An Imperial Affliction

By user05323260

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ACP Riya Mukherjee is a ninja, and a short tempered one. Hiding in shadows for days and contemplating the doo... More

Author's note
Chapter 1 - Time flows like a river
Chapter 2 - Indifference is only a mask to tell the world "Fuck off"
Chapter 3- Some people will always slip through your skin
Chapter 5 - We are the master of our own destiny
Chapter 6 - Secrets are like puzzles
Chapter 7 - Human mind is a funny thing
Chapter 8 - The past is never dead
Chapter 9 - The two things that snap people out
Chapter 10 - Indifferent is not a reaction
Chapter 11- Danger is everywhere
Chapter 12- Facing the past is a good thing
Chapter 13 - Observation is actually obsession
Chapter 14- Pain has the power
Chapter 15 - Before you know
Chapter 16- Murphy's law
Chapter 17- Acceptation brings a lot of emotion
Chapter 18- There is no right or wrong in this World.
Chapter 19- Emotions, advantage or weakness.
Chapter 20- Willpower has the ability
Chapter 21- All is riddle
Chapter 22- There is no hunting like the hunting of man
Chapter 23- Be strong, saith my heart
Chapter 24- For already have I suffered full much
Chapter 25 - Oh, what a tangled web we weave
Chapter 26- The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
Chapter 27- It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.'
Chapter 28- the laughter of the Gods.
Chapter 29- Our life is made
Chapter 30 - There is no refuge from memory
Chapter 31 - True family
Chapter 32 - The art of living
Chapter 33- The world breaks everyone
Chapter 34- Insanity
Chapter 35- Who, then, am I?
Chapter 36- My blood alone remains
Chapter 37- fight an enemy
Chapter 38- When love is in excess
Chapter 39- Explanations
Chapter 40- The farther backward you can look
Chapter 41- Back to the start
Chapter 42- And in the end
Chapter 43- It doesn't really matter
Chapter 44 - The aftermath
Small note - update and Thank you

Chapter 4 - Knowledge is power

716 33 3
By user05323260

Knowledge is power, observation is an interesting perception. its also another way to rub others face on it


The phone rang for 3rd time, effectively earning an irritated growl at 2 AM at morning and wiping off all trace of sleep from Rawte's mind. he saw the caller and composed a sigh, "Director."

"important case, Nehru Museum, M.G. Road" came her reply. he exhaled another breath, already getting out of bed.

"i will inform others." he replied, then paused, his mind going over the latest addition to their team, "but I don't have any contact no. of . . "

"ACP Mukherjee?" she supplied, "i will take care of that." and she hung up, not before rising questions in his mind that how she will know the other woman's phone no. but then, she is the head, she knows everything.

Aisha groaned after realizing she dont have any no. of the ACP either. she glanced at the watch in her wrist, and pressed the call button in her contact list, holding breath.

"Is this that much serious?" came the reply of Raghu sir, rough from sleep.

"I have important case, and my whole team is not here." she didnt mention the other woman but he realised it. he chuckled at it.

"you dont have any contact no. of her, dont you?"

she was silent for a beat, "i . . . it skipped my mind." she confessed, somewhat surprised at the slip. he sighed.

"she does this to people." she could hear shuffling in the BG, he was getting out of bed, "wait a sec."


she cut the call both times, an irritation creeping in her mind. she was already in this shady, too loud disco in a revealing dress, waiting for a lead her informer told her about. the lead didnt arrive yet, and the music was making her head hurt. she doesnt hate music, but something about barely making sense and cheap lyrics, horrible female voice and bar dancers moving in little to imagine dresses made her blood boil. she needed this lead, its been too long and she needs something to go on.

the phone rang for the 3rd time and she picked it up, her voice low and barely controlled, "there better has to be good reason to disturb me right now."

"and there has to be better reason for you not to arrive at a crime scene right now." came loud voice of Aisha, "where are you?"

"address." the former answered after a beat, and she sighed, giving the address.

"ETA 20 minutes." she replied.

"i need you in 12." the director ordered. ACP Mukherjee flashed an irritated glance to the door once again, hating to leave behind this lead, then smirked without any humour.

"Dont blame me then." the call ended.

some 11 minutes and 47 seconds later she was infront of Nehru Museum. the police and ETF was already there, yellow ribbons of DO NOT ENTER were everywhere along with officers, curious onlookers and press vehicles. she walked straight to the yellow ribbon and was about to cross it when one officer stopped her, eyeing her from top to bottom.

"ID, Ma'am." the policeman obviously thought low of her. she straightened her back in an attempt to intimitade him, taking out the small revolver from her purse w/o looking into it and flashed it on his face.

"will it help?"

"Let her in." came a male voice behind the officer, who already looked startled by her showing off gun, then somewhat taken aback as the 6 feet ETF commandar Patil came to his peripherial vision. the man backed off, letting her inside, as Chotu looked dazzled by her appearence.

"Dont hawk, Patil." came the same old bored cum amused voice, "ID dont go with this dress and heels." she pointed at the dress, deep brown and sparkling that reached upto mid thigh, low back and two short straps that were barely holding the dress from shoulder, and the 4 inch black stilletoes. the former looked away, chastising himself to stare but still could not look away as she was busy to put the gun back in purse.

"do you carry gun all the time?" he asked, just to take his mind off. she gave an unreadable expression.

"would not you like to know?"

they both reached the crime scene, the section of "International Antique pieces- Greece." there was countless sculpture, idols of various gods and goddesses and thousands of other things in either glass boxes or in open, away from the path for public so that none can touch anything. only one thing was missing from the carefully set section of greek goddesses, and there was glasses everywhere in there. they could see Director Kapoor and Sameer talking to two men, one aged approx 60 years, nervous who keep shifting his glasses up his nose, the curator of museum, and the other man was in his late 30s, dressed his shirt and tie which was rolled upto his elbow, his face grave. Sakshi was taking note of whatever they saying, Liza was analyzing the mess while Shree was taking pictures, Rawte kneeled on the floor, talking to them both.

as soon as their footsteps echoed in the air, everyone turned to look at them, and immediately froze. Chotu was somewhat looking forward to how everyone will react and how ACP Mukherjee will handle it, he never in his entire career in ETF saw someone arriving during work in less than. . formal attire, he thought to himself. Shree looked dumbstruck, then he snapped out of it, cringing as he looked toward Director, clearly thinking she wont approve. Liza looked appreciative, not judging or anything, which was surprising for Chotu. as expected, Rawte looked disapproving, Director Kapoor looked annoyed, but then shook it off, as if there is nothing she can do about it. Chotu nearly did a double take at the action. beside her, Sameer glanced back and forth to both ladies, curious but not saying anything. the curator and the other man obviously was not expecting someone to appear like this, they looked somewhat confused, and appreciative, if their eyes running over her is anything to do by. Chotu's eyes finally landed on Sakshi, who had stopped writng at some point and now staring unabashedly at Mukherjee, taking in her beauty, but then looked annoyed, something Director kapoor should have looked.

"She is, ACP Mukherjee." the director introduced her to the other men, her fingers barely reaching to her temple to rub it. both men looked shocked at the comment and looked at the latter again as she took gloves from forensic team and wore it.

"I dont always arrive in crime scene like that, if thats what you are thinking." she threw it back to them, who looked ashamed at the comment. as Chotu walked toward Sameer, he was Rawte's lips twitching slightly.

the piece was stolen around 11 PM, the time when security shift changes. nobody heard anything, the curator was doing his last round inside the museum with new security to see if everything is okay as tomorrow there was a important auction of International antique pieces, when he saw it. Mr Taneja, who owns this private museum, rushed at the scene around 12 and informed police. the DIG informed ETF after a while, seeing the importance of this case.

"what was stolen?" asked Mukherjee, kneeling beside Rawte, who can smell the perfume on her neck. liza looked at her, surprised and impressed at how she was kneeled down, w/o looking. . . immodest. the former shot her a look, silently asking what the hell is she doing, to which she turned her attention back to her work.

The curator pushed his glasses up his nose for the 5oth time, "a tabula. . . of ''the mistress", Desponia. The Rape of Proserpina." he paused, "Tabula as in. . . "

"Tablet." Rawte replied, giving a nod.

"Rape of. . . ?" Sakshi was not sure if she heard it right. the curator sighed, maybe thinking none of the officer here understand anything about the piece they are to rescue or its value. it was almost insulting to him. he opened his mouth to say, but Mukherjee beat him to it.

"Not what you thinking, Sakshi." she said, helding a piece of glass off the floor, "Rape of Proserpina, the abduction of Kore, or Peresphone, Goddess of Underworld, by Underworld -God- Kind Hades." she shot the curator a look, "was it going to be auctioned tomorrow?"

the man looked stunned by her knowledge and beamed at her, then it faded, "yes. we were hoping it will be one of the highest pieces." she lowered her gaze at it, then returned her focus to the glass pieces.

"I am ready to announce prize money for anyone who find the piece." Mr Taneja turned to Director, "we had to fight tooth and nail to get it from other international museums. not only our credibility is destroyed now, but none will forgive us if we lose this very important link to Greece history."

"Then why auctioning it?" Sameer asked the million doller question, to which Taneja cringed.

"we were hoping to get highest bid for it." then he hurried to explain at the raised eyebrows, "we need the money, for museum. none will buy the tablet if they didnt have any knowledge of ancient Greek myth and appreciation for it."

"Ma'am." Liza's voice turned everyone's attention, "from my test, i think the glass was cut with laser rays. figures why none heard anything. i will try to get if there is any finger prints, though chances are less."

The director nodded, this time rubbing her temple. she had a feeling this is going to be a very long and headache filled day.


"If i knew you were going to turn up in that dress, i would have ask you to meet us straight here." Aisha scolded as Mukherjee emerged out of ladies room and headed for her locker, her usual white shirt-black jeans on with the dress on her arm. she opened the locker and threw the dress inside.

"Good morning to you too, Director." came the mocking reply as she slammed the locker door, and pulled all of her hair into a ponytail, "sorry to ruin your crime scene."

"what was that dress anyway? did you forget the rest of dress in home?"

"w/o my coffee, i am not sure i can appreciate your concern right now." her voice was irritated. already she lost something important last night, she was not ready to deal with her now. her phone buzzed in her pocket and she was taking it out as Aisha rushed with her not so subtle warning cum order.

"I hope its the last time you arrive on crime scene in less than professional attire."

"I left something very important last night for this case, so I dont think its a that good time to piss me off." she hissed at her, eyes flashing as she put the phone on ear and walked away, leaving Aisha stunned, and then annoyed.

"You were wrong." she said, the voice barely containing irritation, "he didnt arrive."

the other person said something, to which she pulled her hair, her hand clenched in fist.

"next time, i better hope its 110% confirmed, or i will hand your fingers on silver platter." she concluded, nearly throwing the phone but controlling herself, scaring the people who were near her in the passageway.

"Unprofessional!" Sakshi dismissed, chewing ear off of the two ETF officers, Shree and Chotu, about how the newest addition in team had arrived in the crime scene this morning in less than civil dress, "who does that? and Aisha didnt even say anything!"

"I am sure she is doing more than just 'saying' to her now, Sakshi." Shree could not help the cringe, "so I hope you are content now."

"btw, she was looking nice, was not she?" Chotu supplied, to which Shree grinned. Sakshi gaped at them both, then slapped them on arms.


"what was that for?"

"whats going on here?" Sameer's voice came from the front, eyeing them suspiciously. its like Sakshi got new energy to complain.

"teach your boys some manners, Rathore." she sounded annoyed, "supporting wrongs."

"if someone was looking nice, hard not to appreciate, Sakshi." Chotu replied, pressing on Not. Sameer looked at them back and forth, suppressing a smile.

"What do you think?" Shree asked hopefully, and Sakshi looked at Sameer, first confident, then skeptic, then downright disgusted.

"dont even answer that." she crossed her arms, totally pissed. she barely noticed Rawte entering, but then all of them jumped as the door banged and Mukherjee entered inside like a hurricane and captured the far off seat, looked ready for homicide. the former looked happy, thinking Aisha must have said something, while the rest of men looked at each other, not sure what is up. Aisha entered after a second and they all started the meeting, not before the chaiwala entered and supplied everyone bevereges. the two cutting chais went to Rawte and Sakshi, and coffees went to everyone. they all took a sip, and Shree noticed Mukherjee didnt look sure to touch the mug. he frowned, and then Director's voice came.

"2nd drawer, your left."

Mukherjee was up almost immediately, and the whole team looked on as she took out some tissues from the box, and wiped the round edge of mug before taking a sip. Rawte rolled his eyes, and Director shook her head, feeling same as him, Sameer frowned looking at Director, and Sakshi's eyebrows were into her hair. Mukherjee noticed it and silently raised her own, matching hers. the former looked away, and she took another sip, then noticed the unhygenic glass of Rawte's and looked away, her expression unfathomable.

Liza entered, breaking the silence, and assumed she walked on something important. Shree assured her through eyes all is okay, and the team meeting started.


two days has passed and there was no lead to the case. there was no finger prints, and although Taneja has announced a prize money for anyone who can find the tablet, no word had come yet.

proved to be a rather difficult case.

"Dont you have any statistics this time?" Teased Shree one morning as he pulled out all data regarding the criminals who most likely to steal high profile stuff like this to Sakshi, "what is our percentage of success in this case?"

"less than likely." she replied, "most cases police dont have any leads, and the cases are shut after 3 months."

"we are not police." he answered proudly, to which she rolled her eyes.

"smart ass comments will most likely lessen our percentages, what you got?" Rawte entered like a whirlwind, ignoring the slightly dreamy look on the woman's face.

"There are many suspects, Chotu and Sameer went to cross check these top 5." he pushed the monitor for him to see, "these people stole things earlier as well."

after 3 hours, turned out the top 5 option was out of checklist. 2 of them are in jail, and swore they didnt pull this off. one is paralyses from waist down, one is out of country, and one is now reformed criminal. they have to find a needle from this heap of needle, that one criminal or gang from the piles of gangs who most likely can pull this off.

"The piece is not in the city." Mukherjee walked in after 35 minutes when the whole team, along with Director, was hovering over Shree's desk and looking through suspects.

"Already out of city?" Sameer was surprised.

"How do you know it?" Rawte asked.

"I have ears all over the place." she replied, dismissing, and took a sip from the Mcdonalds Caffine.

"So what, we just believe you?" Sakshi scoffed, to which the former raised her eyebrow.

"Enjoy your search then." she answered, sarcasm dripping from voice. Director straightened her back now, staring at her, to which she looked serious again.

"Is the information correct?"

"200%." she replied w/o missing a beat, "or there wont be 206 bones in their body." she muttered that to herself, but of course the Director heard it. she narrowed her eyes, to which the ACP rolled her eyes, shrugging.

after some seconds, she said, "we need new suspect list then."

"What, you just going to believe her?" Sakshi was shocked. beside her everyone was bracing themselves for a showdown.

"What are you going to do if i say yes?" came the calm reply.

"How do you know she is not lying?" she could not fathom the idea that they just have to abandon everything because out of nowhere Mukherjee came and said them the piece is not in city.

"I assure you, I am not in bed with a bunch of thieves for profit sharing." came the mocking reply of Mukherjee. Sakshi continued to stare at the both ladies, eyes narrowed.

"I dont understand why. . . " she let the sentence incomplete, but it has fullest effect. as if both the ladies had unknowningly put their hands in live wire. Mukherjee inhaled sharply, the Mcdonald nearly crushed between her fingers, while Aisha tried to look calm but anger was evident in her face, to Sakshi or something else, she was not sure.

"We need a new suspect list." the director repeated again, and the team shook off their stunned state and hurried to every direction. Sakshi gave the ladies one last look and headed somewhere, most probably away from ETF for some hours. there were only the Director and ACP Mukherjee.

"if the information is incorrect, i will skin you alive." her tone was low and calm, and in someone else it will evoke fear, but Mukherjee rolled her eyes.

"Hey, feel free to go through these data if you want." she threw the caffine in the nearby trashcan. feeling the look on her neck, she sighed.

"stealing something valuable like this, you can hear whisper in air. there was none."

The Director continued to give her look, then sighed after a while, "I was bored looking through the datas anyway."


"Why Sakshi throwing murderous looks to ACP Mukherjee?" Liza asked the boys, Shree-Chotu, as she walked into his desk next day. both the boys gave each other the barest of smiles.

"Maybe something to do with yesterday's showdown." and they hurriedly explained all the actions of tomorrow.

"Damn, time like this, i seriously curse my career choice to get stuck inside a lab." she looked stunned, then frowned, "but hey, how she knew the antique was not in city?"

"she said she has ears in all places."

"and Director agreed with it?"

"we didnt have much to go through anyway." Chotu shrugged, then noticed Sakshi giving another murderous look toward ACP who was reading something in a green file, frowning in concentration. he sighed.

"she seriously needs to get over with it."

"she was never good with listening to orders." Shree supplied, "btw, is this me or Director seems flexible to ACP mukherjee?"

"she is always flexible if it helps case." Liza rolled her eyes, "dont you remember that time Arjun sir jumped from two storied on a suspect? we all were expecting a lecture on recklessness, but got Babaji ka thullu instead."

"Not that I am complaining." Chotu muttered, glancing at the ACP who was oblivious to the glare or discussion about her.

"Neither me." Shree agreed.

"Me neither." Liza also agreed, taking the boys by surprise. she looked away, not sure how to explain it.

"she is a rebel. almost always brushing aside rules and protocols." she said slowly, "but she is sweet too."

both the boys did a double take. its been 7 days since the officer arrived and she had been anything but Sweet. Liza explained them the time she berged inside forensic lab with victims parents and demanded to let them see the body before autopsy.

"I think Director handles her well." Shree quiped in, remembering the first time they worked together in raghu sir's daughter's case, how she was working like one woman army, but atleast now she includes team. someone scoffed from behind, and they saw Sameer standing their.

"If you are talking about the latest addition in our team, let me tell you something." he lowered his voice dramatically, "it may seem she listens to someone, that someone controls her. But you know what I think? she is a whirlwind, sure of her own journey. if she wants to listen to anyone, she will. if she doesnt want to, then none can make her do anything. she is in control of herself." he paused, taking a glance at the topic of conversation, "but that also makes her more. . . "

"dangerous?" supplied Chotu, to which he nodded.

"yes. its good she is in her control, because i am not sure it will be relatively okay if she ever spiral out of control."

the trio looked up the senior officer, stunned. "Sameer Rathore, you are an observant man." Shree gulped, and commented after a while. the man shrugged.

"I knew i should have been Psychology professor in some college." he straightened his back, "also, she is subtle, but not impenetratable."

"I need the phone record of taneja." the four of them jumped at voice of Mukherjee, who sometime during their talk ended up near the desk. she frowned at the four of them, and looked as Liza hurriedly excused herself.

"Ma'am?" Shree adjusted his specks.

"Phone records. Taneja's." She emphasised.

"I dont think we have phone records of him, Riya." this was the first time anyone addressed her in her first name. Sameer continued to give her stare, as if expecting a word about the first name, "But i think Shree can get it in 1 hour, wont you?" he turned to the IT head, who nodded.


"I think Taneja might be the guilty." Rawte announced that evening in team meeting, throwing a file on table, "its insurance policy of every piece in that museum. seems like a good motive to get money, since he admitted himself he needs it."

"120 Crore." Sakshi said in astonishment, "Thats a lot of money."

"But he will get it if the piece was sold in auction, right?" Aisha asked, taking the paper from the other woman, frowning.

"But if he make deal with some 3rd party he will get much more cash." Sameer said, giving a look to Rawte.

"The piece is not in the city, right?" Sakshi's voice was mocking, "so, how he got this 3rd party? who are the thieves?"

there was a slight knock and the curator from museum was standing awkwardly with the receptionist, "Ma'am, he is here."

Director opened her mouth, but then looked at everyone. nobody looked like they invited him, except ACP Mukherjee who got up from her seat.

"I think we should listen to him." she announced to the team.

"Next time, a little heads up will be appreciated." Rawte glared at ACP Mukherjee as they all headed for the private lounge where they mostly talk with victim's family and VIP people. she exhaled a breath.

"Save your irritation for later." she answered as she pushed the door of room, and everyone else entered inside.

"I am not sure why I am here." the curator asked nervously, eyeing them all. none was sure why he was here, so the Director gave a look to Mukherjee to start.

"I want to know about the Peresphone tabula series." she asked, leaning on the opposite wall and giving the man an encouraging stare.

"Is this connected to case?" the man frowned. it made her smile.

"we would all like a little bit knowledge in Greek mythology."

"Peresphone, or Kore, daughter of Zeus and Demeter. Zeus, the father of all Gods and Demeter, the goddess harvest. Its said she is harvest goddess, like her mother, and also goddess of Underworld.

according to old Greek myths, Gods like hermes and Apollo tried to woo her, but Demeter was fiercely protective of her daughter. she hid her away from all olympian deities. . . olympia was the mountain these Gods used to live.

its said that Zeus gave permission to hades to abduct Peresphone, because most likely Demeter wont approve of him. She was gathering flowers, when he burst through the earth, and disappread with her inside Earth, the underworld."

"Inside Earth?" Sakshi chimed in, unsure. almost everyone rolled their eyes.

"They are myth for a reason, Sakshi." came the irritated reply of Rawte, to which she looked sheepish.

"Demeter searched for her all over the Earth, neglected the earth and causes nothing to grow. Helios, the Sun god, informed her of everything. Zeus and other deities forced Hades to return Peresphone after hearing the anguish cries of hungy people."

"What is this Tabula series?" Sameer asked, totally into the story. the curator gave a glance to the other ACP, and answered.

"There are 3 tabula in the series. in first tabula, Peresphone's abduction, in 2nd one, her return to Demeter, and in the last piece joint picture of Hades and peresphone. These were most important tabulas related to this myth."

"Was?" Chotu asked, frowned. at the same time, Mukherjee straightened her back, approaching the curator.

"Thank you for your time." her voice was sincere. the man nodded.

"Its my job everyday." he beamed at the woman, "but not everyday i find someone who has some knowledge and appreciate it."

Like most of ETF, despite the less than professional impression at the first meeting, she somehow managed to charm her way to the man. it was almost infuriating, but then, maybe its part of her personality, Rawte frowned at his thoughts, infuriating, but smart. reckless, but responsible. interesting traits.

the curator left the private room and the team headed back to the discussion room. once all were settled, Mukherjee connected her phone to the projector in room and dimmed the light. there were 3 tablets on screen.

"Peresphone series. the first one was stolen from Taneja's museum." she pointed at the screen.

"Where is second and third one?" asked Shree. she put on the light once again and tossed some papers on table.

"the question is, who owns the last 2 tablets." she picked one paper off table, "Timothy Palmer, a millionare with many types of business empires. From Iran."

"Sounds shady." Sameer chimed in.

"Also, Interpol's no.1 suspect. lack of evidence is the only reason why he is not rotting behind jail right now." she informed, eyes roaming over them all, "I think Taneja is dealing with him."

"what will palmer do with the series? sell to another person?" asked Chotu, "where does these antiques ends up anyway?"

"Palmer is an art enthusiast, especially Greek mythological antiques." Director Kapoor read aloud from one of the paper, "it mostly ends up to people who are serious, obsessed with arts, but cant have them in legal way."

"why Palmer wont just buy it from auction? why take risks?" Sakshi was still not convinced with the theory.

"Why do you think Taneja is connected to Palmer?" asked Rawte to Mukherjee, who in reply threw another file on table.

"He made multiple calls to Iran in 2 months. he may say its about museum but if we get some time, we can get the recordings of call." she eyed the Director, who gave a short nod, almost missed by eyes.

"it fits the theory." Sameer said, "if someone out of country did it, none in underworld will know who did this. also, how the thieves know when the security shift changes? and the laser? thieves here didnt go that much hi-tech yet." he paused, looking at Sakshi, "about taking risks, he might have saved several thousand dollers by this deal, also, no competition. even if taneja got 120 crore from auction, he had to spend it all for museum, not a penny for his personal expenses."

"I think its time to bring Taneja." The Director informed to everyone, her eyes roaming on everywhere.

it didnt take another round of finger-twisting to make taneja confess. as soon as ETF showed him call records of Iran, he crumpled, confessing he made a deal with palmer about the tablet. he got 90 crore from him, transferred in his swiss bank account. he might have thought ETF has recordings of the calls, they didnt correct him. everyone had the triumphant smile on their faces as police took him away, maybe now the series will return to their original home and that scumbag palmer will be behind bars as well.

everyone went their way, when Shree asked Mukherjee, "how you entered Interpol's database?"

she gave him a amused look, that smirk on lips, "you are not the only IT genius around."

he was grinning by the time she walked away. He should have sulked because there was someone else working in his area, but he didnt. he blamed it to her as she called him Genius.


"So," Sameer drawled, as Aisha threw her a look, "you were friends?"

"Who?" she asked, resting her head on palm, elbow resting on the window side of the SUV.

"You and Riya." he explained, and saw her brows hiking, "what, is that a off limit topic of conversation?"

"If I say yes, will you stop asking me?" she tried to sound exasperated but really, she was just testing him. he shrugged.

"well, curiosity killed the cat so. . ."

she snorted, looking outside. the evening traffic in the city is a bitch, its like paused video, everything still.

"on a different note, Her information worked, about the tablet not being in the city. we looked at another angel, and solved the case." he was talking mostly to himself, "though that didnt seem like good idea that time."

"None objected though." she countered.

"None can risk receiving your wrath." he pointed out the obvious, "I think for a minute Sakshi was going to cry."

"Over exaggeration." she rolled her eyes, then become serious, "we were close."

he caught the small information, turning to look at her, "were?"

"dont feel like i know her anymore." she sighed.

"tell me about the feeling." he mumbled, suddenly irritated. she frowned, not asking verbally but still asking. he huffed.

"Arjun." he explained, "we were friends since pre-school. we are more like brothers. i like to think i know him better than himself. but now, i dont understand him at all."

"what has he done?" she asked lightly, not pressing for information. not that he will mind.

"I think you know he is in a relationship."

that took her by surprise, "really?" she was astonished. someone. . . tough like Rawte, it didnt look or feel like he has someone special in life. he is so focussed in work, its almost like his personal life is non-existant. almost like. . . Riya.

"So you didnt know. but you know now." Sameer went on, "she is my best friend as well. they are in a relationship from 7 years. thats a long time. obviously she is expecting the next step, proposal and marriage. she is hinting it, subtly and verbally. he know it, but keeping her at bay. i thought he is serious about her, about it, but clearly i didnt know him better." he was frustrated, both at himself and Rawte.

"Did you ask him why he is doing this?" she asked.

"I did. he said he dont know what he wants anymore." the traffic was suddenly green and cars were moving. she heard him chuckling and frowned, not knowing why he is suddenly smiling.

"you know we were talking about it, and suddenly Shree was there. he didn't hear anything, but dropped a ridiculous quote from some tv show. . . something like everyone wants a Love that consumes you, passion, adventure and little bit danger."

"Sounds like Shree." she smiled.

"i always think how he can be his cousin?" he shook his head, "maybe thats what he wants. Roshni. . . . his GF, she is domestic. one of those girls who grew up dreaming about husband and 3 kids and a dog and a beach side house. they are so poles apart that its shocking, but then opposites attracts i heard. but maybe this opposite thing is not working anymore."

"are you angry on him?" Aisha asked, tilting her head.

"My anger is not the point. i want best for him, for both of them. if they are happier apart, its okay. if there comes a choice between Roshni and Arjun, i will pick him. he is my brother." he turned to look at her, who was looking at him with a soft look on face.

"I am blabbering about my best friends's love life. not sure anything amusing about that." he tilted his head, smiling back.

"Did anyone tell you talk a lot?" she countered.

"I was assured that i have an melodious voice." he said proudly.

"self praise." she rolled her eyes, shaking head. they were both quiet, until she started taking again.

"You are the only one in team who addressed her with first name."

"Well, she is part of team. I dont call anyone by their surname, its ridiculous." he replied non-chalantly.

"Is it so, Rathore?"

"Yes, Ma'am Director." he tried to pull off that mocking sound Riya does, but failed and groaned, "how she does that? trying to be serious but mocking at the same time?"

"Part of her charm I guess." she replied, smiling, "one of the infuriating quality as well."

"Well I am happy to announce that four members of your team approve of her." he informed proudly, "they are quite smitten by her. dont know how, because she tries to give impression of this reckless person who is borderline rude."

"Also rule breaker." she groaned, "that night her dress. . . and when i went to give her some piece of mind she glared at me and said not to piss her off more because she didnt have her morning coffee!"

"Atta girl." Sameer laughed from her side, "someone to challenge our Director."

"Your best friend does that all the time." she pointed out.

"Na, he dont push limits."

"This piece of information better not leave this SUV, Officer Rathore. And surely you wont use it in your way in future." she tried to keep on a straight face but failed. he gave a mock salute.

as he pulled outside her home, she asked, "How about some Coffee?"

"How about Pizza?" he countered, which made her smile.


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