A Series Of Pretty Little Sto...

By PrettyLittleLiar58a

8K 77 0

Short (or sometimes long) stories. PLL set in times before and after finale...when reading you'd figure it ou... More

I'm not drunk drunk, I'm wine drunk. -Ezria
Don't break routine. -Spoby
Escapades. -Haleb
Do it for love. -Sparia
The Parcel. -Ezria
We skipped a phase. -Sparia
Hidden Thoughts. -Sparia
Hidden Thoughts, Part 2. -Sparia
Together, We're Paily.
Because You Weren't Wearing a Bra - Sparia

The Parcel, Part 2. -Ezria

392 7 0
By PrettyLittleLiar58a

"If it isn't any trouble, then I don't mind," Aria said. Ezra shook his head, "No trouble at all. You can take my room. I'll take the couch," he said. He would've given her the spare room but he already gave it to Tess. An hour later, Arias clothes were in the washing machine and she was wearing Ezras Hollis shirt with his boxers. She tried to think of what it felt like to wear his clothes again, but the feeling was burried deep under the hurt she felt. Ezra looked up from his marking but didn't say anything. Thoughts were running through his head. He wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. "I'm heading to bed. We have an early start tomorrow. Goodnight," Aria said. He nodded, "I'd be sleeping soon. Goodnight, Aria," He whispered her name.

The next morning was hectic. Aria woke up and knelt on the door frame to Penelopes bathroom, she heard them singing, she couldn't resist. They were both jamming to Maroon 5s Girls Like You. Ezra and Penelope were brushing their teeth, so you can imagine what their singing sounded like. Nevertheless, Aria thought it was adorable. After their teeth, Ezra washed up and dried his hands, then took his place behind Penelope. She stood on her step stool looking into the mirror. He undid her messy hair and gently brushed through it with a comb. "School said that girls should have ribbons on their hair," Ezra huffed. He knew how to set her hair, he's been doing it all her life, just not with a ribbon. The ribbon slipped through her hair for the 4th time before Aria finally caved. "Let me," She smiled. He handed her the ribbon. In a few swift moves, Aria was done. Ezra stood there in awe. "Thank you, Aunt Aria," Penelope kissed Arias cheek, got down from her chair and hurried to the kitchen to eat. "She's sweet," Aria grinned and followed the little girl.

"Sweetie, you'll be okay," Ezra kissed Penelope on her forehead. They were in school and she refused to leave Ezra. Aria sat in the front seat of the car, observing what was taking place. "But daddy. Please don't leave me. I'm scared," Penelope repeated. She picked up her tiny feet and set them on the car seat. She then wrapped her arms around her knees and burried her head in them. Ezra looked at the school gate then back at his daughter. "How about I walk you to class?" He asked. She shook her head, "And will you stay with me?" She asked in a barely audible tone. "Honey I can't do that. But I promise to be here as soon as school is over," he said. She refused to budge. After a few more minutes of Ezra trying, Aria got out of her seat and got in next to Penelope. "Pen," she said, calmly, "Baby, you've got to go in there. There's absolutely nothing to be afraid of." Penelope peeped put at Aria. "You'll go in and make new friends. I promise that at the end of the day, you wouldn't even want to come home. Look outside," she instructed. Penelope picked up her head and looked, "Everyone around you, at this moment, has been where you are right now," Aria nodded. "Really? Were they scared too?" Penelope asked. "Oh yes. Even I was afraid when I was your age. In fact, I was worse than you. My dad had to drive all the way back home to bring me my stuffed pig, Pigtunia." Aria raised both her eyebrows. Penelope looked directly at Ezra, in hopes that he'd drive back home to bring Blue. He had the 'really-did-you-have-to?' Look on his face. Directed at Aria. "But lucky for you," Aria grabbed Penelopes backpack, "I've spoken to a certain someone and they've agreed to coming to school with you," she smiled and pulled out Penelopes stuffed rabbit. "BLUE," Penelopes eyes widened. "You've got to be brave for Blue. You can't be afraid. You need to protect him. Can you do that?" Aria asked. Penelope nodded vigorously. "Come on, Blue. Don't be scared. I'm here," She said. She held Blue close to her chest after Aria put her backpack on her shoulders. "Bye, daddy. Bye, Aunt Aria," she kissed both their cheeks and walked through the gates of school.

"Thank you," Ezra got into the car. "What would you do without me, Fitzy?" She laughed softly. "I would probably be on my way back home with Penelope. Oh and her hair would have a super glued ribbon on it," he said. Aria chuckled in response. The next half an hour was quiet. Other than the occasional catching up, it was silent. Ezra thought back to 6 years ago. He's been suppressing this for way too long. It's time he faced it.

6 Years AgoPhiladelphia

"Are you sure?" Ezra squeezed Arias hand. She nodded. "What else could it be? I've ruled out the stomach flu and food poisoning after I counted how many days late I am," She said. "Hey, look at me," Ezra faced Aria. "You'll be okay. We'll be okay," he assured her. She nodded and they got out the car and walked hand in hand to the drug store. "Which one should we take?" Aria looked at Ezra then back at the few brands that were placed neatly on the shelf. He picked a random box and read the label. He stopped when he saw the tears in Arias eyes. "Aria," Ezra said. Aria avoided eye contact. "If we can't do something as simple as choosing a pregnancy test, are we even prepared for the complexity of bringing a child into the world?" She asked. "We don't know that we're having a baby for sure. Let's just choose a few and take them," he picked one of each and Aria helped.

"What does it say?" Ezra stood as Aria walked out the toilet. "It doesn't tell us immediately. We have to wait," she said. He tapped his lap for her to sit on him. He then wrapped his arms around her waist. They were silent. He didn't know what to say, he didn't know what to do. Arias phone timer beeped aloud a few minutes later. "It's time," Ezra whispered. "Ezra what do we do if I am pregnant?" She asked. Ezra inhaled deeply, "I don't know. I'm not worried about what we'd do. I'm worried about what your family would do to me," he said, truthfully.

A week later, Aria and Ezra told her parents. Byron seemed angry at first. He came around about four months into the pregnancy. "Mr. Fitz," he knocked on Ezras office door. "Come in," "I wanted to speak to you. Do you have time?" He asked. Ezra was hesitant, but he nodded and sat back on his chair. Byron closed the door behind him and began, "You messed up real good, Ezra. And I don't appreciate that. You see, Aria is only 17. She has a future ahead of her. One that doesn't include raising a child at this stage," he sat on the chair that was opposite Ezra. "I need you to do me a favour. In fact, do yourself a favour. Get rid of this bastard," he said, coldly. "Are you telling me to kill this baby? And if that's the case, I refuse. What makes you think I would give up this child?" "Your love for both this child and Aria would convince me that if you want or perhaps, know, what's best for Arias future, you'd take this child and leave," Bryon stated at Ezra, awaiting a response. "And if I don't?" Ezra sat forward. "If you don't then," Bryon opened his briefcase and removed a booklet, "then well I guess we'd be going to plan B," He threw the booklet across to Ezra. "Give our child up for adoption. I would never allow that to happen," Ezra tried to keep his cool. "I know you wouldn't. That's why, as soon as this baby is born, you will take the child and leave. Never return. I don't want you to contact Aria or anyone in this town. If you do, I promise that you'll regret it. I know every damn Dean. You will not be able to get a job. The police will find out about you and I will make sure that child is out of Arias life for once and for all," by now Byron was standing. He placed both his clenched fists on the table, "Do we have an understanding?" He asked. Ezra nodded slightly, "I'll take the child and leave. I'll never return. But how?" Ezra exhaled. "This is your new doctor," He scribbled on a piece of paper. "He will help you through the pregnancy and he will deliver a still born," Bryon handed him the paper. "A still born?" "Yes. As far as Aria knows, she gave birth to a still born and you were distraught. Which is the reason for your departure." Ezra stood, "Fine. But I can't live knowing that Aria doesn't know about this baby. She'll eventually find out. What then?" "There are three people who know about this ordeal. The doctor, you and I. There's no way she'd find out," he looked at his watch, "Well. I should get going." Ezra watched as the devil in disguise walked out of his office.

Present time

"Whatcha thinking about?" Aria asked. "Nothing. Just worried about how Pen is dealing with school," he lied. Aria picked up on this lie. She knew him well enough to know that when he lies, he holds his breath for exactly three seconds after delivering the lie. She looked at him, wondering what could possiblybe the reason for the sweet man leaving her all those years ago. She knew he wouldn't leave her in her dark days. Its not like she hasn't tried to contact him. She has. It seemed like he fell off the face of the earth. How could he leave her? He isn't a person who'd do that but the fact is that he did. So did she really know the true Ezra Fitz? She was dying to ask. She had all the time just not an ounce of bravery. It would take bravery to enter that conversation. Something they've both been avoiding, they've both been running from and trying to drown out. Ezra had it hard, he had to live with Arias clone. See her become more and more of Aria and he was reminded of the love that he had to let go of. "I left because I had to," Ezra said. He knew exactly what she was thinking. "You know, I lost three people that day," Aria felt the hardened lump in her throat. "Three?" He glanced at her then looked forward at the road. "I lost you," she closed her eyes, "I lost our child. And I lost myself," she opened her eyes. They were streaming with tears. "But of course, you wouldn't care. I mean, you did, in fact, leave me," she sniffles then wiped her tears. Ezra clenched his jaw but stayed silent. "I never understood why. Until I saw Penelope. You had someone else. That's why you didn't care that we lost our child. Instead you ran to be with your family," Aria picked at her fingernails. She was upset. Ths was going to be a long drive. "Aria, there are things that are better left unsaid. Please, Drop it," Ezra waited for this conversation to come about. And now that it finally did, he knew that telling Aria the truth would be a mistake. She'd hate him more than she already does. "Whats her name? Is she pretty? Better sex? Oh, right. She was closer to your age and not your student. I get it," she didn't want to back down.

"You don't get it," Ezra said. "Then? If I don't get it, explain it," Aria was now facing Ezra. "If I explain, you'd hate me even more than you do right now. I love you. I'm not afraid to admit that. And I know you still love me, even with all that hatred. I'm afraid that if you know, the hate will over power the love and I'll lose you forever," by now, Ezra was crying. He pulled up to the side of the road, "but there's a time and place for everything. I keep telling myself that. I guess that now's the time," Ezra took off his seatbelt and faced Aria. He cleared his throat and began, "Four months after your pregnancy, your father approached me. He told me to either get you to abort the baby or give her up for adoption," Ezra stopped to let Aria take in the information. "Our baby was a girl," she said, to herself. "They didn't tell you?" He asked. "No. As soon as she was born they took her away. I never met her. Never held her. Never seen her," Aria sobbed. "You have," Ezra held her hand. She looked up at him, "You've met her. You've held her. You've seen her," He said. "In my dreams. In my head I have," she said. "Back to the explanation. I didn't want to give her up to strangers. He said that if I didn't comply, he'd have me arrested and give her up for adoption anyway." "But instead, she was still born," Aria brushed her hands through her hair. Ezra shook his head, "but instead, I took her away without anyone knowing. I took her away from her grandfather who only wanted her dead. He paid off a doctor to tell you she was still born.

"I have her, Aria. I have our daughter. I've had her for the past 6 years," Ezra cried out. "Penelope is mine," Aria looked at him with hope in her eyes. "Penelope is ours," Ezra smiled. Aria wasn't upset with him anymore. She had a million questions, but knowing that her daughter is alive, trumps all anger and hurt. "All these years my dad covered up. I thought that he was covering for you, which made no sense. But he was covering up for himself," she shook her head. "We've got to fix this. I've missed 5 years of my daughter's life, I'm not willing to lose more," "I've sent you photos of Penelope. I send a few every month. When you first saw her, at the dressmakers, I knew that Byron never gave you those photographs. Thats why I never mentioned anything. I'm sure he has it somewhere in that office," Ezra stated. "Definitely his office. He wouldn't bring something like that home," Aria agreed. "Here's the plan. This goes to Hanna," she gestured to the package on the back seat, "Then you take me to Hollis."

Hanna had so many questions but Aria told her she'd fill her in. All Hanna needed to know is that her daughter is alive. Well, that's all she needed to know, for now. "Last time I was here, your water broke," Ezra shook his head. "I can't believe that happened here. Thank goodness for timing though," she laughed. "Yeah. Timing," Ezra held his breath again. "Ezra," Aria raised an eyebrow. "Your father made sure that this entire pregnancy was controlled by him. He gave you pills earlier that day to induce labour. Dr. Smulders had to leave to Canada for a week, your father was afraid that if you go into labour and the doctor wasn't here, the entire plan would fail." "Great. The birth of our daughter is to the convenience of a fraudulent doctor," Aria rolled her eyes. "Want me to go in with you?" He asked. She nodded, "but we've got to hurry. We can't get caught," Aria smiled widely and laughed to herself. "And? What's so funny?" "This feels like the good ol' days when we used to sneak around," she shook her head and nudged him. "Well then, let's get going. Or we'll be caught, unlike the last few times," he grinned and stepped out the vehicle.

"Anything?" Aria asked as she dug in Byrons file cabinet. "Not yet," Ezra rummaged through the desk drawers. "BINGO!" Aria almost yelled. "Great. Let's get outa here," Ezra managed to clean up as much as possible. "Where to now?" He asked. "Now. Now we go to the Grille. I'm famished," she instructed. He pulled into the parking lot and they entered the Grille. "Can I get a cheese burger?" She asked the waitress. "Make that two," Ezra said. Aria looked at the envelopes in front of her. She'd taken the first 12 in with her and left the rest in the car. Ezra picked up the first one, "He hasn't even bothered to open it," Ezra sighed. "Ezra, tell me everything, Please," Aria begged. Ezra smiled and opened the envelope in his hand. "This was day 1. The day she was born. 4th of September, 2007. As soon as I laid my eyes upon her, I could feel that she'd be exactly like you. I wasn't wrong. I took this after getting to my apartment in New York. Well, Hardys. We both had sleepless nights. I didn't know where else to go, I told him, he agreed to helping me out. The first time he held her, she threw up on him," Ezra chuckled. Aria listened, she didn't want to disrupt with questions or by saying anything at all. "I've got plenty of in between photos at home, if you'd like to see them. This is Day 5 of week two. She's wearing a blue onesie here. Well for the next few weeks she'd be wearing blue. Hardy mixed her whites with his colours because he didn't believe me when I told him that colours run. One month old," Ezra handed the next picture to Aria. He explained the photos right until month 9. "Hey, I need to fetch Pen from school," He said, politely. "Dont you mean WE?" Aria raised an eyebrow.

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