City Boy (TodoBaku)

By _Calv_Haii

81.6K 3.1K 4.4K

At his final attempt, Enji Todoroki created his 'Perfect' creation. A dual quirked user that was forced to be... More

Chapter 1: Sadness
Chapter 2: Dull
Chapter 3: Betrayal
Chapter 4: New kid
Chapter 6: Interest
Chapter 7: Words can Cut
Chapter 8: No Love Interest
Chapter 9: Fight
Chapter 10: Someone Else
Chapter 11: Wonders
Chapter 12: unhero-like
Chapter 13: Shine
Chapter 14: Confidence
Chapter 15: Haunted House
Chapter 16: Trigger
Chapter 17: Sorry
Chapter 18: Pain
Chapter 19: Concern
Chapter 20: Cool Down
Chapter 21: Sorry for being me
Chapter 22: You Should Be Sad
Chapter 23: Can I Die?
Chapter 24: You're you....
Chapter 25: Cuddle Weather
Chapter 26: ...Talk
Chapter 27: Another Perspective
Chapter 30: Too Easy
Chapter 31: I'm Not Dead
Chapter 32: Worn out
Chapter 33: One Tragic Day
Thank you!!!!
Chapter 28: Try Having Friends
Chapter 34: I Want You Back
Chapter 35: Evidence.
Chapter 29: Human Heroine
Chapter 36: Is he.... Him?
Chapter 37: Save Shoto
Chapter 38: Quiet Chaos

Chapter 5: Art Class

3.5K 139 114
By _Calv_Haii

Shoto Todoroki's POV:

I headed back to class with ten seconds to spare. Everyone was here and the yellow caterpillar was about to wake up. I quicky went back to my seat and waited for him to get ready. Hr walked away and then a male with yellow hair abd yellow glasses came entering "Hey Everyone! Present mjc here, how are you all?" He started.

"I'll be your arts and science teacher. I know it's wierd having these subjects in a hero school but they're important. We'll be using it to create your very own hero costume!!" He yelled. Everyone cheered and yelled "Yeahhhh!!!!" And "Yesss!!" While I just wait for him to start. "So before we start we'll need to broaden and Sharpen your art skills. Let's start with drawing!" He said.

He handed everyone a 1/8 illustation boards to everyone. I got one and waited for his instructions. "Okay so we'll start of by drawing a face and body. You can separate the parts, cut your illustration boards or just make a line to separate the body and face. It doesn't really matter" he said.

He then sat at the table. "Next you'll need to draw me~ yours truly!"He exclaimed. He then posed at the table and said "Take out your pencils and start drawing!" He said. Everyone took out their pencils. I took out my one set of pencils. I first made the outline. I started with his face at the left. I made it bigger to allow myself to make alot more detail with ease. At the right side I made his body.

I didn't bother making a line or cutting the board because it wouldn't really matter. After making the outline I went to the body and just said "Fuck it, I'll draw his head with the body" and added the face. He had really simple features, no extra blemishes nor bumps so it was easy enough. I drew his top and then pants. I added depth to the shadows and then started with the 2 faces. The bigger one I started at first.

I got annoyed a little because he kept dancing a little. I looked around waiting for him to stop moving. People that were beside me, tokoyami and katsuki were looking at my sketch. "What's wrong?" I asked and took out the much darker lead pencil. "How the fuck do you draw?!?!?!" Bakugou screamed. Everyone laughed and said "Yeah? This is hard" and some said "I have not one single ounce of creativity" said kirishima and kaminari.

"What the fuck! Oi half and half! How did you do that?!?!" He yelled. Who's half and half? I continued making his triangle glasses and his teeth. I already made his pointy nose and ears. Now it was time to add more detail to his hair. I took the charcoal pencil and added more darkness in the shadow and in his suit.

I looked up again to look at present mic but people began to crowd my view. I didn't notice but everyone were invested on me drawing. I then flipped the board to cover it. They looked at me confused. "Why are you hiding it? It's so cool!" Kaminari said. "It- it's not yet finished" I said. "But it looks so good!" Kirishima said. "Just...go back" I said. They went back but bakugou took the board from me.

"Bitch, how talented are you?" He yelled. I sighed "May I have it back?" I asked. "No, bitch it looks like you're done!" He exclaimed. "Whatever" I said and took it from him. It's really embarassing... I didn't like my drawing.... and I'm not even done yet. I wait for him to sit and he finally did. I continued drawing the background and took a few glances at bakugou.

He kept looking at me. I looked back at present mic and then added his little mic at the side. His face was carefully done. I used a small make up brush used for eye shadows and slightly build up the dark spots for shadows and some to even out the gradient. In the end I was done. I was kinda happy since It look similar to present mic.

Then his voice erupted "Okay everyone!! Write your names at the side and pass it in front!!" He yelled. I tensed up at the volume of his voice. My head hurt and my eyes began to water. Shit. Don't have a panic attack now! I wrote my name down quicky, not want to begin shaking up making me prevent myself from writing my name.

I wrote in cursive and made the 'S' in shoto a little bigger. I wrote my signature at the neck of the illustration of present mic. I sighed and looked at it once more. I handed it to shoji who was in front of me. I thanked him yet he remained silent. On it's way towards mic everyone took a long time looking at my work. It's probably shit, everone's just hiding their laughter.

My breathe quickened again. The feeling of embarassment wash over me and my palms begin to sweat. Shit.
I put my head down and breathed through my nose and exhaled at my mouth. I kept repeating it but nothing happened. I placed my arms on my head and practically try to hide my frustration. I wanted to dig my nails in my scalp and practically pull my hair out but I prevented myself from looking like a fool.

I placed my arm on my chest. I pat my chest and my shoulders. I tried to breathe deeper but a hand was placed on my back making me flinch frantically. I looked at the person and it was bakugou. A sweat rolled down my fore head and he asked "The fuck you doin' halfn'half?" He asked.

"N-nothing.." I said and looked at present mic. He was looking through everyone's work. He lay them over his table and let everyone appreciate each and everyone's art until I noticed mine wasn't being showed yet. "-Now the best for last" he showed mine. I hid my face in my jacket and practically blushed. I hid it well though because of my scar.

"Wow!" "Cool!" "Who made that?" "It's so detailed" then Bakugou yelled "Oi dumbass, look at the name" and then they looked at my writing. "Even the name's artistically written" Tsuyu Asui said. "Damn, Todoroki, You really have talent!" Kirishima said. Everyone now looked at me.

"Yes, indeed! I never knew I was this handsome" said present mic. I looked down... why are they so obssesed? It's nothing special, right? He soon talked again "Mind If I brag this to the other teachers Todoroki?" He asks. "Ugh...Do what you may" I say then his face lit up. " 'kay everyone do what you want, i'll go to the faculty for a bit" he said running away. Well that was crap.

Everyone then cheered. They began speaking loudly, cheering, and bakugou added to the noise by yelling. His yelling was interupted by iida yelling back at him to quiet down. Bakugou yelled back then iida yelled back louder. My head began to spiral once more. I needed to vomit...
Deku then went up to me and asked "Hey todoroki, you alright?" He asks.

He then added "you seem pale.." and then I broke. "I'll go to the bathroom" and walked away. Iida tried calling me but I just ran away. I went to the hidden bathroom from before and fell on my knees and vomited in the toilet. My throat was burning. My head stung and I hit the wall, trying to endure the pain of vomiting gave me.

I stopped then looked down. Nothing came on my clothes, that's a relief. My vomit then came out once more and I let it all go.



You couldn't even handle hearing loud sounds

How do you expect to be a hero?

You're useless


Waste of space

Boring, dull, what more,

Tears threaten to leave my sockets and they eventually did. The pain of my throat and my mind added up making it easier for me to cry. I stood up and flushed the toilet. I looked outside my cubicle. I wanted to see if anyone was here, gladly there wasn't anyone. I walked out, clutching my stomach and my cheeks.

Mouth felt like a volcano. Like I just spewed lava. I washed my mouth, avoiding removing my own make up and gargled the tap water. I looked at the mirror and saw my pathetic face.

Look at it, a worthless piece of garbage.

I looked away and focused my eyes on the tiled wall.

"What do you think you're doing? Look at it! Look at your pityful self!" The voice of endeavor took over the once dark and annoying voice.

"You weakling! You dare portray a disgusting figure in this school! Don't be a disgrace! If anyone were to see you I would be more embarrased!" The voice of endeavor said.

I grasped onto the stone sink, soon freezing the cold tiles and also freezing the once running water. A knock woke me up from my....breakdown?

I quickly unfroze the sink and looked at the door. It opened and I saw that it was just midoriya. "U-uhm Todoroki? Present mic asked me to look for you. He wanted to ask permission to 'steal' your work. I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror. The look of disgust strapped on my face as I saw my own being.

I growl silently and followed him back to the room. We arrived and present mic was there on the table. "Was he deprived of fans or something?" I asked myself but midoriya gave a questioning look. I looked at him back with a "What?" Look.

"What do you mean todoroki?" He asked. "Oh, it seems like he's cherishing our work. It's kind of like no one gave him anything while other pro heroes were praised and given gifts" I explained with my monotonous voice. I head to my seat and drank a few sips of water and chewed some gum to make my breathe less unbearable.

The class was interupted by aizawa walking through the door. Present mic noticed that his time was up and left. "Everyone, meet me outside, wear your suits and we'll prepare for quirk training and quirk strengthening" he informs us.

I stood up and fixed my stuff. We went in the locker rooms. Shit. What if someone sees my.....

"Hey, todoroki! Aren't you gonna change?" Kirishima asked. Why is that when I overthink someone disturbs me. "O-oh, yeah. Just thinking" I said looking away. I open my locker and faked doing something. I was just waiting for them to leave.

Everyone left after 6 minutes. I took of my shirt. Neatly folding them and some I put on a hanger. I wore my suit and removed my pants. I look at the mirror of my locker. My back showed multiple stab wounds, scars, burns and faded yet visible deep wounds which most are from my childhood.

The feeling of nails embed in my back, me screaming in pain, the suffocating atmosphere and burns rushing all over my once young body. I shivered at the thought and thrash my head violently. I removed the thought and wore the rest of my suit and hurried to my classmates.

I arrived and everyone was circling mr. aizawa. I saw him talking about stuff. I walk towards the crowd. "So everyone will display their quirk in front. After that I want you to use your quirks at maximum level. Next meeting we'll start with physical abilities but for now let's get used to each other's quirks. So pair up!" He said. But the only words that I heard were "pair up!".

I arrived finally and everyone was already paired together except for one. Katsuki Bakugou. He looked left and right. "HEY! NO ONE'S GONNA BE MY PARTNER?!?!?" He yelled. He soon saw me. "Oi! Half n' half!" He yelled. I looked back pretending I didn't hear him. I try to walk away until he pulls me by the collar. "Bakugou? What are you doing?" I ask faking I didn't know anything.

"Shut up! Let's go!" He said pulling me towards the center. "Ugh" I mutter and took my collar away from him. I walk on my own and he yelled "the fuck" and pushed me. I almost stumble but caught my balance. He then laughed at me. I REALLY wanted to get back at him. I glare at him but rolled my eyes. "Is Prince Todoroki mad?" He mocked. I didn't wanna fight him. "Ugh, why am I wasting my time on you?" I say and left him there. I knew he wanted to savor the feeling of me being insulted by him, good thing I left.

I walked away from him and went to the circle around mr. Aizawa. He then spoke "Everyone, you'll first do quirk exercises. Show your partner your quirk and try explaining it to them. As hard as you can, demonstrate how well you can control, manage and see how powerful your quirks can get" he said. "Now everyone spread out, there's alot of space. You can use it all and be back after 40 minutes" he added.

Everyone left and went with their partner. I sighed and walked away until someone grabbed my arm. "Let's get it over with" he said and pulled me to a near tree. I let him drag me but I didn't talk. He can practice on his own. When we arrived he said "Now what the hell's your quirk?!" He said.

I remained silent and looked at the sun. My left eye is almost blind while the right remained normal. I had contacts lens on my left so I can see better. He then said "Oi! Talk damn it" he said. I rolled my eyes and walked away. He grabbed me again. "The hell are you going?" He asked. "Away from you" I said.

He had a shocked face at first but replaced it with anger. "The hell? He said we need partners! Do you plan on doing this on your own?" He asked. "Actually yes" I said but still with the monotonouse voice. "Why can't you just comply, dumbass?" He said, frustration emiting from his words.

"I don't ever want to comply when it's forced or especially with someone who's like you" I spat and he glared at me. "Oh so you think you're better than me-" he said until I cut him off. "Don't dare twist my words" and left.

I walked to the building, sitting on a grassy field. Aizawa's voice erupted "i'll expel anyone who can't give their partner's quirk nor what they do" he yelled. Then a pomeranian boy went up to me. "Oi, seriously! The fuck! Let's go! Stop whining and let's get this over with!" He tried convincing me but words like those....I didn't move.

"Half and half! Move! Do you wanna get expelled?" He asked. I looked at him with emotionless eyes and nodded. He gave a shock expression and said "Come on! I don't wanna get expelled. So just work with me here" he said with desperateness showing.

"Come on! What do you want me to do half and half?" He asked pleading. My first thought was "Beg" but I contradicted myself and said "Apologize...then maybe beg a little" I whisper the last part. "OH NO THANK YOU!" He yelled. Suddenly aizawa yelled "10 minutes!" He then whispered to himself "damn it" and walked up to me, sitting next to me. "Sorry! Okay? Now let's go!" He said.

I gave him my resting bitch face that said 'Seriously?' And he glared at me. "Come on!" He pleaded once more. With a dark and dominating voice, I said "Apologize, and mean it. Say what you did wrong and say you'll never do it again. Also, I have a name, got that?". He tensed up and looked down.

"S-sorry, sorry for pushing you, cursing at you and called you names, T-t-todoroki" he said having a hard time saying my name. "It doesn't make you less of a person if you apologize" I said and stood up. He was in a daze and I said "What? Do you wanna go or not?" I asked.

He nodded and responded quickly, he was somewhat happy. He looked like a happy puppy. "Kay, what's your quirk?" I started. He grinned evily and raised his hands. "Explosions!" And shot explosions in the air. "My sweat is like nitroglycerin." I nodded and then he said "this is my largest one" and shot an ear piercing shot at the sky. The ground slightly moved and everyone looked at bakugou.

Fuck. I clutched onto my shirt. The heat from the explosion reminded me of ....him. The sudden sound made me breathe uneasily. Don't have a panic attack! Don't have a panic attack. Don't have a panic- A hand was pressed on my shoulder. "S-shoto?" He stuttered. I looked up and saw that I was shivering and ice formed around me. "S-sorry" I said.

"Show me your quirk, or is this what your only capable of?" he asked, mockery in his tone. I sighed and gave my monotone voice "Atleast I have more than 1 quirk" and he gave a shocked expression. I raised my right hand and kneeled down. My hand touched the floor and I raised it in a quick motion. Ice formed and it almost hit katsuki but since I have better control of my ice it didn't.

No one was behind katsuki so no one got hurt from my large blast of ice. He looked at his left and he shivered. "Damn" he said and looked behind him. Now everyone looked at us one more time. Everyone gasped and gave shocked faces. "What about the second one?" he asked

I pulled him towards me. My right hand touching his shoulder and wrapping it around him. He was facing the ice blast and I raised my left arm. He was in my right arm in an embrace so he was safe. I sent a huge wave of flames. At first it was blue but in the end it turned red. His jaw dropped and everyone did too. I glanced down and saw bakugou was blushing.

I let go of him and I heard him whine. What? He snapped back when the flames were gone and melted the ice. He was amazed and I just stood there. "Time's up!" Mr. Aizawa yelled.


Kindly point out some incorrect spellings and wrong grammar.

Word count: 3136

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