily and filled with lust.

"Can I get you girls anything?" Veronica asked an hour later. The duo sat under covers on the couch in the barn, 15 minutes into Peter Rabbit. "No. Thanks mom, we're okay," Spencer said. Her mother bid them a goodnight and left. "Hannas going with Caleb to Yemen next week." Aria blurted. "Yeah. I'm totally gonna miss her. Haven't seen my banana, or even Emily, in a while. Think we should call them over or do you just wanna be alone tonight?" Spencer offered. "As much as I'd like to be alone with you, could you make the call?" Aria asked. Spencer hit pause on the remote and called both Emily and Hanna.

"Peter Rabbit? What are we? 12?" Hanna asked as soon as she got through the front door. Emily closed the door behind her, "Forget her. I've been looking forward to this ever since it came out," She made herself comfortable on the floor below the couch Aria and Spencer were on. "Popcorns on the table," Aria said to Hanna before she sat. Hanna handed Aria and Spencer a bowl and sat beside Emily, Spencer hitting play on the movie. Beneath the sheets, Spencer had her arm around Arias stomach, drawing small circles on her sides. Her fingers made their way up higher. Aria shivered at her touch then looked up and scrunched her nose, "Stop now or you're not gonna be able to stop at all," Aria whispered. "Shhh," Hanna said. "Thought you weren't 12," Spencer nudged her from behind. "Whatever. But could you grope quietly? Trying to pay attention," Hanna put some popcorn in her mouth, her eyes glued to the tv. "Grope? Em. You told her?" Spencer paused the movie. "More like she pried it out of me. It's Hanna, What was I supposed to do?" Emily defended herself. "Touché," Spencer shook her head. "Why didn't you tell me anything?" Hanna turned around. "In case you haven't noticed, you've been a bit M.I.A. lately," Spencer said. "Me? What about you? We haven't heard from you in a week and you accuse me? Wait, this isn't even a 'WE' thing. Because I know for a fact that you've been talking to Emily," Hanna almost yelled. Spencer looked at Emily then back at Hanna. "You didn't bother to show up and ask what was going on. Emily did, that's how she knew that I needed my space," Spencer said, trying to remain calm. Aria was caught up in the middle of it all. Everyone was now yelling at each other. "Guys," She said. They didn't stop. "GUYS. Stop," She stood up. "There's no point in yelling. Hanna, the main reason we're all here is because of you. We'll miss you for the entirety of the month you'll be gone. Know who brought up the 'We should get Hanna here cz we'll miss her'? Spencer. That's who," Aria walked up to the door. "Spencer. You and Hanna are leaving for a 10 minute drive. I don't care where, but by the time you two get back, you should be done arguing. Or so help me," Aria took Spencer's keys off the hook and chucked it at her. Everyone was silent. Scared and silent. Hanna looked at Spencer, waiting for the brunette to lead the way. They walked to the car and got in. Spencer drove to the park, got off and sat on the swing. Hanna followed. "We've got 6 minutes left. So unless you're willing to face a very feisty woman, you better start talking," Spencer said. Hanna raised an eyebrow, "Me? Why don't you? I have nothing to say," She rolled her eyes. Spencer thought twice about biting back and decided against it. "What's going on with you, Han?" Spencer tried to ask calmly. "Nothing," Hanna looked away. "Something is clearly bothering you. Why wont you talk to me?" Spencer swung slightly on her swing and held Hannas hand in hers. Hanna abruptly pulled away, "Because you're what's bothering me," She looked at Spencer. Spencer was genuinely shocked. "What do you mean?" Spencer questioned. "You're not just Emily and Arias friend. You're mine too. I don't get why you didn't tell me about you being off the grid for a couple of days. I get that I was with Caleb when you called me all that time back, but you have to realise that even though I'm with him, you guys are also a priority. You didn't think of letting me in on anything to do with Aria. I'm not gonna be here for a month. The least you could do was tell me about something this big. Wanna know when I found out? When Em picked me up. Today. I don't think its fair that everyone knew what was going on except for me," Hanna voiced herself. Spencer got off her swing and hugged Hanna. "Hey. Don't cry. I'll always be here. You'll always be my best friend. It's just that things became so complicated that I allowed it to cause a drift in our relationship. I'm sorry, Hanna. I didn't realise that it would hurt you," Spencer apologised. Hanna didn't budge. "Well. If it makes you feel any better, I have a secret that no one knows about, not even Aria and Emily," Spencer stepped back and smiled. Hanna looked at her and laughed, "Come on. They know everything," Hanna rolled her eyes, playfully this time. Spencer dug in her little bag and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it once it was in her mouth. Hannas eyes widened. "Thee Spencer Hastings smokes? What? Is hell frozen already?" She spoke. "Promise you won't tell," Spencer inhaled. Hanna nodded. "But you can't smoke when you're with me," Hanna stood from her swing and opened her hand for the cigarette. "And why not?" Spencer raised an eyebrow, exhaling. "Because. I have a secret of my own," Hanna looked down at her fingers. "Well? Aren't you gonna tell me?" Spencer asked after a few seconds of silence. "I'll tell you once I'm sure. Drive me to the drug store?" Hanna asked. It was now Spencer's turn to be in shock, "You're...?" She couldn't finish her sentence. "Maybe. I mean, I'm almost a month late," Hanna beamed. The girls purchased three pregnancy tests and headed to Hannas house. "What does it say?" Hanna asked. They stood in Hannas bathroom, Hanna seated on the closed toilet and Spencer kneeling against the sink. Spencer read the instructions out loud and handed Hanna the sticks. "Wish me luck," Hanna asked. "Luck," Spencer said. Hanna pushed open the seat and pulled down her pants. "Do you mind?" Hanna asked Spencer. "What? Its not like I haven't seen you pee before," Spencer folded her arms. "Yeah but now there's pressure," Hanna sighed. "Fine," Spencer turned to the side. "So. Why are you going to Yemen anyway?" Spencer asked. "Calebs been recruited by some spy agency. If he passes his probation in Yemen, he can join the team," Hanna said, now peeing on the second stick.

"Here," Hanna handed the sticks to Spencer after rolling the ends in tissue paper so they could hold it. "What are you planning to do if you are pregnant?" Spencer lay on Hannas bed. "Not go to Yemen. That's for sure. I'm not looking forward to the trip, just don't want to spend the month alone. My mom's going on a few conference meetings," She shook her head and lay beside Spencer. "Are you and Aria an official couple now?" Hanna asked after a moment of silence. Spencer looked at her, "I guess so. It took me some time to figure out what I wanted. But now that I have her, I'm the happiest and luckiest girl in the world," She grinned. "We'll come out to our parents eventually. But now is a bit too soon," "Why? If you know that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, why wait?" "Because, Hanna. I'm not entirely sure about what my parents might say. If its too early, they'll think I'm going through a phase," Spencer felt her phone vibrate. "Is it the moment of truth?" Hanna eagerly questioned. Spencer shook he'd head, "It's Aria. Hey, what's up?" Spencer spoke into the phone. "Where are you? I've been worried sick. You've been gone for 45 minutes. I gave you 10. Is Hanna okay?" "First of all, calm down. We're both okay. We're at Hans place discussing a few things. We'll be back soon," Spencer said. She heard Aria sigh on her end, "Okay. But don't forget we still have a paused movie," "Bye," Spencer ended the call just in time for the results to be revealed. "Now's the moment of truth," Spencer grabbed the sticks.

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