An Imperial Affliction

By user05323260

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ACP Riya Mukherjee is a ninja, and a short tempered one. Hiding in shadows for days and contemplating the doo... More

Author's note
Chapter 1 - Time flows like a river
Chapter 2 - Indifference is only a mask to tell the world "Fuck off"
Chapter 3- Some people will always slip through your skin
Chapter 4 - Knowledge is power
Chapter 5 - We are the master of our own destiny
Chapter 6 - Secrets are like puzzles
Chapter 8 - The past is never dead
Chapter 9 - The two things that snap people out
Chapter 10 - Indifferent is not a reaction
Chapter 11- Danger is everywhere
Chapter 12- Facing the past is a good thing
Chapter 13 - Observation is actually obsession
Chapter 14- Pain has the power
Chapter 15 - Before you know
Chapter 16- Murphy's law
Chapter 17- Acceptation brings a lot of emotion
Chapter 18- There is no right or wrong in this World.
Chapter 19- Emotions, advantage or weakness.
Chapter 20- Willpower has the ability
Chapter 21- All is riddle
Chapter 22- There is no hunting like the hunting of man
Chapter 23- Be strong, saith my heart
Chapter 24- For already have I suffered full much
Chapter 25 - Oh, what a tangled web we weave
Chapter 26- The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
Chapter 27- It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.'
Chapter 28- the laughter of the Gods.
Chapter 29- Our life is made
Chapter 30 - There is no refuge from memory
Chapter 31 - True family
Chapter 32 - The art of living
Chapter 33- The world breaks everyone
Chapter 34- Insanity
Chapter 35- Who, then, am I?
Chapter 36- My blood alone remains
Chapter 37- fight an enemy
Chapter 38- When love is in excess
Chapter 39- Explanations
Chapter 40- The farther backward you can look
Chapter 41- Back to the start
Chapter 42- And in the end
Chapter 43- It doesn't really matter
Chapter 44 - The aftermath
Small note - update and Thank you

Chapter 7 - Human mind is a funny thing

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By user05323260

Human mind is a funny thing. One moment it negates all type of humane things as weakness, but whenever it gets hint of something it tries to hold onto that.


"My Bosses are not going to be too pleased with these appointments." ACP Mukherjee walked into the Central jail as if she owned it and said to Raghu sir, who along with his PA and several other officers were talking in hushed voices in the hallway. their heads whipped toward her in surprise, but not Raghu sir who merely gave a look.

"Save your breath Riya, there is something important." He walked to her, the others following him in a hurry. They all walked in a direction, and after some turns and twists reached infront of a door. as the PA pushed it open, he asked, "what excuse you gave this time?"

she looked away and he shook his head.

"I am telling you, you going to ruin the relation between ETF Director and police commissioner."

"oh please. . . " she stopped as they all entered inside. the opposite wall was half covered by a one way glass, on the other side Iqbal was sitting on a chair, hands tied with handcuff, looking bruised and dishelved, not the swift personality from those surveillance pictures.

"Excuse us." He said to other officers, who nodded and exited the room one by one, even the PA. Raghu sir pulled a string behind and the glass was covered by shade instantly, and then he turned on the light, facing her, whose eyes were fixed on the glass as if she can see through it.

"You told me Johny was coming back this month, but not sure when. Now his gang head is in jail, the chances are minimal he will come back to city."

she looked at him sharply, eyebrows narrowed. he took a breath and continued.

"But he have resources in this city, so there is a chance for him to come back. He needs a reason to be back, not resources."

"What you suggest then?" she is always the one who comes up with plan, but this time she wanted to hear him. he took out a phone.

"Officer Sahani. . . that middle aged police officer with bald head? you noticed?"

she tilted her head and gave a look to which the old man sighed.

"of course, you dont care. . . he suggested something. what if Iqbal call Johny with an offer he cant refuse? then he will have reason and resource to come back."

"What he has to offer now?" she waved her around, "he ended up here."

"What if he offer Johny to take over the gang?" Raghu sir dropped the plan, watching her reaction cautiously as she thought about it. she gave another look toward the covered glass, fingers tapping lightly on her forearm.

"And why would he do that?"

"because we will force him." Raghu sir answered in a stern voice, to which she smirked, "I want you inside, but be careful, no physical violence."

"Spoilsport." she muttered and started heading out, behind him he exhaled a breath, then followed her as well.

Iqbal raised his head, startled, as the door of the interrogation room banged open and entered two police officers, one male and in uniform, and the other a lady, in civil dress who was present on the night of encounter which landed him in here. he glared at her, to which she looked unaffected.

the male officer then started to read the charges on him, asking if he accept any of these, and he kept quiet. he knew he will be in jail for maximum 3 months, he will hire the best lawyer and he will be out on bail soon. he had the plan ready in mind, these boring procedures dont have any importance to him.

almost 20 minutes passed, the lady looked irritated but the male officer was calm, he everyday deals dickheads like him so he was used to it. another 10 minutes passed and the lady was now tapping her foot impatiently, so not used to things like this.

he flashed a smile to her as he leaned back on his chair, "Not used to these long hours, are you Ma'am?"

she stopped tapping instantly, a lazy smile on her lips which, for some reason, looked predatory. Iqbal was used to cunning females like her, so it didnt effect him.

"So why you are here?" he asked with a small frown. she shrugged.

"Just giving him," she gestured toward the male officer who turned in his seat to look at her, "time. A chance for you."

"Chance?" he laughed, "These rights are not chances Ma'am, its the warrant which will send me behind bars for the next 25 years if I agree on these."

"Well, 25 years is better than Death, is not it?" she then turned to look at the male officer, who kept his face straight, "better, right?"

"definately." the officer agreed, glancing at Iqbal. the latter shook his head.

"Its not like I dont get death threats everyday, Ma'am. save it." he gave a dirty look to her which did nothing to wipe off the lazy smile.

"Oh, I am sure you get." she was till now leaned on back behind the wall, her back and feet on it while the other on ground. now she stood straight, arms crossed over chest, "But I was thinking of an offer. Hoping to change your mind."

Iqbal knew these all too well, "You need information of the activities of my gang, right?"

"Na." she dismissed it, like she dont care about his gang at all, "I just need to find Johny."

he frowned, that was totally unexpected, "Johny?"

she nodded, "where is he now?"

"Out of town." he answered cautiously, not wanting to open all of his card when he is not sure with what he is playing here, "why you want him?"

"Just have to set some records straight." her eyes hardened, "Where is Johny?"

"He is not in town." he answered yet again.

"Then tell him to come back." she answered, as if its too simple. he laughed.

"From jail? not exactly a phone available here Ma'am."

the next moment she tossed a phone on table, "now you have it."

he eyed the lady carefully for the first time, taking in her stiff posture, that lazy smile which dont quite reach the eyes and that look in eyes, as if she is ready for any challenge. he suddenly wondered if she looked like this that night of his arrest, or if she always looks like this.

"So thats why I am here?" his eyes went back and forth to the officers, "because you want Johny?"

"No." she stressed it, "you are here because you are a criminal terroring the city. I am here because i want him."

"And why should I listen to you? what's there for me?" he crossed his arms, mimicking her pose.

"Nothing." she frowned, "its all for our benefits."

"Then I reject the offer." he gave a cold smile, dismissing the conversation from his side. to his surprise, she chuckled, and then looked toward the glass wall on his side, "and you say no violence?"

before he can make head or tail of that, his chair was knocked out off floor. he winced at the pain of his head and knee, struggling with the handcuff. it didnt open, of course, and he cursed. he then looked up, the lady officer was standing near the table by now, and the male officer was looking back and forth, shocked.

"Seriously, I can do all day long till you crack." she said after some moments as he stared at her, voice perfectly normal. if he didnt see her barely coming at him, he might have believed she didnt not just knocked him off, "But I am an impatient person."

"Didnt notice it." he muttered sarcastically. she pointed her chin in agreement.

"So," she gestured to the phone, "do the honors."

He then went over the pros and cons of his situation. sure as hell it didnt look good before, police will surely bother him for information till he is inside. but one look at her, and something told him if he didnt give her what she want she will snatch it, and he was not sure after she walked away from him, if he will survive for the bail three months later. also, its just a trap for Johny, she dont want anything else, just a member of his gang. he can surely. . . consider it.

he sighed, and she gave that smirk, as if she knew even before he opened his mouth he agreed, "Okay. what I have to say?"

As he touched the phone some minutes later, she asked the male officer rhetorically, "That was not hard, right?" to which he nodded mutely, not trusting his voice.

Iqbal was not pleased, of course, that in less than 96 hours his life changed. it was like Aslam gave him some solid curses before he was killed, there was no other reason why he was in jail, with bruises and possible broken bones just because he kidnapped a girl who was unwilling to be his, and not because his drugs were caught in harbour. as he uttered the words the lady officer told him to Johny, he tried to think what Johny might have possibly do to piss this lady so much. he made up his mind to ask Johny when he will end up in the next cell to his, but then he noticed the way her face hardened when Johny agreed to take over his gang during his absence and promised to be back in town in 5 days.

he might not make it, Iqbal thought to himself.


"And the movie was supercool! i am so excited for part 3, I dont know why it didnt make that much money!" Shree said heatedly to his team mates in the crime scene, surrounded by yellow DO NOT ENTER ribbons and a dead body on front.

"I just hated it they killed Gwen Stacy. I mean she and Andrew, it was perfect!" Liza commented as she examined the wallet of the male, around 30, victim, and then gave it to Chotu to see.

"Thats because in next part Mary Jane will enter, and she is the love of life of Peter Parker! Gwen was just a . . fling." Shree argued back.

"Gwen the blonde right?" Chotu chimed in, "Na, she and the guy looked good."

"Its in the comics!" Shree answered outraged.

"Who cares? they can make movie differently." Liza answered, shrugging, "pete already had that uncle death thing to keep him going, another tragedy was so unnecessary."

"These two death is essential for him to become the Hero." Shree replied stubbornly.

"Ok kids, time's up." Sameer leaned down the ribbon and entered the scene, "our second in command is not looking too pleased with the talk. . . btw what you guys are talking?"

"Spiderman." the trio almost shouted excitedly.

"Ah, I only have one problem with it, why killed Gwen Stacy?" he shook his head sadly, and Liza gave a look to Shree, and he sulked.

"you guys just dont get it." he mumbled.

"Maybe because your high IQ is making simple things complicated." Sameer teased, "see, in the first movie trilogy, they totally cut off the Gwen thing right? MJ first and true love and all that. . . in this trilogy why introduced Gwen then if they want to kill her? why they could not just go on with the Uncle story only? unnecessary tragedy, if you ask me."

"See? he might not have high IQ but he gets this simple thing." Liza pointed out, to which almost everyone chuckled. Shree mumbled something about ganging up against him and stood back as Sameer kneeled next to Liza, his gaze fixed on the bullet which went straight to his heart.

"You are late." They all heard Rawte's voice and saw he and MUkherjee making their way to the crime scene. they all pressed their lips in amusement as she rolled her eyes, brushing off his stern gaze like everytime.

"Didnt notice it." she answered dryly as she kneeled to the other side of Liza, wearing her gloves. as Liza explained how the man was killed with a single GSW in heart, and judging by the burnt near skin she can say the killer was standing atleast 5 feet away from him, her eyes went on to the victim's shoes.

"Anyone have pen?" she asked to none particular. Rawte handed her over a pen after some seconds, and almost everyone had to stiffle a laugh as they noticed the too pink pen he handed her over. Mukherjee heard the hushed chuckles and frowned, then saw the pen in her hand and gave a look to him, to which he rolled his eyes.

"Its Sakshi's." he explained. everyone cleared their voice and focussed back on work.

"Btw where is she?" Chotu asked, and as if on cue Sakshi ran toward them, panting.

"Sorry guys I am late. . . man why the killers cant dump body beside high roads? Taxi was not ready to take me here you know?"

"I think the Director can manage an advertisement for the killers to listen to you, Sakshi." Sameer teased. she narrowed her eyes, but the next moment smiled cheekily.

"Sure, Sameer, the Director can manage anything if you ask her."

the cough from Chotu and Shree came jointly, and he glared at them.

"Guys. Focus." Rawte gave them all a stern gaze, and frowned as Mukherjee used the tip on pen as some kind of tool and scrapped some dirt from the victim's shoes, and smelled it.

"wait, is that. . . my pen." Sakshi didnt look too please with the type of use her pen was enduring, but didnt say anything further as Mukherjee suddenly got up, her eyes on Shree.

"Is there any petrol pump near this place?"

"Umm. . . " he looked into his tab, green flashy and Shree written on its back, "yeah, 6 KM away."

"he was there." she commented, and explained as everybody frowned, "the dirt on his boot smell like petrolium product."

"Might be a garage too." Rawte argued, frowning, but she shook her head.

"if he was in garage, the sole will be dark and there would have been stronger smell. its pump. I am sure CCTV of pump will record him, if there is any."

Chotu nodded and left to check on pump, and she stood oblivious of the proud look coming beside him by the second in command. Liza and her team started to wrap it up and take the body to ETF, and Shree went with them to get a ride back to office. Sakshi started taking notes of the body for her report, and Mukherjee went with the local police to get an ID of the man. as Rawte and Sameer stood on the spot, looking over, the latter walked to him.

"Smart, is not she?"

The former gave a look, "As if I didnt notice."

"Oh so you notice her." he teased.

"I am not going to dignify that with a response." the second in command huffed. Sameer smiled, then remembered something.

"Sakshi's taxi reminded me of something. . . remember that case of Aslam? we were supposed to go behind that taxi but then Raghu sir dropped those surveillance pictures. what happened to the taxi, did someone check on it?"

Rawte shook his head, "No. Forensic gave report on the taxi to Director as far as I know. none digged more about it."

"There is an interesting portion in Iqbal's confession," Sameer said casually, "where he didnt mention anything about any taxi. he just said his man was shadowing Aslam for a while, but he lost him for some hours, then he found him in that crime scene and . . . rest we all know."

"Since when you read confession of guilty's?" Rawte asked, even if he was curious about this small. . . thing which didnt add up. the latter shrugged.

"I dont know why, but that case felt different, like not usual cross fire of gang. someone else got him before Iqbal's hitman, and hurt him. and then out of nowhere we changed direction. i know we solved it, but this thing is not going off my mind." he paused, looking at him, "Did the Director mention anything about the taxi?"

the second in command shook his head.

"that's odd, huh? she dont like loose ends more than us." he commented lightly, and then walked away.

"You have no idea." Rawte commented to himself after a while, for some unknown reason staring at Mukherjee who just finished talking to local police.


"Why so serious, Genius?" ACP Mukherjee rhymed lightly one afternoon as she came near Shree's desk to have the phone record of the victim, but then noticed him sulking. he gave a kicked puppy expression to her.

"I lost an argument." he settled for that. She raised her eyebrow in response, and he hurried to let go of his pent up frustration.

"I love comics, and i dont like to lose in anything. i lost an argument, that too in comics!" he could not believe it, and a part of him felt so childish for sulking, but he just could not let go. usually Chotu always support him, but one look at the pretty blond actress and he has the hots for her now.

"Till now sulking?" Sameer entered the scene, giving a surprised look as he clapped his back, "IT head of ETF, w/o whom we all will be lost, sulking because of a stupid debate?" then he gave a look to Mukherjee, explaining, "Kids. Spiderman."

she looked at the hurt expression of Shree, "dont tell me you debated on the love life of Parker." Sameer chuckled and Shree huffed angrily.

"All I meant that tragedy shapes a man, for better for worse. Heroes are born out of tragedy, and Peter had to endure deaths of the two closest person of his life. the former gave him the motto of life, with great power comes great responsibility. the latter was his biggest what if, but whats the point of dueling on it when she is no more? he had Mary Jane, who stick to him after knowing all secrets. surely thats true love. as Gwen Stacy never lived longer, there is no point in saying she belong with him. she is dead, and he lived his life with MJ." Shree ranted on, beside him Sameer looked surprised with the outburst, and ACP Mukherjee stood with a unreadable expression on her face. seconds passed and soon the IT genius regretted his outburst, he was about to apologize when the lady beat him to that.

"I agree." she said quietly, "about the tragedy thing. it shapes a man, for better or for worse."

that earned a small smile from Shree, and beside him Sameer huffed in relief. she was not done yet.

"if this makes you feel any better, i like Kirsten." she gave her usual smirk, and both the men grinned at it. Shree adjusted his speck, feeling foolish about the whole sulking.

"I am . . . " he was about to apologize but she cut him off.

"I just need the call record, then you can go back to another round of debate if you want." she eyed the both men. Sameer shook his head.

"Oh no, I am not going into another debate with him about it. who knows he might start crying."

"I didnt cry!" Shree protested, outraged, and both them started bickering as Mukherjee walked away, chuckling, the phone record list in between her fingers.

The victim's name was Manoj, he used to work in a club which looks shady and gives off feeling even in the middle of day. his boss looked he dont care a damn about him being dead, as Manoj was not a good stuff, but seems like other stuffs dont agree with him. they all gushed over him, even shed few tear drops on the sad news. While Sameer was charming the pants off the waitresses, Chotu was silently stalking the boss as he went outside to make a call, and heard him telling something was going to happen tonight.

"A drug dealing." he informed his team that afternoon, looking ready for action, "My informers said that place is gearing up for something important, and that the boss was spotted with many local drug dealers."

"Such a filthy way to use his club." Sakshi wrinkled her nose, commenting.

"I say we take them down, tonight." Sameer eyed Chotu who nodded back.

"There is not enough time to prepare." Rawte said, not liking how a moment like this just appeared, not only that it will get them closer to the murder case, there is also a possibility to stop a drug dealing.

"We cant let them go." Shree replied in surprise. he opened his mouth to say something rude, when ACP Mukherjee cut in.

"Of course we cant." she answered dryly, "Lets give them a visit tonight. see for ourselves."

"What if there is really something going on?" Shree asked again. she leaned back on her seat, playing with pen as she spoke.

"We take him down."

"Thats reckless." Rawte disapproved.

"Any better idea, Boss? Unless you want Narcotics on it and drop the murder case on their laps as well?" She had a point. Not that Narcotics were not efficient, but there is a greater chance of this case being stuck due to their intervention- paperwork. ETF enjoy a kind of freedom which other agencies doesnt, a reason they close case quickly. Besides, the second in command of ETF quite cant stand those arrogant pricks.

but this undercover thing w/o much planning puts there team in danger, something he was not uncomfortable with.

"I will give you guys a bug." Shree was already had half the plan ready as he hurried to explain, "put it anywhere in club and i can get access to all CCTV. we all will be connected through bluetooths, we all have extra pairs of eye on them."

"She will stay in SUV with you." Mukherjee pointed out to Sakshi, which let out two argumentative, appalled voices.

"I am not staying behind!" Sakshi nearly shouted, eyes wide.

"I was trained for these type of things." Shree was much calmer, but strongly defended himself. The seniors looked at each other, and Rawte was about to break up this kids fight when Mukherjee beat him to that.

"Do me a favour, Genius, and keep an eye on her." her low, almost bored yet serious tone did the trick. Rawte noticed the genius, and how she did it again, showing two sets of emotions at once. Shree looked softer, and after a while nodded, to which everyone was surprised. its not like he is always protesting, but he listened to her w/o any second guessing, thats saying something.

"You cant do that to me." Sakshi said hotly, and the four men flinched as Mukherjee suddenly stood on her feet and slammed her palm on table.

"last time, I remembered you dangling in front of us till the last moment w/o any protection. I handed over my bullet proof jacket to you and had to endure comments because of that." Rawte didn't know this part, and felt equally guilty and awed for her, while anger toward the crime journo's immature behavior as usual.

the crime journo opened her mouth, "i didnt. . "

"yeah, you didnt want my jacket, but i give anyway. do you, even for a moment, think that you are not really being daring in that situation but entirely stupid? do you realise you can be the reason someone get hurt? can your conscience handle that?" the words were coming out fast and harsh, and somehow, it felt a hell lot more personal that just a lecture on recklessness.

silence was a funny thing, for all its name its pretty loud. ACP Mukherjee glared down at the crime journo, and the next moment withdrew herself, giving the expression she dont care anything anyone does, "when you have the plan ready, let me know." and she just walked out of room, banging door and all that.

That was the time when second in command of ETF, Arjun Rawte, realised, he has completely failed to make this woman obey him, look upto him as someone who is superior to her. This woman walk out on him, challenge him and defeat him, talk to him with her usual sassiness and glare at him when he does the same to her. then he remembered that night, the conversation between her and Director. she didnt give her word to listen to any authority, so maybe he cant expect that from her.

His ego should be hurt, right? Then why he just feel intrigued by her? when the anger was replaced by other emotions anyway?

whatever it is, he was part excited, part dreading to go down that.


The place is a congested, shitty one which smell like alcohol, sweat and something else, maybe possibly drugs. Rawte really could not blame on his other team mate, Chotu and Sameer, as they separated and made disgusted face, desperate to get out of here.

"trust me when I say this." they all could hear Chotu's voice, irritated and breathy, "you are lucky not to be here. I bet even public toilet smell better than this shithole."

In their ears Shree laughed and Sakshi did a muffled noise which meant she was disgusted with the comparison. the 2nd in command looked on as Sameer, who along with Chotu was under disguise, sat in a dark scheduled place and observed quietly everything. Chotu just stood in corner with a drink, smiling to waitresses but really not noticing them or drinking it.

Rawte looked at his watch and clenched his jaw, suddenly all of his mixed reactions for the frustrating ACP Mukherjee flying out of window. things would be so much easier if she just obeyed him, for example she would be here on time! he rubbed his temple, the shitty music doing nothing to ease him, but then something caught his ears.

he was not sure how his sense caught her voice through this high pitched music and people, but he saw her, Deep blue one shouldered dress which was almost black, reaching upto her mid thigh which a slit on side, and which should be illegal considering the cuts in all the wrong places, leaving little to imagination. . .hair in a side sweep, a flashy clip on it, with too high heels. . . how she is even standing? and with whom she is standing?

He nearly stood up as he noticed her leaning too much over that Man. . or creep, considering the way he was leering at her. . . and then whispered something to his ear. the man nodded and walked away, and for the first time he noticed the Officer Mukherjee in her as she eyed her surrounding and squared her shoulder, ready for anything. she spotted him and walked straight to him, stopping only when she is beside him near the bar. she didnt make any move like she know him, ordered a glass of juice and tapped her shiny, painted with the color same as her dress against the wooden counter.

For all this undercover-y dress up and trying to play part in it, her dress and appearence is not looking cheap or trashy. maybe she is the only person in world who rocks dresses with cuts on the wrong places, he suddenly remembered that dress in museum. she may have a thing for deep colored dresses.

"Juice, Riya? Such a killjoy." they both heard Sameer's amused voice. while it added more to his irritation, dont know why, she merely looked around, maybe to check the people or spot Rathore, its always so hard to tell with her.

"Watch it, Rathore. its not Friday." she muttered, flashed a fake smile as the bartender handed her over her juice. Sameer chuckled in response, and it added more to the irritation, suddenly Rawte wanted to know about this Friday thing which was obviously some private joke between them.

"You are late, and who's the guest?" his voice was irritated, but he leaned seductively toward her, giving a cold smirk. to outside world, it will look like he is trying to pick her up. she tilted her head on side.

"Someone not important." her lips hardly moved, and then she flashed another smile. just like the fake one she gave to the man. He wont say, but somehow her words made him feel better. . . where did that come drom?

"Manager, on your 3 o clock." Shree said, and Rawte quickly noticed the man, feels like criminal and shady screaming from him. the manager obviously looked like he was expecting someone, talked with guards and glanced at his watch several times, gave quick yet fake smile to women who were trying to throw themselves on him. he then moved on the side of counter, getting a drink.

"he is obviously waiting for someone." Chotu pointed out the obvious, noticing the manager like all of them, "should we take him away?"

"No." Rawte sipped his drink to hide his lips moving, "let the guest he is expecting arrive. we will see everything, then attack."

"Umm everyone?" Shree hesitated, "I can see there is another door at the end of hallway where the Bathrooms are. its dark, and nobody is there. i guess the place is off limits, but there is no camera so i cant really say if something happens there."

"sounds like the perfect place to hang out with guest, eh?" Sameer's voice echoed in their ears, "now, even the guest arrive, what will we do? if we just break in there, it will start chaos."

"let me think something." Rawte muttered, frowning. he suddenly noticed Mukherjee staring at somewhere else, her eyes playful but cautious. he turned his neck and saw the manager giving her a wink. he didnt know what happened, but suddenly he grabbed her elbow and tugged her toward him, catching her by surprise.

"What do you think you are doing?" she was not pleased, judging by her tone, and he had to fight off the intoxicated feeling he was suddenly dealing with due to her perfume and well. . . her, before he reply anything.

"The guests are here." Sakshi's excited voice made them both freeze. their eyes locked and stealthily they shared a glance at the manager, who walked toward a group of 4 men with 2 briefcases. they shifted their glance as the group eyed their surrounding, making sure none watching them, and met each other's eyes instead. its like that night in Gym all over again, eyes meeting and reading each other, breathing in the same air. for a moment the music was zoned out from his ears and all he could see her eyes, deep brown, but not black.

"they moved. the same hallway i mentioned." Shree chimed in, his voice urgent. their eyes shifted to look over and met once again, the plan and decision was made up instant.

This was a bad idea, Rawte thought to himself as he took in the semi darkness around him and the zoned out music. he was not sure which part was bad, pressing himself up the lady officer against the wall who most of times get on his nerves and with whom he share. . . no relation at all? the scene they both are creating right now, pretending to hook up like hormonal pairs? the image this position painting him right now, because he is a happily committed man who loves his girl very much? okay, all of it is bad, he agreed to his mind, and goddamnit, why her perfume making him intoxicated? maybe he is allergic to it and he just came to know about it?

He groaned as some girls came out of bathroom, giggling, and hid his face in ACP Mukherjee's hair. from outside world, his groan will sound like entirely different thing, and he felt her go stiff when his lips accidentally touched her earlobe.

"What you guys are doing there?" Sameer asked, concerned.

"Hooking up in dark." she answered in her usual tone, and he glared at her, before looking around to see if anyone noticing them or not. they both heard the men chuckling and a sharp intake of breath. a man passed them and he hid his face in her hair again, bracing himself for the intoxicating scent of hers. he nearly did a double take when he felt her fingers clutching his shirt, and then to near his waist. he cursed silently, giving her the best dirty look in mind to take advantage of him like, because sure as hell he didnt think she can be this wicked, when he heard a voice behind them.

"What you guys are doing here?" that was the security guard from the door, eyeing them suspiciously. he slowly pulled himself away from her, about to give a excuse, when she pulled his gun that was tucked in his waistband, nearly sprinted to him and hit him on head. the man was on floor instantly.

he might have stared for more than usual, because she turned to him and gave a mocking smile, "Super Ninja skill." she said sarcastically, grabbing his palm and thrashing the gun right on it.

"What's going on?" Shree could not see anything and it was unsettling for him.

"Just a distraction, we are going to try to see if anything going on inside." Rawte answered.

"Stay in touch." Chotu replied, and by the time the former looked forward, she was already heading for the door. he walked fast but silently, and both of them tried to hear. it was unsuccessful, considering the music and hushed tone, then they noticed the hole in door and took a look inside.

yeah, those briefcases? definitely drugs.

"Ok we are on." Rawte said to his team, ready for impact. some 20 seconds later the fire alarm was on and they all could hear the chaos back in club. he and Mukherjee shielded themselves away from the door as it burst open, and they started tackling them. he killed the guards and 2 of the guests, while she mostly used hand to hand combat to drop them on ground. she took one of the guard's gun and shot the 3rd guest on his hand. back in club they heard more gunshots, rest of ETF handling the security obviously. some 30 minutes later, it was all over. the manager and 4rth guest was on ground, and after a quick checking by Chotu the team was sure it was all drugs, imported from Africa probably, as he never saw anything local like this.

ETF looked on as police took the 4th guest, some injured security guards and the manager away. he confessed killing Manoj because he knew about this drug thing and was planning to involve police into it. he was too pure to be in this club business, he said, and got a slap on his back of head by Sameer before the police took him away.

"Where is your gun?" Shree asked Mukherjee after it was all over, frowning, to which the lady smirked, shaking head. he looked confused, but somehow understood it was the only response he was getting from her. he walked away, meeting with rest of team as they discussed the actions back in club.

"His shirt is wrinkled." Sakshi said in a stone hard tone as she looked at Rawte who was now speaking to Mukherjee, and the trio looked at her, then at the second in command.

"Did they really do it? Hooking up in dark?" her voice was hurt. the men eyed each other, silently agreeing its best not to say anything at all.

"You did good." She heard Rawte beside her after some moments and whipped her head toward him, surprised.

"Praising from Boss?" she replied sarcastically. he huffed.

"You make it sound so ugly." he muttered, then frowned, looking straight in her eyes, "you didnt kill them."

she narrowed her eyes slightly, and he explained, "those guards. guests. you didnt kill them."

"They were disarmed and unable to hurt any of us, if thats the whole point." she waved her hand around. that didnt make him back off.

"The first case you worked with us? Sheen's kidnapping? I noticed you didnt kill then too. you never kill, hurt disarm the enemy." his observations were surprisingly unsettling, and she dont like to be uncomfortable or intimitated by anyone. she gave him a heated gaze.


"You cant avoid it. the killing." his eyes were . . . what is that softness? pity? "its part of job. one day you wont have any choice."

"I am aware of that." she answered too quickly, almost in a defensive way, but the . . . softness was still there, she needed it to go, "and just because I dont kill, doesnt mean I am incapable."

he stared at her for too long moment, then shook his head, "No, you are not." sounding sincere and civil than he was ever with her.

she looked on as he walked away, to team mates who looked upto him with the expression of hero worship, brotherhood, even possessiveness, and said to herself quietly, "there will be only one man's blood on my hand. only one death. One kill."

she vowed to herself in the darkness, determined.

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