You Decorated My Universe (St...

By toybonnicaFNAF

9.8K 327 103

Steven feels his life is just an ordinary until one night where everything changed. During the celebration of... More

You Decorated My Universe Playlist


720 24 3
By toybonnicaFNAF

1:30 AM

I couldn't sleep.

The feeling inside of me scorched like it was intensely boiling, steaming out of my pale skin, soaking up my plain yellow shirt. The air conditioner was on but my body burns which hurt internally, like literally. I got up as I went to the fridge to get some water. I took a glass of water to replenish, which didn't work, it worsens.

I took my shirt off and already, my body was perspiring like I needed a bucket to collect all of this unbearable sweat. My gem throbbed as it shifted color. From vivid to dark fuchsia to a hint of dark red. But whatever color it shifts into, it still nagged me, questioning me why it's reacting like this.

Maybe it's because of that dared kiss? I had tons to kisses to Connie and to those I've healed, but why now? How come it only caused a reaction from a single peck that was inexplicably unintentional? How come the gems didn't tell me about this? They could've warned me about this event.

I went back to bed as I laid down. My legs began to moisture after a minute or two, which was odd. My knees trembled as it weakens like cooked noodles for no reason. I could barely stand up because of it just to take my pajamas off. It left me only in black trunks after I successfully removed it.

I, once again, went back to sleep. Though the feeling was perfectly uncomfortable, I still got some rest.

3:00 AM

I kept facing at different directions in my sleep, trying to resist the horrendous comfortability I'm having as of this moment. The throbbing of my gem bothered me, which keeps me from sleeping, how fantastic.

I have to sleep; I need to sleep peacefully, but this throbbing couldn't bear to stop. Pain grew by the minute it ticks, spreading all over my entire body. My gem started throbbing as the pain intensified.

I screamed as I gripped on the sheets, trying to resist the massive discomfort mixing in my insides. All I felt was pain, nothing but unwanted grueling pain inside, like it's ripping me apart. I glowed pink for an unfortunate reason while my gem beamed in intense hue. My gem powers somehow activated unusually that I couldn't seem to find out why. I tugged the sheets against me as I thrust the blanket with my feet. Tears prickled my eyes, slowly streaming my pink skin.

What is happening to me?

The pain crawled within my veins and bones as though it's killing me inside. My belly button felt like burning with actual fire. It was intensely hot to my sensation. I kept wailing to an extent, confused on not knowing what my instinct would be. I sat up, looking at my gem, beaming rapidly while still creating the pain I didn't want to feel. It stings when I tried touching it, like the feeling of being electrocuted.

I just want the pain to stop.

My gem lightened the house pink as I dragged it out. It hurt more while removing it away from my body as if my entire life depended on my gem, and in this case, literally. My scream was deafening, and it probably woke up the entire neighborhood. Vases, frames, glassware that surround me broke and shatter by my high-pitched voice.

I pulled my gem out from my agonizing body, and it stopped glowing immediately after it was out.

I opened my eyes in eternal shock, as though the feeling was highly excruciating. I collapsed as I lost almost of my consciousness. Though my eyes were still open and my sight was fairly vivid, my body gained weakness. I looked at the ceiling whilst hyperventilating from all the shouting. The world spun around me, making me experience double sighting.

A voice evoked my name as it repeated for the second time. But as it continued to call me, the more I lose my vision. After that, I fell asleep.

7:30 AM

I opened my eyes only to witness the fallen picture frames, the broken furniture, and the scattering of objects on the floor. I sat up, reprocessing what happened last night. It seemed blurry in my head, but slowly I'm getting the actual picture of the event. I checked my gem—it was gone. I questioned myself where it went. I could barely stand; my knees trembled as my hands shivered for no reason, but I could easily move without minding about my enfeebled body. I scanned the room from underneath my bed to behind the scattered objects, but I couldn't find it anywhere.

Where did it go?

Someone banged on the door as it called my name in a somewhat soft-worrying tone. I wore my flip-flops and covered my body with my blanket. I approached the door and swung a portion open, enough for me to peer who was knocking. It was Bernadette, my neighbor.

"Oh, good morning, Bernadette. How can I help you?" I spoke.

She slightly tilted her head with furrowed brows. "Is something wrong, Steven? We heard a loud scream coming from your house and inside it was glowing pink. So we thought you might be in trouble. Everything okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," I denied.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded at her with hesitation. "I just had a painful, throbbing backache because of work. Also, I-I have this light where it glows pink when I turn it on." I lied, just to cover what really happened last night. I scratched the back of my neck, "I, uh, kinda' pressed it by accident... but I'm okay, really."

"Okay, well, let me know if you need anything."

"I will. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"No problem," she smiled. "Oh! I want to give you this slice of cake I made yesterday. I don't know if it tastes good or not, but I'll leave it up to you for judging." She lent me a plastic container with a slice of chocolate cake inside.

I replied, "Wow, thanks."

"Anyway, gotta' go now, I'm running late for work. Let me know if you liked it."

"Okay. Take care, and thanks for the cake."

She left as soon as I replied. I always had a high positivity on Bernadette. I mean, she's been nice to me the first time I got here in Overland Park, and I couldn't think of any problem with her hospitality. I always look up to her for motivation, well-just once or twice when I was still applying for a job, but so far, she's been a great help.

I closed the door behind me and leaned, lucky that she didn't find out how messy my room is. I sighed in relief. I opened the container as I took a sniff of the rich chocolate flavor. It lingered in my nose as if it's like my kind of drug, in a good way. "It looks tasty, maybe it won't be so bad," I judged as my tongue rounded my upper lip.

The washing machine ran in the bathroom. I couldn't think of anything except how it opened by itself. I tiptoed towards the bathroom to investigate. I peered from the side only to discover that my clothes are in the washing machine, swirling counter-clockwise and vice versa.

Who opened the machine?

I lurked my eyes to the surrounding, and I can see that someone's inside the shower. I took my broom as I gave it a firm grip, my mind fixed to attack who is invading my property. I slowly approached the shower, raising my arms up and made a downswing of the broom.

I almost had it. Not until someone summoned a rose quartz shield when the drapery slid open. I landed on my butt, feeling confused. My skin was sensitive, so I screeched painfully in an instant.

The shield vanished as a Pink version of me appeared naked with my towel wrapped around his waist.

"What the...?"

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